Hoarder Passed Away. He paid over $30,000 to store this! I bought his locker @ STORAGE WARS auction

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this is hoarder habits right here you keep this kind of stuff oh there's swiss army knife oh there's an old atari okay could this guy really have just put all scrap metal and electronics in here and paid the rent here for at least 10 years could he really have spent that much money on literally junk chloroform that's what that is chloroform sulfuric acid there's a little bit of rust on that i wouldn't suggest cooking off that until it's clean look at that old singer right there that is kind of beautiful do you see the dirt in here a mysterious locker long forgotten about covered in dust and spider webs a man on a quest for adventure buy it at auction for seventeen hundred dollars hoping to find treasure what comes next stay tuned right here on lockernets [Music] what's up vlogger that's okay are you ready are you it's a little windy not cold but a little coldish day here in livermore california i bought this unit i've already put out two videos on this unit this one i'm calling the hoarder horror show because i do think the guy's a bit of a hoarder meaning like scrap metal and old electronics not the kind of stuff that is valuable unfortunately he didn't hoard that but hey there could still be good stuff in the back that's what we're hoping that's what we're here for to do some more digging and get to the bottom of it are you ready let's go let's see oh wow look at that dust yeah it looks just as terrible as the last time we're here unfortunately time didn't do it any favors all right the plan for today is to get at least one load out of here in my truck i'm thinking electronics and scrap metal why because there's a place that recycles that two miles away so i can load it up and as long as i get over there before they close boom everything's gone for free and everything gets recycled which is right so let me put on the gopro chest harness and we'll get to digging all right guys i am way better equipped today last time i came out here without being properly prepared so what i got this time i got my garbage can i've got some extra bins i've got a table for a sorting uh and then a ladder and get some of the higher stuff out of here because it's stacked pretty high wow that thing is heavy as a beast it's really heavy i got a little bit loaded here starting to make some piles getting the garbage going we're digging into some new stuff so let's start with this right here it's got some weight to it i thought maybe it's just a scrap but it's not yeah it's heavy oh and it's locked oh no way no there's it is locked but there's no hook on it oh what is this okay here's a brassic belt buckle ge that's actually kind of neat and this is like a tool kit i'm not exactly sure how the belt buckle ties in but some electronic stuff i think what a neat tool box though it's probably for like a repair man all right well there's a piece we could bring the flea market oh my goodness that scared me for a second you see that it really did scare me for a second there just for a split second it got me all right a lot of trash in here too oh my goodness this guy this guy really was a hoarder this is hoarder habits right here you keep this kind of stuff with a swiss army knife oh it's only part of one there'll hopefully be some goodies in here but not many i think trying not to miss any coins that's just a slug right there that's kind of neat i don't know what that's for we'll put that aside that's flea market what's this too it's the flea market we're going to try to squeeze any and all money out of this unit because i got to make my 1700 bucks back in yeah guys that's how much this one cost if you can believe that 1700 so far not a good investment on my part but we've barely tapped it so look at that little piece right here there we go hey actually that's kind of neat that's a neat little flea market piece right there put that aside and try not to break it it's kind of hard in here with all this so much going on dominoes broken glass oh this is uh welding goggles maybe i think i got gloves with me today these old boom boxes and eight track that's copper right there i'll put that aside so far everything's been broken which is a real shame all right what can i do here oh hey this one's coming down i all i need is a little nudge which i just gave it and it's it's coming so that right there that's a sewing machine looks like all right prepare for jungle lynch uh-oh this isn't good i see back there's more scrap electronics oh man look at everything is taken apart this is actually a cool little piece if it was complete oh this is a little better oh my goodness finally finally we find something a little bit better we found some they're not even hot wheels that don't say porsche on it there's hot wheels no red line but that's an oldie 1970 or 79 i can't see it who's this guy he's missing an arm it's cool some trains look at that it's a pez truck oh my goodness just shot a pez out that's hilarious oh look at this little it looks like a monopoly piece it's a stagecoach on a keyring it's old san francisco 49ers pin oh little piece of money you guys seem to keep anything that was metal southern pacific another pin the old leather pouch is actually not bad there's some aluminum made in the usa this wind sucks so you see how that winds below my garbage can an old cast iron pan right there that one's a little rough that's an old rolling pin that's cool definitely some antiques in here there's more cast iron here i wish you could tell what it was it might be a little too far gone okay little travel chess moth cake yup hilton it says i think that's almost definitely silver plate but i'm going to take it home and double check there's an old atari joystick right here oh there's an old atari okay put that aside actually i'm looking at it and it's like um this one might be too far gone guys and maybe i saved the controller is that as crusty as all get out right there that's a shame let's see what's in here nothing there's an atari game right here pitfall great game shape is really really rough on that we'll put it aside i think these are aluminum campanillo this is more the italian bicycle pieces there's another one asteroids okay all right guess what now we got another garbage can to work with that's some good news the wind is actually getting worse gary surprisingly it's getting even worse man that's too bad that case is wrecked but look at that old singer right there that is kind of beautiful that's a really pretty old sewing machine right there it raises a ton i'll put it aside for now oh this is heavy that's heavy nice all right now we're making some room this is a difficult locker all right i got my second garbage can here i'm starting to work right here but this box is pinched under there it's pinched under there a big appliance there we go it's a little better jeez there's a lot of junk in here guys i'm looking back here some spider webs here look at that all i see is more electronics back there it's really unfortunate really hoping for some better stuff here this could this guy really have just put all scrap metal and electronics in here and paid the rent here for at least 10 years could he really have spent that much money on literally junk ah strange things happen in this business it really does see what's in here let's kind of avoid this one because i don't think it's anything good it feels lighter what's that that's a stinking aquarium right there damn more jump pillows and blankets yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah very good there's james brown get up those records are in such terrible condition though i really don't even know if i can do anything with those speakers this this really is a nightmare this is a nightmare 1700 nightmare right here okay here's a little cane something we can sell at the flea market for a dollar oh boy it's plastic those are leather but those are shot you know what's funny is i just saw a comment come in today from one of you guys and asking me hey does the older dustier lockers uh mean there's more profit potential and i honestly don't know you know i was willing to take a chance that there might be but i've never bought one quite like this one the one mike and i bought with the dusty trunks emmanuel and i bought one with dusty trunks those ones had more potential you could see the potential from the street you know from the from outside in the photos you can see it this one i couldn't see it but i just wanted to take it it was a complete and utter gamble that's what i took uh unless we get lucky here this is gonna be a really really bad time because i have a lot more work to do in there i'm just trying to pull out any metal because at least i could dump that for free like this there's a little gi joe he's a 1986 i'm pretty sure that's what it says that's good it's all right it's better than this kind of stuff right here what's going on here oh what a mess do you see this another one these science kits that just broke and spilled everywhere luckily most of the bottles are empty chloroform that's what that is chloroform well that's what it says anyways freaking chloroform you gotta be kidding me definitely gotta be careful with that one hydrochloric acid okay oh that's empty thank god that one just says acid i don't know what this is either i mean obviously something one of these leaked out and got all over the place and just disintegrated these boxes i mean look at that crazy metal box with more chemicals yeah they're all full put that aside too because this has got to be disposed of luckily there's a thing right in town that takes all this hazardous uh waste it's a harvest waste drop-off it's right here in town and this stuff's gonna go straight there not what i was hoping to do starting to get to the point where it's like stuff's gotta move a little bit quicker guys because i don't know how to manage all this stuff all these chemicals and everything uh there's a glass up here oh my goodness do you see the dirt in here there's part of the reason why this buck is so heavy we got more of these all right i just brought my ladder there in this is what it was for showtime good speaker old speaker yes this is uh this is some of the weight right here these are very heavy cast iron yeah this one right here is super heavy there's a little bit of rust on that i wouldn't suggest cooking off that until it's clean i don't know can you clean that i don't know cast iron though this i think that's good scrap value if you can't sell it [Music] looks like junk to me oh man if i move this i'm worried all this is going to fall down a true jungle lance well oh you know now that we're up here here's what the rest of it looks like terrible terrible that's what it looks like it looks like it's terrible oh i see couches back there dang i'm not talking about the big flower cushion there i'm talking about the brown edge right there let's get some of this junk off whoops that was nails oh boy now this sucks too look at this is a turntable in the top of it's cracked up because he probably threw something on top of it where did i get myself into do-over can i just have a do-over please can i just rewind the tape and not bid on this one i feel like just yanking that out and just you know whatever happens happens what do you guys think i just mostly scared about spilling acid and hydrochloric acid and chloroforming everywhere let's see what happens nothing okay that's good this has a bunch of stuff i could take right now and i'll have another garbage can let's get it axe we'll save that that'll probably sell the flea market so now we got broken glass in here that's a joy oh there's a cast iron pot lid okay here we go all right now let's put all the garbage back in here and then i'll take that to the dump with me all right should i go up here i think it's all right i don't know i want to get that right there i'm inducing some artwork back here some frames and some canvas and then there's a big couch right there that sucks that's crazy stinking tv is just falling out all right come on now that wood's coming down all right look up stainless steel this i think is worth some money i think the scrap value on stainless is a little bit higher so i do kind of want to put that aside and grab some more electronics right now he's got my finger give me my finger oh geez it's like every single thing he owned was in some sort of state of disassembly and repair all right we are making some progress here guys this is some progress massive progress all right let's grab this guy this this bucket is so fried it is coming apart yeah everything's like totally twisted up on each other too really hard that'd be great if that was sterling jeez almost looks like it could be we're going to put that aside and check it out proper i'll have to find out if they take paper there a lot of paper we could recycle too what else can i grab it's got to be metal or electronics okay let's go grab these i think they'll take those even though it's mostly wood this box right here is kind of heavy this is some electronics hmm let's take a look at that they have more electronics dang it they look like jewelry to him i think that was about as good as jewelry i think he loved this stuff all right that's gonna do it at least for this trip i mean for this right now all right let me head to recycle and we'll drop that stuff and then uh i don't think i'll come back today it's just really windy it's kind of miserable i'll get an earlier start tomorrow i'll come here maybe we'll do a dump load next that kind of gonna alternate maybe dump load e-cycle dump load e-cycle hopefully there'll be a trip with some good stuff too we'll just have to see all right guys we're back uh we're back all right it's been actually a couple days i didn't come the day after i skipped the day because i worked on editing to get that first part in this locker series out to you guys i hope you're enjoying it it's only been out for a couple hours i'm back i have been making some progress if you see this area right here i've got it kind of clean i drug a bunch of stuff out here i broke that little table i think that's a stand for the aquarium and i loaded a bunch of junk a little bit of this stuff on here was leftovers from the flea market that i went to last week so i try to be efficient with my dump trips but yeah no shortage of finding stuff in here to bring to the dump right there's a lot of a lot of garbage that aquarium is going to go uh looks like it's full of stuff but anyways kind of a little bit encouraging uh progress here we do see a lot of boxes here and sometimes i just look over stuff when i come back with the fresh eyes i see it yeah there's some boxes here and that's good it's a little triple yahtzee game up there some vintage games that what i don't like is the couches up there i don't like that yeah and i see a lot more electronics back there too but anyways i'm gonna keep working here just trying to get this truck maximized for the dump get as much stuff on there as i can let's see if i can fasten the camera somewhere and give you guys a little fast forward look at what i'm doing [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right dug some nice area out of the here well i don't mean nice like it's a you know it's not very nice but i just mean i made on uh some progress but look at those couches back there bang okay you know what those couches are stacked on top of stuff though that's good i actually was worried there was going to be just couches stacked from floor to ceiling it looks like their couches are up on top everything else couches still are terrible that's terrible that was not sellable it was a good dump and maybe there's still some good stuff below it all i see from here is tvs oh man i see what at least another like eight tvs from here that one box if you saw me digging out it was all those bottles and the boxes are just disintegrating all these bottles right here these bottles over here uh these gonna have to go to the hazardous chemical place uh because look at this sulfuric acid and whatever else is in those bottles seeping out and eating up the cardboard just completely disintegrating it i'm gonna keep digging and hopefully find a few more things to go to the dump see some paperwork over here that's probably a good area but it's just hard to get to i gotta find a little bit more i got to maximize every single trip here because there's a lot of trips here okay more metal and electronics what is that it looks kind of interesting it's heavy okay this looks like a uh waterbed i don't know is this waterbed okay the box just completely split open i think this might be either a waterbed or some kind of water tank i don't know i guess that's technically the same thing but it's going to dump it's another one brand new but i tell you what i would not trust that in my house or anywhere else after sitting in this locker for a decade because i can't imagine the integrity of that plastic is very good anymore i really can't i'm getting kind of full here all right making a little hole down here a lot of boxes so for good things in those hey i've been sneezing a lot here i can't imagine why i can't imagine what's causing me to sneeze so much okay another box of scrap metal it looks like let's double check there is definitely scrap metal in here and electronics but there's also a lot of just straight up garbage too i wonder if those guys mind if i just dump it all and let them sort it out i think that's what they do just hoping to find some some little odd treasures buried in the junk here it could happen all right there's my new garbage can right there let's keep working right over here look at that plastic bag just shredding it and it looks like it's got more ash in there it's a lot of work guys right now i'm kind of rethinking this locker i'm rethinking this one i don't know if i should have done this i don't know what was i thinking sport okay what do we got here oh more electronics what a surprise that's a surprise actually this is a blue box ah missing the door it's cracked here ah missing the knob right there dang it could actually have been worth something right there that had some potential all right there's that yahtzee game i saw up there it's one of those fish tins there it's getting to be junk in there yuck all right well you know i'd really love to get that thing right there i see some like you know metal and electronics in there but i also see some paper uh we got this too i just put all these stinking magazines here but i got to find out what's in here maybe on the next episode oh this thing that just fell right here that's too bad this little skinny thing right here i thought was a flat screen tv but look at this that's controller that's something different you know that could be an old video game let's see one more gentle with that odyssey oh yeah this old video game that's pretty cool finally if i finally found something today that's interesting beyond you know it's interesting to find junk you know i mean this tells a story i just don't like the story there's a neat old fan right there i hope that works that's that might be a few bucks you know it really might that might be a vintage uh flea market item and i might be completely wishful thinking too those are some old speakers it's more records man the condition is so terrible on this so terrible what is this this to me looks like a portable picnic no it's a backgammon set with half the chips missing okay glass bowl you can find a date on this newspaper right here 1988 oh wow okay yeah i'm not surprised this definitely feels older definitely washington university huh 1970 that's an old milk glass cup that that's another little bit better piece a little bit more interesting okay and that's it the rest of it's joking that sucks it's oh it doesn't it's not finished but sucking still got some suck to give oh me all right this is how i'm leaving it that's how i'm leaving you know i actually feel like today i made a really really big dent in this thing or the last couple times is hard to say i mean i made dents but not big dents today i really feel like we made a big dent feeling encouraged i'm seeing this thing start to dwindle down it'd be great to have a time lapse on the entire experience that would be super cool but there's the truck there's the dump load the back seat is pretty much full too so i'm off to go to the dump right now and empty that all right well that's going to do it for this video just because i i showed you the dump a few episodes ago it's not that exciting i'm not going to show you that one of these times i'll show you the metal recycling because i think that is kind of cool but i right here i see a lot of tvs i see a lot of metal so the next time i come i should have an easy time getting a full load to go down there and i think that'll be another big dent here and we're going to hopefully start finding a little better stuff those boxes that that has me encouraged a whole bunch of boxes there and uh looks like maybe boxes underneath the couches so let's hope he put some good stuff in here before he just started getting in hoarder of junk mode and just filled this thing with scrap metal and broken electronics i don't know i really do think that he was like either a tinkerer or maybe even had a little side gig going where he fixed electronics i think that's why he stored all this stuff because he thought maybe like well if i ever need to fix this thing i've got extra parts let me put it in here in case i ever need it he never got to it this is insanity it would take so much time to dig in here and find a knob or you know something off of one of these things you'd be better off just ordering off the internet with the time and energy that you'd have to put into just digging it out oh man so anyways but it is an interesting locker this is uh this is an experience i'm so happy that you guys went with me and i really appreciate you watching the video all right i'll i'll be back here every before long maybe even tomorrow i don't know and we'll do some more digging but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time right here on lockernuts [Music] foreign
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 38,761
Rating: 4.9326925 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money, storagetreasures.com, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, found treasure, found gold, found safe, locked safe, found coins, found gun, hoarder, horror
Id: Am_uvoYHi38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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