Hermitcraft 7: Episode 54 - THE BARGE QUEST

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i am about to start another war yep not not not the turf war it's a completely different war and it's to do with the barge you see in my quest to make as many diamonds as possible i've introduced logs to my shop now i haven't got much stock and i've got a slightly better deal than what ren is offering why this is a big deal is because i'm going in direct competition with rendog who is actually on the mycelium team so this is not gonna go well but it is an important part of the barge as i continue to upgrade it but since we're here i also want to point out that people have signed up to the barge quest and i didn't even tell anyone it's right it's not ready it's genuinely not ready it's gonna be ready within the next few hours because i'm still working on it i but like look i put some chests down here and i think people thought that it was ready to go and we've already got our four people look look at this 200 diamonds 200 diamonds and a fish 200 diamonds and 200 diamonds and another fish unbelievable we've got one whole thousand diamonds ready for the barge quest so we are gonna play that later on because i still need time to finish it off however what it is time for is a meeting oh don't we love meetings yes we do yes we do at the mycelium resistance headquarters if you missed the last episode we built this one where did it go oh land on the wrong thing impulses here i built the wonderful mycelium headquarters and we also built this giant beam of light signaling the goat and the goat and now it's time to have a meeting with the resistance and hopefully with doc as well and we can get our act together and do something about it so let's go how do i get in is it one of these buttons oh my goodness it is wait i don't i don't think i don't think that's the entrance but i'm going to use it can we appreciate how smooth that was i landed on the chair okay welcome mycelium resistance members to the new and improved resistance headquarters what do we think it's amazing it's amazing it's lovely it's all about good to be above ground it is good to be able to and welcome to our newest member doc who has gone full batman on us yes i have a goat man okay to be fair we put a big signal in the sky so you know i think we asked for that [Laughter] enough am i overdressed or what's the point yeah a little bit a little bit a little bit overdressed okay right here's the plan everyone as everyone knows our base has been lost and in control by hep we are now going on the offensive everyone is going to have to retaliate in the biggest offensive that we can muster everyone except doc doc it is your job we have called you in so that you can make this the worst possible place to be if you are a hep member can you do it [Music] i think that's a yes that sounds like a yesterday it's kind of scary it's just kind of scary yeah wait wait wait are we gonna be safe to be a jerk just to clarify hip members doc yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah sure not everybody no no yeah all good like puzzle party is kind of cool too yeah good i hope okay well i i'm scared of my own base now we'll leave that in your capable hands uh i know that i know that ren you've got a plan and then the impulse has got a plan you you've got your game face on i got my game cruise on i'm ready so now is the time for us to go on the offensive so get your get your plans together and the hep won't know what's coming unless the audience tell them which they probably will oh and before we take off everybody we got a little addition to the base if you flip up your trap door in front of you ooh bubbles i think the emergency meeting button is back oh yeah you got an ender pearl okay oh um this is kind of awkward but i i don't have a ball you guys switched here man right you guys [Laughter] budget cuts yeah we also cut out the note blocks oh yeah those might reappear later excellent nice amazing the emergency meeting bun is the best feature of our base in general it's so cool and i'm probably going to annoy everyone with it by pressing it and remember everybody it's about the principle it is about the right wait what do you ever forget just look up oh dude i didn't even see that beautiful only three exclamations though because we had budget cuts budget cuts good job good job so i think that went pretty well and it looks like doc has already made a start i don't actually know what he's doing but he's got a load of stuff here and there's some redstone underneath the island which definitely wasn't here before i don't know what his plans are but i yeah look there's i don't want to know and i want to know i don't want to know let it be a surprise shall we so now it has actually been a few days since that meeting and the barge quest is officially complete all eight stages of it are ready so let's dive into the barge get everyone together and let's go welcome contestants to the very first and ultimate barge quest has everyone kind of read the the rules we all kind of know roughly what's happening vaguely i think so we don't get to go until you say go that is right yeah so okay i need you to split into two teams and it's up to you what team you wanna you wanna i mean it's it's clearly hectic when you're close you wanna be on my team how did that work out that way i don't wanna be anywhere near those pantolones muddy i'm going over over here okay so impulse and ren i want you to go over to the very handsome green on the right there and b dubs and scar i want you to go over to the other green so what i'm gonna have to ask you to do is when we begin oh wow b-dubs oh my goodness b-dubs put on something close no sure oh wow there's no service i'm ready for battle is that just under your shirt this whole time yes okay when we begin i'm gonna need you to go into separate calls because you are going to both in the box have a different clue that's going to lead you in different directions you are not necessarily following the same pathway the goal of course is to get to the end of the treasure hunt where you will get a fantastic prize worth way more than you paid to enter and omega ultimate prize mega ultimate prize and you also have to work out between you who gets what so are we kind of ready does it all make sense i can't give you much more hint than that i have no idea what we're doing but yeah okay follow the clues complete the tasks win the game first one there wins it is possible to die but it's unlikely you'll lose stuff but i'm also here to help out and to kind of save stuff this isn't about like losing gear or anything it's about using your brain using your minecraft skills oh okay so i'm going to be watching you guys on the cam account anything goes wrong you let me know are we ready we're ready we're going to go in three two one go go go go go go go go diamond armor what what do we do open the chest there's a clue look at this we got it we gotta go okay they've now split up into their various calls they're looking at their first clue and they're trying to work it out now i need them both to leave as soon as possible because my job oh wow they they have they figured that out very quickly i need to put this in here because this this is important later they they're going to have to come back here there we go missed clue right now we're mostly going to watch from the sides but occasionally i'm getting involved elsewhere i need to get my character to the next checkpoint for them while they're working out their next clue okay yep it's gonna come here let's check what b dubs and sky are doing okay they're in the correct place so the clue was the brightest shop from cheapest to most expensive and there's enough here to get together some coordinates where did i put the other one there it is there it is so that if they put those together they get coordinates let's check on impulse they have also found the correct place the their clue was the two-faced shop inside and out so the outside has a face and the inside has a face drumbot you're doing me proud i'm proud of you look how cute he is okay right so they are both working out their coordinates i wonder if they're gonna fly here instead of using the nether so a lot of this treasure hunt comes down to speed how fast can you travel across the hermitcraft map really important okay i'm here oh both here oh both here at the same time okay your next task is really fine i'm here too is that okay yeah yeah yeah that's fine you're both here you both solved it very quickly i might add right i may have crashed in the jungle your your task is very simple i need help fill up the chest with stuff i need help mining this out this is the task go and your reward will be a map this task is called friendship help me help me mine this out you 500 diamonds to work i will accept no unfinished stacks it has to all be 64. 64 in each one i need a chest full because i need help digging this whole thing out so the fact that scar hasn't made it is terrible b-dubs he's gonna trust me i know the pool for gothic rockets i left my ender chest when i had to pay for him oh no all right let's see it is definitely it is definitely ren and impulse in the lead at the moment we've been a single man right you have got the very first map you may now leave this channel and take the map and proceed on with the quest how much more do we need don't lose your lead guys you're not you not far behind we did it we did it we're going to do a check stone stone or no entertain get that out of there there we go no no no no no no no there we go the map is yours good luck with the next stage of the quest that was like that was a troll that was an absolute troll that wasn't a real real part of the quest i just thought i'd add it in there for fun so right need to uh wait here for the next one you remember this from last episode this is the puzzle box so good luck to them let's see where they are scott is at the correct place in ren's base but he is going the wrong way because it is right over here just under this in fact you might be able to see it yeah there it is here's the chest and in this chest is their next clue let's see where the other team is because this one was actually slightly more difficult oh they may have already found it because there their clue was in here it was actually in the bathroom there it was x marks the spot on the airplane they are going back already that means scar and b-dubs oh man they're really struggling oh yeah there we go i think scar has found it you are a head you are a head right enter all you got to do all right there's no instruction go inside the puzzle box and figure it out get to the other side this is your one here okay go inside the puzzle box and get to the other side check obviously no cheating all right let's see if while we're waiting for scar and b-dubs they are falling way behind they need to solve this room the two words that make up the best shopping district spruce and dark oak this is dangerous because they can get stuck oh they might come on figure it out oh there we go there we go they've opened the first door important not to get stuck very important not to get stuck my advice is don't both go in there and we're still waiting for b dubs and scar oh they can't quite figure it out they need to use their bow and arrow to activate those two buttons there they are they have just arrived oh hello very quickly it's very easy to get stuck so be careful all you gotta do is get to the other side no cheating obviously okay you are second place we know thank you for reminding us we appreciate that i hate them okay let's go right we got the two contestants in each one now oh they have managed to get through the main door and now it's their time to hit the crystals meanwhile we got b-dubs and scar who have just started the puzzle can they hit it oh boom they hit it boom and the redstone signal goes and there they go but where's the jukebox they need to play the message but how right let's check on b dubs and scar they've got through the first one excuse me mr green yeah i might be stuck in a room with a lever well your teammate can get you out so uh my partner he he shot some crystals yeah um and that didn't let me out either no is there more to the puzzle the same way you got in there you can get out you just gotta use your minecraft knowledge same way i got in oh okay bye i i kind of like the fact that they got stuck because now it means that scar and b-dubs can catch up let's see if they can nail these shots [Music] one [Music] four close two three and the door is open but where is the jukebox oh they are neck and neck right now now it is a job to find a jukebox as soon as possible they're running around like headless chickens to play the message there we go oh hello insert team name here how are you doing i'm guessing you want your next clue you just did a whole bunch of stuff right well yeah i'm going to give you your next thing but i think i'm going to waste a little bit of your time first because i want to drag this out as long as possible so i bet you're pretty stressed right stressed from all of the the puzzles and the things that you just did and stuff so here's what i want you to do i'm gonna i'm going to bang the gong for you right so i want everyone to just take a chill pill i know this is a race i know that there's a lot going on this very moment and i know all you really want is your next clue but guess what you're not going to get it because i want you to take a deep breath are you ready and three two one take a deep breath in and out doesn't that feel better oh your next clue's at the barge you just just go back to the barge you know the box that you put your name on just go back there the clue the clue was in there the whole time all right they've got it they know where they need to go go back to them they are neck and neck they are neck and neck so they've got to now travel back to the barge as soon as possible off they go in fact we need to go to our next location as well man this is this is working i thought something would have gone wrong by now they all have decided to fly every single time these guys keep flying everywhere instead of taking the nether one of them could have pulled ahead if they had all just taken the nether there is not a lot of tactical maneuvering going on oh ren has made it straight there and he has found a missed clue and scar is very close to the barge now oh man this is too close to call so insert team name here oh no he didn't listen now he's gonna listen to the whole thing again bunch of stuff right well yeah oh scar no oh just open it up just open it up there you go you don't need to listen to the clue because i want to drag this out as long there we go he's reading it i bet you're pretty stressed right stressed from all of now i made this jukebox intentionally long in case they didn't listen and they'll have to listen to it again right there we go so impulse and ren are firmly on their way to the coordinates which is where we're waiting right now for them so this next challenge is one that you didn't really know about because i haven't shown it this is a riptide trident course and what they've got to do is get themselves through the holes and over to the other side they can't just walk around that's you know cheating so let's see what they've got there they are there they are overshooting a little bit who is that that is rendog is the first to arrive oh dear oh dear this is a skill based challenge now and impulse is here as well oh and they're scar they've caught up they have caught up oh my goodness you guys are naked you literally just arrived okay your next challenge everyone is to get to the other side no cheating i've got a list of instructions right in front of you there's a chest each and one totem of undying so make sure you reset your spawn just in case you suck at this minigame oh boy oh great all right remove elytra set spawn john keep armor oh we should probably go back in our own calls no elytra this one no elytra okay no electro okay right let's watch this happen ren is ren is taking the shot and he's up they're through who's struggling back there it's b dubs right this is a oh very close to death there ah look at that scott oh oh oh oh yeah b-dubs you made it and up up up there we go and he's in b-dubs is in the lead come on b-dubs you got this whoop nice nice nice nice and up boom b-dubs is the first to get there meaning he wins the lodestone compass i'm just reminding them that both players must reach the top so he has to wait for scar this is a team game and they've both got to do it oh and wren is has made it oh impulse is trying to cheese it by taking the the ice pool i promise you the best way to do this is to just go back and do it all over again this is rough oh go on scott go on scott no he didn't make it and ren has made it to the top okay so now it is a race between scar and impulse they have both got to make it to the top and they've figured out that you've got to play by my design and you've got to hit oh no scar impulse is starting from the start which i probably should have specified you don't have to do where did scar go there he goes the jump the jump oh he can't make it oh okay they made it onto here and i already made it impulse made it and scar all you have to do is walk forward oh they both made it okay it's this is so close oh my goodness i didn't imagine for a second that this would end up being this close right go go go go go go go go all they got to do is follow the compass oh wait i better go as well i'm not meant to be here so the compass takes you about a thousand block i hope they don't follow me i mean they're they i mean they probably know where they're going better than i do actually because they've got a compass that takes them directly there all right so that was the last challenge now it's time for the finale the finale is so important okay this is going to be absolutely manic i don't know how this is gonna go and we're about to find out right they may want to take their bed there oh they're back had a technical glitch with the redstone because there was snow underneath but here we go the finale first to get a wither star wins here we go hey oh oh i'm in the crossfire i'm gonna watch from afar tell you what i'm actually gonna fly back to the barge where it's nice and safe because that's where they've got to go after they get another star oh scar was hit by the wither right how are we doing they have got impulses died everyone is dying this is mayhem oh my goodness this has been the most complicated thing ever there is an aerial battle going on here ren rendog is fighting this wither in the air oh and he's doing the most damage he's got him into the second phase but remember b-dubs and scar can steal this star there's nothing saying that they can't i this barge quest is so much closer than i thought it would be meanwhile i need to get myself back to the barge right the first person to get their netherstar back to the barge wins the game let's see how they're doing there is a constant very very painful fight going on oh impulses with it away what's going on with scar scar is still floating around has he lost all his stuff i guess i didn't i didn't expect the wither fight to be this difficult i did think that with four people it would be fairly easy but three withers might be one two two too many but ren is playing it the right way taking it in the air where the wither can't handle it and just gliding through and slicing it up oh it looks like ren is about to get the final shot on this with a one more oh there it goes there it goes it looks like ren and impulse are gonna take the win if scar and b-dubs don't pick up the pace oh nelly the star is here the star is here the star is right here the star is on the floor ren has found the star oh they equally had a chance brennan's got it but i think his stuff is gone i think i think all his items exploded i i'm gonna be you're talking to the camera boy here but uh i'll be honest i didn't realize the the the stuff just exploded when you fight with us that was rough look that he exploded and then all his stuff exploded i don't know how that works ren and ren has the star but no way to get it back to the barge b-dubs bdubs has his stuff scars lost his stuff and impulse has also lost his stuff no no impulse is still going hilariously ren died to the wither when he had the star on him and it looks like scar and b-dubs they stole the star from ren they are on their way back they are on their way back to the barge any second now i think this is all over what a twist what a twist oh man it looks like this is kind of what i expected with the withers i just didn't know that stuff blew up so i'm gonna have to replace that impulse is still gonna try and fight the wither look at that majestic man you get him impulse second place rightfully earned meanwhile scar is about to take the win very very soon so we need to prepare ourselves for the welcome party there we go the winner is here i can't believe it i cannot believe it i can't believe we did it that is you i can't believe it you you guys sucked but you did fantastic it was all strategy yeah that's what he said he's somewhere wherever he is did i get this right that ren found the star cause i saw him pick it up he then died to a wither and then you picked it up and ran in they did all the fighting and died like three more times but eventually got it in the woods sometimes everything within the first minute like the wither destroyed all my gear i know i'm sorry your stuff is insured and we will get that sorted don't worry i didn't know that withers blew up stuff i thought they just blew up people and i will now announce the winner which is somehow thank you thank you somehow it's good time for scar and double oh they still they literally stole it from you fair and square thieves excuse me gentlemen disqualified listen rending in a dog does all the hard work does the killing of the wither and look at me i come out of this with nothing i was watching i was watching you could have gone down picked up the star and left but you did it you stuck around and died like again like it was literally just stand sitting there and i'm like you know what that is not a snowball with you know yellow snow that's a shiny star so i'm gonna also say that all of your items are insured for this bit barge quest so if anyone lost stuff i will replace your armor and tools free of charge i did lose quite a bit of durability on my elytra you could just take that to the violence i lost everything yeah i i will i'll sort you out so the last thing to do is to reveal the grand prize so the winners take your first plunge excuse me excuse me second place you can come down and see you also get it you also get a pretty good friend to come down now oh thanks thanks a lot okay there's also a second place prize here behind the bars oh okay okay excellent too bad i don't have a pickaxe to break sweet also i want to point out just before you get too excited if there is some blocks that you guys want to exchange you can exchange boxes so for example i know there's like there's quite a few boxes of redstone maybe impulse wants to swap them for some blocks you know whatever you want to do if you want to do some exchanging it's up up for grabs the best boxes you guys get or on these end rods that was super awesome again definitely worth the diamonds i was awesome yeah i had such a great time take an hour we are an hour in because yeah if it wasn't insurance i'd be angry there wasn't insurance i didn't realize withers were gonna blow up everyone's stuff guys we could start a shop called barge 2.0 with all this stuff what do you feel like that's genius i want to take i will take all of these boxes back right now young man now quick question green does the winners get the big g yes stop trying to steal everything in the barge well speaking of g's gigi you get to win with that rambo outfit b-dubs i mean it's beautiful for sure thank you thank you so much my mom made it for me she's very talented thank you that was absolutely insane wasn't it and i kind of have to preemptively tell everyone just outright no one broke any rules i was the one that actually did a bunch of stuff wrong in that um for example destroying two contestants items but no one broke the rules they won fair and square i actually figured that someone would kill the wither and the other team may actually steal the stars so it was always intended for that to be a possibility and they did it they they stole the star and they got it back to the barge those were the rules so in my eyes the whole thing was fair and square and very close now i do need to know how did it go it was very very difficult for me to film and organize that thing at the same time i was like i was participating but i also wasn't so my point of view probably won't be as entertaining as the other guys so i can't wait to see their videos of how that all went down and how much panic they were doing so we did actually we did destroy some items of our friends so having said that i have produced a insurance box meaning all of the books that they're gonna need all of the items they're gonna need so this one's for scar this one is for ren ren told me he likes his enchants in a specific order so i've just done my best got some got lots of books rockets and he said that he lost some diamonds as well so we're gonna go drop this off at red dog's base where it belongs and now no harm no foul but here's the funny thing i think i made a loss i have definitely made a loss i may have gained a thousand diamonds but i had to spend about of that about 500 diamonds worth of netherrite to get their stuff back okay so if you take into account all of the grinding i had to do i'm definitely out of pocket so next time i do this if i ever do this at all it depends on if you guys liked it or not please let me know in the comments down below i will make sure that it's not possible to ever lose your items ever or i'll give them diamond armor that doesn't matter if it gets destroyed right there we go rendog's insured items so with all that said with our big loss and our friends having a great time in our minigame the items have been insured and returned to their owners and that is all from me so thank you very much for watching i'd love to hear your thoughts on this experience it was very different and i can't wait to see what everyone else's point of view looks like because i'm i bet it was very funny from their point of view right so thank you very much for watching and i shall see you in the next episode goodbye bye goodbye bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,859,917
Rating: 4.9740257 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft grian, grian hermitcraft, episode 54, barge quest
Id: oTBRAme_sL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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