Hermitcraft 6: Episode 35 - THE HERMIT HEIST

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Zombie Cleo is just wrecking havoc on the server, and she isn't even doing much for it. Very impressive!

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/TheRealWormbo 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

This episode was a trip and a half. Any outsider would have no clue on what is going on, and yet, if I were to introduce someone to Hermitcraft, I'd probably choose this episode to show them. It contains mundane tasks (base building/modifying), being pranked, pranking and a salvage operation

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/belicious_durger 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Grian and Tango's disguises are quite funny. Tango does a great False impression lol

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/-GalaxyFarFarAway- 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Thw tag is wrong, it's obviously mumbo

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/adiliv3007 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft these pigmen are really getting out of hand I really should close this up in some way but I also don't want to ruin the look of my portal now I've obviously been on the server working on a few projects here which we're going to come back to later but this is appeared and it says green's hermit gift which is a bit suspicious already there's a book and quill in here and I haven't read this I have no idea what it says yet but I actually need to come back to this because I actually really want to finish what I'm doing over here before I go and pursue something else because I've been putting this off for a long time now I've talked about the layers being slightly useless and listen I really want to make a farm and I don't really care if everyone already has a farm and I know I've already got a small farm there but I want to do something a little bit better here so what I'm gonna do is make a few tubes that go up like this or just just to and one of them will have some reeds in them and the other will have like pumpkins melons and some cactus thrown in there as well maybe just so that I am actually producing something because at the moment I am just a full-on consumer of everything and I've prepared quite a lot of this stuff so I'm gonna quickly wrap up one of these tubes in a little time-lapse and then we can crack on with all the other things that we need to do today don't panic this time-lapse is only gonna take 30 seconds there's not even any time to answer questions from a Q&A I decided to give it my own go at designing this I didn't look at any read files which was probably a mistake I just copied the one that I had in my corner and scaled it up and guess who decided not to press f1 when they were time-lapse saying yeah that's right me so you can see the chat going nuts and you don't even need to pause it and check what it was we were just charging a scale 3000 diamonds for a bunch of paper and then you can see I actually died right about here you can see all my items and then I went and retrieved them that's actually where I'm gonna leave it I'm not even gonna start this one here because I know that the design is not efficient I'm a little bit worried about the lag so I want to just leave it as it is for now give it a test I can see that everything's already growing now this is the kind of design that is very green esque see as you can see it detected that but it's not done anything that's because on the other side as soon as that bit goes up both parts will then get pushed it's so put together with duct tape and bubble go is it's so weird but it works the whole thing does work and I'm proud because it's my design I didn't copy anyone but that means it is rubbish as well and on table I'm super curious what's going on in here also last episode you may remember that I started selling stuff for some emeralds now that was because I wanted to make some backup gear in case I lost it I have kitted myself out with a couple of chests worth of stuffs it's it's it's just a backup thing in case anything happens to my armor cuz it takes hours and hours to sort that out anyway let's crack on with this greens hermit gift all right Brian there is a treasure for you on a pirate ship see it as a welcome gift for being the newest hermit head to clears pirate ship right next to it there'll be a ghost ship follow the signs that's it that's it just go to Cleo's ship ok so had to clear his parrot ship right next to it there's another one and then follow the signs oh my goodness there is oh I see what they mean by ghost ship it's made out of glass as well I like the effect there what's going on here then where are the signs ah sign here spin the key it doesn't do anything it's done nothing oh oh oh my goodness oh that's get the life out of me oh my god so there's nothing really here except spin the key which I have done there's nothing nothing happening is there anything else for me to find here there's absolutely nothing except find the key oh no what okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I'm getting pushes thrown at me everywhere okay what do they say gonna impulse and do I have to kill these guys I think I got to kill them to stop this how do I stop this how do I stop this okay hold still hold still dick I totally released I totally wasn't supposed to kill them are you kidding me are you kidding me for real it was it was a present for being the new hermit oh that's so genius hold on I need to go and get my stuff back okay I'll just use this stuff to go and grab it I've a feeling that I have just been properly bamboozled I am so confused why why has this happen to me I mean don't get me wrong it's absolutely genius absolutely genius oh look at that flag as well the mast is a seriously cool art this really does look like a ghost ship and it feels like it too so spinning the key did nothing but as soon as I removed it yet there's all my stuff now if I'm super smart about this get out of here he's wearing all my stuff I think it's out its out of potions by the looks of things nope not quite so Ren and Doc did this to me unbelievable okay but I mean that was good I think one of do each of these do something different that's what I want to know I figured that there was basically a pressure plate on here that when I came down and if I killed one of them it released the others I thought I could get away with this okay I got to admit I was more scared by him by the puffer fish there we go oh oh I almost made it to be honest with you I don't know what I expected but it wasn't Ren captain Ren and duck in the form of zombies killing me but this is soaked oh my okay I failed that I'm just I missed oh goodness hey ah back again where's all my other stuff gone wait it's there oh I completely missed this sign his head green this way for your treasure so I missed that I just skipped right to the last sign green this is the way to your treasure try and get it back from my crusty crusty crusty crude and then spin the key all I saw has spin the key so that was super confusing look at the effort that these guys have gone through to get me what did I ever do to them I don't think I'll wait yeah okay I totally I totally pranked Ren and that's probably why this is happening but I I hope that he got false just as much cuz the only reason that I did the prank with false was because she had that item like I I was just doing my duty so I guess that's why but I don't know why Doc's involved but can we just take a second to appreciate the massive boat that they made just to kill me oh I see son all the Redstone is like down here I didn't even see that that is so so clever it's beautifully made and on top of that Cleo gets a free boat right next to hers I love the flag I love everything about this this is so funny I mean Fair Play guys thank you for welcoming to the surfer but you know I can't let this I can't let this go you know that right you've started something and I'm gonna finish it you can't just go and prank me to no end just because I'm the new guy so I'm going to have to I'm gonna have to do something Ren and Doc so Ren has the Grand Central Station and I already pranked that doc I don't even know where Doc's base is but they both made the stock exchange so maybe I can do something with that in fact in fact I have a really good idea which I'm gonna go and prep for now my idea may or may not have something to do with breaking in to the stock exchange but I actually know how to get in but I need someone else's help to do it because of the way that it works I think now what I plan on doing to these guys is going to take a little bit of preparation so I'm gonna have to spend a bit of time getting some resources together so I'm gonna have to do that a little bit later on but for now what I actually wanted to do last episode but I didn't get the chance was to make a bunch of plants on my base to give it a bit more life and greenery so that's what we're going to try and do now so maybe I should make a couple of testers first so maybe just like a flower bed because I want to make it seem like this place isn't just like super-dead or and so futuristic that we don't need plants anymore because that would be ridiculous so it'd be great to make this work and maybe if I use spruce trapdoors or something I can make this work let's give it a go this is just gonna be a little test example to see what this might look like context and there's a neat little trick that I found with pumpkins like put one here with a pickle on top and it yeah it looks like a little stem it's really cute adds a few flowers but the main thing for this is the leaves the leaves in the form of plants so I don't know about having any like actual wood in here but if I build up the leaves enough and make it look messy somehow can make it look like actual bushes or some kind okay it looks kind of weird on its own but I think with that all the way around that actually doesn't look too bad maybe I should change the spruce to birch or something slightly more light colored to match the white or maybe even I get just some more white concrete and create a barrier using that let's it's that's experiment further I want to see how this goes so lots of grass alright let's take a step back and see what that looks like and you know what that doesn't actually look too bad it's just subtle enough that it works maybe if I move all of that grass down a block it would work or because I don't know if this needs another layer of white concrete powder again or just white concrete I don't I don't think that would look right with it there so maybe I need to move that down just one block and then I can add some more detail in there but I'd like to get your guy's opinion first before I actually commit to putting this on every single layer because that's a lot of work there so what I'm thinking is right now we need to get some more like long grass and double long grass I think that's basically what's good and I want to move all of this down all of this stuff goes down one layer so it's actually inside here so I may not even need a block to put here as it's all down inside the top of this and then that gives it like a really nice layer of green and that introduces a new color to this palette now you don't take it exactly as it is I won't maybe make the the leaves go that high because it looks really small however I think with context every single layer with a bit of green or splash of color but of life might look good no leave only the pole up there for you guys to vote on but for now I think I'm gonna remove this since I'm gonna have to move it down a layer anyway so let me know what you guys think now I've been thinking about how I'm going to get back Ren and Doc for what they did to me which is really funny and I think I've got something that's equally as funny maybe not quite as big when it comes to the building side of things but I think it's really funny nonetheless but I'm gonna need some help ok so I've prepared everything I've got my schalke box full of goodies and I know exactly what I want to do with it big but because I need two people to get in there I've asked the help of tango who is online at the moment now I don't really want to be typing in the chat what I'm going to be doing so I'm gonna message tango to let him know that I'm ready and then I'm gonna meet up with him I have a way to make sure that I am not blamed for this and it's going to be absolutely brilliant good to go excellent now tango has absolutely no idea what I'm going to do I've just told him that I need help getting into the stock exchange and he's here to help me I actually forgot that I'm gonna need some levels for this cuz I've got a plan I've got a plan so I've got myself some levels I've got myself some more materials and tango is now waiting for me to meet up with him oh my goodness I forgot about this is no we're gonna clean up that poof for real so this is tangos base I don't think we've actually ever been here apart from when I was annoying him on his stream he's built like this under whoa hello tango oh what's up good sir how are you I am very fine I've only ever been here when you're streaming to annoy you uh-huh looks like it's coming along it's getting there much much to be done but yeah sound fun so what's the the lone house over there is that is that your base no no this is my this is my storage room I just built this finally you know seasons already like six months over I know that house over there is like just a sample of the village I'm gonna make down here it looks so cool dude anyway there that's not why I'm here though I am why I'm here and why I asked for your help is I told you that I want to break in to the stock exchange mm-hmm but I didn't tell you why because I was scared that you would say no but it's too late you've said yes of course mischief so so there's been like a cascade of events that have led to this I've been kind of aware it all started with the with the false poop incident right yes so that happened then false got me and her to prank Ren but it turns out it wasn't Ren so okay they've pranked me in return they gave me this book and it said to go to Cleo's base where they've built like this weird ghost ship and it killed me oh and yeah I was I was killed by two zombies in a hole with Ren and Doc's face on it just to take ok ok so I don't feel too good about that so what I'm planning to do is go to the stock exchange which they spent like weeks right they send them work exactly very hurt and I think it's better that I explain when we get there but I need your help to get in so cool but first I'm gonna send you an outfit because this is borderline criminal what we're doing so I want to try and get away with it if I can uh-huh so I'm gonna send you a disguise and we should put those on because I think ok you do your best do your best false impression hello real what right well I'm I I I'm green obviously but I under here I'm actually mumbo-jumbo uh-huh so I think we can get away with this okay because I'm gonna disguise myself as green so that it looks like Korean is actually doing it but it's clearly Mambo under here and I I think I could do a pretty a pretty good Mambo impression let me let me hear your Mambo hello everyone this is Mambo and welcome back to another homo craft video right anyway so I think this is full all right of course I mean no one can break through this code exactly no one's gonna figure out that I'm secretly Mambo and you're not fall symmetry right right right so how do we start what are we doing well first we gotta go to the stock exchange oh oh my goodness I totally forgot that I wasn't wearing well that matter but this heist is off to a fantastic start I mean yeah clearly when professional criminals yeah all right so we try again yeah our technology yeah amazing oh wait I'm getting the wrong way okay here we are Stock Exchange now excellent I already know how to get in because I was like sneaking around and I was watching them so I already okay roughly how to get in there might be a few details I'm missing okay I haven't been in here in ages I never actually bought that stock either neither I haven't been involved in this at all but all I know is there's like buttons here right is this the part where you need me yeah exactly right so there's two sides here you can see one with Rena and one with Doug and you have to push the button you're not gonna just like distinguish me or something if you're in you're in you're in alright so all you're gonna do is rotate this seven times but we got to do it at the same time I believe but you've got to like let the light go off and on to give it time to register alright you ready one two three four five six seven and that's like the best door in the world it's amazing I'm impressed with that alright that's cool the elevator then come over we need elevator music [Music] I can't tell whether we just went up or down well this is this is where we need to be I'll tell you what you were doing here we're not here to steal stocks I'm not interested in pieces of paper we we need to get in here because in here is the good stuff I'm telling good stuff what is it exactly it's stacks and stacks of diamonds yeah there's a combination here but I don't actually know the combination I saw Wren do it but I don't remember but there can't be that many combinations of this right oh it's just like a punching the floor kind of combination yeah I think you got to right-click it I hear things moving down there don't worry last time that I just mashed it and I got in know ladies and gentlemen professional cat burglar there's only so many combinations right look at this right okay so they wronged me okay they obviously yes they killed me now I don't know if you've ever been in here before but I haven't if you press this this is all of their good stuff look at that if diamonds in the hot tub there's diamonds back here oh it's a treasure bath right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna replace these with green and Tango heads I love it now let me be clear before we go into this I'm not stealing a single diamond okay this is my personal game this is simply revenge I want to make them panic and we're actually just going to leave these diamonds somewhere in the vicinity they won't know where and I won't even show it on camera but these donors will know the room cringe this look at this exactly in the window I know how cool is that this fence so that's so professional so we're going to get rid of all of these diamonds in fact I kind of want to get make sure that the green heads are roughly exactly the same as they sort of in the same same place okay let me do the same place so we just put them on the ground right okay so now that makes sense why I told you to bring some of your own head yeah you just got to trust you go just trust my madness basically there we go and then what we need to do is we need to somehow get get that stuff out of those out of the hot tub like if we right-click them can I just I just was right okay well I'm not gonna I'm not gonna show where they are but what well I'm not going to show anyone where we hide the the Diamonds but of course we're clearly not done here because they've got diamonds going through here we've got a we've got to add green and tango heads in here as well the whole shebang oh I love it I love it all right so I actually brought some anvils with me because I understand how this works they've got all of these diamonds renamed to something so that they don't all just stack in the hoppers oh I see okay yeah so we've got to do the same to the green heads and if my if my redstone is correct all we got to do is just replace them have you got a couple of sampans for me I do nice so I've actually I planned this entire heist out okay so all right if I do this and then I I destroy these two the water won't slip out ring but I can look at you I can pick up the diamonds and then just throw them back in the water so all of these diamonds are just called like a diamond Judith just called I'm trying to spray an out here I don't have any more tango heads though so we're gonna have to do all green heads for this I think okay I've got plenty of green heads you could suck a couple of these back up yeah the two diamonds are having gonna do are we gonna do this sign up here as well look at that all right let's do tango his on this side then they have just named them rubbish like oh wait this is like a pile of diamonds here I know I know we're out of storage oh man I didn't quite plan for this many diamonds no I know me neither I'm you can use their there one there they've got a white choco bombs I'm not gonna show on camera where it is but I've taken the shoka boxes full of diamonds and I'm gonna hide them in this room somewhere in a chest so they never even leave the room and renin doc won't have a clue where they are love it I post I put on most of these I've put something like revenge or it wasn't me or it was false I can't believe how well this worked right we got every of these signs all right I I can't see the floating skulls I feel like there might be a couple more armor stands in there maybe then we come away but that's fine we got the point across yeah how do we how do we close this Sandor Nobby right then yeah we just I think we did it so if they're not careful they were they'll see that in there right though if they're if they're not paying it to true true true but that's it it's second nature to them they'll just walk right past it exactly right okay so in theory this is what's gonna happen then wipe off all our finger prints the next time that doc and Wren come in here they're gonna they're gonna come for a jacuzzi with their latest client they're gonna right-click this and this is what they're gonna see the best thing is we don't need to leave a sign nothing no and here's right here's also the beautiful thing if we take off huh if we take off our outfits we should get a screenshot as like an alibi so we've got evidence that it right over us all right all right I'm gonna take a screen shot got one of us there's no way they'll figure out that this is us no we've got we've got evidence that we were never even here this was it was mumbo and false all right let's close this up job well done they're gonna genuinely think that we stole the diamonds when yokai didn't go anywhere run in fact we just gave from a bunch of a file your head with it if I ever start the the tango head game we go that we could I like take a second to appreciate how much excellent redstone went into this I mean this is mental oh good speaking of which actually there's actually one more thing we need to do what's that hold on take one of these I told you I planned this whole heist you can't do a heist without planning oh of course my god planning we gotta go up here Oh executive suite up there yep did you just break the painting I might have I might yeah yeah all right that's close they all said our cover blown there so they look at this yeah exactly right that's a gold block there I think now what if we think I got most of them I think I think I got this time brilliant that's beautiful music I think our work here is done I nothing more could be done this is and remember everyone watching if anyone asks it was Mambo and false of course we have it was Mambo clearly dressed as Greer trying to frame me right right right and he even used the voice changer to sound just like me unbelievable he's so clever that mumbo-jumbo all right thank you so much dude for the hello my pleasure my pleasure wouldn't have been able to get in there otherwise fantastic the heist is complete all right now we gotta we gotta take our I've gotta take our disguises off and normal see you later dude what is Mambo talking about that was an insane thing that we just did but Mambo said hey Gris have you got any levels I fell out my jet and needing my Electra repaired I said where are you at my base and you can see is he on about I need to catch up with it oh goodness mumbos up to no good again I've just robbed a bank mumbo I've got a spare Electra for him because I actually don't have that many levels he said who that is bass so I'm here now what earth is he on about okay let's go I want on earth is he on about he's made a jet in hermit craft but wait is that one of those flying wait it has he lost it no he went the wrong way oh my goodness this man doesn't know how to fly I can see the bottom of his feet he's got like he's got like he's not wearing any socks what the heck it's over a Scouse base at the moment I'm sorry mama I'm just a little busy looking at your weird feet why aren't you wearing shoes he's like worn out the bottom of it but I'm on his feet oh oh oh I see it oh that's why I started lagging what is this well I guess this is my life now well I'm taking a lot of damage from this machine and it seems to serve absolutely no purpose except for cruising oh this is so weird well I think I think that's actually a really good place to end this episode so today we made read fun this is super bad it's super badly made we also got pranked by being led into a ghost ship which looked awesome and we got killed by Doc and Ren so in retaliation we me and tango went and raided his vault and hid his diamond somewhere in that room and now I'm riding on a slime jet with mumbo the heck is going on in this server anyway thank you very much for watching everyone
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,803,000
Rating: 4.9516315 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, hermitcraft, heist, ghost ship, hermitcraft 6, xbox, ps4, pe, pocket edition, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft grian, season 6
Id: otLAgzBF2wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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