Did I find trash or treasure ?

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[Music] okay guys i got to show you something so here we got really a bunch of nothing a couple of these baskets that you can use but i don't know if you guys recognize what this was so who could take this off without making a mess look at that son of a gun knows if it works it looks to be in really good condition you know what i might try to take that one let's see but this is too long damn it all right so boy here we go that wasn't too bad my wife's gonna kill me when she sees this thing she always worries about me picking up heavy stuff but you just gotta know how to move stuff around position yourself so you don't hurt yourself so let's see there you go that's a hell of a find right there guys i'm looking here just in case oh boy that's awake good way to start today y'all know i like my country music but i can't play it too loud because i'll get strikes yeah so man that's a good find real good find oh man i gotta take a little bit to y'all here we go you um tennessee whiskey all right i can't sing too much ass song but yeah that's a good way to start the day guys um it's still night time it's 5 40 as you can see right there um hopefully you can see it so the sun is still down not out yet hopefully we'll get to the sunlight here pretty soon and we find some more great stuff let's get it [Music] all right looks like we got some we got some goodies here let's see oh man if i got some room in here let's see that's awesome cause i drank [Music] look at this guy [Music] [Music] sorry guys [Music] might as well take both of these [Music] another little lamp [Music] oh i think we're gonna rack up right here [Music] guys let's see what else we have i think this is a [Music] 100 sure what this is but i'm going to take it [Music] so dang all these letters take all this [Music] doing that um i'm gonna take this just in case there's some money in there or something looks like some kind of cash box or something see what else we have in here [Music] lampshade [Music] [Music] you're gonna hit me with this broken so i'm not gonna take that i know what's up guys it's a huge picture frame [Music] look this stuff sells [Music] this is very cool oh man [Music] that might come off we'll see [Music] sorry again for bumping you guys little shelves [Music] i might actually get to use this today [Music] i'm not gonna set it up quite yet but i'm gonna get you situated a little bit better [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't know what this is [Music] i don't know what that is i don't know if it's broken or not there for now [Music] so boy this looks like a mess waiting to happen so we're gonna leave that there [Music] is all regular trash hold on i did see something over here though we'll charge this up see if it works i think that's it guys okay oh don't leave that there okay [Music] almost forgot this guy brass lamp and it's vintage too you can tell by the plug okay i think that's gonna be it don't know what that's for don't know what that's for or that i'm leaving this behind guys [Music] okay guys that's i haven't been in this neighborhood not even 10 minutes and we've already racked up on a lot of good stuff i'm glad i bought that extender with me the the bed extender so um if it starts to get like you know what we're getting too much stuff and i can't handle them more i might just have to pull over there's a cvs down the road and i set that thing up and tie that tie some of that stuff down because we're already we're already pretty full and like i said we're not even 10 minutes into this thing and as you can see it's still nighttime look at the walkers they're out here walking early this morning all right so i think i'm going to talk to you guys let me take off my headset because it's kind of annoying to wear while i'm driving what i want to do today if y'all don't mind and bear with me is maybe answer some of the questions that i get a lot that i can't get to and a lot of y'all ask the same questions which are you know legitimate questions and first one would be juan why do you go picking at night why do you go late at night it's hard to see the videos it's you know kind of creepy that you're going night well it's plain and simple guys the reason i go at night is because there are a lot of people that come out here and do trash picking and uh scrapping uh in the morning and i'm hoping that if we get lucky to maybe record some of these other scrappers slash pickers so you can kind of get an idea of the competition that i'm dealing with now one good thing for us today as we pull over to look at something real quick uh no i don't think we're getting that let's take a look at it looks like he's missing some glass pieces so we're not gonna do with that today all right so like i was saying we do have a lot of competition they get out here early in the morning and i'm actually still a little bit early but you'll see once once it starts hitting daylight you're gonna start seeing a bunch of people out here so it's better for me to get out there at night to get ahead of the crew so that's the first question i wanted to answer second one i want to answer is what do you do with all the stuff that you find i sell mostly on facebook marketplace that's where i do most of my sales i get a lot of flack from some of my viewers saying that i saw stuff for too cheap but the way i see it guys is that i'm getting this stuff for free and i'm fortunate and blessed enough that i've got this youtube channel which is doing well for me i also have the antique booth which is doing well for me so i don't feel like i really need to sell these items for too much because like i said um youtube is doing well and so is my booth i do have some high price items that i do uh that i will sell for a little bit more um i don't like to give everything away but what this guy here is a nice chest it looks to be in good condition well the only thing you might need would be a i don't know if this was this is the plug or not but that sucker's nice we're gonna load that up give me just a second all right everything else looks good on it solid piece yeah boy look at that we are loaded up over here definitely loaded up [Music] let's see stand that up from now don't fall back let's move this guy on of way okay let's see everything's starting to move around on me don't y'all do that don't you do that act right i'll put you there for now all right [Music] get on up there put this here for now okay so back to business let me be around for a minute guys sorry about that all right as you're in the dark apologize for that let's see if i can get some light going for you is that better i'm not sure if that's better than that okay well as i was saying guys i get the stuff for free so i try to sell it for cheap and if uh some things like clothes and shoes i really really do not like messing with i'd rather someone come out make a little bit of money and i help them out even if they're selling it for 10 times more than i could have i'm all good with it let me see what's another question that i get asked a lot oh also so my antique booth as i kind of mentioned before it's in the small little town of alvin here in texas and it does fairly well for me so i like to keep that going keep that inventoried up but what i'm i don't take much that i find in the trash too the booth to be honest you'll see a couple pieces every now and then if they're good enough but what i usually like to do is get that money that i use from selling on facebook with the stuff that i find in the trash and then i'll go to garage sales and estate cells and you know keep an eye on facebook marketplace for people that are selling stuff that i can use uh that i can resell and look at that guys it's not even like daylight yet what time is it it's six o'clock and look who is out that's nobody sorry i thought that was a trash man i look like a trash guys uh from from far away let's see all right i'm gonna wrap it up right here for a minute uh get back to the trash picking if i think of other questions that i get asked a lot i'll uh i'll chime back in i mean it's a project piece definitely but it's definitely oh shoot nope that's gone up there let's go firewood all right guys as you can see the daylight is starting to creep through a little bit and we have a few bikes out here so i need to see what i'm going to do because i these bikes are all in really good condition they're flat but that's not a real problem i'm gonna see if i can't i'm probably not gonna record all this because it's gonna take too much time but i'm probably gonna put some of this stuff in here move stuff around and make some space back here because i gotta be able to get these bikes in all right so we got everything loaded up and we're looking good i put a bunch of stuff here in the back of the truck in the back seat a lot of the small ends are kind of you know obscure shaped and you know easy to stack and i was able to get those truck those bicycles loaded up funny thing is as i was out there loading it up i mean it seemed like as soon as i turned off the camera and shut the door the homeowner came out and um was telling me about the bikes saying that they were his sons and he had bought them when they were in high school and they never wrote them and if you look at the tread on the tires they actually look like they are new they're just flat but he said they've been in the garage for six years and they probably haven't been ridden in four or five years they've rode them for a little bit maybe 10 times so that's really cool i wish i'd kept my camera on but it's a lot of moving around that i had to do to load up the truck so i don't want to bore you guys with a bunch of you know moving around in the truck so i'm sorry about that guys i wish you could have seen it but he actually offered to take the truck and uh i'm sorry he offered to um put the bikes in the back if i wanted to come back and get him later on but i told him that i was gonna go and take him uh told me to come back friday because there's going to be probably some more stuff out so i work friday i'm probably going to make it but um we'll see i might make a little quick trip out here uh thursday night all right so moving on to the next questions that i've been thinking about uh so a lot of people ask me uh hey juan what's that blue thing that's kind of in the back of your truck it just kind of sits there and i've explained this a few times and not a lot of people have watched every part of the video so i won't explain it here that's just a metal round piece of decor that i found a while back it lays flat on the ground so it's really hard to get and that one day when i picked it up it was right in the middle of the truck and i really couldn't get it so i just sat there for a couple of trips and you guys happen to see it and they kind of end up becoming a part of the channel i guess you could say look at that patio table but i'm not gonna do that one right now it's it's kind of hard to sell just a pedicle by itself then with glass those things start rattling around they'll shatter on you it's happened before but anyhow yeah it's just a piece of metal decor they got stuck back there i never took it out um i ended up naming the thing blue blue or blue however you want to say it however you want to pronounce it but i call it blue and she is our good luck charm so when you see it back there feel free to say hi uh let's see what else i can't think of anything else right now that's uh hold on what do we got over here looks like we got a dog cage and maybe a toolbox so let's go check that out real quick i hope the angle is good i've been moving it around let's see what's in this box um go ahead and take the box just got the weight so this truck can come by go ahead i don't know about this cage though she's waiting on me he's waiting on somebody i don't know let's see i don't know if this is complete or not you know what it's got to be they have that tie wrap there so i'm going to take this to oh that guy's waiting on me or what let's see put this right here i'm definitely starting to run out of space here folks oh my goodness one what are you doing i'm wrapped up in this thing i try the other way all right that's gonna do it [Music] just up the road [Music] see this guy yep taking you home baby all right [Music] [Laughter] i don't know why people do this [Music] so worth taking though can i even take it it locks up fine [Music] see if i can fit it back there oh man yeah i think i could fit here um okay got it in there let's see what we got here got a coach purse i think i'll take that one [Music] jam packed in here around oh jury it's nothing but [Music] anything else like that in here dang it really in here see if there's anything collectible in here dang it man you know one thing i hate about finding stuff like this is that you want to dig more but you can't because it's just so jam-packed in here but i'm gonna try and i said this is gonna fall over i don't want to make a mess [Music] that's going to be it all right well i don't know might be something collectible in here we'll take a look at that okay going on with the q a another question i get a lot is how did you even get started doing this some of y'all may know but i'm gonna tell that anyways a while back when we moved into our house i guess in 2012. yeah 2012 we had just moved into our new house and down the road about three houses down um the tenants that were living there they're renters i don't know if they got kicked out or if they let the house and left all their stuff there but either way all the stuff was left at the house and the homeowner was basically threw everything out on the curb it was literally an entire household of stuff that stuff all on the curb on the sidewalk and even going up into the driveway it was massive i probably would say that was probably one of the best picks that i've ever seen at one stop unfortunately back then youtube wasn't even something that i was contemplating or even imagined so i didn't record anything obviously um i went over there and picked up a patio table real nice patio table a big one i think it had six or eight chairs it was a big one they had a day chairs it's a big big set and we thought we were going to use it we have a covered patio in the back but uh those sets don't go well in the back of a patio they really go on the front like in the another form but like you know in the grass in the in the lawn and my wife said why don't we sell it and we'll use that money to buy what they call like a conversation piece um something that has you know the couch and the two love seats but maybe like a small coffee table so that's what we did i ended up putting on i think it was craigslist back then is what i was using and then i got um i got 200 for that damn thing and i was able to use that to find something else that i liked uh on craigslist and you know and getting that ended going back to the house and loading up on a bunch of household items they had cleaning products too that i was able to use at home so that's how i got the edge i never really noticed stuff in the trash before never really paid attention to it until that day and then i started just driving around in my neighborhood on trash night and then extending out to neighborhoods a little bit further away from mine and around the area and before you knew it man i was driving around all over the city houston basically trying to find the best areas to go to where i could find stuff and i've basically narrowed it down to two nights that i go um i can't go every every night i used to go every night trying to find the places and there was plenty of nights where i wouldn't find a damn thing i was i was just nothing in the back of the truck and this sucks so i'll stop doing that after a few times but um this area here i like to call my honey hole because i always always always find stuff in this area even if it's a little bit i'll find something and as you can see guys today man i definitely racked up i don't think anybody drove around last night and if they did they were even more picky than i am so yeah i hope that answers that question let's get back to the picking if i think of anything else i'll get chime back in just want to record some of these houses [Music] uh this particular area isn't the nicer i mean it's a really nice area don't go wrong but it's not uh the natural ones are up down to [Music] [Music] some of these houses are real nice though so i know a lot of y'all do like the daytime thinking and it honest with you i wish i wish i could do the daytime picking because i mean i'd be able to obviously get more content and get some more stuff out for you guys to look to look at but unfortunately well not really unfortunately just for me i'd rather do it at night there's less people walking around i don't have to deal with school zones i don't deal with kids out there running around i have to deal with the joggers or people on the bikes because i deal with a lot of that people don't pay attention to cars and it's you know early in the morning at 5 6 in the morning it's kind of hard to see some of these people look at that leather couch i'll tell you what guys that couch right there looks nice it doesn't look all beat up it's just people are on here man they can easily put an ad on facebook saying you know free couch you know to anybody in need and i guarantee you someone put a free cash like that on facebook it'll get picked up quick but no now it's sitting out here got all wet i don't think it's any good anymore but who knows what you're going to show you guys how wasteful we really are as people all right guys we finally made it home as you can see it's still a little drizzly so i'm going to wipe this down here and i'm gonna tarp i'm gonna cover it up just for the meanwhile um don't look like it got too wet a couple of spots but i think we should be okay i do want to do a recap because we did find a lot of stuff so i'm going to wait for this overcast to pass this up and for it to dry up and then uh we'll do a recap afterwards but it'll be on this video so just hang tight all right so it's been a few days since we've done the pick um we've had a lot going on um first of all we've had a lot of rain a tremendous amount of rain and it rained for like four or five days straight so i think it's about the sixth day we finally got some clear weather um i had to hurry up and jam packed everything into the garage uh last minute so if i forgot some of the stuff i didn't want to go back to the whole video and try to watch everything to see what we picked i think i got most of it though so let's take a look and see what we found all right y'all remember those purple wooden shelves that's gonna be pretty easy so my opinion we had that nice smooth stuff around as we get it [Music] this guy's a little bit heavier okay we had this aggies ice chest looks to be in real good condition could use a little bit of cleaning in there but there's nothing major you know so it's easy to clean out i kind of threw stuff together again sorry it's kind of disorganized just because you know this rain kind of got me man had to put everything away [Music] so there's that kind of clean not the best condition just looks like the battery for phone alarm clock half inch wrench that's it that guy there all right i got that moved up there uh this guy here is kind of a barn door style chalkboard and uh the good thing is that it is chalk so it should come off fairly easily and it'll slide sideways this way barn door style very cool got some metal wall decor over here we had some pink lanterns about to plug them in to see if they work matter of fact i like doing this stuff with you guys while you're with me i guess kind of live we'll see what's in let's there so let me put you right here for the moment see over here there's the first one as you can see it works very cool second one works too very nice so oh man this light might need a new bulb i might put these at the booth see how they do at the booth huh here's a little bag looks like there's nothing in here no nothing valuable in here okay let's see what else we found guys i found that coach purse but this is really after taking a closer look at it it's really worn down um he's peeling there on the straps oh it looks to be real i'll probably just donate this guy i got a bunch of letters these would probably go to the booth they're different styles you got these chunky ones like this you've got these other ones let me see they paid 10 for these at hobby lobby so maybe five bucks is what i'll charge on these that's a nice one letter v see if my daughter wants it her name is victoria that was 30 bucks all right all right let's see what else this toolbox here i forgot what it had in there [Applause] this is a all stone is this to sharpen blades this might be to sharpen blades or sharpen something that's what it looks like to me so let's see what that is about i'm not 100 sure let's see what else we got in here [Music] this guy here just like to chop oh my goodness what is this guy i've never seen a knife like this all right the next box that's definitely one of the booth farm fresh eggs nice little sign all right give us an idea what it might be um lamps other lamps i think these dishes were from another pick uh those baskets um oh this is kind of nice right here a it's like a little tray basket thing kind of farmhouse style some more stuff there this guy here these knives are from another pick um a couple things i wanted to look into first of all try that guy out right obviously this one here i plugged it in already i know it turns on um i need to try out the record player and the eight track player see if they work and i don't know i don't think there's cabinets anywhere i mean it's just pretty much it well you see what you get i guess you put your records here so we'll check this out here in a minute and the other thing i wanted to look at is that i don't know if this is a safe or what but um i wanted to see if there's any way we can open it um it looks like you would hook up i don't know what that is looks like you would hook up some kind of cable there um i don't see any switches or anything in here let's see oh oh man it's a register but an empty register at that um all right see some green back there well we're not going to get rich off of this guys but you definitely have a credit card that's expired but oh here's another credit card that is not expired see man people need to be careful but we got a dollar bill we found money but it's not the same kind of money that we usually find but i'll take a free dollar any day take a free dollar any day i don't see anything else back there okay well at least i know this thing works um i don't think it's functional i think it needs a little something right here but that was a definitely cool find and lastly this guy here let me answer my phone real quick all right uh so we are gonna fortunately we got some eight tracks here this is from a garage sale pick that i came across the string janice scott joplin let me see we're not gonna be able to play anything for a long time we got four seasons and let's see what record we pull out we've got blood sweat and tears i don't know who this is to be honest with you this says george harrison but i'm not sure if this is the beatles i don't know let's name the banjo okay whatever that's not important the important thing is to test this guy out and i know it turns on 16 years of age and older [Music] because [Music] how clean is your nose most airborne germs and allergies that works made through the nose your body [Music] all right we're going to try the 8-track um i guess you just shove it in there wow can you hear that [Music] so a trait works what does that do [Music] all right that's fantastic news and we're gonna lastly try this record um i've never used one of these before okay good thing is that it started it spun around spinning kind of slow there we go let me just put this down here i know let's get this can't go like that i'm gonna try to figure this guy out because oh there we go let's start hmm okay cool i'm not hearing any music yet should be playing looks like it's on the record oh hold on there we go damn guys okay glad i figured that out we gotta switch this over to phono let's turn the volume down so we don't get any copyright strikes and how exciting is that a completely functional reader's digest custom console six i'm gonna look up some comp to see what these are selling for and you're gonna be completely surprised and i cannot believe that we've got this guy in the trash working 100 that is probably one of the best scores this year awesome job thank you you're welcome all right guys i'm totally excited about this find um this will end up being a better pick being that that guy works um i was totally excited about finding it i'm really really excited that it worked and i can't wait to put this on marketplace and see what we get for it because this is a gym i think it's a gym hopefully someone else can enjoy it and put in their home and maybe bring back memories from when they had this in their grandma's house or at their parents house so i'm in the video right here i want to thank you guys so much for hanging out with me for the video hope uh hope you guys enjoyed it until next time peace [Music] you
Channel: Texan Picker
Views: 44,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trash picking in rich neighborhood, trash picking, trash picker, garbage picker, garbage picking, making money trash picking, making money, how to make money, how to make easy money, finding free stuff, free stuff, easy money, dumpster diving, dumpster diver, environment, environmentally friendly, save the earth, green energy, curb side, curb side picking, curb side shopping, thrift, resell, hoarder, hoarding, hoarders
Id: 1rTCv3KAjQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 0sec (3300 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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