Hermitcraft 7: Episode 22 - BUILDING THE GRUMBOT!

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[Music] it's finally happened I have the last piece of the puzzle the last belts are gonna put it right there and I can also add it straight to my gauntlet if you look at my right hand the red belt is there which means I can do what I've been planning to do since the very beginning I could take my hand and [Music] [Music] I have snapped all of the doors into my shoulder box and I even took some of the weirder doors as well including the water hunts they've got so many doors I think I got just about every single door that I physically could the only person who really escaped was etho who doesn't have any kind of door whatsoever he has a very strange base it's worth going to have a look at that so we're gonna pop these doors where nobody can get them and I think I'm going to enjoy having this on my hand for a while so anyway welcome back to another episode of hermit craft last episode we built this it isn't completely 100% finished as you can see up there but for the most part there's been a lot done a lot done in fact there's actually so much done in here that I think it's time I moved my attention back outside because this is so functional and I have been slowly putting all my goods in the right chests using this amazing sorter I mean you can see how busy this has been I think it's time I did bring my attention back outside I think there's some details missing and definitely a bit on the side and we're not gonna look at the back but you know what that's like but before that I actually need to meet up with mumbo jumbo who has seen my signs and is going to meet me in the shopping district for our first Mambo former meeting at the new headquarters that we made last episode mumbo jumbo hello our future mayor the future mayor that's very very confident of you that is I mean the pressures definitely on I feel like a lot of people have heard about this mumbo for mayor thing and yeah I don't know what's going on mate to be honest with you i I've kind of been caught a little bit of God so I'm campaigning for you to be mayor that's a thing and right I've made a headquarters for us oh sweet so we actually have like so we a place a dent like a hub where we can conduct mayoral activities and like boom alright okay well I'm glad me here because I wanted you to try the the diamond thrown on for size see how it see how it fits am I allowed to and she's family I mean I'm oh there's no man to tell you off is that how do I look do I suit it yeah you don't ya look interesting I'm gonna get down yeah say the thing I'll say the thing I say it's very you my face doesn't suit these sorts of things I can't have this sort of luxury we're not with the face like have you seen by the way you've seen them the posters I've put up right yes yeah yeah yeah yeah there's other people have have coffee look at this vote scar trees and cats for all what we don't even have promises like that on our post we just have a couple of promises I've kind of promised everyone facial hair anyway let me show you okay okay okay whereabouts we going to the right past the concrete shops - there we go look at this stuff over here for a second take take a look at this it is on breath no one's being mistaken there this is like I don't even know how to describe this this is like the worst superhero base ever like a positive way I've got my own my own facial hair as as my base how do you get into this place oh yeah there's a little platform here at the back and yeah you kind of fly in okay okay see I was kind of expecting like splitting waterfalls or or you know I don't know how much budget you think I've got take a seat okay okay let us start our first mayoral campaign meeting it is exciting it is exciting okay so obviously you're running for me to be mayor that's mm-hmm it was unexpected okay but clearly the people want it because it seems sort of it seems to have gone around it seems to be very popular I'm hearing nothing but Mambo from at this point in time which is a great American pain is crayon to a winner the one question I do have for you though is how does one how does one do meryl stuff like what does a mayor do what is the plan for our campaign but I feel like we need to back it up with some some good plans and strategies for mayoral stuff you didn't see the poster you saw the poster right yeah I mean I saw the poster but that's just advertising the mayoral campaign what the poster is the plan mundo from there right remember from their plan there's my plan right there in the advertisement for the mayoral campaign isn't the plan that's just telling people that I'm running for mayor do they see on the diamond throne and stuff and I don't think that's all they do other things to do Graham but the poster look at the poster Mambo it's a good poster I mean if there if ever a poster was was the plan is the plan I asking you think that maybe the posters enough well what if I was what if I was to build some some someone you know I could ill soggy one build some one yeah we could build someone to come into the campaign like artificial intelligence style yeah like a machine yes a mayoral box in green mumbo Merril BOTS I am frequently astounded by what's possible with red stones so I'm not even a little bit surprised okay so I think I think we could definitely do that like it's not ball thing it just tells us the answer exactly tells you exactly what to do we exactly yes so we present a mayoral question perhaps we feed it some mayoral information so it knows what to do yeah and then and then and then we ask it Muriel questions and it gives us meryl answers and then mayor okay cool no I I'm down with that okay so if I I can build the outside of it because I don't get redstone and then you do no technical doodads on the inside okay and then we go Rambo so you will have a handsome smart grumble you'll do the outside or to the inside and then mer I'm just gonna save master swaddle you press the button on the grumbo and you pick up man yeah congratulations before before we do that that is something I'm gonna have to ask you to do I know saying here I've realized that could you take your helmet off for me just one sec yeah yeah no problem well I was about to say maybe actually I took that off very hastily I probably like a couple seconds that is not the face of someone people are gonna is gonna vote for I'm just i'ma put that out here please don't take any offense to it I wouldn't vote for you and I'm ready I'm running this campaign I would currently would not vote you need to get your mustache back it is okay it is probably your own skin okay okay much better I haven't looked yet on your head basically feels greasy might be a little burger grease in there somewhere some spare chips a couple of dry chips in there and I've drawn drawn a little mumbo face on it I must yeah way better advice okay okay but I still should probably get anyway oh I don't care what it takes go and beg tango if you have to buy it back I I don't know what you got to do but your job is to get your moustache back from tango we can deal with like the the things shaved out the back of your head because people aren't you outing for the back yeah yeah okay okay so so plan is okay new plan is I guess the plan is right now is is acquire mustache you make Grumbach meth yes I think we missed a few steps but that's that sounds about right plan cool you know watching the Sun sets from the mustache is oddly satisfying this is the spot it's so calming so we now know the plan mumble and I don't have a plan so we're gonna make a robot that gives us a plan I've got myself some materials for this machine I have no idea what to do I I don't know what I don't know how big it needs to be I don't know what it needs to be made out of I don't know what it's gonna look like so I'm just gonna guess I'm gonna try and put the features of me and mumbo into this machine now the mumbo for mayor campaign has been very very successful but I think it's best that the people that are promoting mumbo for mayor you know leaving comments and stuff definitely keep it to our comments mine and mumbos don't go spreading it around the internet please it can be very frustrating for other people so mumble for mayor keep that in our comments and as for the other candidates please it would be absolutely amazing if you gave them as much support as you give us this is a competition slash ray slash fight for the diamond throne that's entirely fun between all of the hermit's so let's all try and make this the most positive experience for absolutely everyone so just as much as you support me you should support the others speaking of the others I think it's finally been revealed who else is after that thing the diamond throne and one of them is stress monster who has gone with the campaign gg-get gorgeous and it says vote gorgeous but I feel like I feel oh there it is there is there's two versions stress for mayor there we go and then we've got full symmetry so stress monster for symmetry mumbo-jumbo oh boy and we've got probably the worst campaign scar look at this really bright colourful really bright colourful he's got a dark sign with normal text on it vote scar trees and that's so difficult to read scar look from back here you can't read that at all so we got scar stress false and mumbo and Joe Hills for the dog and I've actually seen a couple more headquarters pop up literally pop up there's a hot air balloon vote scar oh this is really nice you know it's made my little mustache look pretty pathetic look at this that is such a cool effect the angle of that mmm very nice and the way that he's put all of those fences together smashing I mean this is why we've got to support our fellow Hermits right because they're doing a better job I mean I still really like this I think there's something very elegant and nice about this meeting room and I'm about to expand this but something also about this scar gonna be some real competition and then over here there's another headquarters that can only belong to false symmetry I believe this is in the same style as her base and we can spy on the headquarters right now yeah false for mayor I don't know where stresses is if she's got a headquarters yet but it would be cool to see what that looks like when it pops up it looks like it looks like the mayor campaign is really starting to get going so that brings us on to act we build the grumble to machine now I think what I'm going to do because I don't know how big this machine has to be I'm going to make a platform out the back here and then build the machine on it and then later down the line I will build the building it goes in so I'm working a bit backwards topsy-turvy I'm gonna build what's inside the building and then build the building afterwards hopefully that makes sense let's get into it with a new time-lapse building of the Grum bot let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] behold of the gram bot look how happy it looks this design was a lot harder to nail down than a lot of other things I've done in hermitcraft this this took a really long time I think I've got about eight different designs for various Grum bots but this is what I settled on it's got my fringe it's got mumbos mustache and it's a robot I think that is three boxes checked it currently doesn't work obviously because there's nothing technical inside now if there needs to be more space for mumbo there is like there some lesson room to expand out the back if we need to but I think mumbo can do pretty well with that then hopefully we go like beep boop and then something will come out here our instructions will be dispensed now there is something I really need to point out there's this green like the the matrix text going down the face of the Graham BOTS this was an idea given to me by B dubs and oh my goodness thank you so much b dubs what a suggestion the banners they sway ever so slightly in the wind even though there's no wind in Minecraft but it gives the illusion maybe I should maybe I should build the platform a bit bigger but it gives the illusion that there's like this green text moving down the screen it actually makes it look alive just because of that very very subtle sway in the banners now this is the banner here and all I've done is just laid it over eachother again and again and it's just produced the most amazing effect for Grum but now when you're standing here you can just about see and you'll also notice that it's kind of doing like a pose and this is intentional because grumble is basically shrugging and saying I don't know either so whatever you get out of it it's kind of just imagine that the grumbles going yeah this is what you do next so that is a big job done and I'm so thankful that I didn't build the building around this first because I had no idea it would be this enormous it is a huge build it's much bigger than the headquarters itself but from a distance look how cool that is hold on if I position myself correctly can I make the mustache like go on the Grumbach the answer is not really and the other thing is it totally blocks my favorite spot for the sunset grumbles just like I know you you built me here huh oh no I'm grumble I am extremely pleased with this and I'm probably going to leave this for now because I've spent more than enough time designing robots and doing mayoral campaigns I have just a few things left to do because unfortunately it is that time again look at that in the background I have a few things left but unfortunately it is that time again we have run out of time oh my goodness I just wanted to check up on the diamond situation because I the great thing about building that oh wow look at the my job again again my sunset gets taken away from me the great thing about building so close to the shopping district if I ran out of stuff I just came over here and I shopped and I probably spent over a stack of diamonds building that thing not that it matters because we have been selling lots of goodies including things that we're currently running out of stock I never thought the name tag thing would be so popular again we're not we're not selling any dirt but anyway I'm afraid that is it for today's episode it has been a busy one we snapped our fingers and we got rid of everyone's doors oh well everyone that I could get and we have had a meeting with mumbo we have a plan and now we have a Grum bot what is a Graham bot not even we know I'll see you in the next episode good you
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,887,794
Rating: 4.9717741 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, minecraft videos, gaming videos, episode 22, mumbo
Id: t5N7f22QTJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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