Hermitcraft 6: Episode 22 - POULTRY MAN!

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Grian gave up... we lost boys...

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Spjoti 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'm not 100% convinced

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ManateeGag 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

on other other hand, his device could be easily tweaked to kill a player.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/ManateeGag 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

At first I thought he was going to drop Tango into the void room, then just TNT him. But I think instead he's going to drop Tango in there, then tell him he has to die to get out.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Harddaysnight1990 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

Sad to know he gave up :/

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/pupthebassman 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

I haven't tried this, but based on some old reddit conversations adding a chicken to the room might kill Tango by starving eventually. I think the chicken will occasionally push him which uses up food, and on hard you can starve to death.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/lilli_bulero 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2018 🗫︎ replies
I was gonna say hello but it looks like these guys have done it for me hello my name is green and welcome back to hermit craft 6 I have been hunting phantoms but I legit have been like dreaming about them I had a dream that Cub fan had like 2000 kills and I gave up in a fit of rage but honestly the time is coming up very soon for this contest to end I've got three days three days o mumbo-jumbo says my redstone is working well that's new to me but Cup fad has to 1270 fans and kills I have 776 and with 3 days left I don't see it happening so I don't know whether to waste time at all I think he's got a big enough lead that it's out of my reach oh my goodness look at this this looks awesome does this mean I have mail oh my goodness ok so if I put an item in here it goes green and if I take the item out it goes back to normal oh that's brilliant let's check that the redstone is working on mumbo side as well that definitely looks like it's working I've got a brilliant idea I'm hoping that this works because I think this could be really funny if if I can spawn chickens yep I hear them spawning [Laughter] poultry man strikes again oh that's totally clogging that's totally clogging up the system with chickens they're not moving at all I probably should have checked this before wait are they moving oh my goodness they're actually yeah they're moving they're slowly going I reckon if we let them do that thing they'll eventually just move into the water and make their way to Mum those base we should check if it actually like gets in an item stuck in there as well just in case we are clogging up the system with chickens I love how mumbos just finished all this and I'm immediately just breaking it by filling it with chickens looks like the items just pass on through and while we're at it why don't we rename a few of these eggs poor tree man strikes again and throw them in as well just throw them in as items and then fill them up with some chickens as well they may the great thing about this is that these chickens might take a really really long time to make their way through the system if they get stuck on the ice and they like don't actually just walk around this could be like a really long-term investment of just chickens popping through the woodwork okay so I've added some additions here as well for Mambo to enjoy I've got poultry man is definitely not Korean poultry man strikes again and I'll leave the rest for you guys to read on mumbos video and they go and they go yep we've got okay yeah we've got trident dude where is he where is he I could see I could see the Trident coming through but I don't see him oh wait yeah oh I got him nailed him we should go and see if we got a trident from him I should have used my looting sword no way no way did he drop a trident oh my goodness that is so rare this didn't go exactly to plan cuz as you can see the chickens they're just sitting in the air pockets not doing anything but it seems like they are getting somewhere this guy's in the lead oh my goodness we should take bets on who's gonna be go to get some on those base first this could take a seriously long time for them to get there but it could be really funny this could be like a really long-term thing I think I'm gonna unload the rest of these eggs into the system I am slightly in love with this idea and it looks like someone's left me a message as well how did I not notice this green oh the Reaper requests your presence in the shopping district now well when was this left alright let's just get rid of these chickens first I'm sure the Reaper can wait all right let's head over to the shopping district then okay so what exactly am I looking for my presence is required here hello ah well if that isn't the Grim Reaper I don't know what is now I've never encountered that off before so this is yeah this is a new encounter let's see if we can go and say hello oh my goodness what is are you okay I'm thought a little bit better but are you okay is the question yeah is that what I mean I've never talked to you before is this what you normally sound like because it's kind of scary is it scary I thought what sounded quite a cool what what's going on with your skin why you'll like armored up this is my robes this is my usual so did you leave me the message because it's only between you and Cub fan it was me I am the ruler well to be honest with you I don't really need I don't need any more death I die enough in in this series as it is to be honest what my challenge might be right down your alley then okay where is your challenge it's right here in the pickle shop well okay all right lead the way then I don't know why I'm following you but go go ahead I'll take your challenge do you want to know what the challenge is the time start Oh for real we do it right here okay all right go ahead go ahead I'm ready I'm ready yet to zero health as quickly as you can come on oh no I didn't get fast enough I don't know why I'm following your instructions beautiful this pleases me greatly what do I win what do you mean if I had known what the challenge was over to come better prepared he's always prepared I imagine that everyone's gonna go for the same tactic remember to take your armor off first yeah I'm not the best of this you please me greatly they're watching you on the floor was made by night I'm now gonna retreat back to the underworld and I will reveal whether you're the winner or not soon well I definitely am NOT thanks I guess you're welcome bye and here's a scout now in order to combat clubs insane phantom lead what I'm doing is enlisting the help of everyone that wants to see cub they fail this task and I'm getting them to afk here and I'm making boots for everyone there we go and now everyone has a booth see we've got Red Dog here we've got uh-oh how do you say how do you say his name Zhi Zhi Zhu Zhi Zhi Zhu mu so everyone now has their own little booths as you can see I've put them put them on the island here and they all have access to the sky so they've all got like a gap here and that means that if they looked up they'd see the sky meaning that the Phantom's will spawn and I assure them their safety is I will be the protector but I also think that when it turns day I'm gonna go and get a few iron golems just in case to protect and walk around I don't want anything bad happening to my team here the theory is that these guys will all spawn their own phantoms in along with mine making it possible for me to kill four times as many phantoms as I normally would and the date is closing in I'm on 785 and Cub is well over a thousand two hundred so I've really got a lot of catching up to do this should be a lot of fun but I also I'm also waiting quite a lot so I've got a key kind of keep myself busy I guess which is why I thought it'd be funny to make sure that we give back give them the treatment that they deserve excise Zuma do not feed oh my goodness that's a lot oh oh no no no bad timing bad timing bad timing I need to get into the air if I want to grab these ones I can get them okay there's one last one yes that was a lot okay so now that these guys are consistently spawning phantoms I'm able to up my limit quite a lot so actually killed 11 that night but I actually only killed two the night before so I'm hoping when these guys haven't slept a lot they're gonna be spawning in phantoms just as much as me huh thank goodness it's day for a bit though cuz now I can leave these guys to be heard so he's ish Cal he's Swede the light has turned green let's see what's going on here one egg one egg did my boy send me back just one egg I can still I could still see chickens in there now wait a minute did he actually send me an egg or hold on I think I might know what's going on here there's still some chickens in there's still chickens all in the system but I have a feeling I know what's happened I think the chicken bomb thing seems to have worked oh yeah this is exactly what I was hoping for well that's how I'm ending up with eggs there are chickens in his sin payal laying eggs and that's how I'm getting all this mail so that'll end they'll end up back in my mail room so any moment now the mail should pop out of here that there it is straight in and then this should go green that is absolutely brilliant I'm loving this system I really AM it's good fun now to protect my bros who are helping me out let's enlist the help of some golems which I never really do oh there you go I've got hired help so just in case something nasty spawns around these guys will help could you imagine if they spawned but the head was just there oh dear and we got when Dawg he a cool dude he is a really cool dude actually and now we just gotta wait for another night ah the Sun is going down it's starting to get really really dangerous now it's I think the Phantom's are finally spawning for everyone because these are spawning by the bucketload in just tonight the one night after I was complaining it's now 839 they are spawning in so much I've turned on hip boxes so that I can see where I need to actually hit cuz with the Phantom they've got quite an odd and like long and thin hitbox so it just makes it easier to be able to make sure i bop them on the head that looks like it for another night at hunting now if I just get a few more nights like that I'll catch up in no time but in the meantime I'm going to be working on a little secret project well I have been grinding for over seven hours now like legitimately seven hours I've had different people sitting afk but it's time to pack up shop now I spent all day well every Minecraft night I was killing phantoms and every minecraft day I was working on the secret room over there which we all know about it's nearly finished but I don't know exactly when it's going to be in the next video I don't know I don't know when it's actually going to peer on your screen but yeah it's time to just pack up and call it quits because unfortunately despite seven hours of grinding with six afk people in total usually only three at one time Cub fan still has one thousand three hundred and seventy whereas I only managed to get one thousand two hundred and three so this is me officially throwing in my hat I give up I tried wasted a lot of time but it was quite a lot of fun at the same time I'm definitely better at killing phantoms and you can tell just how many phantom heads and phantom membranes that I've got but I think it's official because this is what I'm going to do to throw in my hat officially I'm gonna do what I haven't done in many days which is sleep and he even says a player does not want anyone to sleep no it's it's I'm gonna continue there we go I've officially thrown in the towel I don't want to see another phantom for a very very long time and I've also got more mail I have been sending stuff to mumbo oh he just there's just more eggs more eggs go you know just keep sending them I just realized that this is an infinitely perpetuating prank because the more chickens I throw down the chute the more chickens that get stuck over in mumbos base the more eggs that come through the system and the more eggs life chucked down the tube is a proper circle of chickens poultry man strikes again I'm gonna have to stop at some point in other news I had to make my spoiler wall even bigger you can see look it properly takes up all this well she can see a bit there let's just cover that up and I also have added in an architect logo or what I think could be a potential architect logo it doesn't look quite as good as I'd hoped and the a-frame itself is too wide I would prefer if it went sort of more longer I guess but I think this looks pretty cool it's got like the over and it's got little dash here maybe I can make that bit small I don't know I quite like it I'd it doesn't have a T in it anywhere but it does have a big a and then just a little bit of deck or I'll see what mumbo thinks to it but I think starting to put together all of this or architect logos and stuff is a good idea as we're starting to do a lot more projects now but you know the Phantom thing isn't the only competition that's going on now I may have failed the Phantom thing but this competition is called two killer tango and the idea is you have to come up with the most creative way to kill tango now you have to make a redstone machine but I want to participate and I don't do redstone so I thought I'd come up with a pretty funny way to but basically it's a joke submission I don't seriously think that this is going to work but hopefully this should get a really good laugh it all hinges on a big obsidian box and I realize I'm going to need way more obsidian the idea is that I'm going to create an infinity room for tango and well I think we'll save how this is actually going to go down and how this might actually kill him for when we do that segment when we actually record it it will all make sense but for now I need to make a little bit of a custom infinity room just for him this should bamboozle him just enough for me to get away with what I plan on doing but you may be wondering why this is made out of obsidian well I won't keep that one from you the reason is I don't want him to escape it's quite simple but he cannot escape oh my goodness I think I just have enough for this I do I literally just have enough it's only gonna be two blocks high he won't be able to jump but this should do I might need to make it one lower but let's see what this looks like I've got loads of item frames and maps I've actually stolen them from the other infinity room but the back room so the first room isn't completely ruined and this may be tangos first look into the infinity rooms so this could be a really cool experience for him you know I don't think I'll ever get used to this and how weird it is whoa has mumbos sent me legit mail or is it there's more there's a lot of eggs oh my goodness I know I keep getting distracted by this but this is hilarious I'm gonna have to stop at some point cuz he's gonna shut down the mail system and get really annoyed but okay just this episode just this one episode poultry man strikes again okay after this this will be the end of the eggs alright because otherwise when we're just constantly gonna have mail alright I must remember where this is so open and then all I gotta do is pop that that oh boy as long as I can I I could jump I can jump through here maybe tango will do that but oh my goodness oh no I can't get out can I I just did oh and there's phantoms no I've had enough of you enough I don't want it I'm done with this no more no more alright so the actual room that we're gonna use is finished that's the main thing and hopefully if I just leave they could look like a little bit of a surprise that does look cool actually let's leave it like that and what we're gonna do is create a bit of a platform we're gonna make a real show out of this entire thing now I have to admit what I have planned does not follow the rules at all not one bit like I'm probably going to be disqualified straight away so what I'm gonna get him to do is oh do you know what I could make like a hangman thing that could be really cool that looks pretty good so we got like a hangman's thing here and all he's got to do is press the button ah I might want to turn that around so if he's standing here and he's got to he's got to do his thing he's on he's on death row he presses this he falls straight in and he's died he has he has officially she's officially bad he's he's got oh no how do I get out of here the trap door shut again oh no oh I did not think this through I did not think this through at all okay thank goodness for that we're gonna open this pop that down back and we can make it out cuz we did it before okay I got out oh that was frustrating okay this is actually really difficult to get out of now remember Tango's not gonna have any items on him that's very very important he's not gonna have a single item on him meaning that's why the obsidians here he will have to punch his way out and I don't know if any of you have ever had to punch obsidian out with your hands in Minecraft but yeah you don't want to do that it takes like 36 minutes 36 minutes so this is it this is basically what I want to do with tango and it should be a lot of fun very very simple but didn't take too long I tell you what if I win this competition just because it's gonna be funny I I will share the reward with the person that actually did deserve to win mumbo is afk again but where Oh mum bow okay I was gonna say he's not very safe in there but he's pretty safe for now poor tree burn his back look at his little face look at his face he's he's gonna come back and he's gonna be he's gonna know exactly what's happened here but I know for a fact that he's not there cuz it is relatively late at night right now so he's definitely not in his studio so this is the perfect time to strike at least when he gets to the other side he's gonna have a really nice amount of food because all of these chickens are gonna be ready to go it wasn't me I swear officer it was the man in the chicken costume and now my disguise is over success so the reason I've been putting off building the outside of my base yes it's still not done is one because I've been working on my project dirt house but also because I'm not sure and it is definitely time to do something with these towers here I need to detail them in some way because I don't want to leave them absolutely clean but at the same time they do look really really nice but something's not quite right and so I've asked for a copy of the map and we're gonna go and experiment with that so let's head over to that world and take a quick look I think we've had quite enough shenanigans for this episode it feels weird being in creative mode in the hermitcraft server but of course I'm not on the hermit craft server at all I am on my own private server taking a look at my own base so I can experiment with it before I commit to all of the changes that I want to do so I've been having a few ideas one is adding a few more steps and that might look right it might look incredibly wrong I think we should try that out first the best thing about this is I have welded it so I can do these sorts of things incredibly fast I think that's kind of made a difference I'm not entirely sure again this hasn't really helped me that much it does make it more clean but I'm pretty sure it's not quite right especially the one at the top it feels like it's off a few blocks do I risk changing it and making it all different or do I keep what I've got and stick with it hmm I do think this looks a lot cleaner though and I could even take it one step further by making it even more complicated if I added in just another layer here to make it even more smooth and sort of had this stopped halfway between the two it could seem like a really smooth transition or it could look like a mess I'm not sure about that one I think we should keep it on the biggest side with all of these steps so do we prefer the bigger steps that are more angular or do we prefer the smoother ones that go down and make it almost have a curve not entirely sure at the moment but whatever I choose to do is gonna take a lot of work in time one thing is for sure I want to knock back a block and put in a bit of a detail here where there is gray concrete behind what I'm doing here so there's like little notches that are going down diagonally and I'm gonna do a few lines of those and see what that looks like now taking a step back that actually looks really good it doesn't look good on its own but I think with that replicates it on every single side that's a really cool way to detail this and it adds that extra element in there I do really really like that it's now about what else we can add to this to make it look even better because I feel like there's something missing from this part majorly what if I had the same thing going the other way hmm I'm not entirely sure but I think this is on the right tracks I'm more inclined to keep this detail on this tower but again I'm not entirely sure these experiments have been useful though it's good to do it in creative instead of committing in case this doesn't work out please please please let me know in the comments down below with what you think I should do and if you have any more ideas I'd like to hear your input before I go any further so anyway thank you very much for watching everyone this has been a fantastic episode full of shenanigans and progress and all kinds of weird things thank you very much for watching and good
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,270,433
Rating: 4.9530854 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, hermitcraft, prank, poultry man, chicken, afk, trap, minecraft traps, tips, tricks, vanilla, hermit, pocket edition, pe, ps4, xbox, grian hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, episode 22
Id: bt2ihXZ4M0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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