Hermitcraft 6: Episode 49 - DON'T TELL TANGO!

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He didn't respond to the prank from Grian and Iskall as lively as I had hoped.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/jettzypher 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ManateeGag 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

Rocket War!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ManateeGag 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone this is Mambo welcome banks for the episode on the hermit craft surveys episode 49 and today I'm starting things off in a very claustrophobic little glass chamber 128 blocks above the sea level for all people this would be their worst nightmare and I'm also surrounded by by phantoms now for therefore anyone who missed the previous episode at the end of that episode I died I was in this spot okay and a phantom managed to kill me despite the fact that I was inside a glass chamber now I have to say that has been very confused okay because I mean first off I always thought the phantoms couldn't spawn with a block above your head but I'm guessing glass blocks might not actually count because they're transparent but they're more importantly I hadn't realized that these phantoms could paths find to a player who is inside a chamber like this that seemed ridiculous to me but I think the issue was is that I had blocks missing from the corners so they were just about managed to hit me that's what caused me to die and yeah I lost all my items I lost I lost everything I'm currently without armor so I think what I'm going to do is to start things off in today's hammer craft episode I am going to afk up at the top of this place above my creeper farm we're going to see how much gunpowder I can get overnight and then when I come back I think we need to restore all of my items I think that explains how I died the other day oh my word there's so many of them that's going to be affecting the spoon race of my farm so I have just come back onto the server once again and now something even more interesting has happened in there I'm surrounded by cobblestone I have I have a great head on my head I'm also wearing a set of a lettre I'm wearing some Skala tee trousers which are cursive binding but all of these things seem to be class binding so I can't take this Gran head off I also seem to have some trousers on that I can take off okay so we've got a lot of subscribes this is a price of a free trident aha no way rip tie trident back oh my word that's how she made me so happy oh I mean I'm assuming I'm assuming that was Green I'm assuming that was this gal even so either to is scowl all green potentially it could be one of the other thank you ever so much that's actually made my day because I was really really upset about losing that trident so that is watches guys see Lucas friends like these that make me very very happy to be a member of the hermit craft server thank you so much guys that's that's so lovely because these things aren't exactly common right I'm going to go kill myself so I can take off this ugly ugly head and he's horrible horrible trousers and then we'll get back to hug is this some kind of joke a bunch of Citian zillion to get out of here how long is this gonna take okay I take back what I said about friends like these finally I managed to free myself and now we check out oh that was very close to dying you know what maybe I should make my way back to the base because I don't want to lose this stuff now so I'm kind of fully geared up I've got some diamond blocks which apparently I can actually keep which is very exciting I've also got lots of diamond gear and apparently some enormous lag spikes - holy mackerel wow that was a big one okay I think I'm going to do is I'm going to do a time-lapse of me getting fully geared back up so in today's time-lapse ciao want to talk to you about the green headhunting challenge because I've been receiving a lot of comments a lot of tweets a lot of emails from people asking whether or not I'm actually going to be joining in and I thought I would answer that in today's little time-lapse so the short answer is no no I'm not going to be getting involved similarly because I don't find that sort of thing that fun and I like to make these hermit craft episodes on things that I really enjoy I think it comes through that I'm enjoying the things that I do and unfortunately that sort of thing just it doesn't really interest me at all however I just want to say I think it's an awesome idea and I've absolutely loved watching all of the other Hermits get involved I've loved watching people exploring the server I direct people in the direction of heads if they ask me whether haha I just for me personally it's just it's not something that I'm really into a little bit like the Phantom killing challenge that went on just recently once again not awesome idea it's just it's not really my thing and back in the day when we used to do ultra hard calls and things like that once again just that that side of Minecraft it doesn't really capture my interest in the slightest to be honest and I think if I if I produce content on that sort of thing it will show that I'm not really into it so that's just that's just the way that I like to do things but as I say I want to make it very clear absolutely love the idea I think it's so so cool and I love seeing hermit craft events like this because I just think they're great I love watching all of the Hermits getting together I have watching for example in the headhunting people tried to steal each other's heads I think it's all brilliant and I absolutely love watching all of it it's just for me personally isn't isn't the right fit for me as a minecraft player and now occasionally hermit wide hermit craft wide events come along that really do fit my style a little bit like the tango headhunting challenge which I will admit I completely missed the boat on which is a real shame but if things like that come along in the future then of course I'll be willing to get involved but yeah for things like this no not for me so I hope that answers your questions I apologize if anyone's disappointed by that but let's pop back onto the helmet craft server may is the thing I recorded about 22 minutes of time-lapse footage there and the fastest I can really speed up first-person time lapses is to about 400% because otherwise it just looks like crazy mess and you can't really tell what's going on so that means that you probably haven't actually seen too many of what we've actually managed to get but we're pretty well good yeah we're doing okay so we have got respiration tree mending protection for I'm breaking three obviously got mending I'm breaking through on the Electra and we've got mending and protection fall on these leggings the reason I didn't get unbreaking 3 is because I'm probably going to die and lose these at some point so didn't think it was worth investing loads of time in enchanting those and then we have some beastly boots as well feather falling for depth Strider you know all the important stuff we've got that pickaxe which I've had for ages but we've also got this new silk touch pickaxe efficiency 5 mending I'm breaking 3 the whole lot then this sword is a bit of a beast looting 3 I'm breaking three mending sharpness 5 sweeping edge 3 then we've got an efficiency 4 and breaking 3 silk touch mending shovel and then just a regular diamond Dax efficiency for unbreaking 3 all looking pretty good I have to say so feeling better right let's kick off this episode oh but before he do in that previous clip it made it sound like it only took me 22 minutes to get all of this gear boy do I wish that was the case it's true what they say you know there's no such thing as a free Trident but I suppose it's always good to have a healthy supply of obsidian lying around so this could actually help us out in the future oh and just so you know earlier on I decided to punch through the floor as I thought that would be a much wiser choice than going for the options that is scale and green laid out for me and it looks like I've made the correct choice because one of them's says this the other one that says this and then eventually you get to the one that there is salvation yeah you know you can't mess around with those guys although I imagine they've probably learnt from their lesson and next time they do this to me which I imagine they will do it again they'll probably make the walls like five layers thick oh and just in case it wasn't clear yeah the chess table viously was surrounded by obsidian themselves so I still had to punch into them anyway what's next well I want to do a little bit of a project in the shopping district now for those of you who are smart alecks you might have realized that I have built a sugarcane farm and now I've built a gunpowder farm which means that I'm pretty I'm pretty well set up to get myself some rockets and I currently have way more gunpowder and way more shoe cane then I really mean I mean we've got five double chests of gunpowder and loads and loads of chests of shoot game so I think we can create quite a large excess and I think I'm going to sell them but of course tango isn't exactly going to be happy about me stealing his business so we're going to need to keep our shop small and relocatable essentially I'm going to build a pop-up shop that I can relocate elsewhere in the shopping district every single time he discovers it hmm after looking around I think this is going to be my first location just because as far as I can tell tango doesn't really have much of a reason to come by here so I'm just going to start constructing this thing and we'll see how well it goes well that's that's not exactly the best of starts look myself in there we go I think I think actually so the rocket itself is pretty cool this is the actual store in all of its glory and then we have these two signs mumbos pop-up rocket shop here until tango finds out three stacks with one diamond ako really cheap Don't Tell tango so there it is this the store is fully completed and built I think what I'm going to do instead though is I'm actually just going to have a single chest here and we're going to fill up shulker boxes with firework rockets so we have plenty of stock because otherwise yeah if we only have we only have one double chest in one single chest I guess that is I mean it will be decent number of diamonds but nothing ridiculous hmm here we have an afk like this for a little while paper thankfully though there was one filled chest or shoot cane over inside that build and then also underneath underneath my base in the underground bunker that we built a right to the very start of the season there's now flooded with water so it's the underwater bunker that had a sugarcane farm in it that's just been working all season and obviously there's a full double chest or shoe cane in there so it means actually we're doing pretty well so we've got five shocker boxes filled I believe so far and this should probably take us to about nine okay maybe nine was a little bit much seven seven that's that's definitely reasonable so they are all filled to the brim with firework rockets and if we do the maths here so we get I guess we get one die we get nine diamonds per shoka box that is 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 so just under a stack of diamonds from this little store well we're gonna need to restock this place soon at some point - cool are we born out of control I have just heard the news though that these guys are selling Rockets as well twelve diamonds per one vex rocket box so it's 12 diamonds and you get the full the full sugar box of rockets but mine's still cheaper buy three diamonds nice mine's a lot cheaper alright okay so in theory people should be coming to me but that doesn't mean that I'm now in direct competition with both tango and the convex we should know people that I want to be competing with really oh great and now I've blown up their runway as if I hadn't annoyed them enough by side to sell Rockets I've destroyed their Airport now if I were a lesser man I would have just left that hole right there but because I'm a nice guy remember that guys I'm a really nice guy really really lovely lovely person I've gone on a resource gathering mission and and fixed it all up for you so please don't destroy everything when you find out that I'm selling Rockets anyway I think before we start on any projects in today's homemade crafts episodes we really need to get this fruit cane farm fully populated and also fully functioning because the redstone isn't quite there just yet so I'm going to do a tiny bit of work on this thing whoa that is laggy now the idea behind this system is to make it so that this farm will only be running when I'm actively wanting it to run and we need it to work based off of this pressure plate so this pressure plate means that this monostable circuit will then be active and this thing will be detecting when shoo cane grows but we also want the farm to fire once when we first get in which it looks like that is happening right there so that has just activated the system and that's a one-off thing and then this one a stable circuit is now is now in place so when Xiu cane grows it will actually grow up in front of that observer the observer will detect it and then that will actually set off the entire system okay okay this is good right I'm going to refill all of the Shu cane in the farm I'm going to get this thing fully stocked up and then we're actually going to test this thing and by test it I mean I'm going to go afk overnight hopefully without losing all of my stuff this time all being encased inside an obsidian tomb let's see what happens like this and then I think as long as that blocks covered we should be fine I'm currently editing videos right now and I can something on this is very satisfying indeed check it out all of the sugarcane is flowing through the system and is making its way into this chest I'm actually just watching to see if any flies past but I didn't look like that was the case so let's pop down and that is not bad going a little bit less than I was expecting though to be quite frankly honest with you well our slime farms been doing pretty well as well what the heck no one's boiling my rockets yet what's the point now I saw on Twitter the other day the Green has been putting his fuel well he's been putting the items that he wants to smelt into this chest which means that he's been putting them into the fuel area and we're just about to run out of fuel in some points here there's literally no way for me to check there's no way for me to check what fuel is going into these so I guess we'll just have to wait and see if any other furnaces start working yeah this thing's this things nicely broken alright let's uh alright yeah we got some comparators what what was even being placed in here Green what what we we're trying to smell the comparator I'm confused by this despite his weird choice of things to smell this is my fault I should I shouldn't really sign these chests so people actually know where to put the items because right now it isn't exactly clear anyway back to working on projects now first off we need to transport the items from the creeper farm over into this island because I have a really cool idea for a build that we're going to be doing underneath this thing but one interesting thing about these transportation systems that were using is you may notice that I've actually got I've got glass around the ice as well as glass up at the top here now normally we wouldn't have to do this but don't Finn's don't Finns tend to play around with items are underneath the floor and it turns out that they can actually flick items out of water streams now this is extra specially annoying in this item elevator here because what they do is they'd flick the item out of the item elevator and then it would tend to land about there so it would sit there and then the issue is is that when more gunpowder would come up it would actually stack up with this piece of gunpowder down here and it would never make its way into the hoppers so you'd end up losing a lot of items like tons of items would end up being lost so that's a big deal so I've got to fill out this so these items are going to make their way into this little area right here and now I'm going to do a tiny bit of mining just to punch out some space underneath this place because I want to make a secret rocket building facility as I said you know tango and the convex are probably going to be a little bit upset about me being well a competitor in their rocket selling business so we're gonna need to do this on the secret a beacon would be really helpful to have on this island I just thought I do actually have three wither skulls so what I think we'll do that once I've you know what note let's do that now instead of finishing the mining then doing the beacon let's do the beacon and then finish the mining that makes much more sense one day mojo ain't gonna fix this and it's gonna be an incredibly sad day I mean can you imagine actually having to fight the wither well I mean I know something about they're actually quite good at the game and you'd be able to do it but me I've only fought the whittle once it was with Exuma void I'd I'd lost all my items and then I think Exuma did as well and then I died it get any different despite me solving the Rockets problem I still haven't quite solved the iron problem just yet still giving money to tango somehow there we go this looks pretty awesome hopefully all of the items can actually make her underneath the beacon yep so they scoot on right through and then I've also replaced that beacon over there because that one was missing I do have a rather hilarious problem though that the beacon only works right on this wall so after all that it's still still not perfect now that that rooms cleared out it's time to actually get all of the chest and hoppers in place this week only one diamond to stack okay we are really gonna make the most of this in fact you know what I think I'm actually going to clear them out now I'm hoping that this is going to be enough chests for all of the Gunpowder so we have got yeah we've got we've got two sets we've got two banks of eight by five so that's forty double Ches eighty double Ches in total I mean I I've I'm not sure if I'm going to fill all of these up and then in the center here we will have like a little area with I guess some crafting bench is in fact we should probably have crafting benches all over the place because the whole point of this area is that we're going to be crafting up all of the fireworks and the way that we're going to be crafting up all the fireworks is we're probably going to be breaking a lot of these chests here so the Gunpowder is on the floor and then we can kind of fire on through like you how you craft iron blocks and melon blocks and things like that I imagine we can do something fairly similar with sugar cane so we'll just chuck everything onto the floor and then we'll just go through it mm-hmm yeah I don't know I imagine that'll probably work anyway we need to get the hoppers in now and there you go okay so that is the setup all the items will come in here and then they'll flow round and then they'll go through all of these chests and then I know I guess they'll end up somewhere we'll have to wait and see on that one but this this is going to be our evil little lair I think I will do all of the decorating in the next episode because unfortunately ladies and gentlemen that is actually all I've got time for today I've I've really enjoyed this episode we it's I've kind of done it in a different style in the you know we started off with an afk session I recorded it over multiple days let me know down in the comments section if you enjoyed that way of doing things because it's pretty funny kind of breaks up the episode a little bit and it means that we get I don't know I don't know how to describe it either way I have really do hope that you enjoyed it and if you did please rose to that like band and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out I'll see ya later oh and actually a new film was just released on the full-moon channel if you do want to check out a link will be on the in screen [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,157,636
Rating: 4.9486361 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: d-sbT_zwQSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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