4 Player Chess ft. Gotham, Hikaru, Agadmator, Nemo

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why is it taking so long to yeah why it's  not starting like kind of weird Spence like   it's like 30 minutes of movie reviews in  the actual theater before the movie okay   you and lovey it's a red and yellow together  and I'm blocking all right I'm gonna put my   king spawn up your car be told to do so it's  good to get your it's good to get your I mean   out early by the way really yeah because  then they can do the most damage what is   the most damage okay overwatch player do we not  just go for a queen early you you can but hmm okay yeah that's a nasty pawn move hmm you're  not gonna push it all the way are you know she   can't cuz your pawn is blocking it unless you  push your pawn in which case let me see where   though don't hit me hikaru puppet no I meant  hit at Gavin Torquay don't hit him either be you doesn't matter we actually in teams you can't  take your opponent's pieces right like that   would be a fig your friends pieces they are  teammates be no I don't think you can't can   you what a horrible team we will find out so  I guess stop attacking my night oh okay I'm   gonna go here okay and then I don't know maybe  just oh you can draw for everyone to see no no   just for your teammate you you can try but it  might not be enabled so just be careful don't   wait ekari are you trying to go towards levy yes  I want it okay then I'll start moving on pieces   towards yes good move good move see you've got a  ISO ah you can draw nice yes Wow how do you how   do you remove the ID arrow you just left click  anywhere hikaru stop it stop okay okay okay all   right don't do it I want to stop I don't really  want to stop no I so chew just make sure lovey   can't attack you cuz I'm gonna go after him okay  got it so attack you should do stuff like like   I'm drawing so that we can we can go after to  you okay alright well stop wow that is a deep   move also you can do stuff like this so you can  slow down key cards attack by attacking him over   there I don't have any weaknesses love you pay  attention to your own position which is falling   apart yes I feel as though I'm pretty solid  I don't know okay that's fair I was told that   checks and for player chess is death as levy has  already found out that that is a fair assessment   of the of the previous game yes I definitely I am  your favorite commentator right I feel by the way   Antonio queen is not on the eighth rank you to  get the pawn like really much further yeah yeah   yeah that's that's a very slow strategy I've been  drawing I've been drawing arrows for you to move   the bishop to it's a key card but it's it's not  working with I'm drawing arrows to counter and   Sony over team members man you can embarrass me  even in teams are you all in on this oh my god   the patch notes oh okay okay alright alright um I  don't know very limited time okay let's go you're   doing okay hmm okay your knight can escort my  point to queening that's that's the plan but no   no that's way too slow because the thing is yeah I  know I'm trying to I'm trying to trig them that's   not actually my plan okay so we can we can start  doing stuff like this and then attack from both   sides yeah I would start looking to attack yeah I  definitely want to do that but his Queen can take   back right now so if you got a bait maybe I'll go  here and then because we get two moves on Hikaru   yeah also after he moves okay let's just go like  this says Hikaru has disconnected really oh it   says reconnected you could just stay disconnected  that that would be okay love you so that's what   you want to do okay no I don't wanna let me just  wants you to say disconnected so he has a choice   I got 40 seconds I got one shot one opportunity  twelve seconds you me um wow that is a is a deep   move okay you can hit him like you can hit him  like this on your neck saying okay just take him   next move it's not yeah you got to distract lovey  here yeah you need to distract love because you're   not under attack from him yes tracked lovey and  then I can then I can okay now you can take him   right because I got his my hit yeah exactly cuz  now you're hitting him there too okay I'm gonna   bring the rook over like that really nice that's  not a bad idea yeah well I have checkmate on my   team member in the next move but I don't think  that's gonna help me yeah no just checkmate him   anyways um I'm gonna check Levy actually so maybe  you can bring out your like open up your diagnose   something Oh Antonia if you get your Queen in the  game like here we can we can really do this yeah   so you're saying I shouldn't get leave my Bishop  there oh yeah it depends what he's gonna do um okay let's try it Oh Oh trying to well let me  only has a few minutes like if you move you're   a knight he is more than if he is a little bit  less than a few minutes yeah second it's are a   few seconds hey help me take this guy okay okay  so you got to move your queen and then this sure   that's good because I'm distracting Antonia okay  okay I'll try I'll try to distract lobby because   now you can still maybe take us we're close  to Chuck meeting lovey I think here yeah that   was not a good movie I don't go here though he's  gonna play this so here because it's only pinned   this way this is your nice move but I can take  with the obviously wait no I'm just doing it for   myself because I've got two seconds yeah yeah  hey just take the ponts otherwise you're lost I   think oh okay oh my god I go before lovey right  right okay okay I can't oh but I'm in check but   block it block it you're fine okay okay okay  okay yeah next move you will have to take the   bishop right oh that was not smart because lovey  gets distracted and now you should now you just   need to I mean it's very close to Antonio you can  you can keep looking sure you don't get checkmate   at you that's all I'm trying to do her yes Oh  Antonio you could have you could have done this   and we would have won oh wait Wow oh never mind  I'm drunk that's how okay oh good move that was   awesome yeah I'm running I was I was trying to  get rid of one of his defender also at a certain   moment you can distract him with this check you  know we have to go for to you oh yeah yeah yeah   you're so much better than me at this what the  hell dude okay I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying   oh my god its mate and I it's me oh no it's not  me damn it okay but next move I'll distract Lobby   I'll distract Lobby hmm I got this if I have  one choice that the next move everyone check   well because if you go here and then I like gang  up but he's gonna check me is what he's gonna do   or he's gonna try to yeah now you've just made me  lose a lot of time team a lose huh just believe   in yourself I came here and then I'll play yeah  okay that's perfect no but what no but he just   no but the rook cart no wait no no just just just  just just and somehow because I just a fan because   I'm close to Chuck meeting - right I might get  checkmate in like a move oh okay you guys yeah   I got this pawn push I only have one Queen so it's  fine with me I think they will checkmate you but   then you can take this no I can't you can't wait  wait see do I have a checkmate here oh wait can   you check him Oh Chuck here why don't I have more  pieces oh you go two seconds two seconds oh okay   uh maybe Bishop here I got man oh my oh and it's  over if you get checkmated oh that was gay if one   person gets checkmated the team loses Wow then  it's so pretty important okay good job the card   that was crazy good play Lobby good play that was  we have to go for checkmate okay yeah that's why   you can get like these quick track mates with  like two to two players combining like a bishop   and a queen cuz cuz it's just the end I feel  like not very good yeah yeah wait you just said   good play and not very good like back-to-back  sentences you got to choose one last time oh we   were so close that was like that was like such  a competitive game alright alright so okay this   dude okay okay maybe something like that and I  can start hitting him how is that perfect I'll   be careful cuz I'm gonna do I don't think this is  fair they already have tactics that's always very   dangerous in the first like two or three moves  yeah that's why you don't really want to push   you d-58 yes found out from the chat last time  do we do we have less delay now I think so just   we know this increment is five second increment  okay yep okay so it changes randomly every time   or what no there's just a five second increment I  think per move yeah yeah every move you make again   foreign support seconds yeah okay that's a very  aggressive mm-hmm they're trying to go after my   king hmm yeah III would I would offer help but  I don't know how to help yes okay which is sort   of like a prerequisite for helping I'm just gonna  get some pieces okay I don't think anyone expected   help from you anyways hey okay okay she's come on  come on come on listen no mental health clinics   are open right now so just like give me a break  hmm I'm going to [ __ ] Hikaru now yeah I would   really love to know how you're gonna do it cuz I  I don't see it you gotta if you drew some arrows   it would really help me okay okay okay that's  pretty crippling okay it is you know it's very   dangerous to say something like that ticky karu  cuz he'll go he'll just literally run it what are   you talking about and you're just like oh god just  like okay what was that that was weird you should   keep development you should keep this line open  cuz we have some of these sacrificial ideas on   Hikaru I'm gonna play this and do that I'm trying  to I'm trying to surprise them just like I get   some pieces out I'm gonna start talking same Tony  young yeah same oh yeah yeah I do I like same as   last game sure sure oh well last time we actually  gained up on levy after we get up on you so that's   getting a competitive let's let's not fry yeah  yeah that's true you guys that you guys probably   missed meeting like three or something you see my  arrows Antonio clearly okay well I don't know I I   don't know last time they were being ignored Oh II  carros is so good hikaru notes I think he actually   sees your arrows no he doesn't we're not streams  he's he's on good terms with developers so they   might yes right right some extra okay you gotta  make it you gotta deflect something here I think   I could take a night sure oh come on okay okay did  you have like a certain specific plan I think well   if you go here and then here yeah he's an idea  I think that's reasonable yeah he's in very big   trouble okay attack or something okay let me  um cuz love us to find a move here so she you   might have to sack something though okay Oh why'd  you leave no no no just do whatever now just do   whatever I don't I'm not sure love is terrible  just do whatever he's okay alright I agree I   the most important diagonal yeah we probably have  something better there but yeah no way you didn't   have to do that cuz I was guarding it from a  distance I think take care that's fine no I'm   saying no I'm completely okay then I'll just yeah  because lovey-lovey is just so bad at this game you're not wrong okay I kinda have to go for  this I'm gonna take here okay wait I can also   I can hit him no no no I it's fine just yeah  I'll be okay he doesn't Antoni does have a   lot of pieces left yeah that's true I don't know  where they went so probably from all the from all   the crippling you into sacrificing a bunch of  your pieces right sure you inside because yeah   going after me and then he then he left you  played Bishop takes B - yeah it's super weird hmm this is fine this is good it's my turn  okay it's it's winning because unless lovey   can magically checkmate me on his own I just don't  uh I'll just be taking out my knight I think yeah   unfortunately I don't yes unless I don't even know  who to attack noble of you you really ruined it by   taking that pawn like joking aside you never  sure I I got her checked me with the night I   would love to debate strategy but unfortunately  I'm just not good enough so I still support you   for commentary I still am pretty confident about  this game I don't know you Carver's got like ten   seconds I have no pieces that's okay she yeah  I like that move you car oh thank you I can   we saved my ruck now oh nice nice okay wait  if I play this it's a check and then when it   comes to your turn you can check him again or not  really yes let's do it yeah cuz cuz the guarantor   doesn't have any pieces since lovey yeah he  isn't oh it's not like I don't have any piece umm I mean now if we go back here you've got Queen  bear so that could be an idea just don't get Chuck   me to you and also I'll be fine I'll be fine yeah  I'm gonna take aggravators rook and then you can   maybe have like wait you can also go here and  I can oh wait no sorry okay okay I kind of have   to do this yeah okay no all right mean this this  check I don't know I mean I don't have a lot of   pieces left so but I'll be probably just canceling  next move for something okay well you are try try   to checkmate some someone I'm looking at you I'm  gonna pry my rook over so I can do something yeah   don't don't take that pawn but everything else  is probably no but I'm in trouble now uh what   about that ruck there there's this oh oh just  professed I mean I take my rocky cars my rook would love to do something but I honestly have  no idea and I don't want to lose on time wait   but next move don't you lose your Queen yes Queen  but okay but okay we just block this I guess now   now we're winning yeah it's very common no I  mean because you're still in some danger your   king yeah but it's this rank for that for the  price they don't have I still have one rook yeah   and also she use in trouble can we do something  about yeah we can because we have this we have   this on this yeah yeah that was that's what  I was going for okay well she she stopped it   okay but let's still bring it over there okay he  car wants another Queen yeah all right sometimes   I probably had something better but yeah with  this little time I can't do anything yeah six   seconds you lose too much time in the beginning  yeah I'm I'm contemplating existence and then   wait you if I push up here I get a queen or not  I think it's here or something okay okay yeah   gets two more squares yeah three more apparent  oh my you what's it yeah I don't know how this   works either okay a bit silly yeah just a fact  cuz again we're still doesn't have any pieces so   right yeah it's super weird but levees actually  actually has pieces for once see if this can do   something oh I should have played that why not  think I don't know saw this no no it's not it's   fine okay isn't it I think it's fine I mean you  probably won't be able to push that now so but   it's fine because now when he take yeah okay  no okay okay you can take the bishop right I   forgot actually capture things in this game to  do I mean it would take your pawn or like okay   wait why'd you do that now he just takes the pawn  Oh oh my god I can't do this they pay coming with   my bad I literally move the one key thing that  undefended there is hope always always if we   throw you cards for content okay mm-hmm I should  have won this game actually I agree I agree that's   that's right I kind of still think you will whoa  no no chance you guys are up like you you guys   are up at UH no material mm-hmm I mean she you  should somehow try to get in and Chuck me that's   the okay oh yeah I mean there's not much we can  do here that's true unless I can somehow deflect   by key I just can't deflect not enough pieces  for this never been more on with the Knights   this seriously nice nice but you move at night  somewhere just move well the Knights closer to   this King like maybe here um okay Brooke intake  but I make a Chuck I make a Chuck you got to do   it okay thank you for the night oh we no other  pond was backwards to our forwards whoops it's   fine wrong one we're throwing for content I took  both nights no even if the one I've checked me I   get checkmated yeah but you gotta even if the  baby check oh that's my bad yeah I mean check achu maybe you can try to hmm right I like that  huh there's no checkmate there right oh come on   we're getting checkmated over here I'll stop it I  don't even know if that was the right move but oh   I can't go here because of Queens I don't know no  but it's it's fine at least I'm not too getting   checkmated by Shu oh that was not smart yeah  why'd you uh I'm I'm I'm throwing everyone's   throwing at this point now this is not clear at  all yeah well no we can check made him like the   traditional chess way yeah yeah yeah okay Oh I  mean maybe wait if you know there's no I mean   would you want to take oh you're in check right  okay yeah I'm in shock okay no I I really want   to take this I think we're winning now actually  yeah don't move the Queen do not me yeah yeah I   know yeah okay um okay like doing I do any good I  don't think we can survive this see you can make   that all right no I'm gonna take here and then and  then we're it's for sure I have no move I have no   moves checkmate no what wait oh god oh god um  nicely done Oh what oh that's nobody couldn't   take my rook at the row be protecting oh okay  no but I take his Queen now wait okay this is   okay we go with his endgame right can you now  checkmate him I was in check so I had to not to   get out of that but but I think you can do it  now easily yes so you have to guess so okay I   think I'm just gonna slow down he karu literally  all I'm gonna try to do try to take a guy before   his last pond okay okay I know it's okay I'll  go for it I'll promote what I can and bring   that night closer oh yeah I should have taken his  pawn should taking his pawn yeah that's fine but   a gadget or is nothing oh but the King can move  next to the rook oh I didn't know well it's his   rook see I gotta say these games are competitive  let's just put it that way I was not a good move   okay I'm good just gonna go ball how is he card  is still powerful with four pawns like it's not   cool I think you basically you just have to be  levy because that's all this yeah I guess he's   only up one night I got this I guess I'm okay I'm  defending your pawns alright we're just running   we're going for it let's go let's go for that  Queen are you able to stop I can take its partner   Oh terrible move oh my god you're that did your  pawns just they need to be nerve t'car oh okay   what is this endgame okay already a second point  I've captured with I keep doing God's work I mean   kill you it's you against lucky like literally  think of it that way okay I'm gonna push my pawn   up because basically we have nothing I have  to Antonio York your king is like the defense   against everything basically at this point now  I'm bringing Mike into it's your king is this is   a whole new meaning of end games push your paws  up too because then well i me only push this one   okay okay pass pawns okay I'm not blundering that  one if I get it like a check or something I'll be   amazing okay nevermind but just keep running your  mom yeah let's do that oh he found a good move I   didn't say oh yeah I can try checking yeah yeah  that's it that's actually a good idea here with   the limited material name okay I'll do it good  idea yeah okay but we're still winning I'm not   so sure about that now maybe if I go here and  here well you might just gobble up all the red   points and that's it yeah do you wanna do any  card you want this yeah yeah I know I like it   I like okay wait if she x-ray check does did you  guys win what you still made their draws in for   Blair chess but no you win still wait the draw I  didn't even know that was possible okay yeah you   know you're welcome oh my god I feel like I just  went for a blood draw it's this is so great this   isn't may this is great hi YouTube hi hi guys  you look great today I don't know if I'm like   if that job was a good thing or if we could have  won that and gay I think we would have won that   end game with my king where it was once you once  you start pushing pushing Antonio's King away my   king I think we would have won that I'm sorry well  I mean we should have won and then we should also   lost - okay so draw is fair he's fair result yes  oh my god I would still like the wind I mean I   had such a good plan I just didn't realize still  mates happening for player yeah no I had forgotten   to actually be fair I mean I don't think any of  us knew because none of us I've actually read   the rulebook he's gonna pick us up in the three  weeks that's we've gone along wow you actually   asked if it was possible to get a draw I mean for  player but I I think they agreed that it was right   it's the only way to get it cuz you can never  have a repetition mm-hmm I mean someone's what   if here what if she you had x-rayed our Kings to  each other then how does that work like oh that   would have been game over yeah is that is that  mate yeah that would have been well no I mean   someone's King gets captured though what - work -  uh - one more square to the right yeah yeah right   a nine Oh glasses see cuz levy moved his king  away yakking - - - where did he move it he was   king 210 uh-huh if he had left his King on canine  instead of moving to Alton then then work - ain't   no he would have won bikini this is - seven head  for me I don't feel guys I don't I don't feel so   good guard don'ts don't spit out your drinks  you already made herself famous for that shoe   it's it's got like a hundred thousand views or  something I don't know it's yeah all right the   next team should be starting right yeah see you  you're not accepting the invite oh I'm sorry wow I feel like this show gets better and better  every week I feel like how many times have you   already played it this is the third edition  probably after today I'll have to I'll have to   look at local therapists or maybe some theory  I tried that I'm like you guys know you're on   the same team right I think Antonio was always  not even trying to be rude it was just trying   to give me advice like I think it would be good  just picked up some theory like yeah i'm never   rude on stream that's too rude oh she learned from  the man learn from the man use me I'm very nice   let's dream mostly I love how Antonio was like I  don't play this and he's just like extremely good   at it oh yeah immediate stalemate no but I mean  like wait but then there's this you I don't know   yeah okay you're right sorry I didn't mean you  swear yes that's so that's our biggest problem I   don't know it's a PG stream yes Gotham you there  11 you got to reconnect you got to reconnect oh   I just reconnected okay so anyway Chad told  me to uninstall chess yesterday so here you   are Chad I'm not playing chess anymore and play  for play chess I uninstalled chess wow that's   really rude from your chat that's not nice yeah  goodness gracious I'm used to getting told to   install League or Valerie but this is the first  time someone's told me to straight up on his toe   chest yeah that's that's very that's not okay  that is not okay that's that that queen capture   is also not okay alright so now we've opened  up some lines aha debate we can die and I think   as of as of move five we have a completely new  position yeah okay there's the Queen good good   things are happening for once Wow okay where's my  queen go hey car any advice make your own moves   yeah starting square is good or okay make moves  for a green and blue this is no way triangles   like retreat yes literally try playing this a  little bit always with that pawn but actually   lie like this now I can get my Knights somewhere  like this it's like alkenes aliens defense right   yeah Center two on two and nine right okay so nice  move how surprising under attack nice okay so yeah   we kind of messed it up a little bit but nothing  serious I'm liking the calmness here everything's   okay everything's fine I think okay I might be  completely wrong and I probably am but I feel like   we have to go attack to you now yeah that's why  my knight is all the way there but that's why you   guys do anyways like you didn't need to announce  it we can't beat Hikaru so we basically gave up so all right well I'll try to distract oh man you  had something I think really good but I'm not   even gonna try to suggest moves anymore so it's  probably like like what I thought we had maybe   some double check attack on her I I'm still new to  this stop it stop you're so good I don't know way   better than me are you kidding me I'm like looking  for like moves and this guy's finding everything   just be careful to you I'll check I'll check me  to god record or I'll check check me on Tonio   but be careful because I'm gonna attack levy - oh  yeah really okay okay oh that's not okay that's   that is a valiant attempt at an attack well gets  better than okay very careful Chu X I can already   see what lovey wants to do okay wait what does  he want to do I don't see it no I don't want   something like this oh yeah okay I can something  like that I think all right Rex are not good for   me so okay so all the flack I'll make it I think  I'll play that just to stop this Bishop well he's   gonna take my bishop too now though so it's fine  don't don't worry Obie's gonna lose its Queen   then okay actually this is brilliant yes oh god  no it was completely brilliant and we have some   discovered actuator here then next it'll be your  turn to take there no but he's gonna discover me   yes he is yeah we do Oh so it wasn't a brilliant  move oh so I could have I could have done some   serious damage my might be sacrificed was actually  well justified okay man we're looking here now   that's what's happening okay oh she stopped it  to second or did she no I stopped checkmate but   yes oh we should have wish it like we should have  went for Hikaru a little bit there but it's okay   take here next you can't yeah you can nope we  do have time so it's okay let's just go all in   holy [ __ ] what oh wait what I don't know that's  actually ignite that's either winning or losing   okay that move looks winning oh I trust you I  trust you use the clock use the clock I don't   know I'm just gonna go here I don't know I feel  like she's losing but I just don't know how so   I can't even finish this you off I think I'm  gonna go here and just try to do something in   case yeah okay I'll try to oh okay I'll try to  do something that okay okay hmm very nice they   want to checkmate you I see it okay this is like  a good time for me yeah but no now get that get   the thing out of there yeah yeah why wouldn't you  maybe could do that I don't know right I'm gonna   do all right now that's no good um I'm gonna try  to just defend my king so you can go for two you   yeah I'm trying something here but it's all very  well defended I'm just defending all the squares   near my King or maybe not I don't know anymore ah  okay okay he wants to go after my night and yours   as well I don't want to do just do something  maybe I mean it's just a lie I say live for a   few more moves okay okay wait maybe now be a good  time for that Queen Queen here well oh it's right   there oh sorry sorry no no that's fine um but I  need to keep Queens on right me or you can you   defend I'll be fine okay fine so I'll trade the  Queen's idea if you're just don't get checked me   by a pie Antonia because now yeah I'm fine um I  mean I can take here I think yeah just make sure   Antonia doesn't check me you cuz lovey doesn't  have any pieces and he's gonna have to deal with   my attacks pretty soon okay all of his species  he just doesn't have the Queen see I like that   I like that optimism yeah we need some more of  that okay all right I'm um I think I'm coming   to hell defense I think I'm coming to help but I  but I also don't know if I'm coming to help Shekar   is also helping that's not helping us okay yeah  yeah I know I like it I like it Oh careful I'll   try I'll try to go after love ease yeah it's okay  I mean I don't think I'll get checked many like   three four moves if I don't do anything okay but  I'm going after lovey - all right sounds great   okay so what's your phone mm-hmm like anything I  don't know I there was also this is the problem   so I have no idea I saw this also I'm going to  take this and then put my queen down sure sure   wait I say any checkmate wait that's your rug  you're protecting here yeah okay he if he goes   here okay okay thank you okay we we got one move  in I'll just open up my I'll just open this up no   this is good this is good okay okay I'll just I'll  go full and defense defense mode okay all right   what that's right it is a little bit of weird I  don't want to take the night or do I just want   to take this don't take my now you want I mean I'm  defending you with my work in my bishops all right   cool good shape okay thank you um yeah I'm just  gonna take the night less pieces on the warming's   you know oh my goodness yeah we're because I  just crazy stuff protected yeah okay let's do   this don't like this yeah me neither are we always  so close but so far it's like teamwork makes the   dream work it's how the game works singers you  guys still made us again that would be cool no   I don't think so OS I wasn't uh-oh watch out for  that you can honestly move your rug because I'll   be fine putting my king here oh you played this  right no no no bishops there I'm trying to include   York pieces somehow but oh that's fine totally  fine yeah okay like he's he's he needs a few   moves this Bishop is doing amazing this okay I'm  amazing could be strong but ah that's not that's   not play okay that's that that could have you  could have just not done that but alright you   know I like making your life a little bit painful  levy yep I am I am aware that's a good move that's   that's very clutch and now I think I can go here  she has to deal with you yeah that's fine you   just go away that's fine okay he's probably  gonna do this it's not I'm not gonna do that I'm not pieces here okay why'd you do that why  what was I supposed to do oh uh you were in check   oh there's a [ __ ] I didn't see that oh that's  so sweet oh that's so sweet she flies she didn't   see a bishop oh that feels good up top at Sony oh  yeah I don't see me high five okay I did a bastard   ah webcam high five yes we kind of did it I threw  I'm sorry for cargo oh my goodness I shall seem a   check went after Antonio Bruce King was completely  safe I should have cut my work near King gosh that   was a big mistake it's all right it's all right  we got them this game we're playing again yeah   let's do it it's real one and a half one and a  half in very fitting fashion what I like the more   we played the better we are I get worse I don't  know about you but I get worst game by game but   that stalemate totally totally got us back in  the match okay okay car losing time I like it   like one second yeah oh yeah it's again with the  delay with the increment okay doing immediately   with the Queen are there any like yeah there's  some strats if we both get the Queens out it's   possible but I am I'm gonna play some yeah I'm  gonna go yeah okay so nice okay they're just   chasing me around yeah yeah that's a great move  because now I can completely no don't do it don't   do it okay don't do it don't do it don't do it  okay wait why would you do that do what oh yeah   oh you're fine - you're complete okay like what  what am I missing I I thought I had some tricks   I'm playing Wow but what's Bishop captures what is  that oh because my Queen and the rook was hanging   so I had things hanging on both sides oh okay so  I guess maybe bringing that Queen out too early   isn't yeah yeah it's it's not unless we both do it  okay I'll just I'll keep my my genius strategies   in my back pocket okay but now you have a line  open for your rook so let's use that you you bring   out the best in me that's the positivity I like it  all right let's let's get him in there very nice   he snatched your piece and now he wants to grab my  bishop wow I gotta play fast yeah there's no salt   in this right yeah I think we have that happen  a previous game there is there is right but okay   I think he Carla's move was a mistake maybe Oh  keep pushing yeah just go for it all right can't   you just capture what what oh wait he can okay  fine I'll deflect I'll deflect okay what oh my   god everyone everyone's deflecting everything  dude we won how i blundered it yeah we won wait   what we won and you and you defenders bishop oh my  goodness we're gonna be late I saw it the moment   that I played it well I'm genuinely just very  confused why it's just Chuck mate it's just check   mate there's thesis oh yeah nonetheless unless you  can is there move here no there's no moves there's   zero moose mm-hmm-hmm you could take there's  uh okay what but that was very clean yeah yeah   I was unfortunate that was really unfortunate so  we were actually winning their out of the opening
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 408,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nwpPKBBzgbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 22sec (2722 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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