Hermitcraft 7: Episode 24 - DIAMOND MINING CHALLENGE!

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Did some one wonder that why Grian realeased the video so early, it just been about 2 days.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KevinMcArvid 📅︎︎ May 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ahh, beautiful

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Master_InfernoBrine 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
we're back again on hermitcraft and we're working on the mansion again last episode I managed to get quite a bit of the walls done and today I really want to see if I can get this whole thing covered a little better no details again but just trying to fill the enormous gap that has been left for quite some time now I did run out of resources and that's why I had to stop but I've stocked up we are ready to go on this thing but before that I want to tell you about my plans for the Emporium over in the shopping district I actually got rid of my cow farm that used to be here and with the mayoral campaign beginning there's two things that I feel we could sell a lot of and those are two of the most annoying items in the game to craft item frames and empty Maps Hey look number four there so I thought with everyone wanting to put their Maps and put put their items in frames everywhere I thought what we could do is supply this in the Emporium and for that I'm gonna need more than just these three cows so much like I've done in the past we're gonna have to breed these guys up and then we're gonna have to turn them into these things it's a bit cruel really but gotta be done so let's seal this thing up so that they can't escape let's get our week together and start to get as much leather as possible everything else I got enough of but leather commodity okay let's get this done [Music] [Music] the time-lapse didn't actually show how long I actually went on for it kept going that one's having a party by itself there should be a decent amount of leather right right ok it's time it's time to get rid of them all I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry this makes it so much worse if you put wheat in your offhand oh they then they come to you oh no I'm an animal lover I promise I promise oh my goodness the lag is insane this is one of the unfortunate realities of Minecraft what have I become doing stuff like this looks like it doesn't take long but actually it took two and a half hours to get this many cows and I don't feel particularly good about it we have got ourselves a lot of leather this will make well just as many item frames which is exactly what we need and I feel like I'm entitled I'm justified in charging quite a lot of diamonds for a stack of these because it's quite a lot of work doing that right we'll put this away for the time being and what we'll do is actually get started on our next project which will be just finishing up some work on the back of the mansion just filling in that gap a little bit more probably not going to do too much today but we'll get some of this done just enough okay so Colette let's hop into another time-lapse and let's get let's get some base done I want to make a little bit of progress every single episode if I can [Music] [Music] [Music] and I think that's a pretty good place to stop I've got everything all lined off for the correct height but I can't really do a lot more without knowing exactly how I'm going to detail all of these spots so I I don't really want a freestyle this as I've said before this is quite a delicate build especially you don't want to be messing around with a 2 block diagonal bills you've really got to think things through and plan it out this is as far as I can go without more information on how I want to detail this exactly but you can see it's slowly closing in and coming together and I'm very excited about that but I've also stopped because I have received a message from the one the only the king of the spanner base mumbo jumbo leo himself who has told me that it the Grumbach is ready goodness look at his base I actually really liked mumbos base it's very very different to what I'm doing he's got like a thing going on I don't even know the words to describe it but he said meet me at the Graham bot and we shall make it work for the first time I'm so excited the Sun setting behind grumbo he looks so majestic yeah though he does look really really cool so I've built up all the redstone I've developed artificial intelligence in Minecraft making use of redstone and I'm quite proud of myself on that one it took a day like that just took a day really long yeah so um it should it should all be working and we should be able to start asking it questions and things okay how does it how does it work okay okay yeah I'll explain that to you yeah so what we've got is we've got this dropper right here this is the important dropper because this dropper is actually what is going to give out the mayoral advice okay so this is like super important this is out there and then we have the different stages of priming all of which are incredibly important prime gram BOTS step to boot load rain yep good brain incredibly important okay step three flood mayoral reservoir yeah reservoirs you know you just got to get them flooded and mayoral you maybe maybe the first humans ever to use that secret surprise and I'm curious the situation is someone else used their okay deposit question diamond yes deposit what does that mean if we have to yeah you have to name a diamond and then that's that's what you put the question in and then yeah you make your payment designed machine that we have to pay to use oh yeah yeah yeah I was the one that built this why did I make it charge you know like he probably has feelings too he is not officially intelligence he does want to be doing this for free so just wants diamonds as we create they want diamond oh no I know it's a real problem well like should we should we start chucking questions into this thing I've only done test so far okay I'm really curious if it actually does work what is our slogan would that be a good one yeah what is our slogan we should know the art because we know the answer to this one right yeah yeah yeah this is like yeah this is like a affirmation i if he gets this right we know it's working right okay okay so step one you need to prime the brain this wasn't our reservoirs only one thing better than a button it's a button that goes the beep exactly right do you want to do the honors what is our slogan alright alright it's calculating the calculating yes that's like a proper thank you it's fantastic let's let's let's kick this up a notch that's really that's really good to turn on this okay is the meaning of life well I mean it is another prime I mean you said you cracked a I says Mambo from there oh well I mean it's not the meaning of life I mean it could be the meaning of life I certainly feel like it's the meaning of life I think it's the meaning of life for Grumbach maybe you're right or maybe it's a bug you know maybe no matter what we put in should I ask it can it say anything different seems like it would be an important thing in turn to work out say anything other than right so the question is primed can you say anything different I think that's descriptive yeah yeah can you say anything okay I'm also part of this conversation yep they don't I love it so much he's got a response well I think we might have been sorting his intelligence a little bit I think it was he said yes but Grumbach does not want to look have you put emotions in a robot because this is literally how every movie goes badly when you give robots emotions I might have done that make yammer done that me we need to ask him what we do now what do we do now we built this tank so that it can tell us what to do we need to ask about what we do so what we ask and we are asking in what I guess what's the plan what's just what do we do what's the plan what's the plan yes what's the plan okay we keep it intentionally vague nobody could go wrong all right all right baby mayoral reservoirs I mean it's a fun thing to use yeah we gonna get a bristle yeah oh oh oh he's angry we've annoyed him oh we've annoyed him what is he one crumb but needs budget wait dude we just gave you four diamonds mate what dude Humbolt created what have you you've created a robot an intelligent robot that demands diamonds not only to ask him questions but he just he wants more diamonds I suppose I mean I may be those hands are like yeah I want to hold like hold it is true I mean it kind of makes sense cuz if he's gonna tell us to do something we need to earn the diamonds to make it okay okay of course you got it we'll get you diamonds yes sir yes sir okay well I guess I guess that's our task then we need to get budget yeah and then we can come back and requesting in my diamond I'm going mining right yeah find exterior all right well I guess I mean that's the plan we need budget and then when we come back we can start asking more questions once we've got a budget and we can we can kind of go from there how does that sound I feel like we've created a monster I definitely think we've created we've both invested far too much climate of this we now have to abide by everything [Laughter] grumble says we need budget so I guess that's where we're going next to get some budget oh my goodness what is this oh so we can tell who's like who's the most supported hermit hello mumbo-jumbo with three supporters I'm assuming one of those is Mambo and I haven't done this yet so there's two mystery supporters for Mambo Oh looks like our competition is scar but I'm about to take this I'm about to take this to the next level yes yes clearly in the lead the poster is the plan people so now we need to go and we need to get ourselves some diamonds rip button 15th of April 26th of May 41 good days of life no my powers what happens to my gauntlet no my powers my hand why didn't I use it more all I did was click some doors hell of existence what a what a waste of an opportunity well I guess that the corpse of the button stays there right we need to go and we need to do some pretty heavy mining I actually I don't know how much budget run bot needs probably I don't know how much budget does a robot need ska did create the diamond mine which I didn't really use that much so maybe I can get in touch with scar and see if he actually wants to do whatever he had planned with this cuz I now need diamonds ska yes you remember the start of the season when you built this thing that the diamond mine and you said hey I'm gonna make this mining mini game and we're gonna play and then we never did yeah who's the diamond challenged mine yeah that didn't quite happen but I actually do need diamonds now so I'm like yeah do you wanna play I'm up for I'm up for a game one our mining session and we see who gets the most diamonds so we're finally gonna play we're gonna play all this work on us oh this is amazing and oh this is fantastic I like your new outfit oh why thank you people keep saying Powerpuff Girls I do not know what a Powerpuff Girls really I don't know you need is a monocle and you are straight up the mafroom Powerpuff Girls oh it has a monocle let me let me get you here I got you don't work seriously you are you are him you have man from Powerpuff Girls speaking of which here you go take a take a gander of that it's just that's for you oh I have I have like 20 of these in my shop now but you can take one of my signs it doesn't have anything on it you can write slow for scar if you want to be polite campaign cool look at my outfit come on mumbo does not walking around looking like this a man walks into it into a room like this people take notice people stop people go I wonder what his opinion is what they say is it's not the mare from Powerpuff Girls okay right well what's the the shindig down here we go we just go straight down the bottom oh yeah I was gonna build the diamond counter and all this stuff but I never got such a sign on the wall here it is sign on the world nothing make our own rules explain first of all you have to pay homage to the this block is haunted never touch it this is my tunnel and that is your tunnel and I've read that indeed I know it would haunt your life if you did I wouldn't oh wait I put that there oh you did yeah I put that there dude if you go back to episode 2 or 3 of mine there's a whole story behind this like my pickaxe broke a bit over it was a whole thing this literally is haunted pretty simple right we we go each go our own direction first well after an hour we see who gets the most diamonds but what's the stakes whoo what's the prize um you temporarily support me or I temporarily support mumbo deal deal oh how dude it would be see I'm just a campaign manager right but you're actually running for mayor so if you if you actually have to go and support someone else that is terrible that is with your on you think my campaign sergeant would be upset about about that maybe yeah maybe a little it mm-hmm but I think it's a good deal I'm taking the risk taking the risk all right let's go all right good boy one hour let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] time's up sky time to surface I'm nearly at the top yeah I walked I walked back to the center of the mine where are you I went on quite an adventure I have no idea where I am [Laughter] are you still in the mine area hold and let me catch my bearings I don't recognize that building full of that building a dude I'm a paralysis bass I'm literally mined all the way I went on quite an adventure I went through mumbos mine I went through like maybe two or three other mineshaft and somehow I've ended up at Corrales is City oh my goodness this place looks amazing oh I want to see I just mind one way and came back the other way how boring that was probably smart alright I'm on my way back all right Scott time to time to total up here we go this is what I go sixty diamond ore on the dot you got 61 I got 61 but I got 61 in all fairness it's not over yet because we're gonna we're gonna mine all of this and we're gonna see what we get with our looting with our foot - sorry fortune and we'll see who gets the most diamonds because we're after diamonds not diamond doors in all fairness so you're saying there's a chance there is a chance depends how lucky both of us get and to be fair that mining session was terrible like I did it many times at all ready all right so we're gonna tower up yep here we go here we go so in theory mine should be three blocks taller than yours Gracie to the bum good luck oh here we go and last one I had a stack so I have been very lucky your what three extra blocks gave you that many extra diamond no overall I was I was lucky aright because I had a stack of Dimes and there's a there's like a one in three chance right so yeah on by Averett the law of averages you would expect to double your diamonds because you could either get one two or three mm-hmm I'm gonna take my shame diamonds out of the box do you know where we to go now um hi Joey needs foot no you need to go and put your support for Mambo that P does is gonna look down on me yeah thing yeah but we shook on it we no no yeah the words as well oh I want you to say the words come on let's go come on scar I'm comin time camera and this is gonna really hurt because I just checked and you are actually one block above Mambo we got some I don't know who these secret supporters are but it's time press the button ah Green Team no but I'm winning rest the button you lost the bet it's true that's true oh that hurts oh that hurts and what does that mean I gotta go everywhere and you gotta say the words you gotta say the words say the words on the map say the words Oh what was it again I've got two maps now how many maps you have a number from okay you said it we kind of went boom Mambo is currently in levered polls Wow all right I'll see you later Pete I was gonna be so mad at me I just I have to see him in ten minutes this is how we campaign make people lose bets so let's put all these diamonds into blocks and it's only 17 blocks that's not actually that many oh dear we should really find out where the grumbles gonna be okay with this as a budget let's take this over to crumble and see what he says hello my new shiny friend let's see what you have to say right I'm gonna put my diamonds over here on this hand as tribute and see what he thinks yeah 17 blocks isn't actually that much turns out well there's my contribution and then we'll wait for mumbos contribution of diamonds I've got my diamond that's asking the question is this enough is this enough prime grumble boot boot boot load the brain flood the mayor a reservoir and deposit the diamond question bristle bristle yay oh he's not he's neither happy nor sad this time Graham bot needs more budget Graham bot needs more budget I guess that makes sense I've put in my diamonds mumbo it's down to you now so mumbo oh man look at the sunset over grumble it's beautiful finally get to enjoy it as well so there's my diamonds now just waiting on mumbo to do his now next episode I don't know if it will be next episode but I really want to upgrade the Emporium one more time I feel like I just keep getting to the stage right now I'm not sure what I'm gonna do here and then I'm like yeah I know what I'm gonna do and then I just have more insane ideas for this place and more stock that I can supply and it looks like it's still successful oh my goodness diamonds galore wow this is this is really profitable I'm not gonna lie is doing well I think I think that a stack and nearly a stack and a half of diamonds that's almost certainly enough to upgrade this yet again it cost me about a stack of diamonds to upgrade at last time well we'll do it again but that will have to be in the next episode because I'm afraid we have run out of time yet again that was like a slow roll that time so there's nothing left to say except thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this episode and I shall see you in the next one good Preedy Graham bot needs more diamonds what do you know you
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,021,617
Rating: 4.9650364 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, grian, mincraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, episode 24, diamonds, minecraft videos, gaming videos
Id: aiHaLj71mug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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