How to Build MEGA BASES in Minecraft

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/B33pr 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

You could say this is MEGA

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/itchybytch 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored and made possible by nvidia so what is a megabase we often hear people talking about megabases but what is one is this a mega build no is this mega kind of is this mega yes a megabase is not defined by how complicated or difficult a minecraft build is but by excessive scale here's an example here's my minecraft mansion from season 7 of hermitcraft it's pretty mega but take a look at this giant dirt block it's also mega in this tutorial i want to teach you and take you through the process of building a mega base however we want to make something a little bit better than a giant dirt block so i've enlisted the help of my friend pearlescent moon and partnered with nvidia on minecraft with rtx for windows 10 to give you a walk-through tutorial on how to make mega basses good megabases not just giant dirt blocks i'm sure you can figure out how to make a giant dirt block so let's start with the first step planning yes i know this may not sound like the most exciting part but with a mega base it's a really really literally big project good planning will save you time on rebuilds and mistakes the biggest hurdle to overcome at this stage is figuring out what you would like to make so for us we're going to be making a giant castle on an island and the first thing that we needed to do was come up with an inspiration and a plan so we went on the internet and we looked for some inspiration and we found this this is mont saint-michel in northern france yes it's a real place and yes it is gorgeous we're going to be making our castle based on this in fact we even took this picture and we edited it to try and make it look more like the outcome we're looking for i say we it was definitely pearlescent moon because i can't draw so we've got our inspiration pictures and we've also got our own sketch of what we would like to make so now we're ready to actually start building and unfortunately we're still in the planning stages so we know we want a giant castle on an island well we're going to start off by marking out just the general proportions of what we want to make so we started off with a singular block of red wool and we're going to be making just a square floating above the water to kind of mark out how big we want this to be now there's no firm definition of how big is mega but to give you some indication this is going to be about 200 blocks wide and 250 blocks tall and that's a pretty good estimation of how to make something definitively mega so we started off by making this giant cross and we even gave it a one by one pole all the way up to build height so now we've got our general proportions and we need to mark out what our terrain is going to be we are now going to mark out exactly what our island will look like using this rough sketch that pearl made we're going to make our way round our general outline to create what we think the island should look like just generally doesn't need to be super exact just something very rough cut and two-dimensional so this is what we're left with and we were pretty accurate to the sketch that pearlescent moon put together so our next task is not actually to get started on the terrain we actually need to do a little bit more planning out on the 2d scale so what we're going to do now is create another wool shape of where we want our walls to sit on the island so we made the outline of the island and we've changed that to white concrete we then went ahead and made a 2d shape of where we want our first layer of walls to be by making just a simple 2d outline you save yourself a lot of hassle later down the line for example what if we had made this island and then found out we wanted to make a size way bigger than this the island would then become obsolete this sort of planning is essential to a mega build and that brings us to the end of stage one to summarize you have in your planning stage decide what you want to build conceptualize and get inspiration and make a 2d plan in minecraft now we are officially ready to move on to the second stage of the mega build which is the terrain now not every single mega build needs terrain if you've got a more geometric style base probably not necessary but r1 involves a lot of terrain so what we're going to do is hop into a time lapse and i'm going quickly explain as we go through it what we're doing it uses a huge amount of java tools such as weldedit and voxel sniper therefore it may not relate to absolutely everyone but you'll get the idea of what's necessary before we move on to actually building the structure we needed to get rid of the water first of all so that we could actually build the base of our island now if you're doing this in survival you don't do the inside obviously you just build up the outside in a singular layer but because we have tools available to us we're able to make them even out of diamond blocks because we can do whatever we like basically so we built it up to the height that we wanted it keeping as much of the wool in there as possible and we even added a layer so we could see where the water line would be we then retextured the island and we were left with this and we kind of experimented with different pallets and then we put the water back obviously this doesn't represent a full vanilla experience if you were doing this by hand it would take an extreme amount of time which is why you need to be careful when you select what you're going to make so we have built this entire island using java tools now i have to say if this has scared you at this point of the video please don't let it we've obviously gone a bit above and beyond what is possible in survival minecraft and especially when you're dealing with the ocean so my advice would be if you are considering doing terrain do it on land but remember if you're doing something more geometric you don't have to do any terrain at all you could just do a floating shape now the next stage is to actually start our build the terrain is here it's all integrated into the ocean for our one and now you'll see that we've still got some of our wool laid out now this is going to be the outer wool of the castle and we've got them in different colors to help us figure things out now that is where the top of our base is going to be now mega build and it is all the way at height limit it cannot get any taller than that so in a way this is about as mega as it gets unless you want to excavate the entire world which trust me you don't the next stage is the skeleton build okay so what we're going to be doing now is basically taking just wool outlines and you can use any block but it's really useful when you've got different colors to mark out just what i would call the skeleton of the build this allows you to experiment with the shape of everything you're going to be making for this mega build without actually filling it in now this obviously still takes quite a lot of time effort and resources if you're doing this in survival but marking it out in a skeleton will allow you to constantly be taking a step back assessing the size and the scale and how it's going to fit in and making amendments without it costing you too many redos so that's what we're going to be doing now taking our time to slowly build up a skeleton full of shapes on this entire island and all of a sudden this build will start to take some kind of form so it's time to hop into another time lapse where we mark all of these things out now just like we are in this time lapse you want to be taking some kind of outline block and be making the largest most general shapes you can for your mega build do not get too detailed at this point we are just trying to get an overall general shape we use multi-colored wool to make sure that each segment is more digestible and stands out amongst the others so that when you take a step back you can see the different elements of the build and now we've moved over to bedrock edition minecraft on windows 10 and what we've got here is ray tracing i did a video previously on it and it basically just makes everything look amazing you get reflections you get light rays and i thought it would make this video even more epic to do the time lapse using ray tracing uh we've got pearlescent moon over here who is a chicken in bedrock edition which is always fun well what are we doing next we've got our outlines ready and we see all the different segments now we need to start filling them out with blocks now in order to do that we need to know which blocks to fill them out with now if you were building your own base you may already know what blocks you want a useful thing to do is to lay them out like this in a gradient and kind of get to grips with which ones are going to be your most important for us we're going to be using rather odd block brown mushroom block and we're going to be using smooth sandstone these are going to make up the walls and the wall tower these are our two primary blocks public safety announcement don't use mushroom block in survival mode you you will not enjoy it but since we're building this in creative we can use whatever block we want no matter how difficult it is to get our hands on so over here we're going to be using the gray concrete as our primary roof color so figuring out which blocks you want to use and which ones will just be used for detailing is kind of important but for now what we want to be doing is filling out each of these spaces using our primary blocks so we know our blocks and it's time to start filling this out are you ready pearl let's go now this section doesn't need too much explaining because basically we take what we've got with our skeleton and just like we are we start filling them out with the different blocks we want to use i can give you some general advice while we see this though i would recommend differentiating each part or segment of the build and doing them in a different color if you use the same block over and over again the whole build will blend into one so you can tell we've used the towers and the walls all in a different coloured block also if you use darker colours at the bottom and lighter at the top it will draw the eyes upwards which is a nice effect while we're filling all these bits out it gives me a chance to talk about how this video was made this time lapse was actually filmed using a laptop powered with an nvidia geforce rtx 3080 laptop graphics card one of the most powerful graphics cards on the market and while the laptop was recording pearl and i were building in the minecraft world using our regular pcs i was actually a bit surprised when this laptop arrived because gaming laptops are traditionally quite large and heavy but this was compact but still very powerful now if you have an rtx graphics card like this machine does it allows you to play minecraft with rtx for windows 10 which is now out of beta and you can apply it in the same way you do a resource pack that's with all the fancy lighting and the ray tracing it basically improves the graphics but with really great performance if you're interested in the new line of rtx powered laptops there's a link in the description be warned the rtx 3080 laptops are the most expensive from the line but for the gaming performance they give they're actually pretty good value now let's continue building our mega build now while we fill out the rest of this build i want to give another general bit of advice for building mega builds when you use a block palette or the different kinds of blocks try not to see what they are in quotation marks like word or stone but just view them as colors for example in this build we're using sandstone wood and mushroom block but we don't care what they're called all we care about is the colour and the texture try to focus on that when you make a mega build take a look at the reflection of this absolutely amazing so we filled out all of the skeletons into full general blank walls and you end up with a general shape so we can take a step back and review this now and honestly there's nothing i want to change i think we've really nailed it i would love to have made it taller you know it feels like there's a segment missing here but we've reached build limit we literally can't go any higher than that so it might look a little stunted but that's just minecraft limitations with everything filled out it doesn't take a lot of imagination to imagine what this would look like in its finished state so what's the next stage well the next stage is currently underway over here you can see there are more wool skeletons being made but this is much smaller as you can see these shapes are way smaller scale than what we were doing here with the giant walls and the giant towers so what we're doing now is we're basically repeating the same two steps we're making more wool skeletons and attaching it to the base to try and define this shape even more now the reason that we do them in two separate stages is because if you tried to do these smaller wool skeletons while there's still a larger skeleton it becomes so overwhelming and difficult to visualize so by breaking it up into steps you make it much more digestible from a builder's perspective and also our build today is asymmetrical meaning it looks different from every angle so at the back here we've got this really nice feature with all of these arches and it gives you something different to look at now mega builds can come in many shapes and sizes you may have a more geometric base that means symmetry is very important you might want all the sides to look the same so depending on what you're making you may want to just copy paste or you know just make sure you mimic everything but for us on this one we want to make sure that there's real diversity in the shape of the build and that's kind of key for us so now let's head into the next stage of the time lapse where we define this structure a little more with more smaller scale wool skeletons and then i'm pretty sure you can figure out what we're going to do after that yeah we're going to fill them in but for now let's define the shape and review once we've got that done at this point in your mega build you want to be honing in on a more refined shape for your mega build so we're focusing on the medium level shape so down here we're working on houses but when we move up to the next level we just want to refine what we already have so where there would be one big blocky cube maybe we add a tower or we add some roofs where there weren't before so we're just trying to give the build more shape than it had before and at the same time trying not to over complicate the build and we're also still using all of those different kinds of colored wool so that we can differentiate each part easily making it even easier for us in the next few stages so we're basically repeating those same steps but we're refining it from the big shapes to the medium shapes we are entering the final stages of this project although there is still a huge way to go so as you can see we've got multiple new wool outlines for the more intricate parts of this mega build and you can see why we divide it up into segments so we did the big bits first and filled them in and then we did these little bits obviously if we did all of the wool at the same time it would become so over complicated and you'd never get any of it done just because you wouldn't know which bit was which so by taking it in stages we enable ourselves to make the build which is massive a little bit more digestible so this is where we've got to so far we've got multiple little houses that are going to go on this lower layer of the castle and then it becomes a little less intricate as we get higher up on the build but unfortunately there is a lot more to do and as with any mega build it takes an extraordinary amount of time pearl and i have been working on this for about three or four weeks now and this is as far as we've got admittedly we did quite a lot of the building by hand as you saw in the time lapse which is why it took so long but it's a fair warning for anyone that wants to undertake a mega build yeah they take a huge amount of time so i have to split this video into two parts so all there is left to say is thank you very much for watching we're gonna get working straight away on the second part of this mega build tutorial and i want to say another huge thank you to nvidia for sponsoring and supplying the laptop for making this video but anyway we will get cracking on the next episode and i shall see you in part two and we shall finish this mega build thank you very much for watching and good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,127,365
Rating: 4.9753904 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, mega builds, how to build mega bases, how to build, minecraft how to build, castle tutorial, minecraft castle tutorial, mega base tutorial, how to build mega bases in minecraft
Id: kUlJBRceh-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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