Hikaru vs. Gotham: FOG OF WAR Chess Variant

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a lot of you have been enjoying some of my rating  climb videos that i've been doing but this past   week hikaru and i played the new variant fog  of war on chess.com the rest of this video is   going to be us playing it but i figured i would  give you a little bit of an intro in fog of war   you only see squares that are available for your  piece's vision and if your pawns can go forward   so a square will appear visible if a pawn can  move to it so for example look at this move   now my queen sees this way my bishop sees this  way often times you are not seeing lots of squares   until the opponent's pieces come into your  line of sight and then you can potentially   take them so you've got to be very careful about  positioning your pieces anyway enjoy the video   and hope you enjoy the games let me know in  the comments what your favorite variant is you guys are just getting here this is fog of  war variant so it's uh when you can only see   squares that your pieces visualize everything  else this again man now you you pranking me don't go here okay okay so i mean because i already have a  lot of information based on what you did   no yeah because you you get you get you gave  away what you gave away what it was because   you said not this again so you gave away like  what your first move was so like i already have   like complete information i just don't know  what your last move is maybe i'm like 12 head okay we played what nine moves so you  played one that one two three four   five six seven eight okay so you already  castled okay i don't actually i think   castling is like a social construct i don't  i don't really partake in such peasantries oh you played that way really lovely really  yeah i'm creative so you went back to d5   you went the other way okay whatever dude  i'm coming for you i'm coming for you levy that's that's what i thought levy  be afraid be very afraid oh my god oh that was stupid of course you  you played h4h5 that was just dumb   damn should have played  knight f8 instead of rook h4   uh that was not a smart gamble levi you're  giving away too much information you you   well i'm completely lost already it's uh yeah  because you gave away information like at the   start you gave away too much information you said  like you said you're doing this again like and   then you're like like you're you're pranking me  so it's obvious what you're for that your first   move was knight f6 that you played knight f6  e6 knight c6 because that's how i always set up   but but then you played g6 which was bad because  then you gave me the whole attack on the king side like and then you said you should have gone  knight f8 which i actually was losing anyway   just to be clear but you didn't know it was losing  why because night age 7 right well i mean do you   know i'll tell i'll tell you like i know exactly  well i don't know exactly where your pieces are   but i'm almost certain i do yeah this is the only  thing that i can do now we'll see now we'll see   like i mean i can i can i can have fun here let's  see do i have fun here i i'm kind of curious if   i'm right arm wrong here i either lose the game  or just check checkmate after your next move   so i'm kind of curious no i think  i think you i think you know oh there's no mate that's really funny okay  so it's mate but like i it's not even there's   no checks so it's mate but i have a free turn  and then like i'll go okay okay yeah and then   yeah yeah i got scared there for a second so i  thought i i knew your queen was on e7 or d8 i   just didn't know where which one it was but yeah  see levy you you get uh that's what it's shift   alt f right okay yeah yeah you get like you gave  away too much information because at the start   when i played d5 you said i'm pranking you so i  knew for sure that like you had a knight on f6   and then you didn't take with the you didn't take  the d-pawn so i knew you took with the f pawn   okay yeah that's yeah that's g6 which was terrible  because like i knew for sure what your setup was   which is why i decided to just attack you right  away like now you see the whole board right   yeah like now what i did makes perfect  sense because i knew exactly what you did   oh you put that knight on d5 oh i miss oh  i miss evaluated where you put the knight   though i thought you put that knight  on e8 and you you put the other knight   on d5 oh i actually got it wrong then but  i played h4 well see when you played oh no   oh yeah i didn't know you had a bishop on  d3 yeah yeah that's exactly the problem yeah knight f8 bishop h7 is still winning wow yeah  you just you give away too much info well now that   i've been discovered i have to play a different  opening okay let's try again i want to i want   to okay one last game i'm gonna play something  totally different okay and what do i play though all right here we go you know what i do like about this levy is  that like i can't get information like if   i try to get information by pushing the pawn  forward it just makes the move i can't like   randomly try to get information well  flank pawn pushes is what i what i   uh referred to like a4 h4 but  sometimes yeah obviously i keep castle um gotta play non-standard  ways that's it okay so now um i think very solidly i i just  i don't know what you have no one knows i don't even know what i have this is worth the information is it worth   it for the information that's  what i'm trying to figure out all right well i i know what you're thinking   i think it is worth the information i'm gonna  pretend to look at the ceiling and calculate stuff or should i just play to  confuse you later confused make a tournament with this  variant just with grandmasters okay hmm this is fascinating oh i was i can't play that  strategy in that situation oh but you have no idea   where my stuff is i can't play that strat  if i'm gonna if i'm gonna put it there   because then i lose the vision okay  so so it actually was a mistake hey let's go see in levy you gave away way too much  information there because now like what what   well no you're still in the game but you gave  away a lot of information there with that move   i'm not the imposter so i was an admin  hikaru i don't know what you're talking about this is risky too though i think i have a  pretty good idea where your pieces are though   all right wait what oh you  put it over there really wait what hot sauce i think i know where your pieces are now it's only a question of where that one  pawn is i don't know which square it's   on but i know you have a pawn on  one square that's what i'm missing so funny because i like know nothing  i just don't know which square that   pawn is on that's the only thing  that i'm not sure more or less that's a big question what square is that pawn on i'm gonna take a gamble and hope i'm not wrong i'm wrong yeah yeah wait but why  gamble you just be because like be i mean the reason i the reason because i  because if i'm right then i can reach an end   game and i know that i'm winning that that's why i  i would i if you didn't have the rooks doubled on   the file i win the game i think but it's based on  where based on where your bishop is i think in the   in the endgame solidity is always going to win  because like there i mean there's no way to like   uh wait i can't go oh you can see that  oh i didn't realize you can see that your pawns only see diagonally  when there's something to capture   otherwise it's a dark square wait  what how is this not possible what hey oh yeah well i hung that yeah  no i mean the the thing is like   when you um like when you when i played  rook d8 i knew i knew exactly where your   pieces were like i i i was h3 not h4 like i knew  exactly where your pieces were i just didn't know   if you had doubled the rooks or not in the d  files so i thought if i could trade the rooks   i would be able to win because i i had the two on  one on the queen side that's why i played rook d8   yeah yeah but like i mean that's why i never  play moves like rook d8 because i just like   you need to be 100 like i would have played  bishop e7 before i played rook d8 just because   you did you never know like i lost the end game  like that yesterday i just but it's but it's a 50   50. i'd rather play a 50 50. i mean because like i  said like i literally like when when we reach this   position after bishop a3 i i mean you can watch  the vod but i knew where every one of your pieces   was except for the h1 i wasn't sure it was on  h3h4 that was the only thing that i wasn't sure of   so i you knew i had a pawn on g4 because when  i played g4 you saw it with the knight on f6   yeah and and i saw the rest of your so so  basically when i played the reason that i   knew was because when i played queen  d1 i saw your knight and i saw your   pawn you're rooking your king so when we  traded the queens i saw four-year pieces   and then then when you played 95 and i took i  saw your knight on a4 and when you took on e5   i knew it was not a pawn that you captured with  because it was a pawn you would have taken my   knight on it would have taken the knight on  f6 with the pawn and hit the bishop on e7   ah so when i that's why when you took my queen  you said it was a mistake and i should have   taken i should have taken your queen because  then i would have gotten vision of six pieces   one two three four yeah you would have gotten  more yeah you would have gotten more info   like it doesn't matter objectively but yeah i  think actually it's probably a mistake in a way   is the is the variance of the game within three  moves or four moves like does it matter like for   example if i know where five of your pieces are  but then five moves you just shuffle around like   one square you can really change  your position i'll have no idea   that's true that actually that would have  made more sense yeah yeah i don't i don't know   okay but now that it's one one we have to play a  tie breaker and then you know i i made a mistake   though i realized because rookie one actually  is completely the correct move not not because   it's not not because it's the best in the position  but because you just support your rook so actually   rook d1 is a very logical move so i should  have actually suspected that you would do that   because then i can never play rook d8 and win your  rook it's just a good guarding move in fog war   oh yeah and it gives you no info  it just gives you no info like   i see your pawn on a5 and g7 in that position  but of course i'm not going to take them because   i'm assuming yeah yeah i  should have been expecting that   so i mean like also if i know  you're well oh yeah yeah so   i should know at this point that the b5 square is  an outpost from my rook because i know you have a   pawn on a5 and i think i already know that the  c6 pawn moved but uh did cease i played c takes   d5 so i know that you had c6 e6 but i don't  know if you ever move the c pawn i don't think well oh you don't oh that's true i guess you don't  actually know that you could have played ed5 and   then that's that's actually true right uh no no no  i do know because then if i had played you took on   d5 right before i got there so i would have known  i would have known because oh that's true that's   true yeah mm-hmm right because your problem would  have seen the vision of it yeah because you played   d4 de-3 so your d-pawn already moved and then  you took on d5 again so i know you don't okay   yeah okay well there there you go so but i  can't track all that in in 3-2 so yeah all right oh by the way you also missed rook takes king what when you when i hung my  rook on d8 the king was on g8   no you moved it not for one move i did not i hung my king removed oh oh okay well i'm trash that's nothing new let's go huh trying some cool stuff this game that  my moves aren't registering there we i go the info i think i already know your info  though so i don't think it's worth it to jettison i don't usually played eight moves one two   one two three four five five of eight so i just  figure out what your other three moves were let's go for it what are your other three  moves it doesn't make any sense   like an audience member on the  set of blues clues right now oh you did that what oh okay why did you do that   okay so that's once and the only question  is where's your bishop where's your bishop i'm just making arrows so that my chat understands  where i think your your bishop is but we'll see log of wars like blindfold chess but less  easy pieces i mean yeah you don't know where   your opponent's moving and you don't have the  notation that's the difference right exactly i think this is my favorite one so far for sure  well it's the most creative thinking so it's uh i   well i actually i also like um what  was the other one pawn sideways   or yeah pawn sideways i really like too okay oh that was a mistake i  should have gotten more info   that was a bad move yeah but that's kind  of like the benefit of this game is like oh i was wrong oh that's why i  should that's why i blundered   yeah that was my mistake i  should not have done that so where is everything yeah see i i that was that was terrible   yeah i didn't get the info that's why i should  have done this before i didn't get the info yeah no i think you're just gambling too much no  no i i i know exactly what i did wrong i played   the wrong piece to f5 that was my mistake i played  the wrong one because i didn't have the info   uh it says i disconnected so  that's good it's connected too okay nice sit here do a refresh do we  refresh or not i don't know don't don't refresh hikaru don't do not  refresh i repeat do not refresh oh okay   okay i just got absolutely oh man okay  well it's on my internet so i'm just it's a sad note to end on that's such a nice position are you sure you did  at the end i'm not sure you did actually i was   gonna i was about to play rook takes g3 yeah and  then i go queen takes h4 and your rook is pinned so i would have had my pawn disappear and then i  would have defended uh i would have defended my   rook i don't know i don't know what you had but  but aren't you down three pieces at that point   but your king is gonna get checkmated well my king  he had plans for bishop too i think which bishop   you're light square bishop no he's on if i don't  even remember e4 we'll just continue the game like   this that's what we'll do we'll just blindfold  fog of war you know what yeah it's really funny   what happened on my stream by the way the game  didn't end oh it's back it's back oh lovely okay   okay well at least we spoiled  two moves for each other oh man you weren't joking you were not joking oh man okay damn all right   this is tense how many pieces do you have left  the queen of rook do you have a night left a dark squared bishop no i  took the dark squared bishop don't shake it we'll take it it's covered okay  you can take that that that you could take and oh it doesn't oh it doesn't show the vision  for the check oh when you're in check the ah   it doesn't show the vision okay i got i i i wasn't  sure if i cuz like since i didn't see the vision   for queen eight shack that's why i just took  the rook that was that queen eight was winning   anyway of course but no yeah that's what i that's  what i assume you know what i i gotta tell i i   think castling the king is just a mistake like  i think you have to wait a long time to castle   um yeah so you know but my mistake was that i  didn't put the bishop on f5 that was exactly my   mistake on move 14 because if i put the bishop on  f5 i would have known you had a knight or you had   a bishop on e4 that that's that was my mistake  uh yeah yeah yeah like i was gonna go bishop f5   and then i played knight f5 and nine to five is  actually a good move in regular chess i think   but no actually even instead of pawn f5 you  could go bishop f5 right no no but i'm saying   when i went f4 i saw something on e4 or i saw  the square highlighter or something when you   after f4 right you knew i put something on  e4 yeah so that's what i knew it had to be a   knight or a bishop based on the opening yeah and  that's why i should have gone bishop f5 because   then i would have known what it was but whereas  when i went knight f5 like i don't actually i   don't get any information so like i have no idea  what's going on when you put when you play rook g1   because like i thought it was a knight  i didn't think it was a bishop but   regardless of what it is like like if i  think it's a knight here i don't actually   know if g3 is hanging or not like  you played rook g1 but i had no idea   because i know him for me yeah yeah if i go bishop  five then i know that it's a bishop or a knight   and then it's like then then i know  where he's going well okay how about this   how about this when when i played rook g1 instead  of jumping into e3 you could just play knight h6   right but see the thing is is that i didn't  know so i assumed it was a knight i thought   you had gone d39294 since i had no information  but that's what i'm saying like knight h6 is just   it's less risky that's yeah but i mean i had  already blunder because i didn't go bishop   five okay but the material is equal here right so  it's it's like if i think if you play knight h6   now you know i have nothing on the f file you know  i have a pawn on h4 you know have a pawn on g3   i mean i more or less knew what your position was   because like in my chat i highly i like the only  question is where do you put your dark square   bishop and i highlighted b3 bishop b2 um because  that's where i thought you put the bishop so   like yeah i mean i can go knight well i can go no  but if i go no but levy if i go knight age six i   still don't know where your pieces are that's the  problem that's why that's why i mean not not going   bishop five was was terrible because i had to get  information but i had to get the info but if you   play knight h6 like next move you can play like  bishop g4 for example because you know it's safe because you know where my pawns are and your  knight covers your bishop so oh you don't   know where my light squared bishop is but like  yeah because that's the problem i don't know i   i assumed i assumed actually it was a knight on  e4 because i i knew your bishop had to be on b2   so i thought you played a traditional d39294 that  that was that was that that that's why that's why   it was such a bad like knight five is a great move  if i see the board but like i didn't i didn't know   so like that's the problem because he went bishop  e4 you had gone d39294 to put the knight on e4 on   the outpost but i just yeah that that's why yeah  knight five was like a terrible move i should   have just gone bishop five because then i get the  info and then you have to commit to to something   yeah uh you uh you you you killed me the  first game so you made me change my opening   so now i have a new fog of war opening that i'll  uh practice and you know reform although actually   even if i go [ __ ] five that still gives me no  info on the d-pawn like that still gives me no   info on to whether you've played d3 or not so  it's actually i mean wait why not it's not as well because okay if i played bishop about  five what would your next move have been   oh no because that oh no it does give me a ton  of information because if you move the bishop   i see the yeah and if knight play d3 and i take i  see the pawn i see the eye to the pawn on the rook   oh yeah if i no no if i play d3 your d4  pawn now has a dark square in front of it   really yeah because your d4 pawn sees a free  square it can push forward oh oh i actually   that would have told you immediately whether or  not i had a pawn there your pawn can move forward   which means nothing is there oh okay okay forward  movements with the pawns are open yeah yeah so that makes sense yeah that that i  didn't think about okay fair enough
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,263,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess impressions, chesscom, chess for beginners, gmhikaru, gmhikaru gothamchess, gmhikaru speedrun, gmhikaru magnus, hikaru magnus, gothamchess 10 minute chess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess london system, gothamchess gmhikaru, fog of war, imrosen, eric rosen fog of war, variants chess, chess variants, 4 player chess, automate chess, no castling chess, 4 player chess hikaru
Id: 1P35o2pAGws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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