Hermitcraft 6: Episode 106 - THE DEMISE WINNER!

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I havent heard the name Salted in a while. Its brings back memories

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/XLord31 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

When you win minecraft PUBG

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/budlechum123 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

So does this mean grian will keep making videos on the server? I mean i hope so

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/optimisticpsychic 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello my name is green and welcome back to another episode of hermit craft it's been a while it's been a few weeks I have been actually quite ill with a cold but I'm back now and happy new year everyone welcome to 2020 we have some very exciting things that's going to happen on this channel this year hopefully I don't know the future but what we are here to do is to finally declare the winner of demise and hand out all of these diamond dough's and the winner was scale of course I don't know if everyone's been keeping up but at the last minute our trap demised doc and crowned is scale the winner who I believe still hasn't actually died yet but actually thought to myself let's do a little quick ceremony for scale he is actually online right now so what we'll do is we'll get hold of him and we're gonna present him with all these diamonds but actually I think we should scare him as well I mean he hasn't actually died in demise but I wanted to feel like he's gonna get trapped so let's transform this whole thing which is now Vinnie T it's now finished into a stage to present a scale with those diamonds now this shouldn't do any actual damage but it should scare him a little bit so if I put a lectern here this will be like his speech podium and I can even make it look like there's going to be some fireworks involved just so that he he doesn't suspect anything especially if there is a redstone button if it turns out I don't know redstone very well I've I've had to extend this out a little bit so he's actually gonna stand all the way out here and I'm gonna have to do a bit of redstone trickery to make this work so it's going to be a couple of TNT minecart so it's really simple I'm not actually going to attempt to kill a scout at all because I am still a secret bro I am still secret bro I just want to scare him a little bit I'm even gonna put some like fake fireworks in here to make it just in case he opens these dispensers being all suspicious I bet that paranoia hasn't quite left him yet but he'll see some fireworks and hopefully won't look too closely at them so this is a really really simple trap I've come to learn a little bit too much about TNT minecarts I think whoa that's already VIN some sort of accident here by the looks of things so I'll put a not too subtle button right here and I'll label this fireworks this is my like last chance to do a nice trap I think because demise is ending so this will be awesome so he'll see this he'll see fireworks he would probably you know you won't think too much of it all we got to do now is plant this together and then whoops and then we see little and act like everything is a-okay I mean that's a pretty obvious so maybe maybe we should do a little bit of hiding there but because because of the whole fireworks ruse it should in theory give him no reason to suspect a thing there we go job is done and yeah I think that's pretty much it I don't think we'll hit any of the diamonds with this explosion it should be fairly small and because there's only two T it will neither do enough damage to kill him and enough damage to well I mean there's already a crater under there so I'm not really changing anything so this is the end of demise this is going to be the final declaration of the winner but before I hope no one sees this before I get to do this because if someone if there's anyone out there on the hermit craft server that's like me and can't resist pressing a button yeah that's gonna go up in flames well hopefully we'll get a scout on quick enough to do it but before that I actually I want to get rid of this black and white skin now I'm totally monochrome still and frankly I want to have my red shirt back so this thing has popped up out of nowhere by mumbo-jumbo and it looks weird I got a message saying that you should check this out so let's have a quick look welcome to the saturator if you're reading this you're probably dead and have a horrible gray skin and you probably smell it's not wrong it's not wrong I can't fix the smell but I can fix your skin with this saturator all you have to do is jump inside the machine will activate automatically and you will be revitalized open once everyone's died well iske isn't died but I think he means the end of demise let's let's just go do it whoa little song is that it are we done is there nothing else did it work did it work aha whoa oh oh oh dear no I think I think I might be a little bit oversaturated oh my goodness I look like a bad minecraft thumbnail I am so oversaturated this is this is ridiculous you can wait if I got I've got weird colors on my trousers I didn't know that those were red and blue pixels on there this has revealed a lot about my skin I do look quite healthy though don't I look I look like I'm glowing I do or I look a little bit radioactive well I'm sure that'll die down in a few episodes time I hope but one thing that I also wanted to do and it kind of pains me but I'm not getting any use out of it it's this building here I absolutely love this building the look of it the feel of it the grandeur but it's just not getting any use I'm not going to finish this project alright still I still have the the B dubs resource back on it I'm just not getting any use out of it I'm not going to finish it so I'm do the mature thing and I'm gonna sell it I don't know how much it's worth but it is going to be up for sale not including whoa not including some of the fat valuables I got in here oh my goodness look at all this iron alright I need to I need to be careful here and stock up on everything useful okay everything else all of this content is with the sale so congratulations to whoever whoever takes all this stuff go write everything valuable is out it's a little bit of a shame but the reality is I don't want to do this project and it's time that I was honest with myself and not just leave it here to sit and collect dust so what we're going to do is put it for sale and how much should I charge bargain price for a bit of prime retail for let's say 100 diamonds there we go for sale 100 diamonds the whole thing it's yours it's that's that's a good price right that's a good price that's hours of building loads of resources in there and it's mate I mean it's made out of some expensive stuff as well and there's loads of anvils up there I believe so there you go for sale does anybody want this mansion anybody at all anyone Oh finally okay love took him long enough I've been I've been waiting for ages for him to respond okay sweet uh I guess I'll just wait for him here hello what is wrong with your face I'm sorry but you look like a tiger and I'm back to the living I'm a little I'm a little bit too alive I think mumbos machine has made me radioactive Wow yeah it had an effect on me as well as you can see I mean I'm still a bronze yeah my head is fine you're all multicolored is it good in that diamond armor yeah oh it feels so good to be back in time and armor and not have to take too much damage are you keeping the gold stuff on I have set a challenge for myself I'm gonna I'm gonna continue demise I know it's just me around still and I know that no one's trying to trap me I'm just you know see how far it goes for the bros so you're gonna go solo bro low on this one solo bro Lord did maestro yeah okay well as you know as winner of demise I need to crown you officially all of these diamonds are yours they are your diamonds I am so excited about that I'm not gonna lie so I'm actually gonna we're gonna do it like a two-man presentation here so I'm gonna take take to the stands make this all official and stuff I've made a presentation here okay okay okay sorry sorry sorry I'm just stealing that device board you know I don't want to be do you know be trapped we're gonna resent to him no one it's just you and me so right are you ready for this I am very proud to present to you miss kau this skeleton hand full of diamonds as the official winner of demise but before you do that I'm going to need some evidence we all know that you survived we all know you didn't die but could you please for the sake of proving it to everyone go into your statistics and tell me the last time since death or the play time since death yes it is 4.77 days 4.77 days that's I mean that's a lot of play time that's not like that's not like just for that's not just five days that's days on the server that you hundred and forty-eight that is a lot of time so I'm very proud and very honored to present to you these diamonds yay speech speech speech I want to thank I want to thank my my bros yeah I want to thank my I want to thank my my my my green bro and that's I didn't prepare sweet that I'm just so grateful let's just yeah let's just celebrate the fire all right oh yeah I don't why I I wasn't changing this is the second time I'm in this hole did someone else do this to you I found that hole I found that hole when I was making this I wasn't really gonna demise you I just I get you because I was calculated Cyril Lawrence did no damage I don't think it did damage dude don't think so no well I got shot anyway those diamonds are for you to collect if I remember correctly though there was a little side deal absolutely I'm gonna honor the bro pack yes let me just get the honor of first mining the diamond blocks that's a lot of diamonds I I did not expect to win this Korean I I was thinking about traps to make well you're lucky we had the bro pack because otherwise I would have been after you I help you secure the victory I got doc I got the last I got the last guy that was a pretty that was a really good trap that was that was very broke very bro what did we agree on any did we agree on any percentage split for the for the bros I said in my mind I thought we just split down the middle I thought it was a if I win I'll give you half if you win you give me half I thought that was the deal but you know I have I have another suggestion is it what I'm going to do the diamonds and give me one I'm gonna honor I'm gonna honor the bro code I'm gonna honor the deal but let's do this I'm gonna give you 45 blocks of diamonds okay I'm gonna keep forty five blocks myself and we're gonna give our architect brother and Dragan brother nine blocks yeah okay fine Lex please I feel kind of bad we went in today and me and him I looked off his tautomer from dying died and then he died right after survivor's guilt I you know you know he also have colored both of us yeah what's for me I'm happy I got some diamonds I can a pace car back cuz I lost a bet thank thank you ever so much for declaring me the winner and the best and most handsome Herman and dude don't do that to me again I'm still shaky I think because you're continuing demise I really wouldn't be surprised if that's not the last time that that happens to you because even though I'm not gonna do that I mean it was just a joke maybe other people will be the original hole was created as a trap to kill and I didn't realize that the mice was over I came here there was a stupid tree right in front of your beautiful board I was like this is weird I didn't think of it as a trap and took it down landed on the ledge here it was crazy well congratulations and thank you yeah well keep keep surviving I guess and enjoy your gold armor I'm gonna go and enjoy my goal and my diamond armor and I'm gonna enjoy these diamonds yeah have fun there's a mini game called run feels good to have a replenishment of diamonds you know what it's weird isn't it as soon as I get back to like a stack of diamond blocks something comes up I end up spending loads I just I end up just getting back exactly where I started anyway there's a few things that I want to do before the end of this episode and the biggest one means going back to Sahara but while we're on the way there I have a big favor to ask so as some of you maybe not all of you but as some of you know I actually own and run a server with my friend salted whoa that was weird okay it's not loading this isn't safe as I was saying maybe we'll walk and do this as I was saying I co-own a server called wink craft with a friend of mine called salted and he has made a rather beautiful trailer for the most recent update on the server it's a little bit on the spooky side not gonna lie but I would be really appreciative if you could give it a quick watch I'm gonna play it right now it's a couple of minutes long see what you think all right you ready three two one here we go win craft [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] man Sultan is so good at making these trailers honestly he's such a good video editor anyway that was the update for wing cross check it out there will be a link in the description and the IP if you want to check it out but anyway let's head back to Sahara where I want to do something that I really shouldn't be doing I'm not gonna lie it was definitely my fault but I shouldn't be the one to fix it I'm not qualified so what we're going to do is genuinely fix the concrete machine because I basically want to finish my base by creating two more of these at the back of the build however I don't have enough white concrete to do it and I should really fix this this giant mistake that was made so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna put my redstone costume on something that's going to help me do this and then that's exactly what we're gonna do we're gonna fix this machine aha I'm ready I am ready to do redstone this is exactly what's needed I said just this is how I'm gonna learn redstone right as soon as I wear this thing I know exactly what to do it turns out there's not actually many tutorials for this thing but fortunately I have a few screenshots from back when this was made and I'm gonna try my best to make it now I know for a fact that there's like a specific order because what this is is a TNT duper and it does some really weird redstone trickery and I have no idea how it works but the thing is if I can make most of it mumbo or Eskow we'll be able to do the bit of Minecraft trickery that I don't know so anyway let's get into a little time-lapse of making this with my moustache on alright let's get into it so what we're doing is well I'm yeah I'm copying what was here before it was entirely my fault what went on here before I broke this it was a complete accident all I was doing was using the concrete maker and I accidentally managed to d load the chunks that were in here and for some reason I came back it was just completely exploded I honestly don't really know what I did but I came back and it was all gone so that's on me and that's why we're repairing it it was a maybe a little bit hopeful of me to expect Mambo to remake this but hopefully I will get some brownie points back for this little contraption right here there we go it is back together I'm now going to tell Mambo that he can do whatever jiggery-pokery needs doing so I haven't added the minecart and I haven't added the TNT or the dead coral that makes this work I could put it on there but I genuinely just don't know whether I'm going to blow everything up if I do that so I think it's best we get the expert in and that means I should probably I should take off this because I'm no longer in redstone mode there we go and had to channel my inner mumbo-jumbo to get this done but it is exactly as it was apart from the TNT stuff there so that is a job well done as soon as Mambo is back in business then we can get ourselves enough white concrete which I've been stockpiling over here which I've been stockpiling over here in order to finish my base because like I said I've been wanted to do this for a really long time anyway I'm afraid that is it for today's episode I've got to say a huge huge thank you for being very very patient for me you might be able to hear it in my voice I'm still not well and every time I try and record it pushes me back so I'm really trying to relax as much as possible but at the end of the day I still need to try and get videos done I'm really stuck between a rock and a hard place it's it's incredibly difficult but I can still get some stuff done it just it's just taking me a really long time at the moment so thank you for your patience but more importantly thank you very much for watching and if you are stuck for content then why don't you go check out wink craft which there is a link for in the description thank you very much watching and good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,814,872
Rating: 4.9678259 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, minecraft, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, season 6, episode 106, hermitcraft grian
Id: nKYc3x0e55Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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