Hermitcraft 6: Episode 84 - SECRET TUNNEL

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ah that's not a good start that ain't good hello and welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft I'm just gonna repair this little a little bit of damage here first there we go all fixed up and as you can see I've actually got a bunch of cows cuz I've been farming up some leather and actually let's just pop some music on because what we need to do today is pretty important we're actually going underneath this very fire pit that just blew up now if we go down here you can see that there's actually quite a lot of work that needs doing this space is completely empty but you can see that I've placed a few bits of dirt basically we're going to be making this into our secret tunnel underneath area 77 but I want this to look more of the part so we're going to kick off today's episode with a time-lapse of us creating this area so it might not be particularly obvious what I'm going to be doing here but as you can see I'm slowly replacing the big square rectangular box with some very messy dirt and coarse dirt because I want this build to really tell the story of what's going on here and that mainly involves creating something that looks more natural not in terms of like Minecraft natural but natural in terms of I've dug out a big hole underground and there's loads and loads of dirt I think it actually looks much much better if it's just the one block it actually you can see that I've made this all by hand and then I wanted to add all the details how did we dig this hole well we made some big machines some diggers that are all modern and not really that hippie like so it really feels like a secret underground operation that you might expect in like a Bond film or something so we're hiding this from everyone and I think this looks pretty cool I may have gone a little bit overboard and I've actually had a few more ideas since the time-lapse it took a really long time but look at this if you use the grindstone like this one after the other you can really make it look like caterpillar ties doesn't doesn't that look awesome as a little detail on this particular digger so I've actually you know built these two diggers to make it look like we're actually excavating under there now this very much isn't hippie at all this is um this is pretty modern technology digging our way into area 77 I actually haven't started the tunnel yet that's what we're going to do now but I actually have a plan just in case the boys come we're looking so we're going to make a bit of a security door at least so that if doc and start do happen to come looking at what we're doing here and they happen to find the very obvious hole in my RV they're not gonna find anything that they can get into so we're gonna create a redstone door here yet you heard me a redstone door and I've actually got a design from none other than our moustached friend mumbo-jumbo leo so Thank You mumbo for the design and we're about to make it right here now this episode is probably gonna have a lot of time lapsing in because I actually want to make a really like a lot of progress today I want to make sure we get a lot done because the hippy area a little hippie commune has well it's got a bit of catching up to do on the area seventy-seven business because scar has been very very busy building and doc has been very very busy breaking minecraft so the hippies have a long way to go and I'm gonna start by making this tunnel a reality because actually it might not seem like the hippie commune is very far away but in terms of a tunnel we've got a lot to dig but like I said first we need to protect this with a little redstone door well maybe maybe not too little I'm gonna make a 4x4 door that I saw on mumbos video because it's it's actually really really awesome and I think it will fit really well if I make it all out of dirt and hide it properly so let's time-lapse this little creation of some redstone this is the first time I've ever redstone something that's not really a build it's you know redstone and I desperately want to get better at it so I'm gonna take every opportunity I can to try and install some more redstone into my videos to try and get better at it even if it just me starting off by copying some other designs just so I can learn I'm so shocked that I didn't mess it up and it works first time this door is so fast okay so I've actually got a really cool idea on how we can activate this to open it I just need to make sure I've got enough space and that the redstone that I do make doesn't interfere with anything so I'm gonna play it real safe and I'm gonna make it like a couple blocks away so observers are great because they detect pretty much anything and if I pop a sticky piston here and then a redstone block right there if I then I if I then hold this block here like that did I put this the wrong way didn't I I still I still got a lot to learn I still got a lot to learn there you go it then creates a tea flip-floppy a floppy tea flop flop flop tea flop tea flop I'm gonna make my own redstone words up and see how they catch on right so we've got ourselves a tea flip-flop or as I prefer to call them a tea flop and then all I've got to do is send this redstone signal all the way up to this bit up here shouldn't be too difficult at all there's but there must be easier ways of doing that oh dear somehow I powered only half of it I thought what I was doing was so simple yes I did it look at that we've got ourselves uh we've got ourselves a bringing us a door all right now all we have to do is cover this up in a nonchalant way using coaster a normal dirt just like everywhere else I hope that oh I better not touch any of it otherwise it might gets it might get stuck and break the door but as long as this looks like everything fits I'm pretty sure that you won't be able to tell that this is here at all I think the scariest thing about this entire thing is not that I actually managed to do this redstone though the main thing is that I kind of understand why it works I understand the observers and all of this and how it will update I actually understand why this door works that doesn't mean I would be able to actually design something like this myself don't get me wrong this is a genius design but I actually understand it and I learnt quite a lot just from building this and just trying to understand I spent ages just looking at the observers and wondering and what maybe one day I'll be able to make my own piston door and it is totally covered and although it might be obvious to us we know that there's something there but in the grand scheme of things under here where everything is meant to look like it's being dug out so you just have to know which block it is this one you right-click it with a hoe and then it releases the door for you to then enter and I think it might actually close behind you know this would stay there until someone walked over it if I don't know if that that automatically closes it so you can open it with a right-click and then you just jump on it to close it or walk over it repeatedly move click on it there we go that's how you close the door easy-peasy but I think that's probably more than enough time spent underground I'm gonna have to continue this long tunnel in the next episode but we have successfully I didn't walk over that I think that did it by itself that's a bit worrying the door can shut behind you I might need to make it activatable from the other side but still it's it's really awesome okay let's get out of here cuz it's it's actually getting a little bit claustrophobic down here I did actually promise that I would tell you about this thing over here the giant circle and I actually saw some of your guys's comment and they were pretty accurate but I won't tell you which ones they are just yet what we need to do is actually make this cylinder go pretty deep down probably about 30 or 40 blocks or so not entirely sure but yeah it needs it needs to go down quite away so again I told you that there was gonna be a lot of time lapsing in this video because there's a lot of things that need doing and they're pretty grinding things to do so let's start the time lapse of me this circular hole all the way down this will be probably the last time lapse of this particular episode however I thought I would share the creation of this silo just because time lapse in something like this where you're digging a big hole it's very satisfying to watch so it's not gonna last very long and it's not gonna go even all the way to bedrock but I think it looks really cool nonetheless oh my goodness I've accidentally created a slime farm in this silo I finished digging it and it's pretty deep and I'm pretty happy with it but I have a feeling it might actually end up being much bigger in the long run because what I'm going to be making in here is actually a distraction a distraction from area 77 or to distract the guys in area 77 so obviously this looks very suspicious and that's kind of the point I want them to be focusing on this stuff rather than what we're doing under there hello what there's clearly been a thunderstorm because there's ow there's well the skeletons of the apocalypse or whatever they call get rid of him and then we're in Hey oh my good wait whoa whoa whoa yo no no no I was just what is coming on what are you doing in our farm hey hey hey it's pity it's all good it's all good we're hippies we're we're all friends here I bet they're just bailing what have they done well if they dug apart from leave a bow they didn't go under I hope they I hope they didn't go under if they only got here they probably just saw this lovely garden and you know what they're welcome it to it they're welcome to look around this lovely peaceful garden because there's absolutely nothing suspicious about it however there is something very suspicious about my my van I should hide this better I need to come up with a better way to hide this in fact right now I think I need to I need to hide they might have already seen it but it just in case they haven't it that I didn't know that they were snooping around let's just cover this up real quick it's very super annoying to get in in and out of this van now this door is the worst thing right let's get rid of that there we go so it's hidden a little bit more now but I have a feeling that they might have seen things I don't know I don't know I'm just gonna hope that they they only saw the garden there anyway what I was gonna say before I was rudely interrupted is do you remember from the very very beginning of this series which was over a year and a half ago we had a horse called Jack Skelly bone and I haven't seen one of these in a long time can I feed him bones I need a saddle I need a saddle so that I can keep him can keep him in the hippie commune hold an ID she have leads having a nap what are you up to oh yeah okay so they're just playing dumb like I didn't see you don't act like I didn't see you duping snooping around this is a place of peace everyone is welcome as rainbow would say welcome and that's something along those lines there we go I crafted a cup love leads doc doc just said something that makes me makes me a little uneasy as you have nothing to hide over there right just as we do nothing to see here and keep the music they I don't I'm gonna have to check if they see something wait can I not lead a horse can you no man cuz it's tamed maybe okay I'm gonna just need to get a saddle from somewhere I found a saddle for my bass there we go you can't put armor on these ones but look at this we got we got a skeleton horse back this is amazing I don't know what I'm gonna do with him we're gonna we're gonna keep him we're gonna hit keep him in the hippie commune this is amazing it's a shame I can't lead them I guess I'm just gonna leave him right here oh this is so cool I'm gonna need a new name for him though this isn't Jack Skelly bone this is and this is a new guy so give me your name suggestions for my skeleton horse in the comments down below and I'll choose my favorite out of all of them now that Ren is actually online I desperately need to think he's actually just over there so I'm gonna go and hop into a call with him and discuss what I've just seen the two the two guys coming in here and taking a little peek around so hold on let me just get hold of Ren you okay Ren I've got some news bad news Korean we have an emergency situation yeah I was about to say I've just seen ya I've just seen doc and scar skulking around in here and waterken I reckon they've seen some of the hippy secrets that I've been building yeah you didn't see them by chance run off with what used to be a hyperspace inducing nuclear reactor did you I've been staring at this the entire time talking to you I hadn't I didn't realize at all that it was gone no okay so that's what they took yeah that's what they were here for it's bad news paren Bob man he loves flying around a night in hyperspace he's gonna be one sad hippie let me tell you yeah but didn't didn't you steal that in the first place though to be well ran Bob stole it I had nothing to adjust if I did taking that away from you because you stole yeah I mean look we've got problems they've clearly got eyes on what we're doing see let me get this straight you want to steal back what they what you stole from them yeah for it okay right so there's a lot of stealing going on yes yeah you were just using it to fly around but still I think that's like there's no crime here they're just taking back what belongs yeah well listen they obviously have eyes around here they're spies in abundance have you seen this yeah have you seen the little green truck they've got over here yeah we need to do something about it man well you know I'm a little bit ahead of you actually on that front here let me show you let me show you my little secret this is what I was terrified that I thought they had found cuz they even said in the chaff towards like we know you're hiding something so I panicked and I hid it it's not it's not particularly well hidden you can so yeah but if you come down here I have been working on a little project to make our way into area 77 so I'm trying to get my night machine what this is in saying this is awesome okay I'm making a tunnel to under 77 and here let me show you I made do I even done some redstone let's check this out okay whoa wait a minute when did you learn to the redstone this doesn't make sense yeah totally copied a tutorial but that's not the point I read wait oh this is amazing there's no switch on the other side you're stuck oh okay it's a cold here yes that's gonna be the tunnel great it's gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna need your help actually because it's quite a long way to get to area 77 okay and then hopefully we can break through get into area 7-7 and take back what's ours or you take back what you stole in the first place okay make sense I've also been working underground and well we're gonna have to get out of here first though so yeah straight up straight up the ladder okay well hidden yeah I've been working on a little bit of covert operation myself right trying to make sure that they don't see what we're doing around here yes it's all the way up here yeah bit of a secret entrance right so we've got lots of cool things coming up we don't want them to see it there's no lad and I thought yeah you're just gonna have to you're just gonna have just law yeah leave them to it you made a mushroom yeah it's this is a meeting room that's the idea this is yeah a meeting mushroom should we say see what I did of area 77 apparently ran Bob traded them from cub that I think they're pictures from the drones of area 77 they don't actually work by the way they broke yes he wanted some be treats muddy I don't know painted look my silo I've actually built that I need to explain the whole silo thing as well we're not really good at communicating I didn't know you're doing this you didn't know what I was doing we need to communicate better oh that's what this room rooms all about my did okay have lots of meetings down here alright yeah this is definitely outdated cuz I've already built more than just that sir I'm pretty sure scar has made some crazy and I mean crazy mmm cliffs along that side so have you it's what we can clearly see though is a clear line between the vans and this thing called time experiments oh nice yeah that that way right I mean we might yeah we might we're sure somehow that we don't overshoot it and stuff but I mean yeah I mean I can see us making like a full tunnel system right under area 77 like tons of them and we'll just make our way to all of these places we can even reverse mine car anyway okay so dying tonight welcome to the shroom room this is cozy so this is the actual room or is this temporary this is temporary but we can hatch a couple of hippie plans in here for now my plan at the moment is to dig a tunnel as I showed you straight under area 77 to break in but to keep them as we already know they're looking around having a look at what we're doing I want you to distract them as much as possible from the key target so in I want to avoid them going down into my industrial excavation so I'm making some likes big obvious things above ground for them to go home look what are there look at what they're doing and I've built a giant silo and I would actually love to get your help on it because it's quite a big very nice yeah I felt we could we could definitely make a lot of like minecraft farms like flour five sugar cane farms all of the natural products that all fits in with our hippie theme and I agree we can fill up this silo so my plan with this silo okay is to build a giant RV sticking up in the air and they will start theorizing about what it's going to be I'm not gonna I'm not gonna reveal all my cards yet but we're gonna have a trophy sticking up out of this hole and that should keep them fairly distracted while we create even more distractions with all the farms and stuff they'll have no idea we're really up yeah well that sounds great I mean I've really got this farm thing going on I think next up maybe I can throw together a little bit of a community R you know some tents or something maybe we can get some actual hippies here it's come and live here you know and it'll look really innocent like nothing is going on yet then the giant Harvey coming out the silo in 1.14 someone discovered that you can you can get pillagers and if you get them to shoot a villager but you put snow in the way they lose their crossbows and then they become peaceful I think I saw in one of exes videos they just become peaceful and they walk around another cub showed it as well so it's totally possible they just walk around and do nothing they're just totally peaceful so we could like do we could have them as our citizens to show that this is like a really peaceful area I don't know we can making a pillager village we're going to turn pillagers into hippies is what just is hip-hip-hip image is genius that is actually a great plan okay well I'm gonna crack on with some of that money that sounds a lot of yeah I think we got a solid plan here yeah sweet also llama yeah where'd he come from who knows oh no dad ran help
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,581,955
Rating: 4.9504604 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft 6, episode 84, grian hermitcraft, season 6, grian minecraft
Id: 0e95kBA3PX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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