Mumbo & Grian's Minecraft EARTH Roadtrip - Part 1

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hello everyone my name is mumbo this is my friend green and this is my 1974 vw bus there's no air conditioning there's no heating there's no radio um there's no anti-locking brakes no power steering i've owned it for about four years and to be frankly honest it's pants times were definitely different in the 1970s so it's ridiculously slow and it's definitely lacking some of the modern comforts you would usually expect to find in a car these days we are embarking on a grand tour of england going from the south coast up to wales and it's going to take us three whole days but you see this isn't a regular road trip in a rubbish old van this is a minecraft earth road trip in a rubbish old van with minecraft earth being a game you can play on the move we thought we would travel to a bunch of different locations in the uk this is episode so we need to head apparently we need to head over to studland bay it is on the south coast okay it's gonna take longer than usual in the van studland bay is a gorgeous beach on the south coast and it's very special to me unfortunately this isn't it because we weren't allowed to film there but it's close enough the plan is to kind of demonstrate how big a block is in real life a lot of people maybe a lot of people don't know but one block is one meter by one meter by one meter and it looks tiny in minecraft but we're going to blow this up to real size and then try and recreate one so we've got these two shovels right here and what how big are these that is not one block okay because i was going to say that's actually all right i think i could probably do that no that's one eighth of a block that's one eighth that's one-eighth so we need four of those and then another four on top do i just start digging start digging okay as we started to do this we began to realize just how much of an athlete the minecraft player is you see he can pick up a full meter cubed of sand with just a flick of a shovel this is it's nothing whereas for us it took us ages and we started getting a little bit out of breath and worse still we only managed to get one eighth of a sand block because the physics in real life are slightly different to the physics of minecraft both together yeah the compound friction it's not coming out why did we not think of this it's obviously all the pressure of the sand is up against the edge of the cardboard making a single block in minecraft is too difficult well should we get minecraft earth out and should we see how it compares our perfect circle of a block i mean this is literally it couldn't be more this is one of those things that works on paper but in reality yeah like in in our heads this was like we were like yeah we'll end up with a one meter by one what in what world was that actually going to happen just be gentle with it it's fragile if i just film this angle there we go there's our is our sand block i mean the minecraft one is a little bit better steve does this double this height without bending in his legs you actually nailed that [Music] all right so the next place we're going is windspit quarry you're gonna have to speak up i cannot hear you all the way back we're going to win pit quarry it's a bunch of caves that were abandoned a long time ago that sounds perfectly fitting actually minecraft is half about caving so we're on it so we're actually going caving in real life we're actually going caving in real life i've got i've got torches i've got the works we're prepared all right well i kind of am i mean can you cave in vans yeah do i have to leave the cat the van behind no van's shoes in that case not my bus all miscommunications aside i was really excited to check out some real-life capes and although we were both pretty certain that we weren't going to be able to play minecraft earth as a quarry because of course there's no phone service down there it still felt essential that we would visit this location for our minecraft themed road trip because well let's be honest you can't have a minecraft road trip without going to a mine and an area with plenty of caves it does actually look like minecraft to be fair that looks like that's like a 2012 minecraft build by me right there there that's like an original base that's a starter cave yeah exactly this is so weird because it's like this is not like any cave other than him because it's it's a quarry ah i'll say it's so natural it didn't form like this no well why are we here then abandoned mine shaft that's what it is it's an abandoned mine shaft now definitely this is actually it feels like this is how it would feel like if you had like an oceanside cliff base yeah no i agree we have definitely reached peak millennials discover real life and compare it to a game [Music] with our stomach seriously starting to rumble it was time to leave this real-life minecraft terrain behind and start looking for our place to stay oh my goodness and during our short journey to the camping spot we took the opportunity to reflect on the positives of the day this is the life chocolate chip muffin minecraft death g in the boot granola cookie can't change beer about to change right turn right what about 15 things to do with my hands right turn nothing they don't call me king of the bus for nothing unfortunately this is a title that was quite heavily disputed by green just a few minutes later oh my goodness where have you gone did you actually just go no can't sleep i'm still not entirely sure how green managed to pull this off but he managed to get us permission to sleep on that little field it wasn't a campsite it was just an area in front of someone's house so this was our place to rest and in the morning we would wake up and do a lot more minecraft earth action [Music] one thing that i've always been curious about is if it was possible to play real sports using a minecraft earth build plate so i'm going to try making a badminton court and we're going to play badminton on this village green ready [Music] oh i i didn't actually account for the fact i might not be good at badminton oh my goodness if they let us know if it's net that's got to be going out shortly oh no he's room shopping minecraft earth badminton is far superior to real life badminton because in real life badminton you have a real life court and you hit a real life net and that that's a problem that really kills the joy whereas in the minecraft earth version of badminton sure there is a court there but nobody really knows where it ends and nobody knows where the net is so everyone's just kind of hitting the shuttle around you're just having a bunch of fun no one's keeping score because no one knows how to and nobody knows who wins it's the best although just as a word of warning for anyone who's doing this with a cameraman present make sure you stay aware of where they are because otherwise things can get quite dangerous concluding that continuing to play minecraft earth badminton would violate various health and safety regulations i decided to set mumbo up with a bit of a redstone challenge to construct a piston door before we packed up everything and drove off the lawn to head to our next destination here we go yeah day two i'm prepared this time day two i'm ready for your driving oh my goodness you've got a helmet i'm not risking it was it really that bumpy i did whack my head a couple of times i'm just it's just a precaution there's nothing nothing about your driving it's not going too badly up this hill i can't hear you there's too much going on i literally cut i can't i can say absolutely anything right now and you can't hear huh you can i can sit so like if i said my hermitcraft base is better than yours you couldn't hear that you like my hermitcraft face friendly bass competitions aside our next location is one of extreme historic significance we were heading to stonehenge a monolithic structure that has stood in england for thousands upon thousands of years it's a bunch of stones that have come from somewhere else on the summer solstice they do something special and i'll be honest i should have googled all this stuff before i started recording this voiceover segment we did have one big and burning question though and that is can you build it in minecraft earth you'll find out in episode 2 which we'll be releasing soon on my youtube channel
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,096,074
Rating: 4.9773974 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, minecraft earth, mumbo, mumbojumbo, roadtrip, grian mumbo roadtrip
Id: kG5dC0uQmro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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