Hermitcraft 6: Episode 83 - DIAMOND DROP MASTER

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I leave for a week and I come back to some of the biggest amount of progress that I've seen in a while there's an airfield here look at this the amount of detail in this with the left and the right and that there's not even in the aircraft this is Scott you've you've gone mad you've gone absolutely mental there's a tower there then the hangar is now over the side I can even see inside of that can't really tell what it is from here but look at this they are definitely up to something and do you see that that portal looks absolutely demolished how have they done this I really shouldn't go inside but what if I sort of just float around here no it's not a glitch it's that's real that's a real that's a real cursed portal right there how weird and it looks like there's been a little accident over here with a gigantic explosion I don't know what these guys are up to but I don't like it and as you know Ren and I have set up shop over here in our little hippie vans let's pop some music on because we've got some work to do well I've actually already been doing some work down here as you can see I have been digging a big hole big holes are very useful in Minecraft because you can hide things from the man and basically what Brett and I are going to do we've we've sort of hashed out an entire plan we're gonna dig a tunnel over to area Sentinel just inside area 77 but we have to make sure that we're not seen at any point and I'm kind of counting on you guys not to let them know because yeah this is this is pretty important that this stays secret but to stop them kind of coming in and just exploring all this for themselves cuz I've really hidden that very well I mean you can see it from the outside I'm gonna make sure that we hide this properly from them we need a barrier of some kind and I sort of started over here with this very pathetic wall but I need to do some training to create some sort of cliff to just stop them coming in and being able to see exactly what we're doing at all times which is basically what they can do now so seeing as I've been away for a week now I do have an awful lot that I need to do but let's start this little time-lapse of some very basic training to get a cliff going so that we can hide what we're doing a little better and then we can crack on with the lava game that I have over there and I actually want to try out scars new mini up there it is I want to try out this game here because you can make some diamonds there but let's get this out of the way first so what I'm doing here is I'm going to create some scar like to raining around our little hippie communes so we can get some privacy so a little bit of a cliff and I'm paying the most attention to the two sites that are the most exposed and I'm paying particular attention to the side that faces area 77 because we don't want them to be able to see what we're up to or at least we want them to try and be intrigued by what we're doing but training it takes a long time and it's a very very tedious job but you can do a lot with a little that little cliff has a lot of details in it I just got to say thousands and thousands of stone and dirt went into this and then I placed all the kind of vegetation so that the trees grow around it and to create some sort of foliage barrier I think this looks pretty cool I think that is a pretty formidable wall you cannot see inside the hippie commune at all obviously they can walk in but I can walk in here as well so they've got this truck here which looks pretty cool by the way I don't know who made this probably scar but it actually looks really cool and they've got a couple of armor stands here watching us with a bat head and observer so what I thought we could do is two people can play at this game they might be watching us they can't see anything now but we can also do something for them as well I just need to find the right spot which isn't here oh this is a dangerous place no this is a dangerous place oh this is a very dangerous place please please I just arraigned all this why don't I light anything up well that's a bit annoying okay that's a little better actually you know what this might be a lot easier if we work from the outside in and also while we're here we can plant some peace flags just so they know they're dealing with someone that just wants to be friends there we go so if they are looking about that looks like a really good spot right here so what I'm gonna do is just a little spot with a glass window in just like they have then we're gonna add an armor stand right there and we're gonna add a Vindicator head to it so he kind of blends in with all of the stone and then from the outside this should look pretty funny so let's go and have a look at our new spy so they're looking at us he's even it'll even looks like he's pointing over there oh I need to give him like some leather armor or whatever but that that's pretty cool and you know what I think every episode we could add a couple more so if they notice them they'll notice that like two more are coming up three more actually I've got a really good idea that we can do over the next few episodes that includes adding more and more of these there we go so I've got a leather tunic if I make that light gray there we go that gives him some clothes and it makes him look a little less like an armor stand there we go two can play at this game they've got spies we've got spies but as I said before I actually wanted this area the hippie commune to be kind of useful and I thought what we could do if it's even possible is to create micro farms inside of these RVs so I'm gonna give it a go obviously there's not a lot of room for redstone and the limited redstone that I can do it definitely doesn't really compact very well so this is gonna be a but I'm pretty sure with a little bit of research maybe with a little bit of help as well we can make something that will fit inside here the great thing is that I've already made one RV so it's kind of just a case of copying it but I need to make sure that they look slightly different not everyone has the same RV that would be super embarrassing if you turned up to a hippie commune and everyone has the same RV so to start off with something really really simple I thought what we could do is make a little die farm now obviously these are so simple it's unbelievable but I think it's one of those things that fits really well into our whole hippie theme and it fits rather nicely into this RV so all I've got to do is get some dispensers and then make a clock and then it should span these out pretty swiftly I've got the dispenser set up I've built somewhat of the RV it's kind of similar to mine but a little bit different either way what we're going to do is hop into the van and build the Redstone for this now hmm I'm kind of guessing but I I think I think I've actually learned a bit of redstone just through osmosis okay so I don't really know what I'm doing but I just I think this will work just give me a second if I place the sticky piston there I place an observer like that and all I've got to do is just get these activating over and over again so a bit of redstone dust over the top all the way here and it literally should be as simple as that actually I need to just fill them up full of some bone meal if I am correct which I'm probably not I place the lever here I switch it on well what do you know I mean that's the most basic redstone in the world but it's producing flowers sweet and it produces them quickly as well then I can just take those turn those into dyes and we've got a pretty successful dye farm right here now obviously these are only some basic colors we got some red we got some magenta this is probably pink over here so we're gonna have to make another farm another day for all the other colors but this is a really good start now all I need to do is collect them using a hopper system how does one do that well the first thing that we can do before we worry about that is finish off this RV just needs a roof now and maybe some finer detailing but then that's pretty much complete there we go that's the basic RV pretty much complete this hippie communes coming together rather nicely I'm just gonna do a little test on again this is redstone that I've learned kind of just by watching other people I don't actually know what I'm doing but if this works this will be a pretty big step in me understanding redstone a little more so I'm just gonna add this one here to see if this works all right we lose some but it's all going in now it does it end up in well there we go problem solved so in theory all I've got to do is replicate this over this might not be ideal for the long term but at least the short term I think this will work quite well so if I add this for full efficiency and I turn this on that that seems to be working we've got ourselves an RV flower farm it's beautiful now obviously this only gives us pink magenta and red dye I could add a sunflower one here as well because there's actually a couple more of these two tall flowers that we can use but I do actually as I said earlier wants to create a small flower farm but that will cover pretty much yellow so I don't have to worry too much let's take a look at how quickly this gets through the bonemeal because that's kind of a big factor oh boy I guess I only have to wait for this to run out and then I've got to restock it so it's not perfect fortunately I have all of these bone blocks to get through so we have pretty much unlimited did flowers now if I want to access it that's a bit of a different story because the chests at the moment are all up there it sounds like it's run out of bone wheel already but let's see what we've got lots and lots of flowers and I've just had a thought this is me starting to think a bit more like a redstone person but I can add a chest and a hopper to refill these dispensers as it rocks through all of the bone meal and to keep it topped up unfortunately I do have to spend a little bit of time d crafting everything and filling up all of these chests which is it's pretty tedious but it's fairly easy to do so I've got all of these chests now full of bone meals so they can then feed into the dispensers and it won't run out nearly as quickly and we'll have all of those dies this is actually really cool I can I can totally see why making bombs is fun for a lot of people it's just like the only thing I'll say is that this is an easy farm maybe I'll learn redstone properly next season now with that RV done that's kind of one of the farms the big flower farm I know I forgot the sunflower but I'll add it in another time when I actually find one I haven't actually seen a sunflowers so when I see one I'll add it to the new RV flower machine but there is actually something I want to do while this machine was running I mean it's run out of bonemeal already but look how much look how much flowers I've got like each one of these is going to make to die I basically have unlimited magenta dye here so so much dye but what I want to do is because Ren is actually on right now I don't know where he is but he's going to be building some stuff in the hippie commune too so I want to make sure I plan something out before he builds him because this area isn't going to be just this corner we're going to make this really big so what I'm going to be making there's a little bit of a secret I'm not gonna lie but it's important for the future of the hippie commune and it might not make immediate sense what this is going to be but in the future this circle that I'm making will play quite a big part in what we're going to be doing basically we've got while we're working our way towards area 77 to come up with different ways of distracting doc and scar from what we're doing we've obviously hidden ourselves using this really nice looking natural minecraft tree barrier but we've also got to distract them in other ways and this is where the giant circle comes in there we go we've got the full circle right here this is actually quite large in size and it's gonna take up a good portion of the hippie commune but this circle well I guess you'll find out in a future episode I'm really proud of the progress that's been made in this episode alone to the hippie hippie community shall we say oh look there's red himself he's in he's in his van what's he doing is he is he is he on the toilet I think he might be oh sorry I ran eylem I'll leave you to it then I used to think that these wandering traders were really annoying but I actually think that they're kind of useful because these guys find you wherever you are but you could just get a free lever every time they turn up and some leads although the wandering villagers themselves aren't that useful but the llamas anyway I think that's actually quite enough of the hippie area because I actually want to go and try out scars new minigame which is the giant airplane that we didn't know what it was last time so I need to go and read what this is oh and there's a giant target now so I heard that this is a flying minigame meaning that I should be able to be quite good at it welcome to the diamond drop please read the instructions the objective is to catch as many diamonds as possible while free-falling from the plane if you die the diamonds must be returned to the diamond chest at the 10 the diamonds you catch and land with are your prized place your items in the locker take five Rockets pay here take one parachute well it seems it seems simple enough oh and totally forgot that I have to pay five diamonds for two jumps okey-dokey Wow yeah five diamonds let's give this a go whoa whoa whoa whoa preflight checklist one sleep in bed toupee take one Electra take five rockets fly up to the airplane okay well I've got to wait for night that's gonna take too long I need to play right now so we've got to fly up to the airplane and I need to I need to save as many rockets as I can really I'm only I'm only gonna end up with one rocket for this all right skydivers welcome to the diamond drop press the button and wait for flight stand on that trapdoor so I guess I just press this wait for the drop but one diamond come on you that okay I see okay I made it back so where does everything drop oh man I totally lost like 90 levels I have no idea where everything ends up so I think I have to return these okay so let's try this again that was just a practice run I've never played this game before so I wasn't quite sure so I need to get up there as easily as possible without using too many rockets okay I managed to do it with two spare this time if I actually make it come on yeah we should make that okay I got two rockets this time right this is this is drop to do I fall fast but do I have to die does that count is that it I got oh my goodness I got 11 diamonds capture as many diamonds as possible before activating your electro parachute timing of the release is crucial for success it doesn't say anything about not using the fireworks as you fall so it says you got to do that and then you got to pull your parachuting out but I don't think Skaar knows that you can totally change your trajectory with the fireworks I've checked everywhere and there is nothing about it it just says take five rockets and it doesn't I guess you could just use the rockets how you like guys I am about to take every diamond Skaar has from this mini game let's do it ten diamonds for four runs so let's take five rockets here so got my five rockets got my electra we're about to take scar for every diamond he's put in this mini game alright here we go again go diamond diamond look oh did I miss the block I missed the block that time okay so actually I made four diamonds okay another five rockets here we go again this is two out of four we go one diamond do diamond oh and you got three I still made a profit on it okay this is actually a little bit harder than I thought however we're still making some diamonds so I got two more runs right drop three here we go there I saw I saw the diamond block right here yes I got it yes I got it snatched it up yeah I don't know how many diamonds I'm missing but as long as I get the block it's totally worth it all right we put the Rockets back we grab another five rockets scar I hope you've loaded this thing to the brim with diamonds because I'm about to be the champion and I only need one rocket to do this all right this is number four out of four there's no time there's no diamonds left there's no divers left scar you owe me a run of this game you owe me a run even with an empty last run we made well how many times did we make we've spent ten diamonds here and we got 19 back easiest nine diamonds I ever made I'm gonna ask him to refill it and then I'm just gonna play this game until it's empty again and then I'm gonna ask him to refill it honestly I think I've broken the hermitcraft minigame system easy easy money so Skaar only one run but speaking of minigames I've actually made a little bit of progress on this manner here which is actually one of my minigames now this is basically the floor is lava which is a fantastic game to play in any situation so I've added this graveyard outside this is basically just to be decoration because what's underneath is what's important it's going to be a crypt oh I'm still totally wearing so what I've done is decorated just a couple of the room I haven't actually linked up any redstone yet but you can see these dispensers these are going to release the tokens so people jump around they collect the tokens and then they've got to get out obviously anything that's air down here is going to be lava and it's going to be pretty dangerous and you've got to take a leap of faith sometimes to get to the hidden egg to the hidden dispensers and it's gonna be a lot of fun because if you want the top prizes in this game you've really got to explore it and try and get to the more dangerous locations and sometimes you've got to activate some trapdoors if you want to get to say up here well some some places like so and everyone that's tried this so far has ended up there which would mean death and it's it's very easy to mess up and obviously the more you explore the more chance you have of falling in the lava however I quickly realized that this is a project that's going to take me multiple episodes so I feel like I've made some decent progress here and I need to make some more dispensers and stuff but it's gonna take me a while to finish this one I think unfortunately and then I need to make a little area over here with all the tokens so it's gonna be like an arcade so so the prizes would be like you know maybe a box full of diamonds but you'd have to play this game multiple times and be successful in order to get the tokens for it I also want to offer a quick apology for not having any videos for over a week now I haven't actually been at home at all I've been away I think I said it in my last episode but I know that a week is quite a long time on the internet but I'm back now and I'm working on new videos all day every day and hopefully we'll see a lot more hermitcraft and some other things as well so thank you very much for all of your support but there's actually quite a lot that's been added while I've been away on my rest and relaxation specifically over there by the way what I'm doing here is just adding a bit of decoration to the hermit land sign I thought it could use something here just that just to fill the space a little bit more but that hermit land sign has actually been replicated right over here so we got an identical one that I assume has made right here and enters the second half of hermit land and guess what those cheeky con corpse they've made a food truck and they're selling gold and carrots two stacks for one diamond and they're actually selling their carrots why why are people buying from Concord and not my Sahara eats over there that's I was there first we might have to undercut them in price because that's really whoa whoa the Hermit Croft party bus is leaving the station everyone is on board am I here oh no there I am I'm just sitting on the back I don't know what's going on here but this is awesome guess what opening soon oh wow that's cool we've got a roller coaster this is awesome hermit land is becoming one of the best projects on hermitcraft right now there's just so much entertainment the games are fun the bills look quite cool achieve the builds could look a little better the builds can look a little better but they are for they're for entertainment purposes not to look good although I must admit I've always had a bit of a sweet spot for that mansion of mine anyway I'm afraid I have run out of time for today but we did get an awful lot done actually we have made some significant progress - the floor is lava game now this is obstacle to taking a long time we begged Skaar dry on this one as soon as he restarts all of those diamonds in there I'm gonna get so good at that minigame that he's going to have to close down we have made significant progress to the hippie commune over here by adding our own custom terrain with a cliff and look at Ren doing his thing and we added our own little farm under over here which goes underground and we've got a little secret circle thing going on over that work we've been busy and there's more to come so I will see you in the next episode thank you very much watching and good
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,644,103
Rating: 4.9414272 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, season 6, diamonds, minecraft grian, episode 83
Id: U_G_8uKpp4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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