Hermitcraft 6: Episode 87 - MAKING MANY DIAMONDS

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hello my name is green and today I'm digging a hole that's right we're making our way towards area 77 but I am very quickly running out of dirt because this hippie tunnel the the tunnel that is going to get into area 77 well I've been doing it properly and that means actually turning the whole thing into actual dirt so it looks like a really cool tunnel look at this so I've got a nice rail that goes all the way through and I'm slowly making my way towards area 77 we are actually officially over the boundaries so this is a pretty big deal this is why you can't have cats in your recording room well I've actually run out of dirt so this is as far as the tunnel is gonna go today so let's make our way back to permit land because we've got a lot of things that we need to do today what the heck I I just got off the minecart and it's put me in this room I'm guessing I'm below ground that was really weird let's get out of here because I'm not gonna be a hippie for very long there's some big news on the server and I am going to take advantage which is why we're going to do a mid-air change of skin you ready let's go okay as you can see I have turned into door-to-door salesman green and you'll see why in a minute I just need to get back to my base here we are we need to pop in to my base because that's where these things have been sitting you might remember ages ago months ago I made the did you die box did you die and I even upgraded them to have super ope armor which you can no longer get by the way and I'm actually going to use the opportunity of two new Hermits that have joined the server to try and sell them so let's take these two shocker boxes and take them all the way back for a special delivery to the new guys houses on hermit craft now I'm not entirely sure where they've set up base but I did see a brand new building pop up over on this side of area seventy stole my goodness is so many planes everywhere yeah this house here this is what I suspect is one of the new guys house although that also looks like a house that someone set up and maybe yeah and this one too okay this might be new hermit Ville I'm not sure this is obviously a Minecraft village and all the villagers have gone as they usually do what we're gonna do is find the front door now I am a door-to-door salesman so I am gonna actually have to put this in front of a door and hope that they notice so I put that there fence post here but most importantly I actually need to rename these because these aren't did you die they are did you craft did you join hermit crab season sticks I can't fit the season six in there but yeah I get the gig you get the point there we go so if I pop one here did you join hermit craft box for sale three stacks of diamond I couldn't put the s in there either right so now I just need a box for them to pay in this is what we call targeted advertising this is door-to-door salesman in fact I'm gonna make it a double door and they can't miss it there we go so that is one of the boxes done outside of whoever's house this is and then we just need to do one more these are actually my last two did you dye boxes so if I get the sales on these that's a pretty big deal this place is not safe this place is really not safe oh my goodness look at this look at this feels oh no I don't like this okay so now we need to do one more so this is the front door of this building and then if we just pop that there add that did you join hermitcraft box there we go so that is all setup door to door literally door to door sales of the did you join hermit craft boxes if I can get those sales that'll be all of them sold and I never have to make them again they took me hours and hours to produce and they were quite difficult to sell but if those to go that is brilliant news for me but I do need to make a backup box for myself which is always a good idea I've not been very unlucky I've had most of these things for a really long time but you never know when disaster can strike but now I need to turn back into a hippie because I know that my storage problems are forever getting out of hand look at all these but this is for a reason I have actually produced one of the most expensive schalke boxes there is because we're going to be starting a redstone project I know we just got a redstone hippie but impulse is going to be working on a big display whereas I'm going to be working on a new farm I've had this really cool idea that I have to do and I'm probably gonna need impulses help so that's why he's here as well but I want to give this a go myself and see if I can make it but first I got to get out of these salesman's clothes I need I need to be a hippie again I'm back in my hippie skin and something strange is going on on the server right now so there's mumbo jumbo online it's Kyle red and Corrales but every now and again a message appears in the chat now what it did say was mumbo jumbo has been slain by do you want a membership now message me and that's his advertising for Sahara now but what happened was I got my cam account on and I went to go and see what Mambo was doing and this is what I saw there it is Mambo was slain by trespassing in area 77 and this is what I saw I saw doc sneaking up to him being very very sneaky with a nametag in his hand and I knew exactly what was going on there he was renaming the zombie to something else to spoil his sahar and now advertising campaign and look mumbo-jumbo is now been slain by trespassing in area 77 well that's just not on is it where this is a friendly competition so we're gonna go and help mumbo-jumbo out I've got my nametag we're gonna go and sneak in and replace the name of this zombie ASAP pronto because we need to sell some sir how are now memberships what matters is how we sell them so this is gonna be really good so mumbo-jumbo all the way back at his base it feels like the beginning of the season we're going into mumbo jumbo space to do a little prank how exciting there we go I love his little banner heads like a little mumbo suits so cute okay now I don't know if he's actually gonna be looking but we're here to help that's that's what we're here to do he didn't notice doctor so I think it would be safe I didn't let him know right I think I just saw his nametag there it is oh he's totally moving around Oh Mambo how do I get down there he's definitely back from being afk do I go in this system we're gonna sneak in the traditional way oh he just got slain by the zombie again maybe he's not moving around oh there we go I've broken in I just heard him enter some I just heard him knows skeleton don't give me away ow that if if I wasn't given away already that has done it just keep quiet just keep quiet I'm scared I haven't even renamed this name tag I'm not prepared at all oh nice I'm in a bit of a predicament here I can't move or do anything without giving myself away oh my heart my heart my little heart I think we've just got to play the long game I've been waiting like five minutes here now I just need to I need to wait this out oh no is he looking for me he's quite far away now okay I'm gonna go for it all right let's make our move to the zombie there we go there's his little zombie hideout I think it's safe unless he just crouching I don't know if he's looking for me or not ah they're zombies gone the zombie is gone well this infiltration was all for nothing back to hippie land I have got the name tag ready check the blimp in hermit land that's what we need that was my plan all along but it's been slightly ruined bail bail bail bail there's no escape for this there's no escaping this one I'm thoroughly messed up okay time to leave tried to leave to leave yes or nothing I was only trying to help that really backfired really really backfired all hope is not lost he's getting a new zombie we're just gonna have to do it a little bit later on when mumbos back afk don't you worry this is not over but we do need to go back to hippie land oh okay we're back in hippie town for now until mumbo sorts himself out with a new zombie and then he doesn't even know he thinks I was just doing the right thing and changing it back to what it was no I'm gonna I'm gonna try and plug my own advert with check the blimp in hermit land but we're gonna have to save that for later I've got a lot of redstone machinery to make as you can see I've got these shocker boxes ready now what we're going to do is actually something I think is quite clever so I think I'm going to make this little area over here this I don't know how much space I'm gonna need I'm not very good at redstone but this should do it all of this will be fine and if I need to move this back I can do but that's gonna be a nightmare anyway the best way to explain what I'm going to be doing with my redstone project which is probably gonna take a couple of episodes because I'm quite slow at redstone it than the best of times but I'm gonna do my best to explain with a nice diagram okay this might look a little bit confusing at first but this machine is is a little bit complex but it will be worth it in the long run this is going to produce many things and it's going to be self-sufficient so it all starts with these three at the top these are all 0 tick farms for plant life we've got sugar cane bamboo and cactus the cactus farm links up to two things the composter which is going to produce some bone meal and it links up to the furnace system so I get out of this some cactus green or green dye and then I also get some bone meal the bamboo feeds to the furnace system so does the cactus that gives me XP and green dye the cactus also feeds into the composter which gives us bone meal the sugarcane farm will obviously give us sugarcane but the sugarcane will also feed into the compost you're just going to have to imagine that I've linked those up because that's confusing now you know what I'm going to do it this this this diagram is actually working out quite well it just looks a little bit complicated but it makes me feel more clever than I really am there we go so this is gonna go into there right so basically these three feed the whole system we're gonna get some XP and green dye sugar cane and some bone meal the bone meal from the composter is gonna feed the flower farm which is going to feed me dyes all of these things all of these machines will work in harmony together to produce all of these things which are very very useful and then in the end we can sell them via the hippie market so this is gonna be an awesome redstone project even if it did take me like 10 minutes to understand this whole diagram thing hopefully makes sense right so the first thing we need to do is make a zero tic sugar cane farm a zero tic bamboo farm and a zero tech cactus farm in a way that allows us to feed it into other machines so I probably want to build them slightly in the air anyway let's take down this mess and get started so I'm actually going to be following someone's tutorial from YouTube and his name is ill mango and he makes along with some of his friends on a different server to hermitcraft called sai crafts they make these awesome massive minecraft machines now what I'm going to be making is called a zero tic farm now you don't really need to know what that means I'm not sure even I quite understand what it means but essentially it's just a farm that makes something really really fast without much lag and that's the main thing so I went ahead followed this tutorial and this is the result a long and rather complex looking machine but the main thing is doesn't work I have successfully recreated the 16,000 sugar cane zero tic farm I hope I absolutely hope well I was actually surprised that the the simplicity of it well it's not simple at all but like I I was able to follow the tutorial very well as a very very good tutorial so well done ill mango however I don't know if it actually works I'm a little bit scared I think I've done it right we'll find out when I hit this lever 3 2 1 that looks right yes yes yes okay well it might might be working except that's not actually pushing the slime at the moment what have I done wrong I think I would have been amazed if it worked first time I'm gonna have to figure out what I've done wrong oh I'm totally missing I don't even need to do any troubleshooting cuz that is supposed to be there I think cuz otherwise how is this even powered I'm gonna assume that there is a delay and then we can try this again I really should have double-checked with your mangoes video but let's do it off we go again this this is magic magic instant sugarcane push instant sugarcane bush okay this is brilliant now I can see why people make these machines sugar cane bush okay I guess you just leave this running look at that look how much sugar cane we're getting brilliant this is gonna be absolutely fantastic but this is only one out of the three machines that we're going to need and since that only took a little while and we'll be able to make the other two fairly quickly because I think this is probably one of the bigger ones out of the three so that is really really cool man this is exciting however in the chat you can see mumbo jumbo was slain by once Sahara now a membership message dot me he's still going he's still spamming the chat and he's still online I've got my I've got my nametag I know how to get in there let's go and do what we set out to do first time before we got thoroughly thoroughly rumbled there we go so it's off again slain by one Sahara now a membership message me so he just bet his idea is to spam the chat my idea is the giant balloon this time I'm gonna make sure that I don't give myself away the second I get through his portal all right we're in he's in the same place as before let's do this carefully this probably wasn't the best way to get in you can hear him getting hurt okay we're in easy does it easy does it we don't want to give ourselves away obviously we're breaking quite a lot of blocks there's my tunnel from before okay just one block boom check the blip in hermit land and we're out and we're out and now we get away mission successful we weren't rumbled he has no idea that was so worth it so worth it and now we scalp her back because we've got more redstone work to do mumbos mumbos Sahara now membership scheme only really works for the people online so now that's gonna get spammed people are gonna be redirected to my blimp for the Sahara now a membership at least it's got nothing to do with area 77 this is what happens when mumbo goes afk I take your zombie name away we're back at making these redstone machineries so this one is now done I think I'm going to work on the cactus one and then the bamboo onyx I think they're actually pretty similar and yeah this is gonna be really cool and then I just need to start linking these up it's guys like me I think a couple of episodes to do this get because this is like quite a big project to do but I think I can get at least these three machines done in this episode so let's crack on with it one more time so we're on to our second machine which is going to be the zero tech cactus farm and basically it's kind of like the one we made over there she's a slightly different design now this one I actually had a lot more trouble following because apparently you have to make it pointing north and that confused me a little bit I yeah I messed up a couple of times but overall I think I got it down and these farms are just absolutely nuts I was thinking to myself went mill building this how did they come up with this this is this is absolutely insane and after a little while I managed to make it now that is machine two out of three it's amazing how professional I look having built look at all this look how look how complicated this looks I I made this I didn't design it but I I built it and this one I think will work first time oh my goodness ill mango you're a genius and everyone on the side craft server that is involved in making these you guys are awesome I would have never come up with this ah that's but that's better but look at this I'll be honest with it each and every one of you I have no idea how this one works I honestly haven't got a clue it's producing so many characters it's something to do with these Pistons moving so fast and they're updating they're like making art no okay I'm gonna try and explain ice it's something to do with tick speed on the server i magic that's what this is this is a magic box and those are magic cactus that's that's that's the most scientific explanation I can come up with and thus I craft server is actually just a server full of witchcraft so yeah I think what we've got here is a magic box that is successfully producing first time a bunch of cactus wow that's a lot of cactus straightaway so this is the second machine that has been complete now I'm gonna turn this off so eventually all of these will be linked up to one big button which I get to press at the end of all this and it should all work on its own either way that's more than enough redstone for me for today I will continue this I wish I'd made this this machine a little higher up so it was all in line kind of messed that up but either way I have done it and it looks awesome so we've got sugar cane we got cactus and all of that will come together eventually but it's actually been a few days since I built my giant blimp and I want to see if we have any sales for Sahara and now membership let's take a look inside just let's see if the the giant red arrow worked oh yes oh absolutely yes we've made three stacks of diamonds now over three stacks are diamonds 100 200 diamonds that means we've sold two memberships from our blimp I don't know who they were but that is absolutely amazing thank you to those who used my it must have worked they must have been able to see these offers inside here and oh do we have do we have another customer Allah Allah I'll leave you to it who and speaking of the new Hermits that is Corrales they're one of the Hermits that has rejoined the server I went and put a did you join hermitcraft I've only got four walkers what's this gal doing here timing ow that is like the most in your friend turns up and you really light your brakes and you fall in lava you can't make that up so what I've done is my daughter door salesman thing and I have done the they've opened the door did you join her CrossFit oh yes yes yes yes oh my goodness look at all these diamonds okay so we sold one did you join hermitcraft box to whoever lives here and I'm did another door-to-door sales all the way over here at whoever lives at this house did they also take the box ah no oh but they've totally paid that's amazing I'm actually gonna leave these in here just in case because they haven't taken the box yet but I'm going to assume those diamonds are mine so that's one two three four five six seven eight nine nine stacks of diamonds in one episode that is really really good obviously those 200 diamonds are going in the sahara volt but that is a really really good star and I think on that note as I glide back to hippie land that is all for this episode thank you very much for watching it has been eventful we have made some redstone machines we have pranked mumbo jumbo our favorite pastime of course and we've made a bunch of diamonds thank you very much for watching everyone and good [Music]
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,725,047
Rating: 4.9469075 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, episode 87, grian hermitcraft, season 6, hermitcraft grian, hermitcraft
Id: w3wER-J2ALw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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