Hikaru Smashing All of Chess.com's Bots

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let's go e4 there are no other  bounty so now we just beat all   the bots now we just beat all the bots  apparently neckties is taken to you guys   so yeah we're we're just gonna play  we're just gonna beat all the bots neckties is taken isn't it  i thought neckties was taken neckties is not tingles tar needs to beat maurice  but i mean he's going to beat maurice like   i mean if he's beaten all except for maurice  he's going to be he's going to beat maurice   let's go e5 yeah i mean because  i can i can do it but like wait   he's wait dude did uh wait he  beat um he beat morphebot too tary actually beat morphebot oh  what the that was just a slip   what was that okay whatever okay i don't know  what that was a complete slip but i'm still   gonna win but weird yeah that was uh yeah kind of  random let's go here let's go check let's go here okay that's checkmate number one okay i'm just gonna beat all the bots in order  that's that's what i'm gonna do here because all the bounties are gone you  guys so now i just now i just want to be   literally win the top prize that's  the only price that's not um not taken   so we have what four more hours to beat  every single bot so it shouldn't be that   bad that's a free juicer let's  just take it will take hours yeah yeah i think at this point because i  mean if tari's beating all except for one   maurice like i could try to beat them but  the time that i spend is not worthwhile in   my opinion i could start from the top actually you  know what you're right because i'm fresher right   now that i'm going to be later on so you're right  i should actually play from the top down maybe but   i don't know i don't know if that's actually true because i mean i'll be i'll be  fresher of course but i'm not sure   neckties is going to be  gone in a second you guys um yeah maybe you guys are right maybe i  should go the other direction i don't know but it's sure i'm not expending any  energy yet so maybe it's i don't know   i don't know who b he carob i'm not  actually sure let's go here in here go here oh someone said anish uh some  nm uh drew anish maybe uh maybe   my info is wrong but that's what i heard oh no you can't slime all the bots  that's against the rules it's good   shocking now i just take okay there we  go okay that's two down let's keep going b49c3 let's go e5 let's play the french let's go back let's just castle here think of  vanity for the tier one thank you so much sorry   i'm not gonna be noticing all the subs um maybe  now i can though because now that all the uh   now that all the actual hardcore bounties are  gone it's just a matter of chilling and just   beating the bots so maybe i can notice  i think you can vanity for three months   thank you so much thank you to uh the bobo dave  for the tier one as well it's just triple stack   i think you're busting nugget for the prime i do  i don't know why thank you so much thank you q   box and take forever for the prime saying so much  let's go here taran just skipped and he hasn't   played oh he hasn't played morphy oh he hasn't  played morphy oh really interesting interesting   i thought he only had one left if he has morphe  too then maybe i should actually attempt it   i wonder if i should attempt it then if he has two  that he has to beat but i don't know let's go here let's go here here and now  his whole board is stuck yeah maybe i will maybe i will yeah  let's just do that let's just start let's check mate um uh should i who  are the neckties there's someone okay   he's one let's start with no let's play nelson yeah because you're right i mean even if nelson's   13 he's 1300 but yeah i mean it's still  very good i should have played 95 first yeah this is necktie nelson  exactly let's go here let's go here just take is there a checkmate no so i'm  just gonna make a check and not be silly here   let's just take the juicer the draw geary tweet is still oh  wait so no one did draw gear yet hmm no i won the 50 moves on the vishu one yeah  against vichy i won because i made 50 moves   so i did win that one didn't i i thought  i won the 50 i thought i won the 50. maybe   not anyway whatever um okay let's just take wait  someone else got the vichy what really hmm really   huh okay well whatever i got the big one which is  the best bot that's actually the one that i think   matters objectively the most um let's  go checkmate okay who else is a necktie   someone else is a necktie he's got a necktie  xavier let's play e4 let's go knight c3   our clip was earlier so i did get  it okay i did get it okay good scoreboard is on the first link of  the oh what was that guys go here i'm actually doing kind of  well here which is pretty funny   i'll move my king and play g3 next move  they have someone else is winning really let's play h4 here yeah maybe i should go yeah  because see i'm doing the wrong order right i'm   doing um i'm doing the top bot i'm doing the  bottom top i should be doing top to bottom   because then there's much more stress at the end  if you're wrong um they're not wrong but it's   like when i played best bot nissan was under  huge pressure um to try and try and go fast let's go here hit the juicer let's  go here in bishop c3 line it up but yeah i think i'll go the other order  after this after this one i'll play   i'll play um i'll play maurice and um end  up morphe because the order does matter   when you're trying to beat the beat the bots  hey tizzo for the two months thanks so much just take let's go here let's just take the pawn i know it's most  botch you guys but basically i expect to   beat all the bots so when you say it's most  spots beaten i think i can beat all the bots let's just take i mean everything is  winning here let's just go queen f3   nemo beat 2700 beth yeah no i know she did  is she doing this i don't know if she's in   it but if she did yeah but the thing is  like i beat ib bathbot first although   there was a queen's odds right  wasn't there some one with queens there we go okay okay um let's play charles morphy   or let's play maurice let's play uh let's  do maurice let's go e4 knight c3 here okay but maurice is 2500 so i actually  should i do need to focus a little bit okay now the funny thing is maurice would  never play this opening i knew maurice   when i was younger and growing up he would  never play a hedgehog scavenging like this okay let's go bishop e3 i'm just gonna do this i know i'm wasting  a tempo but it's it's all in good fun   it's not a blunder though  can't i just go here in for huh what what is maurice doing  maurice why did you trap your knight i should have played out four though cause this is still good but  it's not it's not easy easy let's go here i can obviously trade i don't really want  to i think i'm just going to go rook d1 so now maurice has a power of tower  or a tower of power power of tower   tower power whatever you call it um but  i still should be doing very well here because this tower of power means nothing because  it's just three stacks and i'm just going uno dos   like what's it yeah let's go what's it say char planche five moves  let's go rook c2 and now i go c5 c6 c7 c8   oh wait no i misplayed this what am i doing  i misplayed this i'm not winning actually   i somehow trap i wasn't paying attention i  trapped my um i trapped my rook that's a problem what am i doing no i messed this up i'm just  going to resign and restart i just messed this up   let's let's keep going i messed this up i should  have won that game let's go g6 bishop g7 new c6   um let's play d6 a6 b5 maybe let's go a6b5  what's wrong you guys i speak every language come on you guys i speak i speak  everything let's go 97 b6 97   okay this is a free pawn let's just take it okay let's go king e8 i guess here nah that's a bad opening let's just  start over okay let's play e4 here let's play d4 let's go knight d2 let's  play a proper french opening here let's go knight f3 whoa thank you so much to um   baba stuff live for the 10 gifted i don't know  if this this is actually ridiculous what is this   queen g6 i've i've never seen this movie my  entire life so i'm just gonna be aggressive now this was a niche i could make a draw but it's  not on each so i can't make a draw let's go here this looks so suspicious somehow he's hanging in here but i mean this  can't be good for black let's just castle um i know i'm winning this game uh but queen  f4 is queen h6 maybe i go to f3 i mean with   correct play i have to be winning here but it's  going to be very hard to win this game cleanly   oh i just want did i blunder no maybe not  this is definitely really bad for black um   but i'm not really playing very precisely  at the moment i believe bishop c4 bishop   b5 that's a dan this is such a damn new  classic bishop b5 is the daniel special um what am i doing i guess i just go  here i'm not happy with this but yeah i don't like my position so i'm  just gonna resign let's go e60 697 no i mean i don't care like it's just i i don't i   just if i don't like position i'm just  going to resign and restart somewhere   yeah neckties is why i'm playing maurice right  now and i'm trying to beat maurice and morphy   because if i beat maurice and morphy then i  could the other bots are a little bit weaker black is winning i'm just going  to resign something like that yeah drawing on each is still available  really okay let's go here   i'm trying to get him to play d5 here come on do  a d5 come on dude d5 you know you want to play d5   basically the way you trick it is you have to  basically encourage it to never push this pawn i'm actually getting a good position now  because i'm lining up this diagonal here let's go here okay um let's go hear me knight g6  i mean i'm trying to beat maurice into playing   d5 at some point but he's just not biting  which is really annoying okay now i'll go   e5 and just smash the center fortunately takes  with the pawn which is really quite annoying let's just double stack it maximum  pressure here in the center now   let me play d5 but i'm just gonna drop back oh  i d5 d4 maybe whatever let's just play d5 anyway that first game i really should have won i  got a great position that first game these   last couple games i'm getting decent positions  but not the right positions to win i guess i'm   gonna do this i don't know if it's right but  i'm gonna try it wow he does take what's he   just have c5 or something to smash me no um okay  maurice has actually misplayed this a little bit wait isn't that a juicer yes i'm up a pawn again i'm  up a pawn somehow magically um if i play bishop d4 with d1 is a problem   i can go here here here and also play chief  no i can't play g5 that's an illegal move um i guess i'll do this i don't know if  it's right it looks dangerous okay he   doesn't take advantage uh but now i can't go here  because then he goes rook d1 he takes and i lose maybe i just ah i guess i have to go here in king g7 i'm this is i'm gonna i'm not gonna waste  five minutes i would draw this position but i   i it's better to start over again  than waste five minutes drawing   because there's an open cat oh why did i do that  let me start over let me start i don't wanna   do that um whatever let's just play silly yeah  because this is an open challenge so like someone   so time does matter here this isn't just beating  all the bots let's see let's play g6 i'm gonna try   this maybe three more times if it doesn't work  i'll just go back to what i was doing before okay this is a good position  already good position to start yeah nixon's um nixon's beat  he car robot earlier yeah let's go here a4 maybe bishop ace what oh did i just blunt or something  i just blundered rook f7 queen d8 wow   if i take and go back is this actually bad i'm sure it's losing somehow but i just want to  see it because if i'm if i'm right and it's not   losing then i just have a piece i'm going to win  this end game but probably i'm lost or not really   wait no okay maurice actually blundered  finally okay now i'm up a piece now now   we're back in business we're back in the game  back in business let's go here hit the bishop let's go here let's go here in 96. okay now wait is he  still being dirty no i just taken i go queenie   okay this is it you guys i'm  gonna beat marie spot here   i'm gonna beat marie spot so well just no no  mistakes because that first game i was winning   and i messed it up but this time no mistakes  just clean it up clean up the board neatly i have one extra op so um let's just go here in h6 i can take the juicer here i guess i  think i should actually just play h3 maybe let's go here king h7 next move  i'm just gonna try to liquidate   yeah liquidate not liquify i'm gonna try to  liquidate everything into an end game here let's take let's just put the king on h7 um let's just go here i guess   let's go here forced the end game and now he  he's he's dead jim is dead king g6 and game over just take okay let's go here okay so we're gonna beat marie spot so i have to   beat morphy bot if i be once i beat  morphy bot then i'm in good shape if i could beat more if he bought then  i'm going to win the neckties i believe let's go here i just eat the juicer let's go here let's go here there we go morphe is 2700  i believe i'm not mistaken   morphe has a necktie yes or a bow tie  so he's considered to be a tie man   let's go here okay that's one okay  let's play morphe bot let's go here yeah morphe's listed 2700 that  doesn't mean he is but still okay does this yeah because i mean i think if you can beat morphe  bot you're in good shape but i don't know what   this opening is actually i'm gonna go here bishop  a2 try to keep the scope alive let's go knight c3 yeah morphe in in real times  was probably around like 1900   but 1900 in the 1800s was like being like 3  000 today he was just that good at the time i have a really good position in this game  by the way really really good position   two juicers or two ops rather  let's go here in bishop f1 okay i just take wait let's go here i am today  with crush morphe yeah but i mean if you think   about the time period he was further ahead  of his contemporaries than anyone else by   i don't think anyone else in the last probably 300  years was as good as he was relatively speaking   let's go here i have a good position this  game like a really pleasant position but   it's not easy to win at all um i don't really  want to go c3 bishop e4 is a really good move maybe i go if maybe i just go work d1  if d4 i just take i thought i'd f3 here   20k yeah big shout out to 20 000 people who are  watching you guys are all insane thank you so much   for uh for tuning in hope you guys are enjoying  the show we're trying to um beat all the bots   i think i'll play a4 to ship the structure  i'm actually winning this game too i think   i think actually i'm seeing 17k on my on my  screen but one anyway whatever let's go c3 i just take yes i'm gonna win this game you guys  we're in it to win it we're in it to win it i have   two connected past pawns there's no way that  i can't not win this right unless i'm just bad   at chess which is always which has always been  pretty true let's go c4c5 c6 yeah this is over   i'm gonna win okay so we're gonna beat morphebot  this is very critical so c6 c7 c8 there we go   here we go excellente mucho mucho excelente um how  do i do this like oh wait oh let's make a queen yeah okay so we're gonna  win this game let's play h4   okay let's go here king h3 okay this one's  over now we're gonna win the game excellent   okay let's just go work c4 target the pawn okay  let's just take and yeah are you still to be   beaten morphy is this winning let's just do this  this must be winning right yeah here there we go i   can also play opposition like from dorotski's game  manual but i won't i'll just go here here here okay very good go here here this bot  is playing worse than xqc very funny okay let's go here there we go and there we go okay who's up next  on the next ties okay next ties let's keep going okay the next size there's like  a 23 40 right who's got the tie   um i have to beat lukey luke okay let's play luke let's go bishop c4 maybe d3 here neck ties and i oh on each  draw was not verified okay   so i'm just gonna focus on neckties then for now it's 1am and 200 from india yeah indians love  chess nothing but love for all the indians   um who are watching this i mean it's  when i played that tournament calcutta   was it two years ago now it feels like yesterday  um the amount of love that i felt just plain   term the amount of passion people had there for  chess was just insane insanely off the charts um oh bishop g4 is actually um a very good  move it's kind of ugly actually i don't   like my position at all i'm just gonna take  with the king play like a bomb cloud or something let's keep the juicers on the  board let's go here oh blunter queen h5 i guess i play here queen h1 or g1   looks pretty dangerous actually look at these uh  look at this coordination of course i've blundered   this which i shouldn't have but the sill must  be winning somehow wait doesn't this just win classic right triangle okay yeah okay  we're gonna beat this necktie dude let's go here what do the boss get if they when  they get nothing they get nothing bots don't   have feelings they're just silicon they're  just silicone or silicon sorry and they have   no feelings let's play b5 intake let's go  um let's go queen g4 let's go e5 e6 here toxic i know nothing like being  toxic to bots let's go bishop e5 here   let's go d4 d5 he can't take  some of the classic checkmate as the french would say let's just take okay check i'm gonna go here here here here  and me yeah there we go all right next next   who's next on the next high i think there's  like another one in the same range right   who else has a necktie there's someone  else in this range for advanced right   is it lorenzo wait someone tell me how many  how many bots have ties on it because i can't   i don't know write off francis has one right  francis has one two okay let's play let's go e4 let's play knight of three yeah i know i know the draws are available  yeah that that i'm aware of but i wasn't sure   exactly what the situation is okay so there so  i've beaten morphy uh morphe and maurice i've   beaten nelson i beat right i beat nelson so that's  three xavier i just beat luke so it's xavier   so who's left xavier francis jonas charles  okay let's go d4 let's just take let's just you have to wear a tie not the bot bots i  mean my name is an xqc i don't i i don't   i don't i don't wear ties let's go here  on f4 let's go f4 yeah big shout out to   cash up they actually gifted a 69 subs to  channel yesterday here so big shot cash app okay let's go e5 f5 i i don't know if i did  i beat xavier or not i wasn't sure xavier i   feel like i played xavier already but maybe i'm  wrong on that let's just um let's just take i   don't know why i did that that was pretty pretty  ridiculous of me just go knight f3 knight g5 95s   i'm playing this game pretty terribly  okay trades which he shouldn't have done at least now i can just claim i'm a  little bit better here let's go 96 go here whoops just go here i don't know  if knight d4 is right but i'm gonna do it   let's go knight c2 maybe  g3 next move uh or b3 first let's go here let's go here it takes i just take oh that's actually a good move hmm i missed that um i don't want to waste  too much time thinking here though   or did i blunder wait yeah  actually is rook d2 d2 wait no wait bishop c5 cd5 i'm gonna go for it i don't  know if it's right or not but it looks okay   because takes takes rookie one bishop e1  rook d2 i take and take yeah he blundered okay we're up two pawns i'm on my way here go c4 rookie seven knight of five of course actually  let's check and then go rookie sub nine to five   let's be precise here knight f5 hit the juicer g4 let's go here now g4 rook g7 let's run this way run the king to the edge  of the board it goes h5 um i think this is   actually pretty clean except for cage six i just  eat the juice or the other way check and take let's go here okay now this is pretty straightforward  okay let's just up three pawns   go here go check let's go check g7 maybe f6  next move maybe maybe f6 rook f8 and   it's all really really good here  i think we're crushing it rook f8   takes and i go here here here here here here  here here here here and that's all she wrote   all right so next up i guess we  have xavier right we've got xavier okay next up we have xavier where is xavier   is this xavier no this is lorenzo lorenzo  doesn't have a tie okay so who else has a tie why i can't find them suddenly  um nelson no wait where are they i mean there are no celebs there's no bath i don't see them where are they am i just blind none of these dudes have  ties on the purple one no um   am i blind bottom left no that's a  niche i beat xavier okay so who am   i missing i'm missing francis jonas  charles francis jonas and charles um i don't see anybody with a time i just blind  beginner purple dude beginner purple dude   no well he's not he no he's not listed as one um am i insane am i just completely insane i don't see them bottom right bottom right and  watch which category advanced um no okay where jonathan charles second bottom row of advance okay but i beat xavier so jonas and  charles is what i'm missing oh jonas   oh jonas okay there we go oh he's  wearing a bow tie that's why okay   that's why i couldn't see him he's  wearing a bow tie that's why okay the typical kraut let's just take and take and  take i guess i'll just take and castle here um let's go d3 if it should be three so queenie one vision e3 let's just go here maybe takes maybe knight  c5 um no i said kraut you know germans are   called crowds because they like their sauerkraut  charles is bottom left advanced okay let's go here i guess i just take no but that's not that's not wrong  is it right let's just play um i guess let's just go queen a4 queen b3  maybe i think it's cp thank you so much charles is a hipster dude in the advanced okay oh you can't you can't use that term oh that's  oh okay sorry i didn't actually realize that   that's that's not okay oh never mind okay okay  never mind okay let's play with b1 i didn't know   that actually okay let's just take and go queen c6  maybe bishop a7 uh let's just take let's go check   let's go here and pick up  the queen guess i go here   okay fair enough okay okay let's just  take the queen let's just take the knight let's go check let's go check check check and me let's go checkmate um okay so charles  is next right an advanced or jonas uh charles okay so we play charles let's go  let's go e4 let's go here maybe bishop c4 let's go d3 maybe 92. uh maybe just a3 and take some bishop b3 here don't refresh okay thank you  guys thank you let's go with b3 let's go bishop g5 and knight f3 here maybe i just go it's actually a very bad  position but it's two thousand so it's okay   let's go here in h3 it's not offensive okay okay i mean i don't  know i thought it was actually a word but   maybe i'm just too boomer so i don't know know  any better let's go here i've actually got a   very bad position i almost wanted to resign  this game but it's 2000 so i have to play on let's just take i mean he's got d3 which is uh maybe a big  problem actually go here and hit the pawn why do i have what on why do you have to keep  on playing on because they're they're prizes   for most bots beat which is the biggest prize  at the end of the day so the next four hours   um whoever's beating the most bots gets  a thousand dollars thank you johnny op   potato for the six months thank you so  much appreciate it um let's just go here okay let's just go here i don't know  what i'm doing i'm just making moves   wait isn't that just ggs did i  miss something no it's just ggs let's go here okay is this the last actually  wait am i gonna get the prize for all the all   the boss beat and let me let me see they're one  two three four five six there's seven eight bots   i beat nelson i beat marie xavier i beat luke uh  jonas and charles the only question is where is   francis let me just make sure i beat francis  go here and mate so i think i get it there   um let's see okay so the first one is nelson  who's like 1300 um where's the star one second   one second okay let's see so nelson i beat nelson  he was the first one um so i beat nelson he was   the first one i beat um i beat charles and i beat  jonas that's three um i also beat xavier that's   four um who else had the tie um what also the tie  oh yeah yeah luke had a tie he was number five um   i beat francis that's six and then i beat maurice  at seven i beat charles paul mor or paul charles   paul murphy that's seven that's uh eight right so  i think that's it one two one two three four five   six seven and nelson is eight yeah i beat them  all i beat them all okay perfect so that's i   think the last one i can try to draw a niche but i  don't see the point so i'm just going to beat the   beat the bots in order again i think the fuglarade  thank you so much for the five months appreciate   thank you man so now we can kind of chill out  a little bit okay let's just take over here   oh anisha's taken so yes then yeah so everything  is gone then so i got the last one that matter let's just trade let's go here in 92. oh reverse order yeah let me finish adaptive first  though let's just castle and play knight f4 here   yeah you're right i should play the other  order maybe although if time becomes an issue   i don't know time might become an issue this bot is 1600 it's an adaptive bot it's  not it's not particular particularly strong   yeah i don't know maybe i should play the other  bots but i don't i don't know if the order matters   but i would think you want more bots beaten  since time matters i mean we i guess they're   still three hours so theoretically i could um  i mean there's still a lot of time to beat all   the bots maybe it doesn't really matter but i'd  rather um yeah let's go here no i haven't even   played hikaru bot yet because i that wasn't  that wasn't that wasn't on my my original   agenda of what i was going to try to beat at  the start and then i think nixon's the latvian   grand master he beat the hikaru bot very early  on so i haven't even considered playing my bot so yeah that's kind of that's that's why i  i haven't even come close to playing it guys   for that reason i i've already beaten all the best  bots by the way which is one of the biggest prizes   um there's there are 500 stones up top  for beating every bath let's go here just take and take just take maybe knight before  knight d5 let's go here yeah i did i beat beth bot yes let's go here and king d4 go here maybe 95. our chuck takes uh bots are stronger than humans yes  they generally are actually these days okay um let's go here okay so let's play last adaptive  natasha um let's get this out of the way yeah i mean if most of the bots are beating yeah  i was gonna say that the prizes most bots beat   so actually i think it does make sense to do the  other order right to play the bad bad bots first   um let's just castle here and gambit let's just gamble let's play straight  up chest like paul morphy would   um let's just go here and takes i guess  i love how it keeps ignoring it keeps   ignoring my night it literally just  won't take my night which is very funny let's go here and here was neck types clipped  i hope it was clipped i mean i showed it i   can show it again you guys okay i'll show  it again in a second after this game just   just so it doesn't get lost in the uh loss in  the muck let's go um check a knight f1 maybe let's go here go here oh did someone  clip it correctly i mean if you guys   clipped it i mean then it's fine but just take just go um right here to hit the rook did i just  blunder maybe kind of not really i guess this is   okay i just take and i come back if the queen hit  the pawn it should just be winning let's go here   okay that doesn't really do much i  take the pawn let's go here and take just take let's go knight g3 let's go here did we win neckties i think i'm supposed  to have won it but i guess we're checking   right now i mean i'll scroll over  all the ties again in a second just take just take bond cloud winner was just removed oh  is bond cloud back in play you guys is the bond cloud back in play oh um someone said it was just removed really okay okay there we go oh wait it's not actually gonna work wait  somehow it doesn't work okay whatever there we go other way okay um let's keep going let's play  the beginners let's play martin aria and chess bra said they'll protest i mean  but why are they playing together as a team like   that's not supposed to be the purpose of the of  the match or not the match of this of the spot   battle okay let's go d5 just take let's go here  hit the queen take the juicer delicious castrol   neckties was given to somebody  else what really seriously they're saying someone else got  it really hmm okay let's go to g5 let's take and take let's just take and take okay um let's keep going wait scan neckties okay wait a second okay okay  wait a second okay scan the neckties now okay   let's see okay okay turn the music off okay i  mean okay all right so here are the neckties i   mean i beat nelson this is the first one i beat  nelson i beat jonas i beat xavier i beat charles   i beat francis i beat luke i beat maurice and i  beat um and i beat paul morphy so that's one i   beat morphy i beat maurice i beat francis i beat  luke i beat charles i beat jonas i beat nelson   and that's it and i beat and i beat  xavier and that's it yeah right i mean that yeah okay so so that that's why well  you're saying i was one minute too slow but if i   actually got it before and the clip was done a  minute later that doesn't mean that technically   i didn't actually do it first um there's  one more i mean if they're more than eight   and that's one thing but i think it's just uh um  that's what it is of advanced yeah xavier is yeah um let me see yeah xavier xavier is a tie yeah yeah what about the bolo thai guy i was  actually wondering about lorenzo but yeah   anyway no there's no race to beat all the bots  you guys it's just who beats the most bots   um i don't know i'm gonna i mean let me see can i let's see i'm just going to start i guess let's  play e4 knight c3 let's go e5 maybe bishop d3 here yeah go for the form of checkmates  yeah i mean that's basically going   to be my intention is go for  the really fast ways of mates let's go check let's just take let's go here well i'm amazed that it actually  saw the checkmate that's insane and there we go   and there we go oh wait okay whatever i lost  half a second but it doesn't really matter let's go e4 so we're actually not a checkmate here  maybe there isn't so let's take the queen   stop threatening my governance okay just take the queen let's go here and here you're miss i miss one necktie lorenzo has a tie really let's go here let's go here let's go here let's go um   let's go here i'm trying to make a quick  checkmate but i don't see it right off okay let's keep going okay let's play  e4 knight c3 go d4 just take the pot okay um what's good is seven here just take uh let's go queen g4 and queen g6 um and hit  the knight or hit the king rather sorry let's   go here and take yeah but bow tie is the time  maybe ebola is i don't know i mean obviously   lorenzo who even knows like what the deals  with lorenzo let's go here make a queen oh there's got to be a force check oh  my gosh i wonder d6 what am i doing   um let's just go here and now it's a force  checkmate or no it's not a wait no no that's   how you make checkmate okay um okay let's keep  going let's finish off the beginners pretty fast let's go here need a pawn marcher for the   five months thank you so much  pawn marcher i appreciate it you can't make an omelet without bringing  some mags true uh no you can only win one   of those three prizes of most bots but so  i'm just taking the bots uh just straight   forward now just playing all the bots as quickly  as i can i think we still have what another hour actually this is kind of bad because like   time i actually realized i only have one hour  to go right so i gotta really speed up now go here let's go here uh let's just take the pawn and take the rook let's just take the juicer i mean i know how to play new moves  but the problem is that it's it's um   i think i thought i had two hours i just realized  i only have one hour so this is not actually um   this is not so straightforward okay let's keep  going let's take and let's go um just take chess.com says three hours left what do  you mean wait three hours or one hour oh um let's go here here ah three  hours okay never mind then okay   yeah i started at 10 but it's almost noon  i thought it was ending at 1 pm eastern   oh it ends at um oh no it ends at uh it ends at 3  p.m pacific sorry sorry 3 p.m pacific no you guys   are right i'm smoking crack let's go queenie  2 here and let's just go e6 no you guys are   totally right yeah yeah yeah it's five hours  you're right so i i still have plenty of time oh let's just take and take tell him one  hour so he goes faster right exactly yeah   let's go check and let's just take  and oh my god i hung my queen geez   i'll still win but that was uh unnecessary to  put it mildly let's just go here let's go here just take let's go here let's go check let's go check uh i beat  all the best yeah i did um oh let's go check and take okay let's let's keep going it shows the best is open what do you mean what do you mean it shows the best  is open i beat all the best bots you guys are trolling right i think you guys  are just trolling yeah yeah okay let's just take just take check take the rook let's go check just take let's check mate let's keep going um let's play h3 and takes in queen f2 let's go bishop e3 and hit the bishop oh  i blundered knight c2 but he doesn't see   let's just castle here and take thank you  to meme lord mason for the prime as well   thanks so much man i appreciate it  thank you let's just take the rook let's go check oh let's just drop back let's go check let's go here bishop d5 i think beautiful has  been trying to beat bt karbar for two hours   okay that's kind of funny actually uh let's  keep going okay we only have five more to go   and then i'm gonna run to the restroom because  i need to need to go uh let's just play here let's go d4 i guess i just castle  here play e5 very good position again let's just take the queen  let's just go 95 next move no i mean i i think my bot though is  just if probably too strong for them   like and i'm not trying to troll but i think  the bot is probably just a little bit too strong   i think probably you need to be about 2 300. like  levy i think has enough practical practical tricks   in his back to maybe a shot but i think you're  below like 2 300 it's going to be borderline   impossible especially if you aren't super fast  because the problem is the cargobot just moves   instantly right it just moves like it moves too  fast neckties is still open on the sheet i assume   you're trolling me but i don't know if you are  you aren't i don't really want to get into that it's sure there's no time limit that that is fair  there is no time limit um let's just keep going just take i mean i i'm i'm actually  gonna protest that by the way the   the ties because apparently the reason  they're saying the other person gets it   is because the clip that was recorded was  apparently bugged but um i'm i'm gonna actually   protest that one like the bras did with their uh  with their prize as well let's just take and let's   go checkmate let's keep going um four to  go let's keep rolling let's go e4 knight c3 let's go g3 bishop g2 maybe f4 i think he shares that for the prime appreciate  yeah i mean there were 17 000 people who saw   it but but i think essentially the fact that  they're saying the clip was bugged but we have   we have a clip like i don't know so we'll  see we'll see let's go 92 in castles can play bishop g5 or d5 d6 is also a move  here let's go d6 after you beat all the bots   there will be nothing left um i'm not yeah  i mean it's also in my vod too like that   so like there's also that as well so i mean yeah  i'll i'll figure it out afterwards not right now   of course because still the goal is to beat all  the bots and get the top prize let's just take   let's go check um let's go with d1 here i could  have played e6 which was just winning let's just   do it now i beat all the beth harmon bots yes  i did um i did that earlier let's make a queen   now let's go here and i think it's just  force checkmate in one okay let's keep going is there a komodo engine i didn't i didn't look  to see it there might be a top engine right   let's go here uh let's just take the knight let's take the rook the vod with time stamp chat too easily  verify yeah i mean that's that's that's   true yeah yeah that's a good point uh let's  just take and i think there's checkmate in   one next uh well it's just checkmate two  let's keep going we've got two more to go   oh there is komodo 25 at the end okay so komodo  25 will be very unpleasant to play against   yeah komodo 25 at the end is going to be it's  going to be like the other day it's going to be   um on unhappy time   it's going to be an unhappy time why am i using  my main account we're actually not allowed to   create a new account i don't know why but they  you're not allowed to that's a free juicer just take the juicer oh to show the star oh right because yeah my main  account i beat and i've probably beaten the box   before so yeah it wouldn't show that's right right  right that okay that makes perfect sense right all right guys i am going  to run to the russian very okay my opponent is just moving his  king all over the board i don't know why let's just go here and here let's go here he's playing my bomb cloud something  like that yeah let's go see for it let's go here i'm trying to check me i think  it's the fourth checkmate let's keep going how many bots are there chad after beginners  how many are left just so i have some basic idea let's go here 35 or about some some  people say 35 some say 60. i mean okay let's take the juicer let's go here okay let's go bishop takes rook okay let's take the queen 40 left okay 60 if you don't include bath okay  so 40 in about three hours is what i need okay okay okay let's keep going i plundered a palm but it doesn't matter  luckily let's just take the knight okay let's go rookie one let's go  knight to 94 maybe or just take let's go 94 96 knight g5 ideas  as well let's go here here here let's just go check let's go uh uh let's  go check let's go check actually let's take i think he's made it regardless kind  of okay um let's go check and then me okay let's keep going am i gonna play the grand  chess tour in 2021 no i will not be playing the   grand chess tour in 2021 um i think quite a few  players have had their reservations about the   event so no let's go e5 what is this hansbot  who is oh oh this is a hansbot i didn't even   notice that funny let's go here it's funny  let's play bishop g5 here and hit the queen uh so those of you are wondering why not uh  well well because there's also the magnus   tour where there are events going on every  month and i perceive that to be more important   um in the long run as well so to me it  makes more sense to play the magnus tour wtf hans has a hijab oh my gosh you guys  very funny very funny let's go here here oh my gosh girls take and go knight  five let's go check and takes go here and here am i starting over uh yeah   let's go here i'm gonna play bishop d7 and b4  next move or maybe i can just take i'll go b4 here like i said you guys yeah i mean  i beat the next highest first um   but it's it's fine we'll sort it all out  afterwards because uh there was some issue   with the clip that was done or something like  that but i mean once you go back on the vod and   you look at everything i mean it's pretty clear  that i did it first so um i'll just talk chess.com   after and see like what exactly is going on but  i'm almost certain that i did it before he did it   let's go knight d5 hit the pawn uh i think e6 is  just checkmate in two or no he's wait no wait what   king of funders also checked me let's just take  he goes back and then i come back and it's a four   checkmate there we go oh we know  he's got rook b7 now wait what did i ugh okay it's only a few seconds  it shouldn't really matter but ugh let's go here um what am i doing let's  just go here i don't want to play 98 okay let's keep going um almost done with the intermediate bots i  think everyone's basically gonna beat all   the bots except maybe the advance was their  last two um let's go here here here here is this a speed run it's not really a speed run  per se but um i don't know why i'm playing such as   be more herbie for the 12 months thank you  so much man appreciate let's go work up to   will it be who beats all the bots first by  then basically who beats all the bots or   as many of them but there is komodo level  25 which is not a fun bot to play against   so we'll see we'll see there there i  mean like maybe i can beat komodo bot   but er or commodore sorry but it's  going to be very difficult for everybody okay 97 is an amazingly good move by  by the bot just taking a knight c6 no i don't think certain bots are rewarded it's  the same but some of the bots are much stronger   like the bot levels are different  like quite quite a bit different   i need to stitch sir for the uh for the  gifted sub thanks so much man i appreciate it   komodo level 25 must be like i don't know like 3  400 or something i'm seeing something ridiculous   something very unhappy let's put it that  way 3200 okay so say the same difference   let's go here here i have played tft but  very briefly very briefly not not much let's go f5 maybe night h4 maybe bishop f4 do i stream every day pretty much yeah i stream  i mean i'm streaming every day nowadays at least there's actually a forced  checkmate here oh there's this   what but his queen is now trapped right  so i can actually just take and just take let's go queen before maybe bishop d6 maybe hit  hit the pawn here um let's just go check takes   i want to see how bad he could be in league  i would be terrible in league because i   i mean my reflexes are awful that's why i like  auto chess um and even something like tft it   resonates with me more because i mean it's not  the same thing like it's completely different   i can defend without my  queen yeah exactly not really   um can i actually beat the 3200 engine yes i mean  if if i get the right position i can maybe beat it   but it's not going to be easy for sure um let's  just take and go checkmate let's keep going okay   let's play e4 knight c3 here so does 32 30 400  mean it plays flawlessly pretty much yeah it means   it's like the best computer engines in the world  are 3 700. should let's go bishop b5 and take here it ends in approximately two hours 45  minutes i believe if i'm not mistaken   um let's just go here and take the juicer on e6 yeah leela and stockfish are both  3700 yeah they they totally are   okay let's go here line it up i take i fork  the king and the queen let's just take take   yeah stockfish is like insane it's like  3 500. um just take let's just go here just take let's go queen d4   do i think any humor will reach 2900  not likely i think borderline impossible bow test is sort of plus two right  now they might do it i mean if   one question though if they're playing the  hikaribot does it does it move instantly or   not because like when i played it in live chess it  was moving instantly is it moving instantly or not   because that actually makes a huge  difference let's go king g2 yeah so   see so if it's moving instantly then yes then  then of course you you have chances to beat it magnus is not 20 away magnus's elo  right now is like 28.70 maybe 2865.   i mean it's like 30 to 40 points  away he's actually quite far away he's not 28.82 he lost rating points unless you're  talking rapid or something there's no way is 2882   classical right now do you mean rapid is that  what you mean because he's not he's not 28.82 he's   not 28.82 there's no way he's 28.82 right now no  his all-time peak yes his all-time peak was yeah   yeah no no i mean his all-time peak was was around  there but yeah let's keep going let's go e4 and c3 let's go e5 knight of three here i think the  buggy smooth for the tier one thank you so   much buggy appreciate it thank you yeah his peak  was i think 28.89 or something completely insane   but i just mean i don't think it always um uh   yeah no someone did beat he car robot already yeah  nixon's beat hikaru bot um like i feel like hours   ago at this point um thank you to aliant for  the prime thank you so much appreciate it man just take so yeah i mean it's all it's all  relative but yeah let's go check and knight   t5 i don't think magnus will get there  though that's my guess i think it's just   you're it's just asking too much it  really is okay um let's go bishop c4 here let's just take the juicer yeah levy took the day off he did yeah yeah  i mean levi's been streaming a lot also like   we've all been streaming a lot of hours  lately so um uh let's go here just take i don't think any human will ever  reach 2900 though that's just my guess yeah magnus's peak was like 28.89 he  got incredibly close to 2 900 which is   amazing uh but i just i don't  think it's gonna happen again   i i just i don't i think the the gap has  closed a lot from from where it was back then i was 28.83 okay well close enough okay  let's keep going let's go knight c3 here my peak in classical i think was 28 19 or 28 20.  i think at the time was like the fourth fourth   highest rating of all time now it's probably like  eighth or ninth but yeah my peak was uh 28 20.   28.82 official 28.89 okay unofficial  yeah that makes sense yeah have i beaten my bot yet no because i someone  beat the bot so early that i never i the the the   uh the bounty basically was gone really early  so i never considered i haven't played my bot   that'll be pretty deep into this  that i play my bot let's go check i think he's just a force checkmate next  move oh no it's not i misplayed this   wow why did i do this i guess i still win but yeah go check and mate let's keep  going um let's play et4 knight c3 let's take let's go let's play queen of  three it's been working at every bot so far   i don't think boss behave the way they  should but i mean again it's like it's a pro   you program the bot to play a certain way  and it's like it's really just the algo of   what you try to position to play really  i mean it's just very hard to do that wow he actually put the correct  move let's see okay takes   it's actually a very bad position i have here  okay i just need to get my king castles here   once i cancel now now it's really bad for black let's go here i mean ali reza could definitely be a world  champion but i don't think i don't think he can   get to uh 2900 i don't think anyone can i don't  think even magnus can because the gap that existed   uh several years back just doesn't exist anymore  even for magnus let's go here i actually don't   have a good position in this game which is why  i'm moving a little bit slowly let's go here okay i think i go to q1 but we're  talking a classical chess you guys   we're not talking blitzer rapid chest  it's a different different kettle fish this spot is playing exceptionally well  which is really quite annoying actually now it finally makes a big blunder let's go here line it up okay there we go i'm gonna get the win i'm suspecting this bot is  using a computer good one um let's go here and trade okay so we're gonna win this game pretty fast um there's no xqc bot unfortunately there we go let's keep going we're  almost done with the intermediates   now it looks like which is pretty good actually what's the rating still 1300 so i mean  this should be a pretty quick win too there is no ludwig bot by  the way either no ludwig bot is there at least a juicerbot a good one good one let's go here okay i think i'll  just go queen f3 and hit the pawn on f7   let's just um take the pawn   let's take the juicer if he takes i take let's  go here if it takes i feel like there's got   to be some mate um let's just go maybe here  line up the classic right triangle let's take go here trying to make the  checkmate as fast as i humanly can   but here again trying to make the checkmate this actually stop the checkmate let's go check let's go check let's take i have not played my bot yet no not yet   soon because we're almost to the we're almost  to the advanced stage now okay there we go okay so we've got three left in the intermediate  and then it starts getting more more serious okay let's just play knight of three here let's go e5 go here knight  e2 f3 maybe or c3 i mean i have not had any dmca issues no i  have not i haven't had any dmca issues   i'm surprised you haven't played with yourself  before well i played the bot on stream a couple   of times actually in the past wow it saw  queen h4 that's insane wow that's insane   let's go let's go kh1 f4 good one you guys  good one good one good one you guys good one very very good one jesus uh such juvenile  people here in chat so king g2 king g3 let's go f5 let's take let's go e6 here let's go bishop c2 no i mean i'm laughing  because it's just it's so juvenile but   i should have i should not have  fallen for that it was just so   obvious like what you guys are  trying to get me to fall into i actually the moment that someone said that  i thought it sounded weird but i just said it   anyway because i wasn't really thinking and then  it's like oh yeah of course let's go here and here okay let's just take the pawn i  think it's just force checkmate right let's keep going we've got what two left  so let's keep going let's go e4 knight c3 how did i predict that because the one one  thing that the boss let's go for the greek   yet this is a trojan horse gambit now don't get  weird with trojan horse horse references here but   this is a great gift where you make uh you make  a big sacrifice and you create a force checkmate   or wait it's not a force checkmate wait what it's not a force checkmate what okay let's keep going let's keep going uh okay let's just take the knight um just take  checkmate and one um there we go let's keep going   um okay we've got one more one more intermediate  and then we're moving to the advanced stage um   let's go knight c3 let's play f4 um  egyptian bought this no this is mateo let's go d49t4 here   let's just take uh wait did i just wonder a  piece i did actually by accident there's no   real difference between the bots no they're  roughly i think the same at this point yeah   okay that's kind of annoying too that saw king f8 let's go here okay let's just oh what was  that my mouse just keeps doing this i was   trying to grab with the board for the  for the for the for the for the night   what is wrong with my mouse this has been  happening a lot lately i'm really glad this didn't   happen during during the match against photosynth  can you imagine this happened in the match against   photosave but yeah this has been happening a  lot today which is really annoying i might just   resign this game in a second um depends but i feel  like 1400 should be good enough to beat me here um yeah let's just go here 1400 should  be good enough to beat me up a queen   but we'll see i mean you could say i'm doing  it for content although it gives up a bishop i'm just gonna run the juicers basically let's go here oh i should go night before  i mean it should be good enough to beat   me i would i would assume maybe not though  because now it's letting my pawns run too let's keep rolling i mean this is so close to winning i saw that okay so here yeah i saw the fork yeah yeah i can't it came very it came  very close um wait what happened   it came i got very close there  actually at the end but it's still yeah   that was annoying that was really annoying  because that that shouldn't cost me the long   run but it still cost me like three minutes of  time because of that yeah let's go here in id5 let's go back let's play knight d5 uh let's just go here on bishop b6 uh let's go here let's go b4 or actually wait no let's go f3   let's just take no sub mode's not coming i mean  i'm not really annoyed because i mean my mouse   just slipped i'm just really really happy that  that didn't happen yesterday because i i mean in   this it doesn't matter because that happened  yesterday it would have been a huge disaster   let's go check and take how often do i mouse  slip generally not that much but lately it's been   happening a lot more um like it's been happening a  lot more than i would like recently let's go here   um steak yeah logitech is  a ts i'm sponsor by the way   i mean i went to oh blunderbush page four well  luckily this one is still winning but yeah let's   go here in king d3 but yeah it has been happening  a lot lately it's a little bit concerning um i only would have won 20 to 7 that's probably true  too let's take let's just take the pawn come back let's go here here here here here make a  queen let's go here i do have a wireless   this is a g pro wireless you guys it's  g pro yeah no no it is let's go here let's go a7 here it just takes just take one second let's keep going excuse me it's going to f3 um just take the pawn   peter wayne's for the prime thank you so  much appreciate it thank you let's play   the clock ring gambit here let's play  knight f7 and d4 here um and knight t3 which is castle let's go f45 f5 next move this is the uh   cochrane gambit let's go e5 named after  johnny cochran the famed lawyer from la let's just take let's go work out four hit the  queen hit the bishop queen h4 it's a free queen let's just take bishop c4 if the if yeah if the glove doesn't fit  you must have quit obviously let's go here chad stop being weird like seriously you  guys act like adults you sneeze once and   suddenly suddenly you've covered like you  sneezed one time has anyone forgotten their   things called allergies even do you guys  remember the world before all this stupidity seriously let's go queen e5 here so stupid let's go here uh should be a force  checkmate keep going let's go here here oh it's my move let's go here just castle let's go d3 let's just go back and reroute the knight i don't  like my position this game but it is what it is whoa that's a little bit bold ah maybe it's possible yeah  that's definitely possible   let's go here knight c495 let's just trade let's go here jump with the horse  to e5 eventually let's go here   uh i don't mind playing with bots but i feel  like they're too many kind of i don't know let's just go uh let's just go here check and  mate let's just throw on the tickle dance and   then go here actually doesn't matter it  doesn't matter because uh there's no clock i really don't want to trade but i don't  have an easier way to win this i guess let's go here yeah like there's so many advanced  spots still so let's go here knight c3 let's go here queen h5 is a move bishop  d3 is a move let's go here knight f3 yeah well on the speed run i mean i think the  thing with that though was that was different   but like here it's just like it's it's annoying  because there's so many of these 1500 level bots   you to play against like it's it's i don't have  a lot of time i've only got two and a half hours   left but i should beat i mean how many bots does  anybody know how many i've left at this point let's go here 20-ish okay no but you can't skip the weak bots  because the prize is based on how many bots you   beat you guys so you can't just skip over  the weak bots you have to just beat them all i mean i want my 1000 sandals you  guys so i have to beat them all   i mean i'm just saying like that's how it is i have approximately 30 okay  that makes sense i guess about okay checking me let's go f4 maybe  knight c3 here knight three bishop c4 d4 maybe knight d5 next move  maybe just castles queen f3 thank you man i appreciate it thanks  let's go d3 let's just take her bishop f4   three hours later yeah but they're also playing  without any inc without any time limit which   which makes it a lot easier to be fair like if i  if i was thinking for 20 minutes i was being super   serious about playing one of the bots um like  it would be much it would not be the same thing   so there is that of course as  well which does matter quite a bit   uh i want to go with b5 but it  doesn't work let's just take didn't i mean did you guys say they're  screaming i mean okay whatever but didn't   they say something didn't someone say that it  took they spent 20 minutes on a single move   like i'm just saying someone said that  earlier i don't know if that's true or   not but someone said they took  like 20 minutes on a single move i can never praise another player of  course i can praise another player   you guys but i don't know why  you guys are yelling about that let's go d7 and queen c5 here let's just take so king ju1 i have queen c5 of queen of seven here  i can just take um or take let's just make a queen   let's go check let's go check let's go  check let's go check and let's go mate um how many more bots do we have still one more  on this rank thank you to uh thinking in nicaragua   for the six months thank you so much appreciate  it thanks man let's just go here maybe f5 just takes d3 malicious castle i can just take um b1 is fine  bishop b3 oh there's c4 here oh he misses it   he had c4 that was just winning wow let's go  here bishop b2 uh looks pretty good so far let's just take queen before a3 is just winning  or i just take the knight uh it's all good let's   go a3 let's just take the knight i move the  bishop remove the knight next move i haven't   even played my bot yet that's like very far down  the list i still play like 20 other bots first i guess i have h4 here to hit the queen there's  no good square there's a checkmate by force   okay we just take queen of six next  or i guess yeah queen of six next move   um let's go here let's go bishop  e5 let's just take and go check me let's play e4 knight c3  next move play d4 knight e4   yeah my bot is one of the last  like five but i mean also like what   when i play my bot i am literally going to be and  unless i have like an hour hour left i am going   to be playing pretty quickly at that point um  let's go h5 bishop d3 i guess trade and bishop f4 i would love to see on dr k channel maybe down  the road i don't know we'll see let's just castle   king b194 um oh i thought he played bishop d6 he  didn't do that okay let's go here let's just take   let's go queenie two okay good job you guys um  congrats there you go um you know we're trying   we're trying to do something serious hearing  you guys are being a little bit too rowdy so   um congrats thank you to mockery for the uh uh for  the prime thank you so much man i appreciate it   i think i just go i have bishop c3 here  and i bishop e5 so it's pretty good here   um i can sack my queen i can  also go like queen d3 here yeah i mean i i'm we're trying to do  something serious hearing you guys   are just being stupid so i i don't i don't  really feel like it at the moment because   like we're playing in a real event for  money and you guys are just being silly so   i don't have to i don't have to let you guys talk  let's play rookie one here uh i'm gonna go rookie   six of queen f7 i can just take of knight two i  just go king a1 and apparently i blunder tonight what am i up i have one pawn maybe i go here let's go ricky rookie one i'm  too polite i mean i'm probably but okay let's go um just a3 here let's go queen d7 i have rick d6 or rookie 8 here   actually i'll just go this way it  says just better let's just take let's go here and just takes actually let's  trade the queens and oh i'm not working for   rookie five oh my gosh you don't slip there yikes  yikes that could have been really bad actually i mean i don't mind trolls i just  mean it's but what's the point   hoping to get a rise out of me i mean like come  on chill let's just take i take and come back let's go rook b5 a5 86 a7 88 queen and there's  just four checkmate hey you get the ladder again   okay let's keep going uh how many more it's  like another like 15 ish let's go here and here   let's go here here in f4 is a competition  yes this is uh this competition to see   who can beat the most bots that's why i left  that graphic up in the top right hand corner   uh right now we're just we're just we're just  trying to race the clock and win the games there's   like uh there's like two hours 14 minutes left i  need i think i need to be like 30 30 baht ish ish   i don't know the exact number but around there  um to take home the grand prize of 1000 sandals let's go richie one f6 actually  let's just go richie one right away any idea how you're doing compared to  other players i don't know i mean i   actually it would be nice if chess.com had  something for that but i honestly have no idea what am i doing i'm just  actually in trouble this game i guess i check and go here i'm here not a great  position no one is even close right now what do   you mean no one's even close surely like the bras  or other people must be pretty close i would think just go check go check check there's no actual checkmate here which is  kind of annoying but it's still winning let's go here let's just take bras are still playing the beginning bots  really did they did they beat like did they   do the other order did they play like hikaru bot  or do they do some like some sort of different   order maybe because otherwise they don't  understand how they're on beginners still   aryan's doing the bots out of order so it's hard  to tell okay i mean i guess that makes sense yeah yeah i mean i guess it depends if you do it in  order then then yeah it's pretty straightforward   if you don't do it if you do it like out of  order that's completely different of course   do i know that evan's gamut as well of  course i do because captain evans was a   was a naval officer um from there so yes i do  know i do know that so queen f6 ah they got stuck   ah they got stuck on maurice ah okay  i can actually that makes sense yeah   that actually makes a lot of sense let's go here  let's go oh what was that again jeez my mouse let's go here let's go check  let's go here let's go here let's go here you're way's ahead of most it seems   like yeah i mean maybe i am i  don't honestly know but yeah okay so we keep going let's play e4 knight c3  did i get coffee on my nose i don't think i did let's go d3 thank you to jeb for the three  months appreciate it thank you job thanks so much big mug yeah the snuggle is  real exactly snuggling is always   or whatever um let's just take and go um  fish b3 maybe maybe eight three next move   um i'm on chest stream right now i'm on chess  tv hey mom i'm on just tv hey let's go e5 here oh let's go king f1 here actually my mom  might be watching my stream right now   so i actually i don't know if i should be doing  that she might actually be watching let's go 94.96 let's go here and with d1 and create  the double double let's go c3 here let's take and take it's actually not a great  position it's gonna be hard to win this might take some technique  to win it's not a happy position bird's opening is okay it's  not great but it's okay   i wouldn't say it's the best opening out  there but it's not the worst opening either   now the problem with the zen game is my opponent  has a bishop look at all my pawns there's one pawn   on light so the bishop can't touch anything i'm  just going to show you guys every single piece   i have here is on the opposite color of the  bishop so he just loses without even a fight   or he should lose without a fight maybe i  shouldn't have allowed this but i'm still   going to win i think in touristy with the prime  thank you so much appreciate it man thank you and now i cover the square  and i make a queen next move i got to be careful not to style me  because i have a third queen on the   board so that's that's why i'm actually  not pre-moving the whole checkmate okay let's keep going he's killing me i must confess let's go bishop c2 and queen  d3 here uh i'll just go this way and hit   with the f pawn he is a tie yeah the bolo  tie yeah he's got the bolo let's just take let's go here try to line up  some threats towards the king i have not actually played this very well i'm not  very happy with the position i have here but it   is what it is i guess i'm going to try to fianch  or no i'm going to uh diagonally move my bishop   let's go here g4 bishop a3 i guess  and i put big pressure on the pawn let's take and go here thank you druid  drew dion for the prime thank you so much   what i'm majoring in college i dropped  out i'm a proud dropout let's go here i think i go here to create the lobster pincer just take i was going to study political science and be just  a bad person basically let's just take the rook um   let's go check just go here just take and check me to one so we've got like almost two hour like we're  almost into the last two hours of this now   maybe i just take and take just take the pawn um let's just  go d3 another dropout millionaire   don't know about that but uh thank you i found it  easier to become a bad person through self-study   i don't know i mean when he wants  something i mean he's getting back   in the chest it feels like so if he  wants something then yeah totally let's just go rick uh let's just go work  d5 and move the bishop maybe just king h1   let's go king h1 no need but  it's a move okay let's go c4 let's go e5 bishop f3 uh takes i hit the king  hit the queen everything is really good here okay we just keep going ahead  d4 is good rook c5 is good um i'm just gonna go over c1  let's go here hit the bishop let's go a3 no xqc obviously plays better off  stream that's not even a question actually i was   gonna say like i think in some ways he really it's  a big impediment that he tries to play on stream   and yeah grandmaster nixon's beat  uh beat hikaru bot very early on   which is why i haven't even considered playing it   playing it yet i should say um i'll obviously  play it play it later on but just not not yet let's go here hit the knight of queen d4  i have two pawns on the six so it's just   crushing yeah all the bounties are gone now  you guys they're all they're all gone so that's   why we're just playing we're just playing  chess i'm going to create lift for my king   and now let's just go here i have check i i mean  everything is bad let's just go here line them up it feels like we don't have another enough bot  to add 100 more yeah i don't know about that i think 10 minutes is fine for xqc  is what i would say but i think yeah   i think in general it's important um  to try and think as much as you can okay so let's keep going we're almost done with  the uh with the advanced spots actually which is   pretty good why do they keep playing f5 do these  characters look like they're from guess who wow   guess who thank you for reminding me when i was  young jeez i had forgotten about the flipping   game right crazy let's just castle here does does  your guy have a beard right let's go knight e5   uh so long ago let's go bishop four here  let's just take i have 196 knight g6 here   let's go here let's a shack that just  reminds me of how old i am that really does let's go c4 here i have not played hikaru  bot yet no i haven't not yet   yeah it's like yeah when you think of guess who  that just takes me back to my childhood weirdly did i play simon the blinking  light game what is that is simon   the one where he's the doctor or  something is it is that the game or is that a different one let's go here oh no that's operation that's a  different game i i don't remember   yeah okay like i i just i yeah  all the games are kind of like   they all blur together at some point i feel  like okay let's just go here on f3 maybe i think i did but it's not it's  right off it's not drawing a uh   it's like i'm drawing a blank  at the moment but i think so and by the way my birthday is  very close i turn uh i turned 33   good god um in approximately uh five  days not approximately sorry just in   five days so my we're gonna have a birthday  stream pretty soon actually let's go age seven let's just take let's make a queen let's go here let's go here just check me let's go here knight c3 you don't look at day  over 40 bro thank you for the uh thank you for   the insult man appreciate it thank you let's go  bishop b5 uh let's just castle here let's play   d3 maybe queen e1 queen h4 let's go queenie one do  i have a p.o box uh not at the moment but i'm pr   i probably will since i since i have my situat  since my situation is stable i know i'm gonna be   in california uh for the next year then um  i think yeah i'll start i'll start looking   into it let's go here and just trade i think the  shing for the prime appreciate they need a shinga uh let's just go here   i just actually won whoa did i blunder  am i the greatest genius of all time wait i like accidentally blunder but i  didn't blunder oh i'm i'm so brilliant   bishop g7 is like the greatest  move you will ever see oh my gosh   i'm sorry i'm sorry i know i'm flexing  but that was really really beautiful let's play g3 bishop g292 here um feeding master is definitely possible yeah i  mean it depends how much how much you can play   but yeah totally it's tough it's it's possible  for sure yeah let's go here and take almost 19   000 viewers say yeah we've been we've been popping  off lately a lot of well the viewership's been   insane so thank you so much to all you guys for  all the love and support you all are amazing   he car either talks about how brilliant  he is at chess or how terrible he is it   just know in between pretty much yeah i'm very so   i'm very like self-critical and i think you need  to have that if you want to be good at chess uh let's just take and take okay i'm gonna play a positional masterpiece  this bishop is dead for the rest of the game you   guys because it's walden by pawns so this  is like the greatest thing you'll see the   bishop can never move because the pawns  are clumped and even when he pushes the   pawns glue the diagonal completely so he never  has any scope for his bishop it's just dead whoops i don't want to blunder a rook actually  bad let's just close it see the bishop is just   dead forever it's just completely dead behind the  pawn walls no scope ever and i just finish him   let's go here let's go here in rook seven wait what cause i just go here uh let's just trade   i think the thing bastard give this up  thanks so much think bass appreciate it look at this sad bishop it's just dead  for the whole game just it's just dead   nowhere to go these pawns just hold the whole  diagonal just go here maybe h5 is a threat too like even when he gets the bishop moved it's  still stuck behind the pawn wall see like the   pawns connect and the bishop has no scope so the  pawn is just staring at a staring at a at a pawn   it's just dead i can even just take just  to highlight how bad this truly is like   the bishop is just dead it can't ever get into  the game even if he pushes i just capture so   what pawn supports it where are you going  dude dead bishop let's go here here here okay let's keep going we have four more to beat till we're  at the end of this um tour at the end   of the advanced level and then  i think it gets pretty serious it's castle let's go here maybe queenie one maybe a3 what a long event yeah there are  a lot of bots to play i mean it's   it is pretty long thank you dr kulo for  the six thank you so much man appreciate it just here pick up the juicer  i guess he could go here but   let's just take let's go here 94 knight f6 let's go hear me bishop g5 let's go here and there should just be  checkmate very soon i just ignore the bishop three more to go let's keep rolling and a-bots yeah i mean the bots are aren't  great but they're good enough that was a nice   quick one though it's nice to get a quick  win at this love at this stage especially now i think i used the juicers in  the center to progress up the board   uh oh i just actually i just  blundered that let's go rookie one yeah i do have some kind of weird  cube here but my position is not great   that's a good move maybe i have queen d5 wait no that's a free juicer let's keep the cube intact here  so we've got the big big cube   let's go here he's trying to break  the cube let's just trade and go b5 let's go here in here let's go back let's just trade let's go rookie one here maybe oh actually i just go b6 b7 i haven't  been to the gym here at tsm in quite a while   actually because i've been competing and doing  the streaming very early every morning so   i actually haven't um done anything uh i haven't   really been been to the gym here  at tsm in a little bit in a jiffy oh i oh come on   jeez well it's like the third p third like  big slip i've done today isn't it just take it's okay because this one i'm winning  still but geez unbelievable literally unreal okay okay i simply for the prime  appreciate thank you so much man okay let's keep going two more to go let's play   knight c3 manuals 2100  getting more serious i suppose okay let's go bishop c4 again let's just  castrol let's take the take the knight no there's no leaderboard actually which is kind  of unfortunate because i feel like there should   be one i'm just going to do this in king h1 this  might be bad actually but we'll see i trust that   i'm better than manual bot so i can get away with  this which i is probably very wrong to assume yeah very wrong to assume because now it's  going to get very messy let's go here or is it   wait no maybe not actually wait maybe  not no manual is just bad at chess um i just take the rook and it's game over  let's take the queen uh just checking me okay we've got one more left which is oscar  so oscar of course is the long-lost brother   of horson from sweden i don't know why he's  asking if i speak french but oh he played the   french opening that's why although he didn't play  the french correctly played e6 d6 um maybe knight   f3 actually is he's still banned is he really  not back yet let's go bishop d3 here let's go a3 let's go knight e2 let's go g4 it's still not bad jesus insane no this is this last spot for the  uh for the advanced level and then   i think it gets much more serious let's go here let's go here maybe queen c2 maybe  knight g5 i got a great position this game let's go here hit the juicer okay i just  i'm gonna go for the big cheese here h4h5 just keep rolling everything down the  board this must be a force checkmate no   yeah he's just getting sauced let's go queen h1 should just  be a force mate somehow um   why do i see a force checkmate weird  stuff um whatever let's just do this let's go hear me because i've checked and made he  sees that so let's go check whoops let's go check go check there's got to be a  maid here no wait what check let's go check all right that is checkmate um okay  you guys gonna run to the restroom   and i will be right back and we will  be moving on to um to almost the end   of this actually moving on to the  master stage so i'll be right back you
Channel: More GMHikaru
Views: 947,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, chess tricks, hikaru vs chess engines, hikaru vs master bots, gm hikaru vs bots, hikaru vs chess bot, hikaru vs engine 3200
Id: Y5_a0k1boz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 42sec (7782 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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