One Block Skyblock, But Every Drop Is Random In Minecraft

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- It's one block sky block, but every drop is random. (Laughs) All right. If you haven't seen the countless other YouTube videos about one block sky block the premise is that you starting this one infinite block that responds to give you new stuff, which you then use to build your Island. But this time there's a catch. Since I combined this with SethBling's Randomizer data packs, so that everything drops the wrong item. Can I still make an Island like this? Let's find out. And Hey, the YouTube ninjas told me that only Hank has subscribed, which first of all, thanks for the support Hank. But if you want to follow his lead and join the cult of hank, then build a subscription down below, it's free and helps out a tone. Break the block below you. I can do that except it Would've been a lot more handy, at least like trap doors we could build off a little bit. It looks kind of nice. It's like we've got our own little Hershey's chocolate. The blocks are improving over time. Yeah, you think this isn't feeling a lot like improving. This is feeling a lot like, Oh, okay. Maybe it wasn't live, wow, Iron book, that's pretty impressive. We craft that acquired hardware indeed. Wow, just look at those recipes fill up the screen. This is going to go a lot different than I was thinking. So the chest are all the same. I didn't change the chest loot tables because I didn't want it to be like Plains chest and then just get like a bunch of drunk from the ocean end. I know there's phases, if I check in the chat, I know that you can click here and see that we're in phase one. Enough flowers and trees grow here to last a lifetime. If this is the flowers and trees that we're getting, that's a civilization was doomed from the start. We have nothing. We're gonna have to use the block in the center to actually plant our trees. And then even then it wouldn't be would, Oh my God, my heads are... (Chuckles) Do we dial it back? Let's try placing one of these Jack-O-lantern. Okay, I should actually try breaking these other things that I'm getting, because those actually have loot tables as well. So I can actually break these later things and get different stuff. Oh my gosh! Okay, so trap doors are actually nothing, Jacquelyn's are nether bricks, which is kind of cool. That that gives us like stairs and stuff, which we're not getting from anything else we have here. If something's not obtainable with your fist, if you break it with your fist, does it work that way? Probably not. I'm not gonna rule that one out just yet. I think I need like a pickax river, like a soak touch pickax for the way that works. Melons, please just give me a food source. Okay, wood. Sorry, what was that? We're actually going to make our wood farmers with melons. That doesn't seem... Look, it's even floating, like a gift from God, it knows exactly what it is. All right, Mr. Pig, you're gonna nudge right over to the side. I'm really curious what you draw. (Chuckles) Now we can start crafting things. This is interesting. Oh, poppy, I haven't actually tried my luck. I trapped a chest, still a chest, still right here we go, worry about the trap later, but it's still a chest. You know what we can do, actually think this is probably the smartest thing to do right now, is make a hoe. Because, now we can start planting these seeds and I don't know exactly what it'll do, but we can break the seed and get a blast furnace. All right. And that's a petrified Oak slab. Well, don't be too scared, Pallet, just mind you. I remembered something as well, is when you should put this in the flower pot. It gives you something a little different. Yeah, okay, now we've got an Acacia wood, which this gives us four planks, okay, great. Should I like try to make an axe? And what am I even doing? I'm sorry, I forgot that. I'm running around with such awesome utilities. Well, a shovel can make path land, like on the dirt. So I'm going to try that. See where that goes. So we get, ah, they're being generous with the melons. I know this is supposed to be the food phase, but we relate... Speaking of food, pretty cool. Oh, okay. I guess any block within a certain radius teleports to this, that's neat. So if I like throw it out of my Bessy, it teleports right down here. They've got so it doesn't fall away. We have plenty of wood now. Five Acacia logs is pretty slow. I've got a death pit right now, cause that's probably not my smartest move. It is a place in a trap door right next to the trap chest. Okay, that was a zombie. From that side, when it turned around the other way, I thought that was like one of those four by four texture packs of like a grasp block. Okay, no, it's a zombie hat. Oh, that's kind of nifty. Let me just start my cultism off the gate. Strap in for the food. It's your job, sorry, you switched with gravel or what? Regardless, we do have a path to food. Our first acts of business on the Island have been expansion, food and entrapment just like any good society. Chicken, okay. I'm not a second of the best time for you to join our friends. But I don't know, you could meander over that way and... Wait, can I squeeze through? (Laughs) All right, all right, let me go against the pressure. Forget the zombie head, we're already moving our way up through the ranks. I can't shear you, I don't know if that actually drops wool or it drop something different. It'll probably drop wool. It'll probably drop actual wool, cause that's a different thing than a little table. Oh yeah, we got flowerpots. We've got things to break. I'm damn excited for this. All right, I can't get ready for the new mini game, game show of what's in that pot. (dramatic music) All right, wood button? W button? Yellow wall. Alright, well it's in that pod has been canceled indefinitely. (Laughs) What? I haven't been an idiot this whole time, It dropped slime balls, why didn't you tell me? Sunflower to stone slabs, not regular stone though, that's too bad. Light blue terracotta. That's good, that's really good. Wait, we can make iron bars and then get core stir. Oh my gosh! We have infinite dirt. You guys don't seem excited to know how big of a revelation this is. Thank goodness for this update. We're going to be screwed if this wasn't part... What? Oh, it's a hole, Oh my gosh! It just sounded like a panic attack. Thank you that he disabled it, it's a hole that you use. Oh, thank goodness. I thought it was like the same way as path. Breaking dirt actually does not. I should expand it. A benevolent get, yeah, it is super benevolent. You kidding? An empty mat? That's gotta be kind of nifty, I click to see my progress. Okay, I almost just saw my progress flashed before my eyes, look at it. Look at this. Look at what we've created. And the water bucket is definitely getting stored. I can't risk. What will happen to me if I let that fall off the edge. Oh, okay, new phase. That's kind of cool. Are you guys ready? What do you think it's going to be? If I raise the heads, take a vote underground. Neat, top of the priority list. Oh, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Are you like worried that you can't live? Is that why you're not like pathfinding out this way? Okay, I guess so. Yeah, you're fine. So get over it, I guess, just to see what we can pull off. Oh, iron. All right, well, we've got that sign I was talking about, but I don't know what that's good for. And often to this, it's a feather. That might be like a chicken drop thing, which isn't the best, but it's a thing. So we are getting some of these old things like cycling back in, that's good, because otherwise, I didn't know how we were gonna get certain things. For all intensive purposes, I do want grass. I just need the dirt and I need to like build a thing to make more grass. Oh, hey, that's kinda cool. All right, let me get you immediately in the cage. Let's see what a mushroom. That's a dungeon chest. That is definitely a dungeon chest, okay. Hello brown mushrooms. Gun, horse, armor, a name tag? A name tag, actually... Bam. All right, malarkey, you're going to hold down the Fort with me. The string's kind of cool cause I can make melon seeds. That's wood. Okay, I don't not even going to research with the other string that I was just gonna commit, I guess, find out what the other woodblock gold or? Okay, showing off there a little bit. (Laughs) Equivalent exchange, please be something good, please be something good. Okay, not exactly evident if it's good or not. This might just be going through the colors of the rainbow. Another chest, some seeds, tall grass, I don't even know what kind of chest that is. I don't have anything for chest. This is really gonna start hitting home here, I don't have anything for chest. Oh not, it's not in a spot where... I gotta move you. I just gotta push them, cause they're too close to the sapling for the tree to grow. Come on. Come on, just squeeze in there. Suck it, suck it in dude. I just need you to get over there, come on. Wow, I really have no new blocks. Okay, fine. You're getting fences. The chicken's going to drop right down there, I can feel it. Oh no, I'm going to drop her down there. (chuckles) No, come on. Oh, I died with the map too, come on, that sucks. That was an accurate representation of our progress, falling into a pit. Okay, that was a delayed reaction, but geez. Oh, it comes with a helmet, that makes sense. And he drops nothing. Wow, really greedy guy just coming here, taking a bit of my life and then bouncing. Okay, let's see what strips does. To hell with the berge button, it looks so piddly when you get that berge button cause it looks like nothing. Alright. Jarret's back in the mix. I gotta place it somewhere. I gotta place it like here or something so the grass can spread. Brown carpet? Mushrooms, oh, that's awesome, okay. Real good stuff, real good stuff, okay. And just say you're one of the good ones, thank you. I can also turn that into like actual physical wood. Yeah, let me do that before I'm just like Lottie dine around. Let me actually get another chest or something. At least there's some spawn passive in the day. Wait, there you go, okay. Now, you use some chart hitting it a little earlier there. Oh, all right. I get some move, what does my achievement less look like? Let me let that spread and I'll with these mushrooms, okay? Yeah, just like that, we made back all that stuff that I lost earlier. I don't even feel bad about it. I was gonna put saddles on these pigs just cause, I don't know, it's a nice use of them. if I need a saddle, I could just kill one of the pigs. Just hitting one of these is so satisfying. Even if it mainly a lot of it's junk, just seeing all that stuff fill up your inventories is a thing of beauty. You really need to really need four copies of 13. Sometimes you've got to look at yourself in the mirror and you've got to ask how many copies of 13 I'm I willing to put up with? I don't know where my limit is, but it's not full bone meal. We could start going against like, yeah, let's do. (whoops) (crowd cheers) We just found a new pastime folks, that is big. And I think that's always... That is really big. This is the closest we're getting to a wood farm folks, I can't get comfortable. You know what, in case a creeper does spawn, let me relocate where we got a lot of this chest action going on. I see you trying to prison escape. When you got to phase your way through. All right, that's what I thought. Okay, so wood source, great. Chess source, pretty good, pretty good I got to say. I don't know what a trap trust drops. Nothing, okay, well that was a waste. Let me hit somewhere else maybe. What drops that? What drops orange wool and green concrete. You got the worst loot table in the game. That is a hideous combination. Button. (whoops) Do you understand how huge that is? That's a furnace, that's all of this. I got into my offhand. Look, I'm juggling it back and forth, that's how excited I am with it. Oh my gosh, cobblestones big. Wow, let me make just like a stupid amount of cobble. Not that stupid, if I put them in a chamber, I could break them off with water. That'd be kind of cool. I kind of want to do that. I can just place water and then place it, nope. God, that was stupid. I just wasted our water. Can we get more water soon, cause that's gonna look really bad. Cobble gives us a lot of stuff to make. We can make a furnace, which is already like peak priority. We can start making campfires and stuff, let's get some cobble walls, maybe some slabs, maybe some stairs or walls, anything good? Oh, they're very good. They're like village chests, that's awesome. Okay, I guess our Withers are in the equation a lot sooner than I was thinking. I actually didn't try the blue orchid in the plot. Red nether bricks. Okay, it looks cool at least and it's not cool. Strip spruce, Birch button, red banner. This was something, right? Dirt, yes it's dirt. Tell you what, I'll make more dirt cause I just realized it was a waste. If I convert that into this, make another dirt block after a couple of phases, then what I can do is combine that with, I don't have any fence is leftover, really got rid of all the bars, I died with all the bars, that was it. Cause I definitely had bars, I just died with them. So place this where I want the dirt to go. That's the key thing to know here. I'll place one over here and then I can like, that's a really desperate form of food, but it exists, so slabs, light blue terracotta, it looks very nice. More dirt. Awesome, that's great. Oh shoot, that was a complete waste. Yeah, what I was even thinking, what was I thinking would happen, like what was my plan? The grass is spread, the grass is officially spread, that's nice, that is good. I throw my stuff in, in case I die of any accidental causes. And with that I'm gonna take my well-deserved arrest. Oh Gosh, and hey, if you wanna see more of this Island, then let me know if you'd like this to be a series. Do so by showing your support, whacking alike, or even scribbling a comment on this video to tell me that you want it to keep going. And with that, if you wanna see Minecraft where the dark kills you, then blast this one in the top left. We'll tackle this one in the top right for another video. If you got this far, then subscribing does a ton for my channel and it helps out a lot. Silver cut that button down below, and until then, take care and have a good one, all right.
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 2,551,753
Rating: 4.936832 out of 5
Keywords: skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, skip the tutorial minecraft, minecraft, one block skyblock, one block skyblock but every drop is random, minecraft but every drop is random, minecraft except every drop is random, minecraft random drops, random drops minecraft, minecraft random drops skyblock, minecraft one block, minecraft one block skyblock, minecraft one block skyblock random drops, one block random drops, skyblock random drops, skyblock, skyblock randomizer, random skyblock
Id: WU99_zadS7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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