I went to war in VR and this happened

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charge your vr headset and get ready for some medal of honor above and beyond it's so over the top this video is sponsored by oculus as well as medal of honor above and beyond we're going to be playing some medal of honor above and beyond on the oculus quest 2. fantastic vr system only takes a few minutes to set up and play no lighthouses or anything like that the sensors built into the headset fantastic resolution and very very cost effective when it comes to vr there's a link in the description if you want to check out the oculus quest 2 for yourself but yeah we're going to jump in and play some medal of honor the game looks amazing honestly it looks so wacky and i just really really love games that kind of don't limit you in what you can do and let you kind of mess around a little bit and this looks like one of them so uh yeah let's jump in and play let's swap out my hat for a vr headset oh god we're jumping right into this i can't believe you came back for us you saved our lives no problem it was a pleasure how do you feel ah not good hold on let me reset my view it's terrifying uh watch out there's a bad guy giving him a thumbs up are you guys going to do anything or oh my god he is in shock oh sorry guys this is why i shouldn't have been drafted i don't think a lieutenant can talk you're right harry i can't but i'm ready this time to shoot the bad guy that'll appear over there i'm ready with my finger guns oh here he comes all right hold on one second hold on hold on oh god oh my leg oh yeah the german there we go got him no problem sorry oh my god that move looks bad where am i wounded i seem fine i think i'm faking right quick drop oh i can't get them both oh thank you i gave him a little thumbs up there at the end all right let's do this for real otherwise i'm never gonna pass the intro all right here i go i'm gonna i'm gonna kill him blind this is gonna super impress them make that 12. yeah that's right they're giving them the finger guns oh i'm good at what i do aren't i wait what are you shooting at where did he come from don't point that at me i'm sorry i'm sorry for shooting you i surrender please don't hurt me stop it dude you're scaring me oh my god are you gonna operate on me oh my god this is so cool i'm ready operate let me unbutton can you do something about you know my my brain i think i have some problems look i'm like a t-rex i got little arms wait give us a thumbs up down to proceed uh i understand lieutenant what did i just say no to if the credits roll i'm gonna be angry i think i just quit to the main menu yeah i think that was just like do you want to be a hero do you want to go to the main menu and i said i want to go to the main menu by giving him a thumbs down okay i'm back i've changed my mind look he's nominated you for the medal of honor what you did dude fist bump honestly that is such a brutal move i know you leave me hanging all right you ruined our rapport just like that oh this is the one i didn't pay attention to oh yes i'd love to yep it just doesn't say a word that's the application process just yeah i'd like to welcome to the oss sir yes sir i'm ready to fight well not now but like soon oh immediately just going for the gun ah i know you're having some trouble speaking after what happened in tunisia so let's just use hand gestures eh sounds good interactive exam or skip the firing range i think i want an exam actually i'm curious can i pick up this gun to do my exam i can hit the check boxes by shooting them are you left or right handed i'm right-handed as in the right hand which is left i'm left-handed doctor which is right yeah left is the right answer he's just like i think we should just put him to sleep splendid now ah the one guy i can't kill on to the next question doc these are great questions and all but i just wanted to clarify with you i can't feel my legs like there's nothing going on down there should i be worried this is honestly a really cool way of setting up vr but i'm gonna skip my checkup like any stubborn irishman i refuse to speak to a doctor everything will work out good luck and tallyho tallyho to you too doc i'm ready for a firing range i just got a pop-up saying that i got a clean bill of health i just went in and said i'm right-handed and then left oh potato i just smashed wine for no reason oh i bet i could juggle in this game hold on [Music] it was a good try i can hear lots of people having fun let me find the people who are having fun can i use your gun sir jesus christ man careful with that now now i know what it feels like to be on the other side of that let me check if that's loaded for you uh yeah i think you're good okay they're carefully aimed oh just slight miss there we go now i'm getting good i'm practicing for a maneuver i call the human shield i'll be using this a lot i think [Music] i love it too but you know why it's for the ping it makes watch this yeah you hear that he loves the ping too now grab a new garand clip oh i thought he was handing it to me okay sorry i thought he was being nice pretend to hurt yourself by smashing your hand on these rusty nails pretend to hurt yourself rusty nails what is this oh i don't like this all right fine oh i didn't like that now comes the fun part this is the fun part is it okay straight into the eye i want to get out of service i'm just going to keep doing this until you discharge me okay it turns out you can't die from it but i tried my best now comes the fun part there we go all better this seems like a horrible idea but i just keep going i'm gonna end up being like a super soldier like captain america or something okay i'm ready doc i'm ready to fight pick up an american grenade to pull the pit lieutenant oh yeah forgot that pat now pull a grenade off your chest oh that was pretty close what's this are these targets or people should i try and shoot them oh they are targets this guy's like my god what have you done a scoped weapon oh my god i'm so nervous i missed him all right you live to see another day oh syringes seriously discharge me oh my god chaos i just love that this game like allows you to do what you want that's the best part of vr games games that are just like you can do whatever the hell you want oh god where are we going now i'm 16. you're 16. he probably shouldn't be here i have every right to be here he probably is more right to be here than me to be fair i killed like seven people in training alone but he shouldn't be here he's too young they destroyed my home they burned my entire life to the ground all right harry you're in okay that's fine i i won't oppose you anymore don't don't use your magic on me he's a bit worried pretty sure the lieutenant isn't gonna say anything because i can't i have some vocal cord injury from getting shot at tunisia i won't disappoint you oh you've already disappointed me but don't look at me i'm the king of disappointment so don't judge him in the air buddy all right gentlemen and milady what's the plan we're attacking lighthouses it's about time they do no good for us they're trouble i tell you they're up to something look at it it just sits there menacingly oh you want to kill a person okay her first then the lighthouse started to sound like a person who plays random lobbies among us okay first vote out here then lighthouses oh i can pick up the lighthouse this game's [ __ ] brilliant i'm telling you oh my god that is a bouncy lighthouse dismissed wait he just said dismissed i wasn't really paying attention do you mean i'm dismissed from like the whole army because i understand good evening i'm the lighthouse man from before remember do you remember me sorry i don't really know anything about personal space i'm just trying my best to get dismissed honestly just by being the most flawed human to ever exist what's this well oh oh that is so cool i can go that is amazing this one's cool too everyone in there i hope this is sound proof if your knife ever gets oh i wanted the knife i found the lighthouse again the knife can be twirled and tossed between hands wait it can be twirled and tossed between hands oh oh i'm good at this okay i'm taking the knife for sure i would like the knife you've sold me lever action repeater oh yes i feel like a cowboy with this this is mine apparently it's a family heirloom family heirloom well it's mine now what's this type with explosives uh is a small bomb oh my god that was way too close am i pointing this the right way or hold on oh that is cool i want that too i want everything oh my god this is awesome i'm so glad these people were drafted to be targets it really really prepares you for what's to come i appreciate that you dressed them up as germans too keep walking and almost there almost there you going oh my god i'm having so much fun and i've not even gone to war yet live fire gauntlet continue campaign i'll continue the campaign i've got this glow of red you have any syringes for me to use just just to feel a little better i just need my fix oh what is this i found cool thing oh it's not hooked up oh wait it's for the light okay at least i know how to use it now oh i found a lighter awesome i love fire okay i'm ready i'm ready for the campaign let's do this oh just the boys huh out on a trip on the open sea oh i swallowed the enemy gentlemen take him out keep an eye on the lighthouse yeah i'm watching it if it moves i'm taking it out ah it's attacking it oh wait we've won yes america they must be so pissed off with me it was worth it to take out the lighthouse serge oh no oh no no i don't want to inject myself yet die you will never build this lighthouse again i'll stay here till the end of time if i have to i found a joke to fight with oh my god take that germans that's right i'm a super soldier i've injected myself like 20 times you will never beat me okay you beat me oh my god this game is amazing wait did someone just order americano uncommon they'd be terrified you went to the americano did you there you go or was it you sir all right you damn germans i don't know what the accent is but for once i'm prepared in a game because i spent far too long at the shooting range firing at my comrades oh god oh god i need a boost hold on [Music] okay i'm ready oh my god they have some good shots they must have shot at their teammates a lot too is there someone out here i think there is yeah there is hold on i'll be right with you did i get you oh my god you're strong oh no hold on hold on hold on no no i don't want to die i don't want to die oh you are sneaky wait oh god i've got no ammo goddamn hold up all right there we go oh no i shouldn't be just throwing away ammo like that i think we're good are we i don't see any germans or lighthouses in sight great job lieutenant thank you and the lighthouse is gone too the nose says the nazis have a codebook in there okay i'll look for some codes oh there were smelly weapons i could have used oh god i can't read it's not the fact that it's in german i'm just like i can't read secret bass okay well luckily we had someone on the team who could figure out those weird symbols all right i'm hoping that says something about their their hideout or something as i said i can't read but hopefully they figured out those codes from that book you look so sad sarge what's wrong what's the matter with you is it the war that's got you down sarge is that it i understand it's been hard on all of us serge has anyone to eat those potatoes by the way okay we can't all right that's fine i just said i'd ask like i didn't want him to go to waste why are you all staring at me why are you waiting for me to make decisions oh this is so uncomfortable i'm sorry but do i have my gun no i'll for six stop looking at me i'm anxious would you stop take increase in radio traffic i saw you looking there you were staring at me until i looked at you and then he looked away is he a high-ranking german worse he's french oh no oh sorry i'm not really up to speed on your uh cultural norms this man is depravity incarnate what was on that picture he looks like he's a ptsd from whatever he saw in that picture he's going to come out of this without war flashbacks he's just going to get picture flashbacks to that thing dude he looks so uncomfortable okay this is our ambush but i need to clear the checkpoint um can i come up behind them and like karate chop them both or something oh please explode oh my god he kicked it away he's one step ahead oh my god that was just a disaster ah and that could not have gone worse all right precision this time i missed missed again got him got him there we go oh oh no they're really good back in business not quite okay so far so good i don't know why i attacked them without any cover but there you go it's me in a nutshell not thinking great work lieutenant we're on our way okay well let's start that wasn't too bad there wasn't many of them it was just tough but i kind of like that what are we playing guys character song what is this game is it your own creation it better not be stacked in your favor or i got this little fella i'll end the game pretty quick oh okay that's fine anyway back to the game monopoly kind of game is it let me win hand over the dark blue squares all right all right you win you win where do you want the dynamite me i'll hold the dynamite oh i have to decide where to put it the bridge of course excellent choice it is his name will blow up the bridge the supply line will be ruined before we know it the whole town will be out of supplies of board games and this will be the only option place ollie oh this is you hold on i'm going to place you over here i'm on it yeah good luck uh juliet you're gonna go right here you're gonna be like right next to the bomb you're gonna stop him you're gonna be the damsel in distress standing in the middle of the road sergeant you're gonna look into fixing this tractor i'm thinking we fix up this farm start little ranch and uh go from there wait i just realized that's the tractor where did he run to all right you know what i'm gonna put you on the bridge we're gonna explode there you go good work thank you very much okay see ya off you go all right she's where i told her he's by the tractor ollie's off in the woodlands somewhere very good everyone you listen to me trust me when i say that's a big mistake all right i got my grenade how did you hear that did i do it i think i did it was that little old me of course i picked the treehouse from my own place wait oh that's my teammate i think sorry sorry but yeah of course i picked the treehouse for myself it looks amazing up here convoy defeated good job everyone the americans are here oh my god how many bottles did you have in there dude you're not supposed to be here you're supposed to be way up in the mountains get out of here dude it's okay we're playing good cop bad cop i'm the good cop believe it or not so be careful with these people he doesn't know anything see this buddy it's a truth serum it doesn't work as intended god damn it our scientists are so stupid oh i just injected myself i'm just so stupid i'm sorry i just i try my best sometimes but it doesn't always work out and honestly it makes me feel a little bad oh god this truth serum did work after all oh he wanted another drink uh are we sure this guy's german and not irish train sabotage we're gonna blow up a train oh i want that lever action rifle now it would have been so cool we would have been like cowboys i need to look like i bravely escaped oh i'll punch you can i do it oh my god you look terrified dude absolutely terrified that is so scary when i go that close all right you ready i'm gonna wha what oh i didn't get to punch him i gave him a little tap i gave him a little tickle on the cheek okay let's fall back i wanna see i wanna see the explosion too late oh god oh okay all right nothing to see here everyone good lord okay now let's see everyone just go back to your houses do you think anyone heard us okay now we gotta defeat the surviving nazis how the hell would they survive that anyway let's go you all dead in this train car yeah he's dead none of you better be faking you all better be actually dead what's this what were you reading propaganda i'll keep that for later i found you i knew there'd be some of you cowering back here you know why because that's what i'd be doing to get some cowards you got to think like a coward and that is very easy for me oh dear oh dear oh dear uh oh no there destroy the scout tank wait where's the scout tank oh jesus the scout tank found me oh this is the thing that raced ahead earlier i was confused oh god please hit i think i missed oh jesus did i get it oh jesus hey john did i get it yes just in time oh my god oh hit me direct on the only thing that will get through i got it oh that was a hell of a shot do i need to get another one oh god damn it okay that was close i can do it this time is that a hat could i wear this hat i'm wearing the hat okay now i'm safe okay in between shots did i get it great shot thank oh you i don't know if i have more hits i think i've won excellent job yes we did it yes america i am that liability but you know what i think i'll give myself a promotion can i take off the hat okay how do i take off the hat i want a new hat i've earned this yes now i'm the train driver hey guys i really threw a spanner into the mix there didn't i just a little war humor you see my hat by the way i promoted myself oh i see someone else punched you in the meantime probably a good idea since i just gave him a little tickle we need more resistance members but that's much easier said than done i know who we could get what don't say me they're crazy oh god they are talking about me aren't they the vino brothers the pinot brothers wait the vino brothers okay they're not talking about me all right well if you're gonna use the vino brothers and you're not making me the center of attention i'm leaving i just leave the country good day to you all right that's it i'm out i'm out of the army i hope you enjoyed the video i know i did a really really fun game has my seal of approval thank you again oculus for the sponsor genuinely love the headset i didn't use any other vr headset after i got my quest and i still have two other ones but since i got this this is my one of choice for sure i highly recommend it thank you so much oculus for the sponsor link in the description if you want to check out the headset and that's about it folks thank you very much for watching i hope you enjoyed and i hope to see you next time bye for now shout out to patreon specter j mintz petka spitfire stay gold sean stone angel stone bloomer tammy jack taran ashford tame michelle the drunk norwegian the king of leaders time lords timothy titan splice tober the fairy man tracy meadows trevor bruce trey gonzolin tyler [ __ ] tight eye the super guy out tania bob under cryptid whitney white cath will dixon a really zack powell zave zero bunch snickers zombie one kenobi and vanilla
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 708,291
Rating: 4.9717493 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, medal of honor, medal of honor vr, medal of honor above and beyond, medal of honor gameplay, medal of honor: above and beyond, medal of honor vr gameplay, medal of honor above and beyond vr, medal of honor above and beyond gameplay, medal of honor 2020, medal of honor vr trailer, medal of honor recipients, medal of honor single player, the medal of honor, moh vr, callmekevin medal of honor
Id: 2yCq5j46M48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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