Hermitcraft 6: Episode 14 - ISKALL VS GRIAN

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i do have to applaud Grian for his message to his fans.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/ManateeGag 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

1h20 for a parkour... that is just silly, especially since you have to do it everytime :o

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/T0rv4ld 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Does anyone know what music is playing during the chase bit? I tried shazaming it but couldn't get anything. Thanks!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DanTheMan5397 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hilarious episode

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/samerige 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello my name is green and welcome back to another episode of hermit craft and as you can see I've been working on this lowest level I have tidied up quite a lot because a lot of comments were getting a bit annoyed with how messy I was and you've got to remember guys that this entire project this massive build is going to be a work in progress for like months I don't know when I'm gonna finish so if there's something that's particularly annoying you I can fix it eventually but it's gonna take time so as you can see I've cleared out the rest of this and I've gotta say it does look pretty cool it's not perfect yet I have kind of tidied up this upper half but this is seriously where it's lacking at the moment but as for this bottom half from the middle downwards it looks pretty cool I've got to admit and also because I now have this beacon that I spent everything I have on I actually have started something else I started to dig a big hole I don't know why but I have started to dig a very big hole because you never know when you're gonna need a big hole all of those chests are full of loads of stuff it's pretty dangerous down here I've got to admit but there's just something so satisfying about removing these blocks very quickly and you'd be surprised how long it takes even with the beacon this still takes a really really long time I imagine that there may even be a secret base underneath here at some point I'm not entirely sure but the big hole will become useful I'm sure at some point but for now what we're doing is working on the upper vase I keep moving on to the next section of the build before I finish the other so this looks pretty good these towers have barely been touched since I made them the first time but you know around the corner I haven't even done these pillars yeah I haven't finished all of these there's loads of little things that are just taking a lot of time to do but I'm gonna get there in the end don't you worry but we have a bit more of a pressing matter to discuss that has nothing to do with the progress on my blender or cake or building whatever you want to call it this is appeared I have no idea what this is so we're just gonna leave that for now over the way there's been a bit of a development that deeply deeply concerns me this is the black pearl this belongs to s cow and it sells prismarine and C lanterns and stuff but at the back there's a rather hidden secret room there's a little bit whirring in here there's this very odd scene going on and it is well it's the black book you see this is where you can order a hit on somebody the black book of the Black Pearl you order a hit on a fellow Hermit simply enter the target and do not sign and it costs sixty four diamonds to do that so I've been informed through various means that somebody and that somebody was Jevon put a hit on me so what this means is Jevon in response to my afk prank on him has gone and ordered a hit on me and spent a lot of diamonds to do it there is absolutely no chance of me winning in a PvP battle no way not with a scale a scale is well for want of a better word a bit of a pro at PvP there is no chance of me being able to battle this one out so we have a bit of a predicament but we also have an advantage Jevon actually wanted me to know that this hit was coming now this is an S Cal's fault this girl made this shop and he's just following the rules they're meant to be anonymous but Jevon made a mistake we now know that this hit is on its way okay we now know that this is coming for us so that means we have time to prepare I have no idea it scales its girls online at the moment but he's afk I don't even know if he knows about the whole hit thing yet he might have not checked the shop but this gives us a major major advantage we can prepare and I'm thinking what we're going to do is create a safe room with a little bit of a trap in it so what we're gonna do is when Miss cow comes after me we're gonna make a safe room I'm hidin there and there's gonna be a trap that hopefully sends him on his way anyway we should just get on with it I think we don't have much time to dawdle he could come at any second now my current thinking is the safe room should be somewhere around here because here's my thinking right this is clearly an area which I need to fix because it's showing on the glass so it's not out of the question that I would have dug underneath here to try and fix it it is also believable that there would be a bunch of gravel here so what we do is we make it look like we've been working here and make it believable as possible if we cover this in sand and gravel it totally looks believable especially if I break this and it falls through this looks so realistic so I don't think Eskow would have any reason to suspect any misgivings or trickery or anything like that we're only trying to protect ourselves I'm gonna run in we're gonna I'm gonna run around this corner and as he comes to get me I'm gonna activate a trigger that's going to completely remove all of these and he's gonna fall so we need to create a big hole actually we need to create a big hole down as far as we can the mechanism is gonna be very very simple we're gonna have five Pistons that are gonna be extended and over the top of them there is going to be some sand or gravel so we've got to make this look believable if there's sand and gravel already here and it looks really messy I can't see that he'll think anything of it that looks pretty convincing with all the water dripping maybe if we put a crafting table here that really sets the scene and it would look like a pretty decent place to go hiding especially if I ran in here and then tried to cover it up like that and then come down here he would instantly follow me and then he comes around the corner and I go Shaboom and he falls down brilliant now to really make sure that this does the job because otherwise he's just gonna come back for me and back for me and back for me we need to make sure that this kills this cow without removing any of his stuff and I think the best way to do that is for a simple full damage I thought about trying to suffocate him in sand but I just don't think it's gonna cut it so I reckon we should make some lava just drew over the edge so if I play signs all along here and then I place a lava here I just need a couple more buckets of lava and then we will have this whole thing covered but for now we need to dig this hole all the way to bedrock also while we're making this I think it's a really really important thing to point out that anything that happens on hermit craft is for me to deal with okay if someone had done something to annoy me then I would defend myself in that situation okay it is definitely not the place of you guys to go and defend me on other people's channels it's really really important to me that you guys be constructive and positive I completely understand why Jeff and put a hit on my head I messed with him when he was afk he didn't do anything to me I just decided to mess with him it doesn't matter that it failed on her it's just a funny thing we're all having a load of fun on hermit craft and nobody actually means any harm so I really really don't want to see any toxic comments on anybody's channel honestly I'm definitely not ESCO ESCO doesn't know what's gonna hit him I don't think we're just really lucky that we got a bit of a head start on this and we know that it's coming cuz otherwise I'm not sure we would have lived well I know for a fact we wouldn't have lived I'm already paranoid he might be on his way to get me right now and I don't know but if I'm not ready no chance I have no chance we'll the gravel just stopped at the lava because of the signs ah 60 levels let's test it not even close not even close I don't know maybe we should just stick to the plan maybe maybe killing hims not the best idea in the first place to be honest maybe if we just trap him down there and we say come on leave me then that'll be enough I doubt it I still think we should stick with the plan I don't really want to kill anybody as you know but this is self defense this is a panic room for sure I'm pretty sure if I can do this it will work brilliantly if I can give him a little bit of a run around I run in here he'll be following me I'll stop here just as he comes round the corner and he's about to go in he's about to kill me if I just replace those Pistons with sticky pistons it doesn't even make a difference it's a good job we decided to test this otherwise it could have gone horribly horribly wrong so we are officially set up just place that in there and but a Bing badda boom we got ourselves a system there's no gravel involved whatsoever now so the fall should be nice and clean we officially have ourselves a safe room for it when we eventually get hit oh boy I can't see this ending well I can't see you ending well for me and I can't see it ending Welford for anybody and I don't blame Jeff in one little bit because this was probably an easy way for him to deal with my prank eree without without actually having anything to do with me at all so kudos to you Devin you may also notice that I named my pickaxe the fax machine and are wondering why well it's a fast pickaxe machine so it's the fax machine simple as that let's crack home with the rest of the base building shall we I've still got lots of little jobs to do especially around these sorts of areas I'm still wondering what exactly to do with each layer here but I've got a pretty decent idea for at least one of them whoa whoa saved also I think it's a good idea that we go and check on the skeleton horse thing because I think I heard one of them has been sold although I'm not sure which one let's see who won the little wager and Oh would you look at that it wasn't they call me t-bone it wasn't Skeletor it was Napoleon Bonaparte that one that means officially 32 diamonds to me for selling my skeleton horse and you as all my witness see the I am the only one that sold my horse I don't know who bought it but thank you so much that means this is my price oh how brilliant I've got the skeleton horse head and it's probably the best mob head in the entire game it doesn't really look like a horse it looks like a bear or something I think it's so cool oh I'm so happy I got this this I don't know what it's worth but I to be honest with you I just wanted it because scar had it now that I've got it it doesn't seem like it's worth a lot but I'm gonna keep it this is brilliant but that is a hefty 35 diamonds for selling that horse not a bad little profit but having said that that is it the others need to sell their horses and then this little stable will probably have to come down because there's not gonna be many of these in stock meanwhile we sold a few more gravel and we sawed a bit more sand and whenever I put quartz in here it sells out really quickly so I might restock that that means I have officially made a shop and made a profit meaning I can take that off of my bucket list which is still in here I haven't actually been in here for quite a while there's still some resources here even if it's just a little bit so my bucket list if you guys don't remember this is a list of things that I wanted to do this season feature every hermit on the server at least once well I've actually had a moment with pretty much most of them I still haven't had false or Clio or a few of the other guys on yet but that I'm getting there I've definitely featured a lot of them start a shop and make a profit I think we can officially take that one off the list it is done make a proper redstone sis storage system not going to happen teh mumbos mustache away hmm I think this one is gonna be what we work on next create a base in every area long term definitely not going to happen we can't even finish the one that we've got and kill a phantom while flying an Electra well when they spawn I'm definitely gonna do that I feel like I can at this point anyway I have a bit of a plan here with my face let me let me show you I'm thinking that these towers need to go a lot taller but I kind of noticed that this one didn't quite make it to the top and that gave me an idea I'm thinking what we do is we have it go up in increments so this one stays where it is and then this one goes a little bit higher and then that one goes a little bit higher and then this bit goes but so it kind of goes around in a circle and every time you look round it gets higher and higher and higher until the three in the middle will reach the top which I think that's the build height there so there's a pretty decent amount of height to make these towers out of and then I was thinking inside the towers we have we have ourselves an elevator in here whoa look how much damage I took from that I thought that was a pretty swish landing apparently not apparently not I was also thinking it might be an idea to have these towers extend all the way through the base to the very bottom but I haven't decided whether I'm going to do that or not yeah so they might come down all the way through here and then it would mean you can come in and then you can take the water elevator up and then each tower could take you to a different level so this tower could be level one level two and level three the only problem is one of the the tower here will come out here meaning I don't need to even make one of these I don't know I think it might work but it also might ruin the vibe with the whole coral reef thing these are this is the problem with freestyling a build the way I am you just don't really know there are so many different options to take and I'm not sure which way to go with it building stuff like this isn't always an exact science for example this side I've just made it and tried to make it equidistant between each pillar but it's not actually the same as this one although you might not be able to tell adding these towers in made it incredibly difficult for me to keep things even right got to do the last one of these pillars and then finally this is a job that I've been putting off for way too long way too long what what was that it's disco disco disco way away away away away if a ship maneuvers evasive maneuvers where is he RiRi mera we have him here earth where is he oh we got to do some skillful flying here double back double back double back he doesn't have a clue hold I'm gonna get my boat where is he here huh no there's no way there's no way I could do this okay oh yeah the safe room the safe room the safe room he doesn't I'm gonna have to give him the runaround I have to make it seem I have to make it seem really legit I have to make the scene legit I don't know where he's gone right now maybe now's a good time I can't see him wait these days days days days that does he know you no no no no no no huh he went oh my goodness was he with oh my little aching heart my little aching heart oh my goodness it worked it worked I totally forgot youth did you see him with the villager head on him he is it at the moment he is tagged oh my goodness he asked me to bring his bring his stuff to him I'm literally shaking my hands are shaking oh I've never been so panicked in my life I said he said can he bring can I bring his stuff to him I said yes as long as he promises not to kill me he said I'm sorry to him I'm sorry for trying it's the life of a hitman that's okay that's okay well let's go and deliver this stuff to him look look at the state of his stuff the unbreaking 3 infinity power 5 flame punch one super bow oh my look at the difference the excalibur sharpness 5 look at all those ah yeah I didn't stand a chance I don't think that that's ever going to work a second time right this is his cows base there he is I'm literally shaking this cow widened you scared the life out of me but I can't believe that man how how clever you knew about this didn't you well yeah cuz every ok Jevon is an idiot okay what he did was he went to your hit man shop and he told all of his subscribers to inform me that you were coming I was so sure I was gonna get you there as well I was like my goodness he's such a flier but he's stuck now and ah dude yeah well played special stuff no plea as this is but it failed it one is it one attempt kills all is that it yeah I guess so I mean I'd never really plan to fail this to be honest but I guess so but I figured like he did order hit and I promise to not kill you so I'm not gonna kill you thinking all your stuff Tigerettes you're kidding well you are taking the mick because technically he ordered a hit and I just hit you so I I figure I'm you know I have got it I guess yeah I guess you can get paid by Jevon now so uh what's the deal here have I got to wear all of this is this why you died cuz like listen I tested out my trap several times and it didn't kill me when I was like fully geared up but you obviously didn't have all of the gear because you had your Elektra on you had the dunce around and you had these trousers I may have survived if I used like if I had fire protection trousers and my normal gear but I've been stuck with that with those yeah with those trousers for a long time and no helmet it was pretty rough it was pretty rough so yeah now no there's so many stupid rules with tag now why did I create this game have you ever made the perk or have you ever checked it it's so hard man it's so tough oh I've got to go to the tag building I kind of feel like a winner at the end of this anyway I felt so bad dude have lost seen me I've lost I I'm totally lost I know you're a great guy but I didn't see that level of craftsmanship coming down I feel like we both we've both won and we've both lost here yeah I I at least that I lost the villager head and the stupid trousers sorry about that that's my I think it's such a giveaway as well if you see of course I've got to put it on no this is such a dead giveaway if you see anybody with this head no one's gonna want to talk to me this is like this is like the anti hermit my advice don't please please hit Ren Ren diagram Ren talk well I guess we're even we're square no hard feelings no hard feelings no hard feelings at all and Kevin I think you got what you wanted and we're square on the afk front so I think between the three of us no more fighting we're done this is it that's it came over well I better head over to the tag building now yeah have fun with that let me know as well how long your parkour took because for me it took an hour and 20 minutes an hour and 20 an hour and 20 minutes I don't like parkour oh my goodness okay alright Cheers see ya oh well that kind of worked out in the end I guess oh my good I can't believe we're it again again so there's a whole bunch of rules and stuff I kind of went over it when I where is the tag building I don't remember exactly where but there's a whole bunch of rules that we have to do we have to do a parkour ah here it is here's the tag Tower well I am a I'm a victim of my own creation it would seem wait a minute oh my goodness it's like history it's mumbo tagging me with how many times am I gonna appear in this now oh my goodness there's cub getting emotional oh wow this is oh this is brilliant this is like a whole interactive history oh I love this I'm loving this right so I'm tagged again this is like my third time we have to take the walk of shame this was my own idea shame oh come on stupid thing was it filling me up with at the moment no one wants to be tagged hang your head done so I'll hang my head what was that slow made me slow brilliant okay now we got to do the parkour yeah yeah so it's girl said this took him an hour and a half I can see it oh no really do I have to jump on there that can't be right oh no I got to double back ah this is the worst punishment that has ever been devised by man this parkour is poorly designed not because it's infuriating but because you can hit your head any parkour maker knows that you don't create jumps where you can hit your head I've got to check our head every time now there we go now where do I go where do I go from here oh all the way over there here we go and in the corner okay okay we're getting somewhere we're getting somewhere oh yes oh what an awful jump what an awful jump we're so close we're so close yes yes oh my goodness who don't fail eggs don't fail me now Oh wasn't ready for this oh my goodness oh my goodness yes yes oh my goodness we made it yes okay that only took me about five minutes in the end it did take a lot of Oh from that one alone getting over that are you no enough no more never again congratulations now take that leap of faith thank goodness for that well it's finished now I did help briefly make this and to the rules chamber the rules of tag please read the book before heading to the next room all right rid yourself of the shame and burden you must tag another hermit please read and understand all of the rules I pretty sure I know the rules before tagging another player you must wait until yours and their perspectives have been posted you cannot tag another player in the same episode you were tagged you must keep the tag and dunce head in your inventory at all times until you tag a player to take a player approach them and slap them with the tag you are now it yeah yadda yadda yadda you can't take afk cannot tag the last person that Tai Chi Li re yadda yadda each round has a twist heading to the next room and press the button to receive a random twist you may also add your own twist into the randomizer best of luck great get your twist give granddad I'm a kid granddad diamond flock no way do you think I should take another one I feel like I don't know there's no point cuz nothing changes I feel like I should put this back I should get another twist you can't use Rockets when tagging so no flying at all that's gonna make it so difficult to approach someone as I can't chase anybody down if I can't use rock it's alright let's add a twist in here okay I think I got a good one I'm gonna add you got a 360 no-scope your next tag that could be entertaining oh I can't I should have just kept the one that said give green a diamond block I just didn't feel like it it didn't feel right because obviously nothing would change I'd have to give myself a diamond block so yeah I've got a real I've got a real twist in here now the current twist if the tag trousers break you must sell seven IOU notes for seven diamonds in each shop area where the tag trousers when at all times the dunce head you can remove the dunce head from the game by adding curse of binding and equipping it on another hermit you must wear the tag trousers at all times when tag it doesn't say that about the dunce head though you can remove it by adding curse of binding it and giving it to another hermit does that I don't know if that's even separate from everything else hmm that's all have fun great do I have to add my name to the list of history now Hey look there's me that's the first one I did ten mumbo and then doc and then I guess this is the sort of the Hall of history so that was me first then I tagged mumbo who tagged a whale did I tag no I tagged doc then he tagged mumbo whatever this is so cool the tag has become increasingly more prevalent oh I love this so much except I don't love it I don't really want to be a dunce I think that's never gonna get used to this head I think that's probably enough for today's episode things didn't really go to plan in the end did they thank you very much for watching and please let me know in the comments as a matter of urgency who you think should get tagged next and I preferably want to tag someone that has not been tagged yet which does include Ren hua scout asked me to tag but there are others as well I am NOT set on any one person it is an opportunistic thing okay thanks everyone and good you
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,699,111
Rating: 4.9626389 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft grian, vs, grian vs iskall, trap, traps, 1.13, aquatic
Id: UuE0T21NjgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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