FOG OF WAR CHESS | My First Ever Game

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okay maybe i'll play one fog of war game because what is this okay let's try it fog of war okay i have no idea what's about to happen all i know is we can't see what's happening here so what are the rules even oxygen gambit thanks for that more appreciation bits also this is probably a terrible thing to stream if my opponent can my opponent can actually stream snipe the goal is not to check me but to capture the king oh oh but i can see in my territory oh interesting wait i'm so confused it's weird i can highlight the square but it also okay they need to fix some of the code okay so my opponent's moving things hmm i'm just curious like what happens if i move into squares you can move to oh interesting oh ah i think i understand now okay so i i should really okay i have a strategy this is still confusing oh my opponent said hi hi okay so i'm playing deadlocks hmm so i really want to just enable as much vision as possible yeah okay so i know there's something here let's enable this oh there's a thing there too interesting i think what i'll do i want to draw arrows but never mind play this yeah i want to do this and then start pushing the g on [Music] the goal of the varian is to capture the king oh so there's probably something on the e-file let's let's be safe let's be safe man i want to play queen e4 but it's probably not a good move yeah i'm gonna hide the king [Music] and we'll take this way okay so it's very likely black has black in that vision all along the d file play h3 maybe g4 coming what oh there's a how how'd that get there i mean i guess i could take oh but no there's there's not an f6 i know that so i'm not subjecting myself to mate so let's take oh oh so i okay so i have to remember where the pieces are so i don't have six probably pawn on g7 oh there's a queen too and the queen has vision interesting okay beginning to understand this a little bit more oh that means upon this pawn is undefended probably oh my king is slightly in trouble though i have to be careful of like checks let's take this okay so the bishop is there queen is there and then oh that knight probably came from f6 i assume to keep track of what black has a much better idea i just don't know where the rooks are oh the piece just disappeared where could the knight have gone probably back probably back to f6 so the queen's on e5 i know that [Music] let's play i just don't know where the king is okay wait what just happened oh the pawn either moved to b6 probably yeah probably moved to b6 actually um i'm scared there's a rook on c8 if there's a rook on see it i could i could run into trouble hmm i might be in trouble here oh my time oh okay the rooks are also now i know i know where all of black pieces are um let's move this way oh the pawn went to b5 okay so rooks are connected so the rook ever attacks my queen then i can just take it i think my time i can't pre-move either my king does not want to be there i want to pre-move you should probably take the rook i'm in trouble i think oh attacking the queen let's go but they like my opponent probably knows the thing is oh this is it's kind of intense okay so i know the rook is there man i forgot what happened with the pawns okay we're going to trade oh g5 was just played put the bishop on d5 because they don't know i have a pawn on uh on e4 unless they do uh-oh wow i won dirty flag let's go i won my first game ever a fog of war can i see like the full game we'll see the full game oh i just want to see like all the pieces how could that work i guess we see from both perspectives man it's so trippy wow so black was castle i don't know what to make of that that was interesting though oh sorry if i gave anyone a seizure the chad is saying shift alt f i don't believe it but i'll try it um shift shift alt f oh oh wow chat man chad knows shift alt f shows the pieces how do you know that wasn't intuitive oh press shift alt f to toggle oh chad is so smart okay let's see this game this was in english um oh black played very reasonably this pawn is probably hanging for a while yeah casting is probably a good strategy in this game then yeah i was scared about e3 falling but my opponent didn't know like what was defending e3 because they they can only see the pawn and then they probably assume i have a pawn f2 wait was my king hanging in the final position i won oh i didn't realize that oh that's what my opponent was trying to say they tried to take my king but they were too slow oh it's so funny because yeah they they know my king's here because the queen's attacking it oops wow so i'm i'm undefeated i've never lost a game of fog and of what is this called fog war or fog of war even though i probably should have lost okay i'll probably put this on youtube youtube people you can try this variants they have a lot of new exciting things to try i'm envisioning a thumbnail where i photoshop fog on top of the chessboard and maybe on top of my face
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 506,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial,, chess game, chess video,, chess explained, Checkmate, chess 2020, Fog of War, fog of war chess, kriegspiel, blind chess, pychess, chess variant, variant
Id: 5hvRrhhzpZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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