Hermitcraft 7: Episode 35 - THE NETHERITE KING

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we're starting this episode on a journey to somewhere that isn't my base or indeed any project that i'm currently working on there's a joke that i've been meaning to do since the beginning of season seven and there it is this is where we're heading ethos base and basically all i wanted to do is a joke that i'm sure he's never heard before i'm 100 certain this is a joke that he's never seen guess what that is that's a slab now now it's an ethos lab i don't even know if he's gonna get this i'm so childish then i started taking a look around here and i've come to realize how peculiar whoa there's an anime beat-ups you don't see that every day do you i feel like i'm giving i'm now just straight up giving a tour of ethos base we got to do this properly hermit crib style ethos base is a modern 2020 masterpiece of madness he's got everything he's got the honeycombs and he's got whatever those things are the interior comes packed with plenty of storage including all of his clocks and herbs somehow etho manages to bring the outside on the inside only the the slickest hermits have a llama are going around their base and he remains the only hermit to have somehow made a house made completely of interiors how is this possible this base confuses me but it wouldn't be an episode of hermit cribs without talking about the productivity of the base etho is no stranger to redstone and by looking at all of this armpit smell you always find something new in ethos base he's got easy dispensing dies that's not dice he's got bubble elevators that lead to the outside and of course a place for his infinite musical prowess i feel like this could be a b-side show hermit cribs just green turns up and has a look at what your base is doing and just gives it a score i mean this is the most confusing yet intriguing bass i've ever encountered i think i think we've got to give this a rating there's both a massive attention to detail as he's got little cubby holes where you can just sit and have a relax and then he's got functionality the color palette is actually really pleasing but somehow and i don't really understand how he's built inside first and then when you just when you hit the outside that's it the building just stops it just ends green's hermit crib final result nine out of ten a beautiful mess whose base should we review next that kind of just came out of nowhere i feel like we could do that more often green's herb at cribs where we just go and have a look at other people's bases and just just rate it out of ten i really like ethos bass even though it's the most unconventional thing i've ever seen on the hermitcraft server whose base should we go and rate next and at some point we could even critique our own base and give this a score out of 10. but we need to get on with our episode now i have been planning quite a lot i've got shulker boxes full of the materials for the next part of the build but i also said that i wanted to use the rest of this tnt to gather more netherrite and truly take the crown of the netherride king back to the upside down we go whoa someone blew up my diagonal tunnel and what's this down the tunnel makes it look like you're falling falling all the way to the upside down now i haven't been here in a while so i don't know if anyone has taken me up on my offer to live in the upside down we invited three people we invited mumbo b-dubs and scar and we're still alone friends can be hard to come by sometimes i sent out birthday invites to all of my friends and no one showed up well i'm sure someone will turn up eventually so let's just continue right we want to go and find a fresh place to dig underground lava free and get ourselves more netherright so let's start here and see where we get to as most people know netherright occurs the most at y15 now i've been digging a bit lower than y15 because i'm terrified of blowing up the ceiling and having the lava pour down on me but this time i'm going to try placing the tnt yeah like that i'm gonna try placing the tnt a little bit higher and seeing if i get more results or if i just release all of the lava oh my goodness this is just just a bit here let's do a very quick test and see if the results are any better be gone nether yeah quite a lot of lava so far so good actually i think that was a total of five veins of ancient debris but a lot of them only had one in so that's pretty good going now i think what we need to do is go full time lapse mode and get rid of as much nether as possible using the tnt method let's go [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so i think i found the scariest minecraft head after all that i i acquired one of these and i just the more you look into their eyes the more sort of creepy it gets until i found this one oh it's so much worse look into these eyes i think this is the creepiest minecraft head i've ever seen however i did find one two three four stacks of ancient debris plus seven and then i've got a little bit left over we need to get this i don't know if i want to turn all of it into scrap and then ingots i might keep a little bit of ancient debris as debris and maybe sell some but let's get most of this smelting up and transformed into something useful it's a bit like watching paint dry actually it's taking a while there we go all the netherright scrap now how much do we get out of this only 59 ingots and that is six blocks of netherrite the most expensive item in the game i spent several hours and i've got six of them i could get more by smelting this up i think we've got to commit now in order to call myself the netherright king i at least need enough for a throne i may have to cheat a little bit by adding some ancient debris as the back boom the netherright throne it's not quite as spectacular as the diamond throne but it's still got some sort of sense of power i think it's just because these are so rare a little bit lackluster isn't it but check it out great whoa forgot i was wearing this check it out i am with all of my tools and armor the netherright king i did lose unfortunately some netherite along the way i don't really know how i'll probably find it at some point but i i'm probably missing at least a stack maybe more just because i had to do so many trips with tnt and such but check it out we are the netherright king for all of your netherrite needs you come to me so what are we gonna do with all of this netherright well i was thinking what we could do is resurrect the did you die box but instead of calling it the did you die box i think we should just call it the backup box i think it's got a nice ring to it and we'll sell the backup boxes at the barge i'll probably only make a couple to begin with and then from there we'll see we'll see if we sell a couple they're going to be very very expensive i'm going to quickly redesign this so that i can constantly have the netherright throne i won't use all of my netherrite because this is going to go in the main base so the netherright throne will look like this boom slightly less powerful but these are expensive each block represents a couple of hours x-izhuma void is actually not selling he's just throwing away stuff and he's giving me coordinates to go meet him because he's just throwing away stacks and stacks of stuff and i'm like no i'll take that yeah we'll take a couple of shulker boxes with us we'll take the nether right throne with us as well okay the netherright throne is definitely not something you can take around very quickly this this this stuff is uh painful to mine if i press tab you can see my score going up so even though it says i got 500 it's not particularly accurate because as you can see it's going up and this isn't uh this isn't naturally generated nether right this is obviously what i've gotten placed so those numbers are not particularly accurate especially if you built anything with netherrite so don't take those numbers too seriously what you really got to look out for is how many blocks of netherrite have they got so if we fly this direction for a little bit we should come across some free goodies oh there he is lots of leather and pork chops i'm here to take your stuff look at all this leather i've i'm going to sell this as item frames in the barge i have not been able to stock it for a while there is there's so much i don't i don't think i need this much leather this is insane okay maybe i don't even think i need this much leather to be fair but you know free stuff why throw it out well that was a pretty good deal now let's head back to the base and make our first backup box whoa scar has been busy he's a little bit late to the nether game but look at that what a magnificent looking build i think the perfect place for the netherite throne is right here i think we need a glowing pedestal so that it's raised off the ground boom the netherright throne oh that looks so epic i mean it's a tiny chair but it's a powerful chair it's a very expensive chair so we have 27 ingots of netherrite to play with which will get us pretty far when it comes to making our backup boxes to sell on the barge so this is really easy for the most part i just basically trade up some emeralds easy peasy trade up the emeralds then i buy one piece of each armor the enchantments don't matter particularly one of each tool unenchant all of them so i'm left with the components then go back and upgrade them although i don't think a chest plate is particularly needed no one wears chest plates so that might be just a waste of nether right so we'll do the legs the feet and the helmet and then of course the tools place them all in a box and then we put in everything else that you will require if you happen to somehow lose all your netherite gear i have a feeling people will like this just to have a spare backup because if you die you obviously come back to your base without anything and then you've got to go and find all your stuff and often if you died it's probably because something got you probably one of these and they hit hard so having a spare set of armor is one of those things that takes a lot of effort but it's only needed occasionally i don't have any toolsmiths here at all so a sword might have to be left out of this maybe this is a backup box mark one we'll see if this sells if it doesn't then we'll start enchanting the stuff up and adding the swords and everything else but for now i think that's pretty good you got your wings you got your carrots you got all the tools and you got the armor so now the question is what do we sell them for oh well let me just do some quick thinking on this each inger is for ancient debris now ancient debris is very hard to come by we're looking at i think we're looking at a cool 200 diamonds for one of these 200 diamonds maybe even more maybe i've just undersold this completely oh i keep meaning to do work here i need to finish this what is what is this shop it looks it looks like a cinnamon roll a boxed cinnamon roll actually no it might be ancient debris oh wait yeah there we go it totally sells ancient debris one diamond block person oh he is actually calling them cinnamon buns press button for more cinnamon buns one diamond block for one ancient nether debris oh wow okay so maybe i did completely undersell with this in mind you'd have to mine one two three four to get a single ingot so that is he almost doubles my price okay based on my new price it's going to be 220 diamonds for this this is unenchanted so this is the the prototype backup box and i could even sell these whoa blimey do you mind i could even sell these individually for a little bit more to encourage people to buy the backup box all right we need to put this on a bit of a pedestal because this is an important box we want to draw some attention to it 220 diamonds that is a deal oh my god oh i thought the shulker box was going to stay there for a second it looks mighty impressive i haven't actually checked the barge in a while see if we've got any profits oh it's happened it's happened we finally sold some dirt but we finally sold some dirt you have no idea how happy that makes me we just sold literal dirt i don't think i think you'd realize how big of a deal that is we have made so many sales i need to restock i really need to restock another cool 36 diamonds to the ever-growing pile of diamonds in the chest actually let's turn these into blocks 54 diamond blocks that is a lot so we just need someone to buy this and if they don't we'll have to consider adding even more stuff in here and then probably upping the price even more tell all your friends the backup box is back in business the the back puns are going to be big for this one back to back sales the boxes they're back i think i'll be back to restock this in another episode because it's uh it's it's quite the task doing all this and i also want to add some more stock i'll come up with some other things i can do come on someone buy the backup box actually the new stock is very simple we're just going to fill up because we are the netherright king now we are going to fill up on all netherright tools for the barge all unenchanted but mainly because i don't want to uh steal business from lucky looking at my bookie from corrales so we just do the same thing with all of these tools and a little bit spare one of these is going to set you back 32 diamonds boom we may expand this but this is a very very expensive line of items i think we have a potential customer let's watch le let's let's watch your average customer in the wild here we see the wild iskal checking out the bargains in barge displeased he moves around the prices are obviously not right perhaps he'll be back another time mamba was like hey it's scout just stealing some slime he's like there's a shot but okay and i was like yeah and i was like oh do we need to do we need to tell him when we take stuff i've also just realized i'm now out of netherrite so this entire episode was spent getting the netherright throne and then running out i think all that has led to me running out of time due to the lengthy process it takes to find all of this ancient debris so for now i'm gonna have to say thank you very much for watching and good bye but not really goodbye because i just wanted to have a quick word with everybody and say that you may have noticed that my videos have been a little bit further apart than usual i'm normally you know only three or four days apart between each episode however recently it's been more like a week maybe even a few days more than that and that's pretty simply because i'm just really swamped at the moment in real life i've got a lot going on a lot of stresses and i'm trying to do a lot to keep myself going and i'm finding it incredibly difficult to get on hermitcraft and get on minecraft and make my other videos i've got loads of stuff in the pipeline i'm just not getting enough time into them this episode itself was even a minute shorter than it should have been hence why we're having this conversation right now so i just wanted to thank everybody for their patience and not bugging me about it because i really am doing my best and trying to get out as many videos as possible so i just want to say a huge huge thank you to every single one of you and goodbye for real this time you
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,892,345
Rating: 4.973145 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft, netherite, minecraft hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, episode 35, hermit cribs, how to get netherite, fastest way to get netherite
Id: u_qksWedBmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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