SUITCASE OF DIAMONDS & GOLD in $1760 STORAGE WARS UNIT ! i bought an abandoned storage wars unit !

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and that's all you get to see just kidding   it looks like the same stuff but it looks  a little bit bigger huh yeah and cheaper this one was 960. once i knew it was  the same owner it was just a matter of   having to get them all three uh maybe something  in here maybe not notice the dust is different   notice how when a unit sits on the inside the  dust level is different versus the unit that's   outside yeah it's huge yeah there you go ladies gentlemen boys girls pirates of all  numerical descents whoa whoa that's crazy   that was nice and i was different you didn't  expect it huh i didn't i know sometimes you gotta   spice things up like a sprinkle or something  this guy what's that guy who goes like this   spice it up a little bit yeah welcome back  you know this guy right here storage stalker   i got your shirt on we're gonna put a little  thing oh we don't need to go right here oh   i got one on too look i'm disneyland  don't send them wrong wall storage unit   1760. this guy you have to remember him from such  videos as like half of my channel um way back   in the back in the days when i was younger guess  who's back cooking stalkers back tell your friends but yeah we're going to go through this unit we've  already had a few good treasures what guys we just   was finishing up alex's video and right there in  this thing right here right here where here oh   yeah i don't know what's going to be in there he  opened it up it was jewelry and for some reason   he decided to cut the video he's like we're gonna  go to pirates video so i guess i'm opening up this   jewelry box right here right now please be a lot  of gold in here at least a little bit of silver   it's obvious there's something in this there's  something that one that says crosstalk the b.o   bosch and lom no let's see let's get to it imagine  that they really like the casino maybe they worked   for it or something my guess is they were yeah  they were like serious gamblers you know like you   know how like when you watch them show cheers and  stuff like norm when walking everybody like norm costume jewelry costume is good it's it's good   we got to be grateful right they say they say uh  show gratitude for the moment let the rest unfold   come on baby please don't be a pan like  the last one was it's just the wrong way   the jewelers of las vegas   that looks like gold that that's the easy three  four hundred bucks right minimum minimum 300   300 400 bucks the gold is 10k which low but you  got all the diamonds so that right there that's   a score to me three four hundred i'm gonna need to  uh get a good tick tock video so i'm gonna leave   that out if you guys don't know storage pirate  does tick tock ah yes whoo what are we now six   eight hundred dollars a minimum just in this one  box right here we have if i was like real fancy   and have a little thing that says total value 800  two diamond braces we can we can almost did this we can almost dip those alex you know because please don't be darts oh i can't  hear you when you open these up   and you find darts that's what pisses  me three of them are you kidding me   is there any more in there they have three of  the same exact ones three wow i think she was   like i feel like she was a dealer or something  you know like not like drugs but like maybe drugs   maybe drugs too we haven't gotten to all of you  but you notice how there's always like a bunch   of new things oh like this there's two of these  watches you want to watch oh it doesn't matter that's a dolphin is that a pendant it's a  pirate ship looking a little bit real this   one it looks like silver it's a pirate ship it  is a pirate ship mm-hmm oh wait it had to be   right if it was real mother those are not real  this looks real though right here like this one   oh yeah that one that one looks like it's got a  twisty back huh oh yeah that's uh you know what   that the dude at the market told me because  i gotta look at how the diamonds set and   that looks which ones do you want to go through  oh my goodness coach where do we start that's   cute flip-flop tank top really nothing fancy  flip-flop tank top nice the baby mama is it   um we're gonna go with this scooter  bop why is there stuff falling out okay what was that coach oh who got him  coach oh that looks like a rolex please   look at the shape of it it's not it is a jakku edwards or something  she has a lot of costume in here   oh there's a lovely come  on be something provocative   new but it's cool though guantanamo bay  oh that's probably where the station yeah   you can't handle the truth  trophy's not in second place you guys ever watched uh that that movie with  jack nicholson what's it called oh what is that   is that a earring it's like a heart and then  it dangles too mangle a mango a magnet holding   up that's what i was thinking but i think i bet  you it's a light like a neon light or something   it is a lot why is it wicked how does it go  on going you're not going you push down and   they go on um let me see i think you lift up  it goes up see so it's actually an airing or   is it yeah it's like a weird little dangling  light that'll probably hurt your ears that   might be nice when we go to the club you can  see me where's liz follow the earring lights   that looks like potential of gold right there  that's what i was gonna say breathing holes   for the diamonds as well do you see  like a silver or gold marker on there   look at this cute little butterfly no what's that  it's a ladybug ladybug but it looks like mike   i don't see one but stuff was falling out  exactly stealing oh these it's broken these   have good potential though stuff was falling out  of this oh another one of these guantanamo bay   these are nice stamps are hard to find on earrings   stamps are well you know i'm tomorrow  you gotta find it usually on this you   gotta have a loop to get that close but i  think those might be real here we go here we just uh go going look at that the bottle opener  that's where i keep my bottle openers my jewelry   some costume this is a nice costume though oh  yeah women love costume like we're gonna i make   little trays i'm putting them on some of that's  real you don't keep it in there if it's not it's   a horseshoe but that's the bad thing about that  horse's shoe is they put the horse with the face   down right that's bad look you want  the horseshoe to be up to keep the   good luck from falling out which would make the  horse hmm see how they they get you with that that is 14 karat yeah when you put  jewelry i think sometimes they're   manifesting your bad luck when  they do that it kind of bugs me there's a pan for cooking so when you want to  make a little small i'm not making little eggs   that little yeah i'm gonna be hungry after that  it's a little like a peel bottle or something   oh it is oh i like the lighter whoa oh it's an  ashtray that's for when you uh you have one of   those doobies that they used to smoke back in the  day or something and then you even got the thing   just pop up somewhere your cigarette or  something or something i said do these you know all the kids are doing it all  right continue i would never do that the kids know a secret we don't come on mike find the pound of gold found  something oh look at that there it is oh pearls   9.95 she got me on that one 995 yeah  these are kind of cool those are almost jd um they look like they're  painted on right they were   yeah they're still cute don't  don't don't stay up higher   you underestimate this i hope this is silver  right here oh that's nice the earrings look   at that little set yeah my green topazzy it looks  like a piece i bought my mom when i was in mexico   oh you're gonna get another chance to buy her  one oh yes i am why because we're going to mexico that's kind of cool looks like it's still  leather says i like rugged belt buckles oh that's a nice pin oh look at this oh screw  yeah we got screwed we're screwed these are nice those look like beetles like egyptian beetles   music box this is kind of cool it  does something plays music maybe   battery must be dead come  on more diamond bracelets there it is i thought alex went fast he was just like is  this like one of those things you read about in   adult movies no okay i was hoping not  that looks real silver there's a small one is it hey imagine that big old chain was gold   i can't read that does that say something  there see that what does it say 925 maybe   i don't know i'm getting low on this we got one  bag left one last chance for romance if not we'll   drink of course okay not really oh big old bag  of paper lions parties and bears oh man lions and   tigers and bears i just wanna isn't it hard when  you when you look at something i can't focus like   i always want to get to the next thing and what  not what's in my hand that one might be this one first glance it doesn't look no that's not cool  these are cute they'll cost some jewelry pieces   don't get me wrong don't don't scoff at  that michael oh this one's all wrapped   up and well taken care of and there it  is please be masterpiece no limit chain yeah yeah it's still close is  that real yeah it's real it's   gonna be rich all right come on a  cuban link another one look at this one call me fo chains because i got none on i  have to wear this one from the pirate ship now we need grills our thumbnail baby like this it  just hit you know you're supposed to do it come on   just put some in our teeth to make meals  like this yeah there you go holy crap another one this is weird see i'm telling you  she was selling stuff on the street you know   did you like the last one yeah this is the  last one oh it's like she owned it's like   she owned a bodega you know a bodega ain't that  where you take baths no it's like a little you   know here i got one of these already you  need one of these okay let's do it baby found 18 pounds of gold hopefully these are probably  her husband's or her boyfriends   so hopefully he has one that is kind of real  you feel like real yeah yeah let's do it find the good stuff mike i did i just found  this both y'all not gonna be as green as avocado   you got it i like avocado i do that's not my  burrito okay so this is wanting to be a native   american and this is cool though because we  got this is pewter pewter is real good pew pew   oh that's oh with the chopper we're  getting them together military stuff right   yeah let's fast forward here and get into this  whole little bag of stuff okay and maybe not   just slam things around this is  another one of these guantanamo bay   let's take that off there because that's their  gambling number well it's like their bonus point   said actually we should see if we can use that  at fitzgerald they probably got some bonus play   you know they do urge their military this is a  handle in case yeah that was true what do these   represent them the army yeah but like each one of  these things and stripes and everything to pick   up yeah i wouldn't know maybe somebody out there  does and they could tell if you know who doesn't   know this guy at the market what guys he tells  us let's wait a little mike is that a mic mm-hmm   it's for your phone oh this might be the  microphone for the uh the camcorder i found oh that one's kind of cool it  looks very british and then   chicago bears okay so we have  one last bag one last chance that looks like cool the  first thing i think of is why   why what why did we put a  stapler in our jewelry bag wow looks like costume those are really  weird those are yeah are those   earrings yeah no they're the hat pins  maybe or something what is that one it's always funny to watch uh kangaroos fighting  when i do get some jewelry babe yeah keep in mind   okay yeah i don't want a regular chain like  a rope chain i would like something like that   you would that is nice yeah are you just  kidding me that's nice you can look like a   girl with little pieces of it that's nice  when i get a chain i want to be like this when i go to the ice house you guys should leave  them on so that you can take a thumbnail no how   do we take a thumbnail is this where you go like  this right now there you go right and then you   go like this you gotta make that face without  going hold on why you look all mad i don't know   i found gold baby can you imagine people wearing  these all day they get hot i'd rather keep like   30 000 in my pocket and not get one of these  there you go where you going i'm taking it off   now trying to make a gold grill hold one of them  yeah there you go and then mike's got the grill you guys just witnessed it right there i'm  actually going to put that right at the end   of the clip as a blooper all right well let's do  a quick recap let me uh camerawoman i never get   to say that camerawoman quick recap i think this  is pretty good i think we got one two three and   those are at least 300 4 500 a piece that almost  that pays for the unit and we got a little bit of   random jewelry which i don't think there was  much gold and stuff right but we're bringing   a lot of stuff out here i i think this unit's  paid for itself and it's profit the bucket there   you can go to alex's channel and we still got a  ton more to go through do a few more boxes we're   intrigued because it has this little chupacabra  devil looking thing saying me lost and got some   chinese writing here what i like is it says jelly  bean bank cause that's his bank pink slash yeah   what that looks like this is bang but spittoon i  remember when i was a kid my parents kept changing   the splatoons that would be totally fine like a  chain it's like a little brass little thing and   i guess back in the day people would spit in it  when you walk in the bar or something right so   it was oh a spit spittoon me loss okay so far  that's not coming off like what i was expecting   two coffee cups i'm imagining that what uh  receipt from fitzgerald help save the earth   houston oh they were moving there houston  texas that's right right and that's exactly   what a splatoon is but it's not full of change  here in palma at the splatoon and i think back   in the day like when you walked into an old  western place or whatever are you spatting that buddy no not that one chicken you can open it it's not a bad one if you see a little break  off points right here where his hands spun   it's not like didn't say made in china but at  the same time this is the kind of stuff that   kind of lost its value over the years burger king that's like a tight what is it my mug oh so you put like a straw in there i hate   burger king my mug and socks these could  be valuable believe me i'm looking them up are you eating the gum dude don't eat  that you're going to break your teeth   my least favorite ones too the red ones it wasn't bad but it was not the mugs  are good oh the flavor's kicking in this is very technical master bedroom dresser  please don't be master bedroom dresser   yeah but look see how they have drawers here and  then they also say it really freaking is like this   is not ice cream is this really what goes in your  dresser bro i don't know ice cream hoses in mine   come on mike find the good  stuff i'm trying this is weird rolex watch it'll be nice look at these  are cool tools check that out vintage yeah   i saw this guy on on youtube named  lockernuts and he sold out some   really little tools like this for a lot of  money on an auction and it made me think   to start saving little tools save it put it in the  bag look at this the world's smallest gapping tool intriguing intriguing this is a nice little  box this is a man box yeah the man box you   can open some stuff up too i don't mind it  makes it go faster he was a mechanic okay   what is that like a coa or something the  jewelry gift shop yeah it's like a receipt he was a mechanic these are for welding and they're  not bad they're like that's   this is a good 10 15 bucks at  all at the concord flea market   things like that and another one so that's  still a cool box maybe a hundred dollar box   maybe a hundred dollar box you're pushing  it we're gonna push it what we push stuff radio shack whatever this one i can't with this guy right now what is this stuff   okay i'm kind of scared looking to  find him you never know okay now this might be some good  something good in here drill bits   weird though huh look this is gonna keep  yourself in my drawer this is what you   would expect to find in a mechanic's top drawer  you know i mean oh sorry babe i think i take   my allen wrenches out my pocket oh she got  all your little tools in your pockets yeah it's a future heterodyne it's a picture   oh it's a it's a what's calling it's a radar  detector isn't it i don't know if it is all right well come on mike find the good  stuff i'm trying it doesn't exist in this box   blockbuster that's a vintage oh  oh tape letter tape wow you make   these and then you send it off to somebody  let's try it blockbuster vintage right well   i'm doing it they sound all sad look at  that i found some good stuff i don't think   there's good stuff in that box please this is  heavy and rattles please be more of them jams come on baby three we should be counting  do they still do that on youtube i don't   think you do you're getting me ain't  just one go cut to commercial oh no   i'm opening it it's nice what in there  holy nolly oh what is that freaking smell that sounds smells like milk you've been  sitting for a moment the hard part is   you've smelled that so many times right everything  you know you all you you know what's in there when   you smell it right yeah old grease and tool it's  like two why do tools do that that's oil change   that's what that's for that's for the it's  getting worse now oil cap right it's like open   the mayonnaise if you're too weak it's like you  know how you you get i'm starting to want to gag oh that is an 11 piece oh that's a good 25 30  bucks vintage craft man that's a good 25 30 bucks   it's weird to have somebody like what  did somebody just phil liked him and   they just bought them new tools and then he just  collected them all the time you know yeah but that   was decades ago 29.95 50 percent off but this was  a long time ago you're not buying a 75 79 yeah wow it smells like mustard mixed with oh wow  that's not bad that's pretty interesting actually this is a torque wrench it does it's like i'm good all right well we've got a little bit of  a grip on things uh that's actually a good   uh package i think that's 150 dollar suitcase  of stuff no matter how you turn it it's got nice   yeah grab another one one more yeah  one more don't stop don't stop tv oh we just did that on youtube yeah i know i just   learned that trick from you and that's  what we're gonna do cut cut the music
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 15,112
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, as I bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: go4Wk88IDaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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