it's over.. (Minecraft Hardcore)

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okay this all started as a regular minecraft hardcore episode ironically i was trying to build a farm that would effectively give me infinite access to totems which means i would essentially be unkillable inside minecraft hardcore but the opposite happened please watch the entire thing this is a big video if you've been following the minecraft hardcore series leave a like before you get upset and if you're new please do check below and see if you're subscribed if not you're definitely going to want to be to keep up with new videos and yeah things are um things are about to get crazy enjoy the video okay so last minecraft hardcore video was an epic fail but we still managed to create the greatest axe in the game right here it's got efficiency five sharpness five mending still touch and unbreaking and um i thought we're pretty unstoppable with this axe right now but not completely unstoppable not officially indestructible overpowered unkillable in a hardcore world so today geez this feels so fast it's the speed plus the fov i can't do this i'm going down to 90. i'm old i can't deal with this speed right now anyway today i thought we're going to do just that we're going to become indestructible unkillable inside minecraft hardcore because how many times have i almost died now like five six maybe even seven now and i think my totem supply is actually running pretty dry yeah we've only got four left that's ridiculous we need to fix that i'm going to i'm going to become the ultimate minecraft hardcore player and build myself a place where i can get unlimited totems over and over again and it's not even going to be that difficult either i just need well i need a spare shulker box really and i don't think i have one oh oh this one could do this one might be all right i'm gonna be super lazy i need to do a whole episode of just clearing things up because everything is just an absolute mess but i'm gonna put this stuff i'm gonna put all of this in here if i ask where all this stuff is you know what to tell me all right you know it's kind of awkward i do actually need uh some more fireworks for this but i'm also gonna need to gather some other materials so let's go get those and then i'll build something but i'm not gonna tell you what it is we're just gonna build it together geez where's my gunpowder at i built this whole sorting system and i still lose things embarrassing oh wait hold on oh for goodness sake how is this possible i built a gunpowder farm that doesn't even work i'll just wait until night time for now i need to put stuff in in this box right here so i've got a list to the left hand side i need eight green fences i should have this stuff if i don't i'm going to cry real real man tears um oh my god i thought i was prepared i am anything but prepared i've got the warped warts i've got signs in green why don't i have anything oh here we go that's fine never mind paddock over i need eight of these bad boys and they have to be gates as well so there's one two three four uh so i need some more eight i also need four walls um do i have i must have black stone somewhere if i check another barrel and it's still empty why does this keep happening how do i have so many empty barrels for my sorting system this is wild wildly inappropriate and frankly just quite embarrassing oh never mind i've got a cracked black stone bricks this should be pretty easy to build but it's going to be phenomenal it's literally going to change the whole let's play because i'm going to be it's gonna be impossible for me to die apparently i need loads of slabs as well 64 slabs uh which one should we go for let's go polished they're real nice okay 64 of these there we go i need a bell as well so i might have to wait a bell i don't know if i have one or is there like is there one i can steal somewhere let me check that village over there if not we're gonna have to go bell hunting so we need 64 dirt and a bell let's see if we can go find one and then try and use as little rockets as possible because basically i'm going to build this over near our massive what's it called the illegal outpost we've got one of those hey let me borrow this you won't miss this don't worry it'll be fine there's an illegal outpost this way a huge one and by huge i mean they're only one size to be honest so it's one of those i'm out of here the illegal outpost is somewhere this way man it feels weird to be here so weird it's like seeing uh an old friend probably should have slept as well and we're actually um we're coming up on a thousand days we're at 863 days of minecraft hardcore how wild is that gonna preserve my rockets here so i'm just gonna glide to the location see you there there it is right there now the reason i'm building it over here is because i want to make it um we need to get bad omen from somewhere so i just need to borrow this bed real quick i'm sure the villagers won't mind if my stank is in there so i'm just going to stink it up real quick but yeah the reason i've got it there is because i want to make sure that i can get a bad omen and then just abuse the absolute butts out of this farm here she is elijah outpost and actually this is probably the perfect location to um to build it because i think you can make a um an illegal farm i'm pretty sure but let's build it far enough away oh no i don't want this grass oh no i mean i mean i'll take it i forgot this had silk touch on it what a madman look at this oh my oh my god that's a whole lot of blocks i'm not gonna use holy cow okay so it's tutorial time and we watch new tutorial by chapman i will leave that link in the description below that is the tutorial that i'm following it is apparently pretty easy so i'll take you through it now so under instruction i need to make a 13 by 13 box um where should we do that we should do that here so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen oh matt's with me one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen there perfect so we're gonna build this across here and that's gonna come to here maybe these blocks did come in handy in the end actually let's clear all this trash here and this should be a pretty simple build for something especially in hardcore as well with the crazy raids that you get because you always get the highest level so this is gonna be nuts so now we need the middle so is this mid does that look middle to you i'm hoping so that is definitely not middle but what we can learn from this is this is the middle so we're fine so we need to do here is that that and that open them bad boys keep the underneath gone i think let me just triple check that i'm triple checking everything because my experience with farms i always do them a little bit wrong i'm hoping that's in the middle so the real way we can test this is one two three four five six one two three four five six butte one two three four five one two three four five nice okay those are in the middle they're open and chilling so we also need to do uh one here and open that and then we need two blocks on top but this is all to do with controlling the ravages i think i'm pretty sure so we need to do how many there there there and there this is pretty cool actually let me to open them like so uh yep those are all open and then we need to grab our walls and put them around the top let's put it's gonna look snazzy look at that this looks crazy but it's a way for i think the ravages to get stuck i'm pretty sure we're gonna find out okay so we can get rid of this now so get rid of those and then we need to for some reason we need to put blocks here then we need to do three there three here same on this side yeah we need to do the same again so that i think it's just to do with the water because minecraft water is just weird then we need our villager i was gonna say death hole but the the plan is that the villagers don't actually die so we've got two down here three and then four this is where our village is gonna end up this is our bait our live bait sounds kind of crazy but it's true sorry i've just realized the fatal floor i don't have a villager over here and i don't think there is a village nearby oh no why do i do these things i missed i missed one thing and it happens to be the most annoying thing to get over here ah wait hold up hold up i've actually found one okay sweet i think the uh outpost is this way so i just need to fifa villager i'm gonna perform a kidnap real quick let's go and select the victim right there be villagers left there is okay sweet and nitwit as well right mr gollum i'm about to steal from you there we go this is all for your own goods all right you're gonna come with me it's gonna be fine we need to find out where we need to get him to i think it's this way please don't be far please don't be far please don't be far i don't know where i i flew to it is this way okay so it's like directly oh this shouldn't be too bad i need to hear the water and then we can kind of just go from there i guess right then fella it's me and you me and you buddy and the open road let's get it so yeah you can't go up blocks in this which is gonna be pretty frustrating but we can go through them hey we made it okay this is gonna be fine it's gonna be absolutely fine uh the dig is feeling a little bit worse for wear but apart from that oh we good well i will see you guys as soon as we get to the other side we should be able to make it to the water from here and then we'll see what happens we've made it to the wet oh that's so much better let's go buddy sailing the seven seas together or the one minecraft lake uh we don't wanna make the illegals angry though that would be a bad shout i don't actually know how i'm gonna get this guy out either oh no this is gonna be bad isn't it it would actually be really helpful if you could just go up there do you reckon you could do that for me i think you can do that for me go on you got this let's go okay change your mind it's fine it's fine we get nervous sometimes do you want to come up here though oh please up the block up the block little nudge bro you're my favorite villager apart from you know a friend long lost and now we should be able to skirt around this this mountain and be there i'll see you at the new structure all right it's not the best place to make a home but you don't really have a choice so i'm just gonna plop you in here and you're good right you'll be fine you'll be absolutely fine hey so apparently we can keep this guy in the boat which i think i'm gonna do because these guys really do like to just get out of the boat you know so let's do this and i think i give him the bed but for now i kind of need it okay i'm gonna need you i'm gonna need you to move back a little bit i definitely don't want to kill him if i suffocate this guy i'm gonna be really upset he should be able to just chill here now and i need to put i think the glass over the top so if i do that i can do this and now you're safe safe from predators all right hopefully this works with the bed if not well we're going to find out pretty quick actually okay so now we need to dig down quite far because this is where we're going to be like picking up all the loots because i haven't actually told you what we're making have i so you're about to find out so we need to go one two three four okay we're at 27. so now apparently i can make some kind of room nice little hole for myself to live in so if we do a chest i think hopper goes like this and the other hoppers can go here and here so they should run into each other let's just test it beautiful and then the slabs go on top because anything that lands on here will still go in i think okay we're not that close okay sweet this is perfect right i have no bed to sleep in now so we have to work through the night hopefully we don't get attacked so now i need lava which is conveniently right here i'm gonna be super safe because i keep forgetting that i mean hardcore just i haven't played for so long so i need to be well careful can i grab you please thank you sir right this is gonna kill stuff this could go horribly wrong but let's make sure that we uh do this correctly hey that always looks really cool to me i don't know why but yeah this should kill stuff now we need some water [Music] right let's fill her up now we're not distracted by this we should be able to do it so i need to fill up all this back section here okay i think uh i think this is it so as long as all the water i think these corner bits are gonna be annoying but last time i filled one of those and it filled in the whole thing and ruined it so hopefully this is done i'm hoping so anyway it looks like it i think this is done so all we need to do is kill one of these banner guys to get bad omen oh it started it started already okay we need to go we need to go oh jeez it's actually started already go away go away this stacks wait the the first raid wave is here it's already begun let's go down here and see what happens and then all of the raiders fall into that farm my gosh it worked bro yes oh this is sick wow it worked so well like if we keep pressing this we're about to see them come down press yeah so when the um the big bull guys come down they get burned by the lava and killed off oh my god this is powerful and you know why this is you know why we're doing this right you know why we're doing this because we can get unlimited totems from this bad boy unlimited there they go see that he's falling down and the reason you stay one block away is because if a vocal comes down here and sees you he's gonna be hitting them vexes by needs uh a quick entryway let's try and do that now because it's going to be gonna be difficult otherwise i think it's cause they keep spawning from this so it counts towards the raid which i didn't realize would happen so let's do what was it 6363 anxiety levels peaking oh geez okay so if i put water there look at all these guys dude there's so many spawning so many it's kind of like an xp farm as well i had zero xp hey okay yeah oh geez there's so many they're just like spawning over here okay let's get rid of these guys and then when it gets to the raid again are they all over here oh my gosh maybe i did build it too close let's get rid of this guy i don't know where you're going where are you going what are you doing are you good where's this man going what are you doing boy oh guys this was a grave grave mistake massive mistake because basically where i've made this they're gonna carry on spawning in which adds to the raids no ah there's idiots down here okay oh let's not die let's not die that'd be embarrassing look they're there i think those are the ones that were coming up on the bell okay this should be this should be much easier now [Music] there's one down there what is happening they're sporting in all the caves oh this sucks i'm gonna have to fix this all right so i spent some time and an extra day trying to figure this out i don't know if this is gonna work but i managed to get the raid down to a little slither and by slither i mean i can barely even see it this is taking me a long time to do so i don't know if the farm is gonna work but oh my yo there's two remaining i need to kill two more of these bad boys i've got no arrows left this is bad news very bad news see there's two left somewhere and then it just spawns back in all right new plan i'm gonna kill whoever's in here and then i'm gonna take the bell with me so i feel like if i take the bell with me i'll be able to find where the others are because there's definitely others somewhere come with me you've got a job to do this is literally the longest raid that this ever happens or the raid's finished this might be good actually okay so now let's activate a new raid i think the best way is to lure bad omen over here and then we can start the raid so if we lure them into the farm oh hey sir how you doing let's reset this so we need a banner man right this should work so if i punch you in there beautiful see you later punk i'll see you down the bottom let's see what happens because then we hopefully can just stay down here get bad omen and then we're good to go hopefully hopefully oh this is the bannerman okay let's see what happens raiders remaining one this guy's definitely coming down and now he's gone back to this i'm so confused don't make me move the whole thing please don't make me move the whole thing because i will oh no dude look what i've done so i'm moving the farm i'm halfway through it but i need my villager um and i'm not quite sure how to get him out especially with these guys because these guys are gonna kill him how far down am i gonna have to go did i do oh it was only six wasn't it one two three four four actually it was four okay let's see if i can bust this guy out i'm under the water okay so i need to go a little bit lower ah i found you i found you okay i need to make this too wide now which is really annoying let's get you out of here i need you to go up this way though you have to go this way all right you can print a oh we can predict he definitely comprendes can you go this way perfect okay i like this guy i like this guy already now i need to smuggle him out so that the pillagers don't see him and we need to go this way so if i like make a staircase up hopefully he'll come up here and won't be attacked and then we can take him via boat and it should be all symbols do you hear this hearing the plan buddy good right making this as safe as possible so i can just take him that way this is where we're gonna get him to and then try and get him in the boat let's see what happens oh please don't die i swear all right here he goes he's going up this guy knows what's up i hit him with an axe too which is kind of uh kind of bad no you're not going down there the only way is up my friends the only way is up you can do it it's fine look it's glorious out here actually you just come up here my man there's a reason i chose you there's a reason that we were meant to be right now i just need to get him to come and not get killed by villagers on the way okay this should be a decent route i think this wasn't as hard as i thought this is taking way less time oh my oh no what have i done how is this possible how did i do this attempt number two at making one of these i think i'm almost done so this shouldn't be too bad uh put big man in here i can't believe i've had to make this twice but i think it might be done all that's left to do is test it so if i go over here i'm gonna have to kill all these guys over here i don't know how i'm gonna do that but i think it's done i hope it's done because otherwise i've done something really wrong let me um oh dude i am definitely getting bad omen from this anyway oh my god i have never seen anything like that i think i might get killed from this you know um what do i do well seriously what do i do i'm gonna have to go in i'm gonna have to do it ah oh my god they're all shooting each other which is a good thing but oh my goodness dude that's so many arrows at least they're hitting each other oh actually they're not doing any damage to me whoa i'm indestructible i'm actually indestructible i do need bad omen though oh no i didn't get it okay you guys are all gonna have to go olia olia get out get out get out you suck earlier stop stop this right now holy um okay let's uh switch this out look at me i'm a pin cushion right now what we should be able to do is if i change back into my elytra i just need to kill a banner guy go over there and now it should be done there he is bannerman we got bad omen okay i should just be able to leave now i think so now if i head over to the correct farm it should start a raid yeah there we go the raid is gonna start it actually fills up this time then i need to go down here don't die don't die don't die now as intended we should just need to wait yeah it's working [Music] i'm just gonna wait here and see what happens here we go they should start to all come down now yes yeah okay this is working some of them will die like right away let's see how many we've got left i wanna i wanna kill them all in one swipe there's three more and if a ravager spawns it basically burns the rider and then i no actually it burns the ravager and the rider that's what the lava is for oh there's someone there's someone special in there are we done we should be able to swipe this out okay so we need to make sure we stay one block away so if we don't stay one block away the evokers will send their vexes and we will probably we'll have a lot of issues this is actually pretty quick as well and syria and i built this twice it wasn't too bad to build either you just need to find yourself a place to get bad omen every time but these guys should burn hopefully you're burning [Music] yeah i think he's burnt i think he's fully burned it works i should be able to get like between one and two totems per raid i didn't even realize you could look on the bottom right evoker the evoker is down here that's good there we go that's all of them right let's finish this raid off let's see how many things we get oh no oh no i got too close i got too close i got too close oh no i don't believe it look at my score 94 425 i don't believe it i didn't even get that close i even bragged about having so many totems oh my god i have no idea what to say what do i do now 850 minecraft hardcore days and i die trying to make myself indestructible i had so many totems and i didn't even get to use them [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] you
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,724,593
Rating: 4.9491854 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, minecraft, funny
Id: _wlTjsp8_eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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