Hermitcraft 6: Episode 65 - #MumboTNTREE !

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hello everyone this is Mambo and welcome back to another episode on the hermit's craft server this episode 65 and today I'm starting things off in no-man's land the area between team G and team Starr and I have to say both of these bases look absolutely magnificent I mean I know I've heard some jokes about both both of them one of them looks like a Brita water filter this one looks like a turtle or at least that area over there but I mean they are they are absolutely stunning it almost seems a shame that these are going to be engaged in warfare and are likely to get destroyed at some point however of course that is not going to be happening at this point because of course the spell is not a stalemate what the flag is up the what do you call it when when teams don't want to fight each other the cease fire it's called a cease fire the cease fire is in place and no one is fighting anyone but I mean aside from the Civil War stuff I've just flown over to my base and I'd completely forgotten how cool this looks so you've replaced all the torches and we have light around here and it looks spectacular it looks so so cool you see the reason that I'd forgotten that we've done that is because I've actually been away from the hermit craft server for five days I've been away from all of YouTube for five days in fact for the first time in my almost seven years of running this YouTube channel I decided to take a week off in England and just chill out and relax and it's been great I've actually come back with just AI so much energy to make videos I'm so so excited to start working on them we've got some wicked plans for both this channel and also the filming channel so keep your eyes peeled for those but to start things off today we need to talk about the hashtag mumbo T entry building challenge because you guys have been going crazy with the suggestions and lots of them are really really beautiful I mean check this out I don't know why I'm always surprised by the number of submissions I get but I am always surprised by the number of submissions that I get so let's just quickly look through some of the ones that I really really liked this one's cool I like the roof of this one I always appreciate a spoon in the build especially considering how many spoon moments we had constructing this this is very cool and displayed beautifully this one's free wild I really like the idea of this one well that looks like it's come from an alien planet the tree on top is a very very cool idea I like literally all of these shapes mmm definitely gonna take inspiration from that and this is just graphically pretty I just really like the idea of this so with all that inspiration stuffed into my brain I kind of have a good idea of how I want to construct this thing so hopefully I can put something together that is really really beautiful otherwise I'll cry myself to sleep tonight hmm this is my first idea and it's pretty out there in terms of the design and I genuinely think it is I think it's really really cool the only problem that I have with it is it's not actually that I mean it's super futuristic but also not that futuristic and that it still looks quite mystical so I don't I don't know if we can quite go for something like that but I do like the idea of kind of like the pattern based builds this idea is a lot cooler though and I think that could end up looking like a really really awesome structure I'm gonna have to experiment with it a little bit further but the idea is is that you have kind of areas of different size rings so there's no order to it or anything like that but you have these glass areas that kind of seem to melt over the top and it will work in this sort of fashion I like I like this plan yes yes this is sweet so to the dude MC you have provided the inspiration for this build and it is it's so cool it looks like a piece of Modern Art it literally looks like a piece of Modern Art it's like a sculpture that you would see in a modern art museum I think this is super sweet the only thing is is that do we have this curl over like that or do we do it the other way I actually I prefer the melting over I think the melting over looks way better okay awesome awesome awesome awesome I appear to have lost my trousers I think they used to have cursive vanishing on them so when I died from the TNT I think in what blown my trousers off come on let's have a look let's have a look ah no oh I had such high hopes then okay it looks like we're gonna have to afk for our bones I thought this would take me through in to exhume his bone farm but it hasn't it's taking me too I think this is where exhume originally was going to be after some nether portal searching I eventually got there so this is the system and I assume that after a little while these guys will start stacking up so much that they die of their own accord and their items will end up in this hopper down here 14 hours of totally failed f king later this is actually better than I expected you see I I turned off my computer just before I left the studio last night which means that I didn't at JFK overnight but thankfully I was editing some videos for a while and we have managed to get ourselves a decent amount of bone meal it's the next thing on the list it is of course to gather up all of the gravels so that we can make for all of our hardened concrete the only thing is is that this is all that's left of the gravel area I mean there's there's very little I don't know if there's more of these or if this this is like the only one within a many thousand block radius I don't know how common they are the next thing that we've got to do is we've actually got to gather up some stone but we've we've totally ran out of stone not on the hermit craft server which is not something that I thought I'd be saying anytime soon this was actually a problem on hermit crab season 5 now that I think about it which is why we built the ridiculous cobblestone generator might be worth doing that again but for now I've just created a little area underneath my base in between the two areas the gunpowder area and my action paint area where I can gather up all of the stone and I have to say it seems to be attracting a little bit of attention right after many hours of resource gathering we are finally starting work on this build so I've gone around the edge and I've placed in all of the blocks that are going to make up I'll kind of I don't even know what to describe these things the shapes that we're going to be constructing here the only thing that has me a little bit concerned is the proximity to the TNT do we do tests do we do tests yes I feel like we should do a test before I build this entire thing and then it blows yourself up again yeah I'm I'm very much not filled with hope here because the TNT land here that seems like it's well within the blast range well within the blast range okay so there has to be an item inside the dispenser yeah this this needs to be bigger that has destroyed most of everything okay this is substantially wider it's also it's edging quite close to this design here but I sister I'd say we're still we're still okay I mean everything's meant to be tight-knit in this city anyway but now we're going to do the new did you hear that I'm going crazy yeah that was definitely a weird noise I'm still not 100% certain what it was anyway let's let's do the new test okay so we've got TNT good stuff so it looks like we managed to get away with that one without any form of blocks being destroyed brilliant okay this is excellent news I don't like this building oh this build has been literally the most painful build I think I've had to work on in all of hermitcraft so yeah check this out this structure is 100% going to crash into my base so we need to redesign it again I'm not laughing because I'm happy I'm laughing because I'm going insane well I've definitely I've reached the limit originally limit are now being killed off by drowned believe it or not and I hate those things you guys know I hate them I think they're so pointless and I don't want them in the game and I dislike them immensely okay I might have slightly overreacted there but still thankfully I I managed to get my stuff back and now I am back working on this thing once more and I think I've come up with an idea on how we can fix all of this up so what we've got is kind of like a staggered system so we'll have one section down here in each one of the corners and then we'll kind of have like a cross section up at the top which actually could end up looking quite cool almost similar to what we have going on over here so how does this look I mean it looks quite obviously oh my word okay everything is spawning on it now but it looks quite obviously like we are trying to dodge this thing but it still looks quite cool so I would say that is good enough to continue building and also I just want to get this thing done okay this has been a nightmare now adding this in has given me a big burst of positivity because not only does it light up he had she makes the built bright enough to see and it stops all of the mobs from spawning but most importantly it actually looks quite cool but connecting up end rods I actually think is a really nice addition to the build so we are about halfway done on this thing and it is so ridiculously futuristic it's insane how futuristic this build actually looks I thought these were kind of futuristic looking builds but no this that actually looks like something from an alien race which I know is something that I've said before but now that it's actually in place it looks it looks completely wild I was not expecting it to look this way and I have to say I actually really like it I think it looks it's very dramatic it's a super dramatic looking build so I'm excited to see what it looks like once it's all fully completed as I Sarah about halfway done now so we're kind of on the home straight I'm getting the rhythm of things here we are again outside the home tree just do my thing this should be the theme tune for hermit crab season six for me just this noise ladies and gentlemen after many hours of placing in these blocks we are now all done with the outlines so this needs to go up I think so that where does this come out to okay so that comes down it into this area so that's that and then I guess these ones also have to go up and everything should meet up in the middle so that goes there and then this wraps round like this done done done done and done now just to remind you at this point in time there's no contrast in the build because we don't have any of the scienter acosta so it looks a bit crazy I still think it looks wild but I think it's a crazy crazy looking structure but yeah once we start getting all of the the cyan terracotta throughout this thing so that we actually get a little bit of darkness in there to kind of mix and match or mix up the bright then it will start to look cool and I'm actually thinking maybe we should take a leap a leaf out of this book and use gray glass here because yeah this is a very a very white built or at least when you look at it from CERN angles it suddenly becomes pretty much totally white so of course that means that we need to do some squid hunting which currently isn't that successful wait where okay there's there's literally three fish normally this place is teeming with life what has happened is this light gray died I think this is I think this is light gray okay that helps us out somewhat because then we don't actually need that much squid so there we go yeah 451 that should hopefully do us I hope okay now be honest which one of these has got glass in it you really can't see the great glass at all so we've got it in all of these bottom sections here and you can't see it you can only just see it when we move around so I think we might actually have to go for a white glass I swapped out from white glass and that also didn't work I don't know what's going on with this build but it doesn't seem to show up glass very well so I've now swapped out for white panes of glass and that seems to be much better so this is what we're going to be doing for it I have no clue what we're going to do for the roof though yes that is much much better okay that is awesome so after about another hour of placing in or all of the glass these should be the final blocks I hope I really do hope I'm looking through and yet that is all looking correct now I haven't actually looked at this thing once in the entire time that I've been doing all the glass but it looks way better now thank goodness for that kind of scared when I originally looked at it that it wouldn't look cool but no that looks like a crazy build our city is like it's a really cool kind of eclectic mix of builds all of different styles all of different shapes and this one is definitely the most out-there it definitely it's one of those bills actually I think looks cooler when you're on this sort of level with it I think when you're flying around it loses some of the effect whereas when you're standing here you actually get a real impression of how much is going on here but still I am so chuffed with this thing you may also be able to notice that I'm also absolutely knackered it's been a it's been a long day of Minecraft and today I have just come up with a little tweak that I think I want to do to it at some point but I think I'll do that another day because yeah I've had enough of this thing for now no I'm curious has Green sent me any super-secret locations via our messaging no no he hasn't it's a good thing that discord exists because he has sent me a discord message saying that my new orders are under the lowest magma block where the rocket shop used to be I must admit yeah discord seems discord seems way simpler than code naming things and sending them back and forth I think yeah I'm gonna use that from now on right so let's see what this says then oh wow this is very smart I was kind of partially expecting that to kill you then can you normally place item frames on the floor or is this like a custom thing for hermit craft I never know anyway information received usefulness question like your new wrist our instructions are as so create a weapon door or other redstone contraption for Team Star Rickett after the ceasefire has ended you must ensure the blame is put on someone else also please report on the quality of the opposition's facial hair destroy this message once acquired okay so on destroying the message but as you just saw that I have got screenshots to wait do I need to destroy the screenshots as well do I need to destroy the video footage of me reading it oh my words this is I don't know how much of how secure of a mole do I have to be do I have to be a really secure mole or just like a semi secure mole whatever sort of mole I need to be I think I should probably head over to the team star headquarters and just kind of scope out again and see where a redstone contraption will fit in because you know I I want this to look like an actual addition to team star so that they don't suspect anything yes you can hear a lot of confusion in my voice I still don't really know why I'm doing so I've inspected this place for a while and I've worked out a potential spot but I don't want to build anything in today's episode just yet because I want to chat to the other Hermits and the other members of Team Star just to get there go ahead and also I don't want to show off the base in this episode just yet because I don't want to spoil any of the new things that have been constructed it is looking really cool though I mean I'm very impressed by this build and I should mention that you're gonna be seeing a lot more of the team star headquarters soon because as you guys know I mean mr. dog m77 has requested on behalf of team star that a commercial gets made and obviously commercials you know that's kind of my thing on the hammock craft server so that's something that I've been working on over the past couple days and it should be releasing some point soon which yeah he's gonna be interesting I don't actually know how team do you're gonna feel about that I mean are they gonna be upset that I've made I mean I'm a mole for them surely they'll understand that that's just me fulfilling my duties as team star surely they won't I don't know as you can tell still very confused anyway I think it'll be unfair of me to do a bunch of work on this thing in today's episode and not actually use it so I've just taken a lot of the bone pill that we got from that bone afk session that we did earlier on I've taken a lot of that I filled up all of the droppers the hoppers and the chests and I'm just going to go to town on this thing for a little while and see how well it's functioning I thought this was well in the form of the third person time-lapse and what we do that I thought I'd give you an update on all of the cars so obviously Instagram is the place to go to see all of these things but I have some really positive news for all of them so first off the Alpha which is the car that is being built by the guys at workshop 77 my little 1971 alpha GTV 2000 the suspension has now gone in and it's actually starting to look a little bit more like a car as opposed to a shell there's been a bunch more work done on it but I'm just so excited to get this thing on the road it's going to be a proper fast road specification classic sports car and I really can't wait the campervan is now also back up on the road after being broken down for about two months once again workshop 77 actually managed to come down to me and fix it up it was just a small electrical gremlin which was stopping it from starting up but we managed to get that fix all your leaks are fixed and everything and it's now being driven all the time so I'm super happy to have that thing back on the road the Supra the Supra locked its brakes on recently and they didn't unlock they basically seized up so I've had to order in new brakes and I got big big brakes basically I got a big break kit we also got some new coil overs for it some new wheels and also some new tires so that is now going to be properly sorted when it comes to the handling site ready for some performance upgrades later on in the year hopefully aiming for around about 450 to 500 horsepower from that thing and then finally the defender is just going strong we recently soundproofed it but other than that it's just a workhorse and I still love that thing so back to the Houma craft server well that was pretty successful I was doing that for a little while there we got ourselves a bunch of saplings which is good because I always was a problem with tree farms that I built in the past is that you'd run out of saplings really quickly so this is a good sign that seems to be staying pretty well stacked up the most important thing is is of course the amount of wood that we've got and yes yes this thing works and it works beautifully well so we can literally just afk at this we can just chill out an afk of this thing and we can do that overnight and then we will have so much wood I mean that wasn't that wasn't a particularly long session I just remapped my right-click key Zed I then held down the Z button while browsing Instagram on my phone that's kind of how I did that so it's relatively low effort and of course I could do that overnight by just placing something on my keyboard so that is really really perfect that means that we're going to get plenty of wood and we don't have to keep buying it because look this will allow us to craft up a bunch of chess a bunch of Pistons and all the stuff that doesn't need to be pretty amazing absolutely amazing I'm chuffed to bits so after all the hard work and the many many issues that we had this thing has finally paid off and is actually working really really well way better than I expected so I really do hope that you enjoyed this episode on the hermit craft server if you did please feel to that like button if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is the mumbo and I'm out I'll see ya later oh and for the first time in ages a new film is on the filming channel if you want to check it out then a link will be on the end screen [Music] you
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,181,296
Rating: 4.9602156 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: eX1dXaPf2fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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