FOG OF WAR: GothamChess v. Eric Rosen

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this is such a popular game everyone's  been playing this all right challenge sent how how much responsibility should we take about   popularizing it on youtube do you mean being the  people who like single-handedly caused it to be up   in breakout level all of it us and hikara  we just moved oh okay wait this is my second   fog of war game ever i don't know what you  played i'm scared are you praying kind of yeah you've also moved see i don't have move  uh moves on so i don't know oh yeah you know i   got to tell you i was watching your video and you  were very confidently playing moves like queen c2   and that's very dangerous because there could  be a bishop on f5 oh yeah that's true i guess i just realized i played a really bad opening   but it's okay yeah like if you had  the right setup you would have won but   oh but you know i don't see any of your  pieces so which is which is good which is good i've tried to create like different opening  concepts for myself when i play this mode but it's   not easy to do that like you want every move to  gain info but that's a lot easier said than done hey and sometimes you just have to react to what uh  what you see from your opponent's perspective oh you move let's do is there sound i don't  have sound i don't think you you could have   you could have sound on i just i never  do it's always muted for me ah let's do let's do this wow yeah that's very confrontational uh you have no idea what's behind that pawn what  do you do assume you're you're like probably   you have it backed up by some stuff oh  man oh so we both know we have pawns right   who knows man maybe that maybe maybe that  pawn is an imposter like you don't even oh boy well oh no it information i  know where four of your pieces are   oh boy okay let's go here now oh but  i forgot i forgot where they are uh it's annoying just once you know i never if you  scroll back in the move counter oh you can see   yeah so i don't know if that should be allowed  or not i don't know how you feel about that   a good player would like keep it in mind  oh yeah okay sorry aaron but i just like   yeah i didn't even think just like i'm not  a good player i don't really keep it in mind   if i i didn't even think to like scroll  back oh you just moved again yeah sorry   i'll stop talking when i move to distract  and not distract you oh you took my thing yes and you don't even know with what huh   no i assume with not your queen i could have had  two to start the game oh you moved him no okay um let's do this interesting i disagree i don't think it is interesting yes  we're playing this on variants sorry you were saying oh yeah we  we everyone has different opinions   i respect your opinion sometimes ah  let's do dude where are your pieces   i don't know actually i do know but i  don't don't know where your pieces are let's take that thing oh no oh did you  just pre-move i kind of did i was expecting   something else that is so disrespectful  mr eric my bishop just took two things this man really tried to pre-move i'm done   okay so you have a light squared bishop and a rook  somewhere really would love to know where they are do you have a light squirt bishop take it well now i know where your rook is uh ew it's a very tense position you know this reminds  me of this reminds me of victory road in pokemon then you have to illuminate the cave wait i've never really got into pokemon but i'm  aware of pikachu i'm just trying to distract you   honestly so it's a bishop versus bishop and  knight huh oh you have a knight what oh no   i don't have a nightmare you just had a [ __ ] oh  because i blundered a thing when i pre-moved well   now you should be very afraid eric yeah  and you have no idea where my knight is   i don't but i'm scared it should be gotten two man's got no clue  where my knight is ah oh now i guess i guess he does know this  is this is tough this is tough man we play like such a ridiculously  intense games it feels like so you have a bishop somewhere  kind of i don't know maybe oh that was a nice gift i think oh this is so wacky it is this is so crazy i don't want to  flag either how do i gain information i feel like you are like a creative genius  so like you would win a game like this   i don't know what i'm doing i'm just trying to  find information oh yeah draw no wait is there   a 50 move role in this game there probably is  but i feel like we're pretty far from that okay uh where are you mr rosen oh no my thing yeah look at you you knew knew i had a queen i  knew no ah i tried promoting my pawn ah i have   a bishop there yeah you your bishop was blockading  wow so your king ran all the way around yeah that   was the but i was really scared because i was like  if your king is on b6 and you're waiting for me   that would be so genius if you put your king up  but the thing is then you would abandon your other   pawns but i was never taking f4 because i didn't  know if you were defending it so i was waiting   around f4 like f so i was going back and forth  between g5 and f6 yeah as long as you were moving   your king around but i've i had to defend my  two pawns yeah wow that was crazy yeah this   variant's a lot of fun yeah so you you didn't  have any pawns on the the king side or did you   no i lost them i forgot that you had a pawn  majority so i just lost the pawn and then um now this end game is probably just a draw  objectively objectively objectively it's   probably a draw but um i yeah i had some chances  to take your d5 pawn yeah i always just assumed   it was defended yeah you just can't i mean  you just can't it's too risky probably so   oh man let's do that again that  was fun that's my first loss ever   i feel defeated but there's room  for improvements dude i've lost to like 1200 blitz rated players like i lose  a game and i go to a person's profile and   they're like 1200 and i'm like what oh yeah this  kind of levels the playing field i mean this just   takes a different uh kind of aspect of strategy  okay rematch kings can definitely move next to   each other now here's a question if you take my  king but i could take your king back is it a drum   i don't think so i just assume it's  first one to capture king but uh-huh you can experiment if you want to move  your king next to my king let's touch kings later in the game figure out what to do let's  play this move oh you play the english yes really you don't take no this is very perplexing what oh no you play 384 oh no i was like it  just bugged but it didn't plug because you   you captured my king oh i'm so sorry i'm  so sorry but no but but i this is how i   also lost a few times so now you know  ah so you have experience yes wow man i feel bad also because now i'm like one of  those over-the-board tournament opponents that   like beats you in a game they don't deserve  and it's like i'm sorry you ever get somebody   who's apologized to you after they beat you  only one person it was alexander lenderman   us open really he beat me in some game i was  slightly better and i just blundered and he   felt bad about it but he's very polite yeah he's  like he's like an exception yeah i thought i was   following like some nice opening theory made up  okay let's run that back that was silly but now   but now i'm enlightened even more yeah i have  to change up my openings again yeah why am i   getting white in every game i don't know i really  don't know because earlier you were getting black wait when you say that does that mean  you play c4 again just to deceive me   oh my god yeah i know right who knows what i did it's good to know you uh were perplexed a little  bit oh okay i just got a raid thanks so much to   the wanderer the um so the the hikaru nakamura of  scrabble just raided me one of the best scrabble   players wow it's amazing in the world it's crazy  there's like so many people so many games just   yeah yeah there's all these  different like sub communities eric and i are playing um some fog  of war yeah if you're just joining   i'm confused we're all confused but we're learning it was pretty cool like a a few  weeks ago i gave a lesson to   uh pharaoh holds like the number one ranked poker  player when he was i saw that yeah but like i mean   you know poker on twitch is interesting  because those guys comparatively speaking   are not like hikaru they're not like super  gm level at poker i don't believe they are   and it's wild to see a guy like fedor playing  it's just like what you know he's guy was   literally the best in the world for probably the  course of the year that he was at his top level did he so have you like had any  poker lessons on twitch because   i know you've you've taught like a few  poker players in chess uh he offered but   i will you know i'll i'll call his  bluff at some point in the future maybe   i'll be i'll be like all right you're gonna teach  me or what what are we doing here see maybe it   happens if you ever like go to vegas you should  have at least a few poker lessons beforehand have   you have you played live poker you like slider  yeah i went through a poker phase at some point   i i learned those are the rules before i learned  how to play chess i learned when i was like four   okay good to know family values nice yeah and  then the first time i played live was in vegas   i played in the national open chess  tournament and then oh don't hurt me   and then i had a really bad chest tournament so  then i decided to play poker uh this is the nizhny   strategy the nizhny shimanov strategy yeah but  i was a bit more controlled okay and i i played   i just played like uh like with the one two cash  games and i i won back like all my travel expenses   for that trip it's amazing what what was that  like i know you traveled like pretty posh so it   was like 10 000 or no i'm like not i'm joking yeah  i mean it was a few hundred dollars so it covered   like hotel and flights and made me feel better  about losing you just like pace yourself at the   table and then you uh you just want some some yeah  i mean the trick is like to be patient don't tilt   and wait for like aggressive players  to to shove when you have good cards so it was a pleasant experience but i never  really i kind of haven't played in a while   um i definitely want to play i i did the thing  where you buy the the daniel negranu master class   just to listen to someone who's good at poker  talk about it it's like i don't think the kasparov   chess master class is that great you know but i  but i feel like where chess fans they just have it   if they if they get it it's because  they want it and they just you know   something where kasparov talks about  poker i mean about chess not about poker   wrong product i'm sure there's  some value in like in both courses there goes my bishop oh it wasn't protected   uh it should have been but i forgot that  you could have a bishop aligned with it ah we should do a choker match i've  never played choker i i never even   got into it when all of this stuff was happening definitely oh dear i'm  getting that also not guarded eric my pieces beautiful pieces i i feel like defending stuff is a really  important strategy in this game which yeah   you're learning the hard way when i took back  on e4 earlier i was actually pretty nervous   because i was like i feel like if you if you had  defended it well then you'd have been in trouble but yeah also like opening up lines is so  important and eric correctly declines mine what where'd that night come from 20 my god dude how  do you how do i not know where your pieces are   because i don't really have much left i i know but what i'm illuminating like so much  of the border and i don't see a thing   that's good because i i barely have anything  left like you took most of them and it's so sad you have bishop queen and rook at least are  you just like cocooning in the corner maybe oh this is like vaguely building confidence  or just you know i'm scared to move now   because i know you're controlling so many  squares i want to move to the square that's controlled oh that was a good pre-move though because i  didn't get that much information that's good ah damn wasn't very nice thank you terrifying now i gotta guard  everybody out for all my pieces hmm i know you're only two pieces  but i don't see anybody else oh wait you also have a rook  maybe oh that's good i don't   no don't don't maybe maybe not me i'm oh you have a pawn yes i needed that it's still kind of scary i'm not gonna lie it's no longer scary i didn't have a rook i had  just had a queen wait what you never rook no you   took it you took it when i blundered it kind of oh  first on d6 and then i mean earlier too oh you're   right oh my gosh why am i white every game i've  been white at all three games so far yeah that is   very very strange i don't know i wonder if it's  just random rather than like alternating colors i like find torpedo opportunities so i'll  just go once and take the again this h4 thing   i'm white tomorrow in the match so  i'm gonna play a lot of h4 i have to   i have to enjoy being white  while i can before tomorrow you guys don't know like a match oh do you have  a command in your chat for that oh i forgot   yeah i was just gonna like copy pastry command but   one of us will get around to it well i might have  it you see i added it to my calendar at least   you did i was on your website because i was like  looking at how to make like a best website because you know you if um i don't  know if you would know this i don't remember you made your own website i did  yeah i went through a phase where i was doing   like a decent amount of freelance like web web  design spent a good amount of time i mean i don't   really hard hard code anything it's more just  wordpress um but yeah i got into like using very   customizable plugins and themes and um i haven't  been doing much like these days but i could give   you advice if if you're looking to build something  for yourself well no i was going to ask you if you   knew about something called kajabi oh it sounds  vaguely familiar i did my i i didn't discover   it my friend discovered it i have a friend who's  gonna like help me with uh not just the site but   also putting like um horses on a website which  is actually hard because it's a giant file and   yeah you need like a whole payment system or  like a learning management system so that for me that sounds like the type of thing  you're better off like outsourcing   right rather than trying to figure out yourself  i've known i was only pay somebody nice well i waited too long i was having a craving for  pizza how's the uh how's the scene in st louis   when it comes to or the pizza scene i haven't had  pizza like at least ordered pizza in a long time   there's a pizza in st louis it's called emos and  it's apparently what what st louis is known for   but i haven't had it yet or if i did have it  i forgot about it because it wasn't memorable and imagine this it doesn't really compare  to what new york is known for yeah i don't   even think we had pizza when you no we had some  kind of asian food oh my pond oh but your pond it's just a trade okay if  you guys also haven't seen   eric's most recent tweet see it because it was  really funny should i tweet oh those are the oh no   so that tweet was inspired by a youtube comment  someone just commented like all the time spam   timestamps of the oh no's from my youtube video  and i was just inspired to to edit the compilation that was an excellent that was an excellent tweet  it got me to click and watch your entire video   wow yeah i'm actually curious i i think  there's a way to like look up how many people   at least like clicked through um wow and then you you you started trash talking  on the tweets i forgot what you said but i   i did not i didn't do that that wasn't me that  wasn't oh do you you having a twitter assistant   yeah it might have been my social media manager  i don't know am i a genius wait a second oh is e4 or e3 coming i guess i'll take it and then suffer later wow e3 really yeah i was thinking  to trap the knights oh alpha zero taught me well   and then i take on c4 oh some  galaxy brain torpedo ideas here wait i'm in trouble your bishops are so strong man i want a torpedo but there's no  you don't have a torpedo opportunity   unless uh-oh like the worst thing that  you want to hear when you play eric rosen   wait this doesn't work though  or does it i don't think it does now your pawn's threatening to promote too  that's so threatening oh i forgot about that   you shouldn't have said that i was just like he  has rooks there so i wasn't even thinking about it that's true yeah i kind of want you to promote oh this is really painful   but let's i wanted to take on g7 i wanted to say  botezz taught me well sat like queen but what   and then do what and then just have two minors  for the queen because your bishop is so strong no well i mean i i think it might the  whole thing might be collapsing i mean   everything's bad for me but i have  to try this c7 was tasty at least i still can't get past that  legendary first game that was sick of our of our last match oh the last oh the  previous match yeah yeah i remember re-watching   it i was like wow this your whole idea to like  sacrifice and then promote like didn't have to   happen you had like mate and six or something  that's true that was yeah that was i think that   set the tone for the match too in the beginning at  least sure but toward the end dude it was it was   like it still came down to the wire yeah i feel  like we're pretty level like there is a point in   time i i think i was better that better than you  at chess but i don't know if that's still the case that was a good move we'll just move oh yes no my thing yeah my queen oh my  king oh that was actually kind of beautiful   yeah i set that up from a distance i wanted  that to happen i was expecting queen a3 which   also like is unstoppable mate ah queen is  more elegant like this diagonal is just so
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 840,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess impressions, chesscom, chess for beginners, gmhikaru gothamchess, gmhikaru speedrun, gmhikaru magnus, gothamchess 10 minute chess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess london system, gothamchess gmhikaru, fog of war, imrosen, eric rosen fog of war, variants chess, chess variants, 4 player chess, automate chess, no castling chess, fog of war eric rosen, hikaru fog of war
Id: Uc7Kf_-hsgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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