Hitman VR is peak comedy

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hey friends so i am known to play a little bit of viora every now and again and one of the recent vr games that has gotten a lot of flack is hitman vr probably for reasons like this yeah just how i envisioned it would happen and now he goes to heaven goodbye but did you hear that that is pure joy i rarely feel that that is a once in a lifetime feeling that only this game can provide so i just have to try out some more and you know what today we're going on a little holiday we are going to italy and i got a good feeling that this is going to go well hold on just get in that sweet spot any second now sorry i'd like to give good service where did that good feeling just go oh yes italy my favorite country that has a similar flag to ireland sorry ivory coast but you got nothing on this why is this newspaper so blurry no i don't need glasses i don't the hell is wrong with my arm oh hey lady uh the beach is that way if you want to check it out i'm just flexing my bicep just in case you you didn't notice okay okay i know this looks weird without context but like if i walk with the briefcase at my side like this it keeps like glitching out and getting stuck in me so i'd rather just walk around like this hey buddy looks like there's a free briefcase over here if you wanted come on man yes that oh the balconies what a country right oh my god what happened oh i can't believe violence like this would occur in my city yeah go get help oh um i was just checking for a pulse nope nothing what where's my body going what what is happening i'm surrendering are you accepting my surrender have you forgotten about me can i leave oh can you leave okay that works way better than it should have all right kevin just walk in there and act confident all right i'm italian i'm one of the locals and i'm allowed to be here hey oh oh wait no that's more new yorker um mamma mia 100 egyptian cotton oh you're not you're not italian at all sorry mama mia everyone oh hey dude i know i look up tight because the suit and all but i want some uh illegal drugs let me give you a little back massage convince you into it so have you got any stuff for me let me give you a little belly tickle oh let me just crack your spine oh i'm killing him with the tickles come here it's like the most painful way to die okay how did you find all that i'm gonna hit you with my strongest slap ever eh oh damn it i missed i used all that power for nothing there we go finally i got it now let me just pull his body up here i'm very very strong hey hey dude let me in what are you smoking all right line this up and bang there we go good shot [Music] oh and then i dropped my gun uh-huh it was worth it he had a crowbar hello are you dying or oh my god why is he so fast all right well technically i don't need him i need his clothes aha kitchen assistant perfect now i'll blend in mamma mia your new chef is here i'm going to lose my job do i get a raise yet look at what the hard work i'm doing here look at this spot it's spotless actually oh i could just chef's kiss i just love this job so much you know you can finish this tomato sauce well one of my favorite ingredients is rat poison so i'm glad you were stock of it what where'd my poison go why do i have a spoon okay i guess i'm stirring the spaghetti now i love gaming where are you i love gaming chefs kiss again you clearly saw me put that in right turning off the stove to sabotage his meal [Music] this is not happening what what it was just a joke what poison is fine but turning off the stove is a red line okay a distraction ring the bell dinner's ready i'll also turn on the faucet for another distraction my vandalism continues it knows no bounds oh yes eat the spaghetti oh this kid knows i'm not the chef uh i'm just i'm gonna be over here oh the rat poison's getting to him where's the nearest bathroom though wait he's going to the cliff side the place i was hiding off for god's sake all right here goes nothing sorry i can't help you here comes the golf coach i can use him to get the other person that was not as effective as i i thought it would be hold on stop just just just die for it hold up hold on sorry this is really awkward i apologize god it can take a lot of hits no that didn't work at all sorry he fell i don't know what happened guys i i don't know maybe we should maybe you should go over and take a look at him because he seems like he could use some help hello secret bodyguard wave oh my god i'm glitching all over the place all right my my best assassin tool hold on ah wait ah hold on wait it'll be over soon this is one of the most painless ways that i do this trust me i've been doing this a while go ahead sir yeah i'm trying believe me all right around yeah no hold on hold on oh yeah there got him night nice all right now i'm a waiter lots of jobs for me today hey dude did anyone notice surprisingly no come with me uh-oh um he fell weird i know he went that way i think i think he dissolved like the wicked witch of the west that is francesca desantis god damn it how am i supposed to kill her there she's out in the open oh the security guy well oh i didn't know i hadn't gone out oh god damn it planned to go on and they'll think he killed himself you know three shots to the back of the head classic suicide hey heard gunshots just figured i'd come up and make sure everyone was okay don't know why i sound like this now okay so i'm going to tamper with this socket right here where she was standing and there's the hose pipe right there leading to it and then i'll turn on the water when she comes over in the meantime i gotta blend in i suppose ah yes the roof was loose and i am now fixing it is she on the phone she is okay here's my moment just crawling around like a gremlin come on back into my box i think i got to stay in my box a little while longer yes i want to save the fact that i'm cowering inside this little basket i want to remember this moment forever oh this will distract him all right let's get out of here everyone evacuate ah fire oh no wait he'll recognize me too despite my name being waiter i'm not going to wait her here anymore oh no he's recognizing me too why is no one leaving there's a fire alarm you have to leave now we have an emergency lockdown yeah i understand that but no one else does the fire evacuating the whole building look i've killed the two targets now i just need to go destroy the virus and we're done that's the guy i stole his clothes from hey buddy there we go now you can talk next to each other rather than screaming and disturbing the peace also i'm stealing your identity now i have his key i really like the climbing in this there's something really satisfying about it the people are done with you now they want to see me they they want to see me do stuff for a while so you you go away you go back and then i do my act all right go back i said go back oh what's this that was behind your ear it was all part of my trick holy oh my god anybody there man i thought you were jim picking sorry you look really like him are you not jim pickens oh no you're church staff okay well now i'm church staff why does he automatically hold knives this way he's not a very good hit man is he i guess lab technician works i can probably get into their lab with this probably a better idea than just going hey god told me i can come in oh this is a bit eerie i don't like this at all yeah i don't think this is for me actually i don't think i'll be hiding here okay i guess i can enter the sewer system a brick nice that's going up on the mantelpiece that's a memory for my holiday in italy sewage brick oh look it's mario yeah that's the mario noises he won't even see who killed him wow that was slick where'd luigi go might have to use a luigi board to contact him okay this just came out on the beach where i was terrorizing that mime earlier so i don't want to stick around here too long hey you'd want to cover up get your latex gloves on from the sun the sun is dangerous everybody psa the more you know i don't know if i'm like allowed in their compound as the scientist it says clear so i guess so i mean to be fair they're probably expecting a forensic analysis at this point so many people have died okay that's my way into the lab i just got to get through the literal castle i guess i'll just walk right in and see what happens it's worked so fast oh um shuffle delivery scientists coming through no they don't like this don't come any closer the shuffle gets it don't come in all right hey you i called your bluff what are you gonna do go for a headshot go for a headshot for taking a wrong turn jesus okay run run no no i didn't expect there to be more down here okay he's definitely dead you see what you made me do should have just left it at the shovel no one had to die here today except for the dozens i've already killed i think they went off looking for me i think i can just walk in now it always does work out doesn't it okay listen buddy i need to kill you there we go cannonball goes in and this is for tattling on me gardner i think i got him i think i've earned a fist bump i should get out of here immediately well i've been learning spanish with dulingo and i can tell you with great confidence this means people with five fingers may enter the gang's all here let's go okay wander in here like the scientist hey i love gravity and numbers and scientific equations and lab coats everyone's just like oh look it's a regular scientist hello yes good to see you okay the scientists are too smart so they'll know that i'm not a scientist because well i walk like this there's something a little bit off here that's right keep moving i'm gonna go this way i'm sneaking you see i'm trying to get around to see if i can get another disguise oh what's that hmm needs further study sorry i'm really tr oh my god i broke my experiment that's just about to say i'm trying to you know be a scientist hey oh no hey i'm also a scientist and i'd like to go this way idiots oh there's my save menu i was just looking into the void for a while there and it was to my right this whole time all right time for a quick assassination with the fiber wire huh don't worry you're about to be a whole lot more confused hold on just get in that sweet spot any second now sorry i'd like to give good service hey don't call me out on a bread mint what the hell i was only doing my job but now it's personal oh now there's someone passing hey remember friday hey yeah can't wait see you later come on the circle movement isn't working either come on maybe i should just go crazy like i was doing earlier that seemed to work all right fine if it has to be this way i try to make you painless but you made me do this oh oh no i don't know what's up with him dude doesn't seem like a scientist to me seemed a bit odd all right good that worked good thing i can always fall back on my amazing acting and he fell he said oh i feel slippy and he just fell over all right i'll go into the lab we got some lab stuff to do the vise thing is getting in my way a bit uh all right that's fine uh let me do some science stuff yourself oh oh oh no no no no no i'm blending it i'm oh why did i stop blending in i was so convinced on that microscope all right well you've caught me but you'd never start shooting when the virus is right there would you yes i knew you wouldn't this is one hide and seek you don't want to win wow that's definitely going in the video that was really cool oh he's like who could it have been it can't be the one guy in the room he's a scientist tell me what your role was in this mess i run the microscope die the armored dude oh that worked better than expected actually are you dying over there because you're being kind of weird oh you were dying okay sorry i didn't realize that you weren't fully dead okay i'm gonna turn this on whatever that is and then i'm gonna turn off the ventilation there we go it's like that britney spears song toxic or that britney spears song oops i did it again hey buddy i don't think you want to go in there somebody's in big trouble i'm going to take a look i don't know if you can solve this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't just limbo under my arm someone please help me why i'm just having a discussion with you know what i'm not talking to you you can't be reasoned with you're all about your science and your logic and you won't listen to any random idiotic spirals of conversation that i'm willing to have with you okay they think i'm suspicious um for some reason probably because i'm running around like this and well that's going on so i'm just gonna go i think playing play play play play oh no way oh no i didn't destroy it everyone is suspicious of me oh no they know it was me they know it was me um oh god everyone knows it was me they're all looking at me sorry i have unfinished business that i forgot to do oh god i'm getting poisoned ah okay i think i got it oh god oh my god this is insane all right quickly change into his clothes no one will be any of the wiser by the time they figure this whole thing out i'm gonna be gone i was wrong i was wrong i was wrong scientists helped me don't you have like a scientific oath where you need to you know protect idiots or something get in the boat ah smooth as butter wow that transition was pretty smooth like butter too so that's my experience in hitman vr in italy i really don't know how to feel about this because it is really janky the parts of it are really frustrating but here i am wanting to play more so let me know if you want to see more of this hitman weird vr experience thank you so much for watching and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 488,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, hitman vr, hitman 3 vr, hitman 3, virtual reality, hitman pc vr, vr funny moments, virtual reality funny, hitman in vr, funny hitman, hitman vr funny, hitman 3 funny, hitman vr game play, hitman 3 gameplay, pc vr
Id: EQo0TGpfxHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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