Hermitcraft 6: Episode 90 - FLOWER POWER LAUNCH!

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I have nothing but praise for how hermitcraft has gone, this is awesome, they are letting their individual colours fly. Hermitcraft needed a guy like grian to bring them together, how the storyline has progressed and the coordination and communication to pull this off and have it be as good as it is, (the whole have a gun on the mantle it must be used for the 3rd act). Everything was set up, used and included everyone's individual quirks like scar 'not a scar safe farm, not a scar safe elevator' which lead to the reveal of the flowers, (can you tell who's my fave hermit, I don't really hide it xD).

I can't wait for part 2, I'm a 19 year old who's absolutely enthralled by a minecraft series, I don't usually get this invested, this is on the same level as the mcu and it really does feel weird to compare the 2, I know.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 27 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mezzzz1211 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 20 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

God damn cliffhangar

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 39 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/optimisticpsychic ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 19 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I wasnโ€™t paying attention to the time and the ending totally bamboozled me.

I am LOVING this arc. Everyone involved has been amazing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 31 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BullpenCatcher ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 19 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Grian triggering the alarm "because button" has to be one of the most Grian things I've seen lately. XD

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 29 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/WitchRolina ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 19 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

i smell an entire episode of time-travel shenanigans! I'm rooting for some of the next episode spent back in season 1, with young Keralis and GenerikB and Xisuma (with his old voice), then season 5, with the NHO (Etho and Beef cameos), and finally middle-season 6, showing how Grian from the future was Salmon Man the whole time!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PsychicTempestZero ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 20 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

My bet: they end up in a previous seasonโ€™s map or, if we wanna really push it (I highly doubt it), the season 7 map.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Glacecakes ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 20 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The funny thing about the cliffhanger is that itโ€™s completely unprecedented where/when theyโ€™ll end up without the pre-planning of the last time travel adventure. My best guess is theyโ€™ll load up a copy of the world seed and go back to the โ€œbeginning of timeโ€ but I have no idea.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/NeverFearSamIsHere ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 20 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

While this is fine it would helpful for others if you posted the video with the video's title in the future.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/78ford ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 19 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hello my name is green and welcome back to another episode of hermit craft as you can see behind me there is only two days left until this happens obviously this is already launched in the air so what are we counting down to well we'll find out by the end of this episode it's going to be magnificent what do you think Ren not saying much today are we Ren so let's crack on with today's episode we've got a lot to do hi Ren I've been collecting lots of things over here I've been trying to gather all the materials I need for the big reveal the big prank the big thing that's happening and I came across this for hippies top secret let's take a look play me the far music disc and a map take a look at the map unspeakable things reactor hangar ok so I have a jukebox somewhere I'm gonna play this there we go got one right let's play this and see what happens dear hippies you don't know me I don't know you well that's kind of it that way please cab has information for sale information on a mysterious area 77 don't believe me in addition to this record disc there is a map inside this barrel this map may have information about a certain object that went missing from your hippocampus the reactive access how do I know this well I know everything like out that cop deep investigation I have obtained secret recordings of agents inside area 77 recordings which reveal a top-secret location is known only as s4 if you wish to obtain these recordings leave a small fortune of diamonds in this barrel within 24 hours for mayor I will deliver the recordings and the secret tapes of area 77 shall be yours okay so cub knows not to stop in five seconds selfish how just kidding I always wonder he got well played cubby you got me okay so from I might need to listen to that again but from what I can tell cub he thinks he's being sliced like made his voice a little deeper but you could totally tell that its cub okay so it seems like cub he's put on that you remember when we saw kerb last episode and he had like glasses on her stuff he's been infiltrating area 77 and he's got a bunch of information that he's trying to sell to us he said a small fortune I don't really wanna I don't really want to give him loads of diamonds but I do need that information I do need to know exactly where it is the problem that we've got at the moment is that we've got all of these tunnels underneath that go to various places we have no idea where the time machine is however I actually saw in my comments a bunch of people telling me to go back to my original base and I don't even mean my big base I mean the pineapple under the sea let's go back to my old base because there are some comments that have been telling me to do something and there's too many of them for it to just be nonsense maybe Cubs information is really just this and all of you guys have just got exactly the same information for me something along those lines I don't know wow it's been a long time since we've been here so the comments said that it's under the pineapple now that's where cub is saying that it is then well we're just gonna find out aren't we maybe this is where Cubs information leads anyway and therefore I don't have to pay him I'm gonna do anything I can not to pay cub if I can't help you so it said go into the pineapple and then this is this is so oh this is from like over a year ago this is the beginning of the season it said to flick the lever on Geary now this is Gary oh okay maybe maybe this information look at that register maybe this information does mean something oh the power of time travel is too powerful for anyone to have permits in black investigation so they Time Machine right under my nose how long has it literally been here from the start to be honest I would have that's such a good hiding place I never would have come back here and looked for the time machine I wouldn't have why would I ever come back here it's no longer there meaning they've since moved it okay so it wasn't there I really don't want to have to pay KUB so maybe we can go and investigate area 77 ourselves and see if we can find it if kerb is able to just walk around area 77 maybe we can also find a way in I'm guessing that the time machine was there for a really long time but now they've actually moved it into the vault and we need to find out where this vault is so I've had another idea remember last episode when we saw this thing the area 77 tall well what if I team up with Wren and see if we can get a tour of this place of area 77 and see if we can just find the time machine let me see if I can find Wren and see if he's up for the task rent I got to show you come here yes I don't know if you've seen this but someone who wants to be anonymous aka Cub fan 1:35 left us right no in here it's a music disc and a map and basically he said can you give me loads of diamonds and I will tell you where the time machine is that's basically I don't want to give him lots of diamonds but I did see her over in false well that falsey is dishing out some tours of actual area 77 so right thinking instead of giving kerb loads of diamonds we could go on the tour and see if we can just find your reactor in my time machine by ourselves and save ourselves a bit of the blue stuff you know that does sound like a plan I mean is okay we just wander in there you know oh yeah because I've created some masterpieces I've got us a couple of disguises so that they won't they won't know who hmm as Taylor green been added again you Betty ass agree on what the heck is this let me take my armor let me take my mouth we're touristy tourists miss Hearst Oh got the Hawaiian shirts going on yeah white socks okay so the camera you got the suspenders what's on my face though dude it's like what you think mustache and it's like the glasses with the big fake nose and the mustache and everything this might be crazy enough to work I mean like are we going in as ourselves because that might just not make much sense we should be like other people or something maybe my accents aren't very good so I could I don't think I can do that very convincingly I can do I can do like a proper upper class British person like oh hello Rittenhouse how's it going you know yeah oh hello Alfred LF you want to be Alfred oh yeah I'll be Alfred I'll be Alf Alfred Greene's worth Alfred Greene oh I like it and it was your name I shall be Nigel Wren feather Nigel rain feather we're here for a tour dude this is gonna work Fosse can we get one of those area 77 tools if you're free I don't know how we're gonna sell this one yeah I mean I think we just have to run with it and hope it works okay she's there Alfred Tally Ho oh she's right here okay hello let's join her hello hello madam hello false symmetry how you doing s it's a fetching name I must say Alfred very fetching indeed good what are you guys dressed up for like what I am alpha greens Werth and we and this is my my Chum hello Nigel Nigel red feather we're here for the tour yes we've heard that it's smashing okay well tours for 25 diamonds each Yeah right away that's just a little bit steep I must say Alfred happy I was hoping to get to scale in it later this afternoon right oh yes oh that is very very cheap yes I left my wallet at home Nigel oh right that's okay I've got you I've got you a gentleman sir but farm anyway those came from right are we ready - yes yeah follow me guys we're going straight through the entrance here we are Nigel at the area 77 very excited yes is this the world right come on guys okay right okay three here three here that we can't we can't get through that side so this is some magnificent a few tests I must say I'm quite impressed Oh what have you done L frigid there's a button there was a button my my fellow oh right I see bring your camera oh yes did you bring your camera apparatus we need to take some pictures of this I think it's like Oh Alfred I say you've brought up just a bit of jousting Oh fantastic shot Nigel Nigel this way yes sorry yes Korean press f2 a lot we need screen shots I mean Alfred I hope you're taking some fabulous pictures I am I'm taking plenty I say on this thing it's is there perhaps a good look at a small white box and a small green glass object we can we can try and find that I I don't know well that is exactly but Alfred I'm not so sure of the competency of this particular tour guide my diamonds okay so uh straight had this there's a hanger well a few hangers but this one on the left is particularly interesting do that's that's there that's bread Bob's nuclear reactor I need that I need that back can you show me this this delightful hangar over here we'll see yes I wouldn't go there run that's that's it's not sorry wise up friend okay oh yes Alfred I must say I've quite enjoyed this to us so far it's been spectacular smell you later doc in 77 worst talk I've ever that is the end of the tour can I be a Nigel Rainsford forever that was fun freakin hippies you know I think after after we're done being hippies renwick we've just got to become British gentlemen that's that's our next yes that's our next thing we're gonna make a big castle and we're gonna ride forces and all that sort of stuff that sounds beautiful that was really successful though look at this it's the nuclear reactor my tank but I didn't get my job didn't get anywhere near my time machine of course doc has to log in the second we get anywhere close of course I got some I got some good screenshots though yeah that many good ones yeah but my camera was snapping away by dude I think we've got some good info out of this nice you gotta hide that thing they're just gonna come and get that snack that straight back you know they're gonna stash yeah that's good that's a good thing I'm gonna hide it in a shroom man nobody nobody suspects of giant shroom right maybe that's a terrible hiding place that's it all things considered I don't think that went too badly we got the reactor back but that was the stupidest thing I think we've ever done I don't think false thought we were actually British tourists at all but it was nice of her to play along anyway having said that we didn't get any closer to the actual time machine so I'm just gonna say forget it right I've put the 50 diamonds in I've paid I've paid for it I don't know what a small fortune is but that's that's a pretty that's a decent amount of diamonds so I need the information I need to know where it is because I don't I don't really want to have to go through that again I need to know exactly where the time machine is on here because I could spend hours and hours tunneling under each and everything or I could know exactly where it is so if I get that information then we can get the time machine very very easily but there's only two days left two days left so I actually need to work on the next part of this because well I've only got a few days to do it so let's do a quick time-lapse of us preparing the RV for operation flower power so what I'm going to be building is a slime block redstone machine but I didn't design it it's very important that you understand this this is an incredibly complicated piece of machinery and I had to use someone else's design methods actually put this together for me and made a tutorial on how to make this exact slime block redstone machine so if you want to see that there is a link to it in the description if you were to check it out after the episode but just take a look at it this I had no idea what I was building but thankfully methods put this together for me so a big shout out to him and hopefully it will then launch from the big RV over into area 77 and you'll see why so I finished the RV it is a pretty cool slime block machine but it looked a little bit strange coming out of the belly of the RV so now I decided to add a little face now how it looks like some sort of angry Mario karts dial machine and I think it works quite well but everything is set up indeed and there's only one day left it won't be long now until it's time to launch that is all set up the angry eyes are there when this launches it all goes down and I also went over here for the hippie top secret thing and there is some s4 info so let's have a quick lesson and see if cub has any information that will help us well well well maybe you lad aren't so bad after all s4 aka sector for its so-called Forbidden Zone yep as for the location of this s4 I'll leave it to Captain angry eyes himself to explain site is prep duck we just need to bring in the package s4 no it's down behind we believe that these bond payment chambers are referring to sector two we're playing some beings of all sort are kept you'll know when you see him walk past sector two and you'll come to an airlock you'll need to use your knowledge of music to get past them drop down the chute and you're in the machine you seek is currently hooked nope I know exactly where it is cub actually went and recorded Skaar giving away the location somehow I don't even know if Skaar knows about that okay well thank you cub there that's brilliant so we now know if we head down into the bowels of the system I can point out on a map exactly where this is and this also means that our tunnel is actually already heading in the right direction ok so you see on this map we have these this area here now this isn't updated but there's loads of hangars here but there's also this big one here from what I can tell this is where they store all of their stuff and I think this is what skull was talking about he was saying that they weren't putting it there that they've moved it to here and I can tell you that our tunnel runs all the way here to here and it goes down left and it is actually just about there Wow okay so I just need to finish off this tunnel because that's just I just got a little bit further to go until I can hit this area right here so I haven't got a lot of time to be digging so instead of digging I'm gonna speed up the process and grab some of my TNT fortunately I keep fortunately I keep a tiny amount of TNT on me at all times let's take this down into the tunnel and make it that little bit longer because like I said we've only got less than 24 hours until the the big distraction happens and when that goes down that's when we need to make a break for it in the tunnel down we go see how long this tunnel has gotten it's getting a bit out of hand really so I got this far but I actually need to go all the way along here and turn right so this is pretty much as far as I've got so far so if I just take the blocks that I need what we're gonna do is set this thing up to glow so that we don't have any issues getting there in time because it actually takes a really long time to mine anything like this I don't know why I didn't do this from the get-go this would have been really clever okay here we go three two one doc and scar aren't online so I can get away with this ow we're making our way oh this is so much faster I can't believe I didn't do this absolutely perfect nice well that saved me a whole bunch of time Oh scared me no now according to my map we should be pretty much directly under the hangar so I don't really want to go too much further because the second we break in they're gonna know that we're here and they're gonna move the time machine this is how it's gonna go down we're gonna set off the distraction then we're gonna hop down into the tunnels break in get the time machine get out win the game whatever game there is that's pretty much the job done we just need to decorate this to make this the proper tunnel and then we will be all red cheese I didn't I only just got out of here I only just created this place and it's a mob farm already now that job is done we need to just kill a tiny bit of time and I'll tell you what needs doing suhara again it needs desperately to be restocked it's being well we're actually selling a lot of things and we can't keep up so I'm gonna have to spend a little bit of time just stocking up a little bit so we have to spend a little bit of time giving that some attention a scale is actually online restocking Sahara and I need to provide the sand for the system but at first I thought I'd restock Sahara eats since I'm here and I've collected a bunch of golden carats to do it so I'm gonna go straight over to a desert and I'm gonna pick up as many shulker boxes as I can be bothered to mine so let's go speaking of Sahara its had a pretty big upgrade that's going on and over here where my current farm used to be there's now a mini trading Hall all with all green in scales and mumbos and fake fish great noise so what you do is you grab some emeralds from the emerald output take them over to the villages and trade to your heart's content this is a much faster way of getting golden carats than the way I was doing it growing them manually you just trade them with these guys and wait for them to restock and then you've got infinite golden carats so I've got a couple of stacks there immediately very very simply but I've also got to deliver all of the shoka boxes full of sand to iskele who is doing something up there so whoever is getting more and more complicated everyday areas see if I can get his attention there we go right what have we got here for you today we have got sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand Mambo actually managed to sell these Thank You doc and mumbo only mumbo sold a membership to himself unbelievable yeah I was gonna take pity on you mumbo I was gonna buy one from you but you've just gone and been rather cheeky wait Sahara can stock now that's awesome so how is such an incredible work of Minecraft engineering so over here at the deal section most of the deals that I created in fact all of the deals have now been sold and all of the diamonds have been put away next episode I'm definitely gonna have to stock this up again with some fresh boxes but I can't make them faster than they disappear it's impossible to keep up with it sounds like a song you can you could definitely make a song out of this beat I actually have one box that I can put in right now I just need to rename it it's a box full of dyes and it's just yeah it's basically just got a lot of useful dyes very cheap from my flower farm so the first thing I'm going to do is just call this a did you dye for diamonds for all of those dyes dyes are one of those things that you usually need but never have any lying around so I'm gonna pop that straight into the system and leave it there there we go did you die and I'm actually going to create lots of did you dye boxes as soon as I get my time machine back I will then be able to create as many of these as possible full of blue light gray orange yellow red purple pink all of the good stuff and then and hopefully that will help keep Sahara a bit more stocked as well oh by the way this is Sarah our Sahara Cat super cute so what we do is we just simply walk through all of these trade with them as much as possible because we basically have free emeralds we can get everything that we need so quartz terracotta we just make our way through and we stock up on this sort of thing we can sell all this at Sahara because we basically just have unlimited amounts of it it's a little bit time-consuming sometimes having to go through every single villager but on the whole works pretty well I've been stocking up on some terra cotta over here this can be a Sahara nail box when that's all finished and then there's one here for some courts this can be either a Sahara now all we can put it in the system itself and of course we can stock up on the golden carats which are a big big seller but I think that's enough of Sahara we've done a little bit of restocking this cow only told me to get my hands on some sand which I've now done he seems to have stocked up on everything else it's making its way through I I'll be honest with you I don't really know how all of this works so I'm kind of just a a goblin a sand goblin I have to go and collect all of this stuff and just give it to his scale to put inside of the machine when it's done this thing will be full anyway all we got to do now is head back to the hippie land where it will soon be time to seize the time machine from area 77 but I'm gonna need the help of Red Dog and impulse for this one hippies it is a launch day mark - I don't know if you've seen but I've created a mini RV poking out of the belly of the giant RV it's very urban if I'm going to be completely honest with you gene it's very weird it's hideous anyway so reason you're here is I actually need your help so the RV coming out of the RV is that's really weird RVs is leaving the other RV you actually need your help because that's only one part of it I need to cover area 77 in bonemeal in flowers as a flower power prank but you've seen how big this area is I need a young man power to make this happen so are you guys are you guys ready to help me out with this one oh yeah flower bleep ugly bro we got you sweet okay and then this should give us sufficient distraction to then go down into the tunnel system make our way to the time machine and get it the heck out of there 50-50 chance I haven't tested it because the problem with this is it's a very complicated redstone machine and you can't really test it because if you test it it leaves the building so right I give it a 50/50 impulse would you be able to set the timer back to a nine second countdown yep let's do it I'll get over there instead of right now every time I'm ready for the countdown good luck boys okay the longer that we get the closer we get to launch the more convinced I am is like 90 percent failure rate just launch the countdown I can't I can't bear okay here we go hated machine I don't know if it's to work here gonna like eight seven six five four three two and lag no is it movie then this is lag I will move it a little bit exact hundred percent favor right I don't even know where to begin man I'm sorry about that it's a I've rebates it again yeah I don't really understand how this thing works so I don't know what I did wrong and I also don't know if I did it right this time so seven I'm gonna I'm gonna give it 70/30 on a fail so right let's go let's go for it you ready okay okay yeah it's going and we're at six six beautiful sight it was this is how you've got to travel now and Bob Brenly this is how red bulbs actually gonna fly around right wow this is gonna be a slow going but yeah that is epic look at it go plant some flowers now right yeah yeah we need to get to okay I've got some invisibility potions for everyone so that if dr. pecks car logon we are all good so invisibility potion up each thank you beautiful beautiful I got some supplies here too we gotta say karma right I mean I mean let us start so this prank is actually best viewed from a time-lapse perspective so we're gonna see the countdown all over again from this angle from nine to zero and then it launches amid a bunch of awesome fireworks and away it goes obviously it's a little bit on the slow side but it's going as fast as it can and we should pat it on the back and encourage it anyway so if we speed this up it does actually make its way through the air towards area 7-7 this is when we all got our flowers out and started planting them absolutely everywhere and the bonemeal because of the biomes didn't actually do that much it just made more grass so we decided to go with two block high flowers and plant them all over the place making this look really rather pretty and then the RV hits the cliff and we had completed the distraction but this is only part one we're getting close he's gonna go straight in because cliff I I don't think this is gonna be probably the most confusing part for them just seeing a random RV crashed into the side of there yes there's also some very important redstone machines in these hangars I believe so it's about to punch down I don't even know crash but I don't really know what's gonna happen stop three there we go there come a little RV you could do it it's done it's it's there we go it's done there it is oh it's beautiful I hope they keep that there forever it's beautiful we need some flowers up there I think yeah yeah we got to continue flowering this place I think we have successfully flower powered this place I would say so look at this it's covered it's ridiculous how many flowers there are I think bonemeal wasn't even the way to go it's just these tall flowers that was the way we still don't need everything but look at this it's crazy and I mean we have literally flowered every nook and cranny of food every block of this place is flowered to the max it's beautiful right well I'm sufficiently busy yeah we can go into the tunnels should we head over to the tunnels right now yes I mean we've already got a couple minutes really they're gonna come and have a look so we'd better get going yeah we got to be ready for it we go I took one for the team All Right see you later oh my self come look at this and the doors open oh yeah no but it looks like the bamboozle might have work yeah this is absolutely fine yeah I haven't shown this on camera but this is the fake tunnel from the very very start I made a fake red stone door I made a fake tunnel with a bit of a bamboozle so if they came looking for our tunnels this is all they were gonna find beautiful yes just to rub salt in the wound that the actual tunnels have been there we gotta move even we don't have time to base around boys come on yeah there's a long tunnel to run down I just we just got to hope that the flowers is gonna keep them interested for long oh yeah we are in 77 right now but we just need to make sure if we start seeing then their names we need to start crouching okay you know where to go yeah kind of we need I made this tunnel this is the correct another one you made goes to not where the time machine is this one goes it's quite a long tunnel okay I'll be honest I didn't quite finish the tunnel all the way to the end like I got pretty right and then it just turned into stone because I just used some tea I would be pretty deep here man it's kind of musty that my tunnel goes to the correct position but Isaac I think no there's not that great because the tunnel I think we're way higher than them I think they're moving about it looks like they are a little bit oh this place looks dangerous oh yeah this is not a good place for holding shift negative risk well they're still there they're still down there okay all right now we're heading away from them excellent oh no right no no no we didn't trip a trip wire trap or something did we that was them right I hope so was that a Scott sound like I'm still down there just we need to bide our time so this is the end of the tunnel I've already broken through here and this goes to exactly I call it Crouch I need to access my inventory who are gonna risk it well stand in front of you they won't see ya yeah I don't see any nametags anymore good oh good yeah I see his name tied going up and down oh oh oh he's trying to fly hi we just got to be patient okay right on time oh there goes there it goes okay oh they might have found the flowers now yeah that's just wait a second oh they're right on top of us let's just wait until they go more towards the other end of area 77 just to be safe if I tell you if we get caught now the time machine is gonna get moved and we're gonna have to go through this whole thing again yes okay whose names disappeared they're definitely joking if they're flying off God yeah the final okay oh my goodness great why the TNC what okay how deep this goes here we go okay oh it's okay I'm definitely using TMZ for dramatic effect okay okay oh my goodness careful I don't really know where we are hold on let me get this map this Maps gonna be useless we're underground which is absolutely magnificent I do not see them so we're still good I'm scanning like crazy there's jelly hey JD hey hi don't worry about us - and jelly one they died rip they go in here it's a house dude there's a house in here let's try it like what oh my goodness time [ __ ] but I just looked straight at it that's it wait what's attached to it why is there tubes attached to it I just sorta oh my it's village agreeing wait a bit it really yes straight-up village agree and just came out straight out of that house he's where is it i I'll be honest I'll be honest with you I was so preoccupied beginning the time she and I completely forgot that they took village agreein oh my gosh well he looks radiant in there TNT probably okay yeah like a mansion complaining I'm kind of jealous can I get a house like this please to be honest with the village agreeance never meticulous add a nice house to live in he was living in the tiny little shed at the build-off and then he was living inside the time machine this is probably the best place he's ever lived these guys have been treating him nice yeah he's put on some weight like he's been eating healthy yeah guys I think I'm just gonna leave him here I don't really want to try and get him in the time machine because moving villages is a pain I think I think he's cool here he's using the loo right now anyway we need to get that we need to get the time machine dude look at it it's beautiful they done to it as well they've like linked wiring up to it yeah turned into a monstrosity I mean do we even want to turn this thing on I don't know with the site I've worked too hard to get this this stupid time machine back it's definitely some electromagnetic stuff going on around here I'm not feeling very good in here I fire on my arm impulse tanning maybe we should just leave Green to his toys barely ready for us in here yeah on this thing I like kind of busting right now I have I have a torch is that whole press the button wait a minute and we turn three times one [Music] brain
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,830,305
Rating: 4.9518919 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, episode 90, hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 6, grian hermitcraft, hermitcraft grian
Id: mlRZybOqa_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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