Elden Ring Is A Perfectly Balanced Game - Magic Is Very Broken

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chug that potion up there we go and yes dragon i'm now so much closer take this oh yes yes oh you don't like it on your belly do you boy yes great enemy failed by the mighty seymour clavage hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today welcome to the glorious world of eldon ring that's right it's a brand new release game and either you absolutely love this and think it's the greatest game of all time or you absolutely hate it with a burning passion there is no middle ground so what are we doing here today in this soul's leg game well we're going to be absolutely breaking it by balancing it out of the window by gaining runes out of thin air and even making ourselves immortal thanks to a whole bunch of overlooked gameplay design features it's going to be perfectly balanced and i can assure you that this will 100 not be the way in which developers intended anyone to play the game so without further ado make sure you sat back relax with a nice warm cup of tea in hand and if you feel especially fantastic you can even like the video now let's begin now today of course ladies and gentlemen we're going to be playing as an astrologer because uh well we just have to and of course we're going to have to detail our beautiful boy right i've made my beautiful boy um here he is ladies and gentlemen he's back it's seymour clavage ladies and gentlemen he is a um a fine specimen he's not actually human as you can tell by his eyes he is um he's pretty much an alien uh pretending to be a human which is why he's gone to play alden ring and my goodness my boy it's uh yeah it's perfect let's go oh god we can start the game oh it's beautiful right so our first exploit that we're gonna pull off is actually really easy you can do this right at the start of the game we're gonna skip through all of this lovely law because um you all know it it's it's fantasy sadness there you go that's literally this entire genre and here's our perfect boy oh we're just amazing oh yeah we got a little zappy thing we can do whoa look at that we can zappy and um we can pillage some remains you know it's time for us to open up and go outside and we'll bam here we go into the lovely wider world isn't this glorious we're the chapel of anticip now of course we can't just walk off the edge and die immediately uh but no instead we're gonna go and fight a boss ladies and gentlemen that's right there is a tutorial boss for you to fight now of course this is alden drink so of course you'd expect that it's gonna be an easy walk in the park no no no no no no it's from soft ladies and gentlemen they don't know what easy is consequently the first boss fight in the game you are not exactly expected to win however ladies and gentlemen fear not because this boss is actually the source of unlimited amazing power and the secret trick to defeating them without any challenge whatsoever ladies and gentlemen is being killed by them that's right ladies and gentlemen if you can't defeat your enemy the most logical way to defeat them is to just die to them so what we're gonna do is we're gonna walk into here trigger the boss fight and get ourselves murdered but just as we're getting murdered ladies and gentlemen i'm going to press alt f4 so what we're going to do is walk into this fight get killed by the boss and then just in the damage frame after us dying there's going to be a little bit of a quick fade to black in that section there we're gonna force crash the game by spamming alt f4 and what's going to happen is going to be very interesting we're going to come back before actually fighting the boss with a magically slightly different health count because as we currently can see we have maximum health that's wonderful and oh no it's the uh it's the boss now of course our odds of success here very slim so we're gonna just actually be um killed by them so i'm just gonna stand here and then i'm going to press alt f4 and there we go game crash now of course when you load back into the game you're gonna get this lovely message saying hang on a second the previous session didn't close very well we might have lost some data we're just gonna continue and load straight back in now of course the boss it did kill us okay it killed us uh we died very much dead at it but you'll notice we load straight back in and we're not actually where we should be now something very interesting has just happened we've just used the first boss in the game and of course use the fact we were defeated by it to gain unlimited power and what do i mean by that well i mean we are now in fact completely and utterly immortal that's right we can now no longer take damage this is due to a very unique uh gameplay feature whereby due to there being a temporary cutscene to make that certain fig's death slightly longer in that cutscene you are temporarily given immortality but by crashing yourself in that cutscene it is possible provided you get the timings right to make yourself temporarily immortal now i do not expect this to last in the game for more than about another five minutes but hey here we are and we're going to abuse the hell out of it with seymour clavash the um most attractive man that's ever existed oh boy now despite the fact that we do have technically now infinite health we are going to face a few issues issue number one our damage is going to be pathetic okay what's the point of having infinite health if you can't even murder a penguin so we need to improve our damage improve ourselves and eventually gain the ability to murder everyone so our quest is pretty simple we have to go and do a whole bunch of fun questy things but naturally this is a brand new open world source like game meaning playing the game in its set pathway is entirely optional and instead we can use skyrim laws where if you can see an object you can probably go to that object and at that object you'll probably find something that breaks the game now we need to get ourselves a horse as a horse is the true source of power in this game not a goat i'm afraid i'm sorry goat oh my goodness he's a beyblade he's so cool i love you now we need to head off on our next quest which is over in this direction where hopefully we are going to locate woman with horse now of course if we're wandering around in the countryside we'll see all of these lovely kinds of people but these lovely kinds of people ain't so friendly uh they are very grumpy and angry and they will without a doubt try and murder us excuse me please sir can you go away no sir please oh wait i forget i am an immortal and so consequently uh it actually doesn't matter that he hits me because i can just murder him ah easy peasy lemon squeezy because in my universe death is of course completely optional now of course enemies drop runes and runes are very useful because runes are going to allow us to actually start messing about and upgrading not only ourselves but also our weapons so in order to create magic napalm there are two items you're going to need item number one is an incredibly powerful late game spell that is the comet of azure now the comet of azure is probably the most powerful magic spell in the game full stop however it is of course limited by one very important and upsetting fact and that is that in order to use it you're going to be chugging for an absolutely astronomical quantity of mana or focus points as this game calls it now these focus points are expensive and limited so consequently we're going to combine it with a very super jazzy item to make them absolutely infinite now the game map is absolutely bloody huge and we're going to be slowly making our way right the way up here in order to um start walking over towards the item that we need but first uh it's horsey time so what we're gonna do is rest at this site just beneath the castle and this is going to grant us with our favorite brand new companion that's right it's a horsey but hey now that we have our spectral steed it's time for us to summon the boy and fantastic we now have our lovely horse and he's a lovely boy he can even double jump which is magical in order for us to actually use this boat we're going to need to level up a lot we need about 75 000 rooms instantaneously and luckily i've got the spot just for that okay now next up you want to make your way to the third church of murica or something anyway it's positioned over here on the map you can literally run to it from five seconds from spawning in on a horse and once you've made it here fantastic good job hop off your horse put down a little grace site and then we're gonna discover the joys of teleportation as if you go behind this church there's something very special tucked away that's right just over here in the corner you see the little blue lines guess what it's a teleporty beacon so that we can quickly travel over to a very end game location that's going to make us very powerful so you're just going to want to walk up to here examine and then press yes please do teleport me to another stupidly dangerous location now there are two exits to this area exit number one is of course the main route that giant bridge over there but be warned uh there be dragons and so naturally we can't fight dragons so we're not going to fight dragons we're instead going to be given free souls by taking the second and superior bridge so of course make sure to activate this grey site this is very important it's going to be our staging grounds although first we must travel over to the table of lost grace because there is a vendor there which we need to purchase an item from because in order to use this magical spell you're gonna need three memory slots now we'd likely start out with two of these bad boys but um a third is a necessity so you're just gonna run on down this corridor until we get over to the vendor and here they are we're going to talk to them and purchase ourselves the memory stone lovely well bam this is going to be mine for 3 000 runes it's going to be completely worth it so there we go free memory slots now we just need 60 intelligence in order to wield this bad boy so how far can we get our intelligence up there we go we get it up to 40 which is fantastic that's absolutely glorious that costs 78 000 runes though which is a stupidly large amount luckily for us there are a few unique ways you can gain runes one of them is simply by making your way over to this slopey hair now this slope is very special because uh basically a border's gonna drop on you and this boulder technically counts as an enemy and consequently it drops a lot of runes so in order to use it you're just gonna want to run against this wall make your way over to this edge have the boulder summon into you and then watch it walk off the cliff then it dies and you get 1 900 runes and you can repeat this indefinitely if you need runes you could just come to this spot walk up to the edge and have a boulder follow you off it really is as easy as that and every time you do it that's 2 000 runes ladies and gentlemen this is an urgent appeal every 60 seconds in eldon ring a boulder is needlessly rolled off a cliff to its death with your support we can stop this reckless rune farming pledge your support today by liking this video and showing that you don't support the needless massacre of boulders one day we'll save them from suffering thanks to your support now of course there's many many ways you can actually deal with the giant boulder here you could for example if you're a tanky build uh just quite simply tank the entire boulder to your face if you have a shield you will very easily survive alternatively if you have a horse which um all of you should do just run down the hill a bit run until you get to this point after the boulder spawns in and then just simply loop back on yourself and you can dodge it every single time and that's another 1 900 souls then all you have to do run up the hill run back down the hill and repeat it really is as easy as that anyway i'm going to be back in a little while once i've farmed enough souls to level myself up a few times six and a half hours later and here we have it ladies and gentlemen seymour clavage has changed even though he might not look like it he is still of course incredibly poor with only 11 000 runes but that is only because the boy has just spent so many runes leveling himself up to oblivion that's right i've just spent the last few hours of my real world life getting to level 58 in eldon ring by watching a boulder roll off a cliff do i feel like i've improved as a human being no but hey the next level up requires 20 000 runes and as we've hit you know intelligence of 60 uh we ain't getting those runes i do not want to go get those runes that is uh not worth it we are never leveling up again at all it's not worth it okay it's terrible idea so instead it's time for us to go get this stupidly overpowered spell and in order to do that we're sadly going to have to do a little bit of traveling i know moving across the map who could have believed it i tried to bypass the whole uh having to fight that boss in their thing by using a very complicated teleport by using the teleport beacon in the tower down here to actually teleport to you know the uh capital city near the end of the game alas that didn't work out very well i ended up just getting heated off of the map and uh technically dying so that means i'm now no longer immortal i can be killed that's not a good sign the death went a little bit like this that dude does not seem to be open to negotiation and he's just he to be off the map don't forget those souls back uh so that's why there are a whole bunch of runes over there in the distance and i do not think i'm going to be getting them back anyway in order to bypass that whole boss and the castle just simply walk down the end of the bridge here and then we're gonna make our way up along the side of this lovely cliff now of course be careful not to walk off the edge of the map but uh though that should probably be rather difficult to do this is a very easy pathway there's only a few little like cute little wombat creatures along here so just gently and safely make your way along this lovely little skip and there we go we've been making great progress and we've made it to learning of the lakes lovely lovely stuff so i can actually just get off my horsey here touch this glorious site of grace and we've just bypassed that entire section of the game so now where do we go well this is going to get complicated we're basically going to be aiming for around about here on the map we can't even see it but just know that we're heading in that vague direction anyway it's time for us to go on an absolutely catastrophically long journey as we've got one hell of an adventure to do one eternity later okay i did it it took quite a long while and probably a bit longer than i was expecting but i finally made my way to the location to get the most overpowered spell in the game it is right up here in the map and as you can see it's marked as the primeval sorcerer yes a slightly little bit of my beacon but this is the location of the best spell in the game and how do we get it well we quite simply have to walk up to this statue right here and talk to it then he will simply just literally lower his hand slightly and give us the comet of azure it really is as easy as that we don't even have to fight any of those enemies but you can very easily run past them in fact pretty much all of the boss is on the way here you can just simply walk around that's one of the downsides of having an open world game because you can just use the open world to avoid the game so we have our brand new spell now as you can see it's a pretty jazzy spell it's going to use a whole bunch of focus points but it's going to be completely worth it so we're going to assign it down and then we can actually try and give this bad boy a go in fact i think there's technically even a boss over there yes if i just walk around these basic minions here uh there is a boss right there that we're going to test out this brand new ability on so we're going to just quite simply cast the super saiyan beam of death and watch as it well you know does decent amounts of damage that did pretty good quantities of damage but it's not exactly going to be enough to actually kill a boss because we quite simply run out of mana wars casting it and whilst it does a huge amount of damage it is used up really really quickly so that means we need to get a little bit more creative with our usage of this spell so we have a really powerful spell that does a lot of damage but at a maximum we can only cast it twice and that's even using our potion but what if there's a way for us to be able to cast this spell infinitely and just simply never run out of mana well it's entirely possible as you see there is one magical thing that exists in this game the cerulean hidden tear ladies and gentlemen it's fantastic it's a very little type of crystal tear that eliminates all focus point consumption in mixed psychic spells now naturally that means you chug one of these bad boys and for 10 seconds you can cast as much bloody magic as you like and no one's going to be able to stop you so we're going to get our hands on one of these bad boys okay welcome back ladies and gentlemen i have finally found the item i was looking for that's right it is none other than the amazing legendary and absolutely glorious cerulean hidden tear now this item is very very jazzy you can mix it into a psychic potion which of course you can consume launch and then regenerated every single bonfire but what this item does is it eliminates all focus point consumption for around about 10 seconds this means that the giant comet spell which drains our focus points incredibly quickly will now not drain our focus points at all and then i also decided to pick up this very jazzy item the magic shrouding cracks tear this temporarily boosts magic attacks so by combining the two of them we're going to be able to create a potion which is going to turn our magic capabilities into that of a literal god of course in order to get the hidden cerulean tear you have to get to this minor l tree which is um yeah way up here you basically have to climb this mountain here then dodge the boss on top of the mountain jumping down here looping all the way down here and then you have to yoink it from this tree the other crank tear that boosts our psychic attack well that is found next to this earth tree here and it's really easy to get because you can just unlock the boss that has it so now that we have those two items let's fast travel over to um some kind of big bossy boy and uh see if we can defeat him because i'm now feeling relatively confident in my own abilities so we're gonna rest at this campsite and we're going to mix a wondrous psychic together the cerulean hidden tear combined with the magic shrouding cracked tear and there we have it now that it's mixed together we have a lovely little flask down here which is a combination of all of these items and is consequently a flask of unlimited power but of course in order to truly show off our abilities it's time for us to make our way up to that bridge as we're going to go vaporize a dragon now remember ladies and gentlemen i haven't upgraded any of the items i'm using i'm using a terrible staff that hasn't even been upgraded my character is just 60 intelligence he doesn't really have any focus points he's really really quite weak oh and also pretty much anything is going to murder us all it takes is one wrong move and pretty much any boss in this game has the ability to evaporate me which is why luckily we just get to dodge everything thank goodness for open world design so there's our lovely dragon on a bridge he's looking really spooky and powerful and oh my goodness very very jazzy you wouldn't want to fight someone like him however that's exactly what we're going to do so ladies and gentlemen it's time for us to fight a dragon the legendary seymour clavage greatest warrior this universe has ever seen yes it is time let's go seymour you punch her a hole through that dragon yes my boy go my boy keep it up no my horse oh dear we are so much of a glass cannon i guess we need a better magic staff because evidently this stuff is not doing anywhere near enough damage probably because it is a starting item okay and i also haven't upgraded it at all so let's go find a better stuff before we go and murder a dragon on a bridge although i will say it is kind of amazing that we're able to do that much damage to a dragon in that short period of time but hey that's just the power of friendship and beauty and um also we're kind of like a weird alien monster a few moments later okay ladies and gentlemen this is it seymour clavash is ready to rumble what on earth have we got well i decided to get a brand new stuff ladies and gentlemen this right here is a digger's stuff which i found in a cave system on some kind of weird minded goblin boy what this thing does is it boosts any stone digger sorcery now the comet of azure actually classes as that type of sorcery so it gets boosted then also i've upgraded this item so that it is plus eight because lo and behold turns out smithing stones real easy to come by as they're pretty much all found on random corpses strewn across the map so this is now a plus eight diggers staff this item is ready to rumble now with these items ladies and gentlemen we are ready we are ready to take on any foe the game throws at us and pretty much one hit them so naturally i'm making my way all the way up to this huge bird boy who is just you know vibing there and we're going to give him a rude awakening by blasting him in the back of the head with this giant amazing spell so without further ado ladies and gentlemen let's see what you've got friend right chug my potion and let's begin magicky time away yes okay you've got less time to react to this one and oh yes you're on really low health my boy don't you dare come with me don't you dare take a little bit more yes oh that's bird boy down oh take that bird boy take that ah we get a giant blade as well as a huge howl bird lovely stuff as well as a bajillion souls oh it's fantastic we've ascended to godhood and best of all that potion ladies and gentlemen sure we only have one of them but in order to get another one all we have to do is go back to a rest site and simply have a nap so we can just run down the hill from this bad boy we can make our way to this lovely rest site rest at it and restock all of our lovely potions then hop back on our horse and go blow up a dragon this is the skill of seymour klavajash hello there giant bridge dragon my friend i don't care that you're probably designed to survive against what i'm about to do because i'm one magical boy and so are you okay i need to kill that dragon whilst he's facing the other way otherwise um it ain't gonna work out too well for us all right there we go let's get closer chug that potion chug that potion up there we go and yes dragon i'm now so much closer take this oh yes yes oh you don't like it on your belly do you boy yes great enemy failed by the mighty seymour in the most perfectly balanced and fair way possible of course yes of course but i guess these enemies are actually meant to be rather high levels but i should probably fight something that actually makes logical sense in the storyline like you know the dude who guards the front of the castle so uh i suppose yet i'll try punching him in the face next let's see how well our giant laser beam does against that dude i don't know how much hp he's got maybe he's got a lot i know i haven't got pretty much any hp so if anything this is probably a fair fight and i'm 99 certain the boss is about to spawn in here just due to the fact that well there's a campfire back there so um yes i'm about to be attacked oh in a cut scene i love cutscene boss fights oh this dude looks a bit funky oh very funky i do believe he wants to murder us ladies and gentlemen i am relatively certain that is his plan so here's the big boy he is looking mighty powerful but luckily for us he is going to pretty much miss all of these attacks once we dodge roll around right and then if you want to just slowly walk your way over to me that would be fantastic as um oh dear uh seymour i i do believe so you're a little bit too powerful for the uh region of the game we are frequenting today oh dear oh dear well um that's that's pretty fun we seem to be um round about the power level i was hoping to be yep now we can start the uh the main story i guess yes is there a story i'm pretty sure this game has a story get elden ring wear elden ring be pretty cool something something something and there we have it ladies and gentlemen that's how to perfectly balance eldon ring and slightly break the game's intended design by becoming an overpowered near-immortal god that has a spell that just evaporates mata from this point on we could play the game relatively normally clear out the zones even do some of the quests and then by the time we reach the amazing final boss in the game we would probably be able to just immediately two hit them so why not give it a try yourself although i strongly recommend you don't do it with your first character voice your experience of this game is going to be completely out of whack you probably shouldn't exploit on the first run but that's not because this game is somehow divinely balanced or anything trust me some builds are way better than others it's mostly just that the suffering of this game is what makes it fun anyway as always thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed today's video then make sure to give it a like and why not hop on down in the comment section and tell me which game you'd like to see me exploit and break next and you can even subscribe to see more videos like this and get notified the next time i break another glorious game we've got some very jazzy exploits coming up in the next few weeks so why not even turn on the bell button anyway as always thank you very much to each and every one of our amazing patrons and youtube channel members whose generous donations fantastically bankroll this channel and hey if you're sad they're wondering what video to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 2,951,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, elden ring, elden ring rune farm, elden ring overpowered, overpowered, the spiffing brit, elden ring is a perfectly balanced game, magic is very broken, is broken, eldenring, eldenring farm, rune farm, rune exploit, elden ring glitch, glitch, video game, exploit, elden ring gameplay, elden ring guide, elden ring rune exploit, elden ring magic, magic build, overpowered magic, overpowered elden ring, elden ring exploit, game exploit, overpowered builds, funny
Id: GwBc0ixfbzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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