Hermitcraft 7: Episode 27 - THE MANSION EXPANSION!

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But where's the back?...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ahsokathefirst πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

All of the tiny details are very nice, even some of the things that can get overlooked still make the build seem more lifelike

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ErrorqTheGlitch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

You haven’t already noticed?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Da_catss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah! Definitely, Grian is one of the best Minecraft builders I have ever seen. His base is really detailed and looks fantastic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sir_Raspberry πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He’s such a good builder for a bad drawer

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/teamgrian565 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
the mumbo for mayor t-shirts are still available for a little bit of time link is in the description we're back on the hermit craft server and last episode I did quite a lot of work to the mansion we made all of this right side and I want this episode to do all of the left hand side and some more but as I was preparing to do this I found this in the middle of my base a cartography table and an anvil then I didn't put it there I did not put it there and then I saw this a white banner and I didn't put that there either so something was immediately up and and then I saw this a bunch of signs on a door I don't know why they used a door I have nothing to do with doors it's time to grab greens booty find all seven on the map to receive your Lutie nice use of a rind there and then I started looking at my map and I didn't see much and after a while I started to see some little letters there greens booty and it turns out there was more than one there was indeed seven locations marked out on this map and then I thought I should probably hit record because everyone loves a treasure hunt so let's go out and see if we can find them so the first one I think was over yet that definitely looks like it it was in this pond so what have we got oh my good shock a box full of grave wool who did no one put a sign saying what this was so I think it might have been tango purely because I was streaming and I was filling in for scar the other day and he told me to leave so I mean that's that suspicious in itself there was definitely one over by Big Ben the giant drill yep yeah there's another one and then there was one yep here it is crack mumbos Kakuma keep yeah kikyo's is a sneaky man I think it is just as simple as you hit that yes hit the button and then enter the ultimate oh my goodness this is a prize a whole shocker box of dark prismarine wow wow wow wow wow I spent ten minutes looking for this one is it under ground cyan terracotta it's just all the blocks my base is made it's like tango knew I was gonna do an enormous time-lapse today and the last one was on stresses base gray concrete powder well that actually brings us on to what we're gonna be doing for the first part of this video which is really important Wow look at all these resources seven schalke boxes full of resources because what we're gonna be doing today is the great mansion expansion as I've been saying I want to build an awful lot today and this is going to come in very very handy so thank you so much tango for this and I think without further ado we should use this right now and get all of this started let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow-whee this is a moment that I have been waiting for for a really long time look at this it's got chimneys it's got some lighting but most of all it's got nearly all the shape that it requires this is pretty much it for the build in terms of shape in terms of detail this is it it is mostly complete and it was it was a long sprint to the end for this build but we are finally there is some glass miss every time i zoom in I see another block missing that must have been missing from the start of this whole project this glass been missing and fixed but that literally must have been there since well pretty much since we started the project but what do we think of this it's obviously still not entirely complete but this semicircle I'm gonna I'm gonna do a little bit of a flyby so that we can get a good angle on all of this you can really see the Halfmoon shape kinda looks like a banana kinda looks like a banana now you might be wondering what these bits are for and they overlap with each other I actually just need to get some water to show you these are really cool like aqueduct waterway systems they're purely for aesthetic purposes of course this is that this is the lazy man's way of building this just get you let yourself get pushed along while you place the water and then eventually it goes straight into the one over here and they overlap perfectly there we go that gives it a little bit more color now there are lots of things that still need to be done on this build and it won't surprise you that the back is not complete I'll show you that a second but one of the things that I really need to add to this build is foliage there's a little bit of grass as you can see but what really needs some trees some proper trees the only one that's got is right there and it looks a little bit lonely as it is literally the only one so I need some gardening wait doesn't either have a gardening service I need some gardening I literally need some flowers I need some brighter colors because it does look although very impressive maybe lacking a little bit of color but that's what all of the greeneries for I've been debating with myself for quite some time how to do the back and I'm actually wondering if I even need to because I literally don't come back here how many times have you seen this apart from me showing it never because I don't come back here and no one else does so I might just fix up that little hole that's not exactly a little but I may just leave this relatively undetailed for now so I think as long as it's looking pretty clean I can live with it but I also think it's fair to say without all of these resources that tango gave me during that treasure hunt I don't think I would have been able to complete that time-lapse not at all so now we've done a lot of building it's time to go and visit Grum bot because if you remember last episode we built drum bots grumbles little brother and we need to a scrum but what exactly exactly do we do now why do we always start these recordings on top of an end rod on either side of this platform the thing is like we both just we just stand on it when there's no communication it's just we both started you know and then gradually just hop off and start looking at this thing that is like the ritual basically right we have we've done what grumbo said I can see you've built up your film studio looking good of course and I'm up the the Graham bot shop or the drum bot shop which is incredibly difficult to say yeah now tell us what to do again yes basically that seems to be the question that we we just throw at this thing just like what next reveal the next plan the plan tell us what to you say what should we do we have done what you said we yeah just go straight to the point yeah we've done what you asked olan olan one two three four okay I don't know why I always get really nervous before this but I'm assuming he gets angry he's just gonna smite you Oh Oh another mrs. grumble is proud of you that is so sweet that is very cute grandma is proud of you okay so but he's oh he's giving us further instructions though brahmbhatt will now supply the plan create us you must sell diamonds the budget for support on the mumbo for mayor campaign in the shop sorry wait that's what the budgets for we're giving them away but selling diamonds is that that sounds really shame that sounds really Shady wait I think that might be the loophole right like we're not we're no we're not we're not young people support we're selling diamonds for their support for their support it it's true that is that is different you must also use the studio to film an advert for Mambo for mayor okay so we have to make an advert for Mambo firm air that sounds I guess I mean that does make sense I mean how I feel about selling the diamonds for support this is a bit weird this piece of paper that says crumble is proud of you I kind of want another one well things have oh he's referred he said good luck dad's as well oh yeah so we've gone from creators the dad's good luck dad I mean I really I really hope he's not becoming too sentient I mean I don't I hope he doesn't come to us with difficult questions and things well again I do wonder what we've created here yeah so do I refer to him as son now no it's weird to grumble will refer to miss Graham before then occasionally son if he requests it may be okay I've got an idea but I wanted to make the the the diamond thing a little less weird cuz you know right I think you know I think he's found a loophole in the system but I think we could offer some more I think what we should do yeah for people to show their support for mumbo firmer with every purchase of diamond blocks that's right yeah from every purchase of diamond blocks we give them a free mustache to show their support this is like part of the deal why is it that most plans in this season permit craft seems seem to lead to me losing my moustache in some form or when the steps ending up somewhere else okay real bad okay bad enough that I'm willing to give away my moustache and what if also if they if they bought two diamond blocks they could really show their support by running our TV advert I mean that could be really funny yeah yeah yeah more diamond blocks for them for more support I mean that that makes total sense that made exactly that makes so much sense grumble you're a genius okay exactly right we're gonna they're gonna have to shave your head okay Cheers I appreciate the fact you just have shares in your ender chest ready to go my ender chest is the equivalent of someone putting their hands in their pocket and pulling out like most random assortment of junk okay are you ready buddy I get it shave your head lots of moustaches I'll be coming from my head oh yeah let's take a look excluding the one that was already there we got of course yet one two three four five extra buy more I'm sure hold on did you been rocking a beard by the looks of things it's a full-blown the chin being that look that look down as well yeah you got back all right we got seven mustaches to give away for support you look so good honey you look so funny I mean I don't think I've had a single a single week it's been too long as she feels weird seeing me with my usual skin it's it's bizarre goodness sake alright let's let's go okay what do you guys should we film the thing that won't take long yeah yeah let's do it let's do it you got a whole studio in here oh yeah yeah yeah green screen dolly track who's got villager trader cinema camera in your head you're always just name the camera Brandi yeah alright okay so what you want me to do I mean nothing in your hand and then well I just want you to be mumbo for me be the mare that you're supposed to be you ready okay all right and three two one action no okay I thought that was just a her oh I thought I'd do the look away from the camera you know like a robot yet yet dude yeah well yeah that's it that's it that's it yeah work it work it okay do the wrong do a jump okay you can you can fix all this in post-production really yeah it's not gonna look rubbish at all alright we're gonna take all the diamonds over now to the shop alright it might take me a little while to take down my part of it Graham bot junior drum bot whatever yeah that is the cutest shop that ever lived I am wondering though how do you where do you go inside yes I didn't actually install a door but here we're just destroying our way yeah he just and there's also clearly no interior whatsoever I mean you know it's at least it's adorable from the outside it's not what's inside that can have a face on the inside as well it's pretty simple right we just have a few chests and it will have so if you just like want to put on I know mum babe for mer t-shirt one diamond block oh yeah yeah that's a good move selling t-shirts selling diamonds for if you want to if you want a mustache it's to Diamond you can you can it's to diamond blocks selling chocolate makes sense and then if you want to if you want to support Mambo from there the most in exchange for diamonds mm-hmm then it is well we could put in four then it's four for the advert there we go I'm excited to see everyone running the commercials and wearing the mustaches for this later but I think you know what I think robots both insane and a genius yeah I think I would agree we've created an insane genius he's found a loophole he's found it he's found he's broken the system exactly well I mean hopefully it leads to me becoming mad that's that's the end goal and hopefully hopefully we can manage to pull that off with grandpa's help and the support and Hermes and and Rumble and of course and of course jumbo he's our grandson we're just gonna we gonna leave that behind so we need to set up this shop and get it up and running and I don't even think we need an interior all we need is graham bots face or grump Trump drum bots face on the inside to light all this up and of course we need to explain how this works everywhere stop it add in the eyes and we are done you know he looks a lot more threatening from the inside okay I've gone back to my base to get everything I could possibly need for this shop now we need the instructions here and then we need somewhere to put all of these chests so the support level one support level two and support level three so for the cost of just one diamond you can get yourself some support mumbo T's that's what you got to do if you want to support mumbo in exchange for some diamonds you just need to buy the diamonds and exchange you've got to take this and put on a mambo from there skin like me a mambo have so that's that's one diamond for the purchase of two diamond blocks you can put a mambo mustache on your skin to show your support over here you can purchase four diamond blocks and all you got to do is play our brand new Mambo for mayor add now you can't take all three and just play it three times it is limited to one per customer so in theory you could take this one this one and this one and then you could have the t-shirt the mustache and play the ad and you would end up with seven diamond blocks that's a stack of diamonds for ultimate support for Mambo for mayor now I've got to figure out how to explain this in a book I think I've got this do you want diamonds that's always a brilliant way to get people to buy stuff well we sell diamond blocks that's right you can buy diamonds from us and the price the price is supporting Mambo for mayor of the shopping district sales are limited to one purchase from each chest per customer that might be a bit confusing so I wrote you can purchase from all three chests but only once any purchase of diamond blocks and you must support his campaign support does not guarantee votes grumble said we had to do that okay so we got ourselves the book of explanation hopefully that makes sense and we are pretty much done in here it's looking a bit dreary in here actually before I go so I'm gonna add some hanging lights just to make it look a bit more sparkly there we go that's oh that's looking a lot cleaner i imagine that these will go quite quickly to be fair let's see how the hermit's take to this in theory we could have a lot of people running around with the t-shirt and the mustache you're doing a good job there drum bots actually while we're here I don't think it would feel right without some mumbo for mayor posters in here to be fair there we go that feels better okay hopefully we get some customers there because it looks like we need it we're officially officially second last oh my goodness mumbo what's been going on false it's got loads of support stresses got loads of support we need to pick up the pace mumbo well we have got an awful lot done today wouldn't you it's been a long time since I've heard that noise it's been a very long time since I've heard that noise the most annoying noise Mambo for mayor underscore final final last commercial done long oh my goodness I almost forgot that this thing existed oh oh man oh man oh man we're gonna play this we gonna play this hold on hold on we we can't just play it like this we got to get ourselves comfortable let's get ourselves that's it comfortable mumbos done some fancy editing get ourselves a nice TV screen nice chair get our get our DVD player and let's sit down and watch the watch the commercial because this is what if you if you purchase four diamond blocks this is what they've got to put in their video right you ready three two one [Music] [ __ ] Bible people can't have you saying take you stand up mumbo-jumbo Khmer wowee well if that doesn't get you to support my boy from there I don't know what will I must admit I'm not sure we actually have a platform like I I don't want to question grandpa but can we ask just one question if my mo was made Maire what would he do what'd he do that was amazing so I'm definitely gonna play that at the start of next episode as well and on the topic of mumbo I did say that every episode we were gonna go and put in an item in his base to see if he would notice so far so good no no one has noticed we have put a a brown wool up there and we put a lantern just above there so now I think I reckon we should put the jukebox somewhere I think we should put this jukebox somewhere see if he notices it right there see if he notices anything different but so far so good and I think unfortunately that is all we have time for today it has been a monumental episode I spent days putting this together and we have finally made the majority of the actual build this I'm not saying that this is finished it's not finished but there is most of the hard work done the mansion itself is there it's just about decorating the ugly parts now maybe adding some trees etc but we are mostly there for now next episode I hope to get the barge upgraded again and probably do some more stock and all sorts man it's a busy time on the hermit craft server and I'm hoping that the the date of the actual voting will be announced very very soon as well be good to know when that is so we can start working towards man this base is looking pretty cool the mansion expansion and remember there are also some mumbo firmer t-shirts link is in the description if you want to show your support as well so that's it for me everyone thank you very much for watching I hope you have enjoyed this episode and I shall see you in the next episode of hermit craft thanks very much for watching and good
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,017,076
Rating: 4.9734392 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft grian, grian hermitcraft, mansion, mega build, episode 27
Id: frQR7t5jLio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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