Hermitcraft 7 | Ep 034: Over-Powered Villagers!

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what's going on everyone my name is impulse and welcome back to hermit craft oh it feels so good to be back on the server oh my goodness it's been four days I went on a little trip with my family ah kicked back and relaxed out in the wilderness oh it's great some fresh air nice cooler weather oh but I'm back I'm ready to play some minecraft and I'm ready to finish this ice farm up in fact I've been working on it a little bit today already in fact I've made some good changes i derped up last episode guys I dipped up a little bit well hello sorry I wasn't ready for that I had the water streams faced the wrong direction and so basically as we kind of came through oh yeah boots off right as we came through here the got you got a belly up oh you got a belly up forgot about that too basically the ice was reforming of the the infinite water was forming as we went and that wasn't the way you want it to go you want all that ice to kinda get pushed down and then for it to reform and now we are we are good so I basically flipped around all these stairs and the water flows away from us as we go so it doesn't form until the end there and also I replaced all this birch underneath this ice with ice so that the it would flow even faster that seemed to make a lot of sense and now obviously we have a lot of ice which is good that was the idea it was you know it's a nice farm so to make ice it's pretty good idea and also you guys were worried about what happens when my inventory fills up we'll check this out we're just gonna send this on boots can't walk so I put that in a ceiling too right because we don't want phantoms to to get us so anyway as the ice goes past me because my pockets are full which would happen at the end of the farm you see it makes its way back into here all that I said just threw down so basically there's an ice channel that carries it all the way into this chest here along with other random items which we need to put back in the system and I added some stuff on the back here so I can put the carrots in I can put the snowballs in and this chest is actually for pickaxes so yeah this was hurtin its hurtin I've been I've been harvesting too much ice and my pic is about to break and that is our problem that we need to solve guys because I only have the one silk touch pick so how can I have this AFK farm that only I only have one pick I go around one time and it's and it's done I said well we need to get ourselves a lot of pickaxes today and I think I have a good plan on just how we can do that so I've come up with a brilliant idea I am going to make a new villager breeder in my base use those villagers to turn them into tool Smiths and unlock the diamond pickaxe trade on a bunch of them hoping that we get some decent pickaxes out of the deal then we'll do the trick with the zombie and zombify them and heal them back up and get pickaxes for super cheap so all right now we just have to trade a whole bunch and hope for some good luck and apparently recording in the replay mod with hitboxes on will render in the video I will turn those off now sorry about that I needed it to eject these guys from the boats without hitting them but we've got all these villagers in place now one two three four five six seven eight nine 18 total masons throughout here and I have unlocked them all to masters and they are loud when they work they are super loud but look at this if you get them all the way down to master at the very last trade here you get a diamond pickaxe efficiency three unbreaking 3 is not bad at all of course it would be nice if we could get a few more things on there I don't want to really have to combine picks at pickaxes but I mean it looks like that's probably gonna be the case just looking at what a lot of these other guys have so what we can do is maybe just pick a few good ones and of course we got to have silk touch and the first guy I put in here had silk touch can you believe that but 29 emeralds is super expensive so like I said we got to do that trick with the zombies luck I caught some zombies before I've kept them around just for this very need right here and I want to kind of make this smart a village a breed you're still working awesome we need to get a few more guys I think what I'll do is I'll actually swap out some of the bad ones and we'll keep continuing to put new guys in here as we have time until hopefully we get just a super-duper trade but until then I will accept the fact that we've got a couple decent ones and we'll do the combination thing so I want to put in a system here that's gonna intelligently let the zombie eat their faces so I'm gonna do something I think I'm gonna put them like underneath here and have a zombie kind of be able to walk I'm gonna have to put in yeah we got to fill up that water a little bit it looks like but I'm gonna put a little track in here basically this zombie can walk along and we can toggle whether or not he's able to get at the villagers feet so let's do that I think I'm going to put him on this side first because we had this guy was really good efficiency three and this guy is really good so if we do this side first I wonder what else we have here let's take a look I'm breaking this guy efficiency to those two guys might be our best bets to convert and maybe eventually I'll reorganize them so they're next to each other or something but yeah we definitely want to convert this guy a few times and convert that guy a few times maybe we get their price down to like one emerald perfect ex that would be absolutely crazy but we're gonna have some grindy to do with the zombification and all that jazz so let me let me put in a system we'll see if we can get something going here okay after a bit of fiddling around I think I have a system that is gonna work here what we're gonna do is we're gonna get a zombie down in this space and you can see right now they cannot get at any of the villagers that are in their plots once we hit this note block right behind the villagers head there that will open up that stair and now when the zombies down there he should be able to I can stand up can I stand up am i standing up I am saying though okay he should be able to get to that villager now and just that one villager so we can kind of toggle which villagers we want them to be able to get at and I think I just made an endermite somewhere but that is okay there is how did he get over there that's weird anyway so the next step is we need to get a zombie down in here and how I'm gonna do this I think what I might do if we're super quick about it is I can open that up and walk him down in here and then if I enderpearl get to the end of the line here and or Pearl out and then quickly put the stair back we might be able to do this so hopefully this goes well um is he gonna go after those guys hmm I might want to put up a bit of a safety rail here just so he doesn't try to attack any other villagers we got lots of villagers of course let's get rid of these so he doesn't jump over them and also need to make sure that's good okay so we should be alright yep okay we're gonna let him out of the cart and yeah well just hope for the best I could do this again f3b alright there we go off and come on guy you're mad at me right what's your name I'm hungry for fish okay well that might not be the case anymore but we'll feed you if necessary oh and of course I don't have the stare on me as he's attacking me alright good thing I don't have thorns on let's try this come on down in here sir thank you all the way to the end if you will thank you thank you alright little mad at me but we got him alright he is in there okay so now to find out if this is gonna actually work alright so the guy we wanted converted was this guy I'm not really ready yet to be splashing with potions and stuff so let me go get that and then we will we'll convert our first villager in the system alright I'm now prepared we got the splash potion of weakness and the Golden Apple ready to go let's see if this is the guy we want here efficiency 3 I'm braking yep so let's just hope this works let's see he should start getting attacked by that zombie any second now oh there he goes he's getting hit hit the one time he like went up through the trap door there that was kind of crazy we keep at it okay seems to be working now the only change I really made was I gave him a sword which hits really really hard and I think maybe that gave him the extra reach he needed so this should be working fine now we've got two guys converted already we'll close that back off let's go ahead and get this one done let's see if he comes and gets to him right away with that nice fancy new sword he has yep there we go okay great this seems to be working now sometimes takes him a little bit of time to get his target here figure it out but that's all good we can be patient with this okay there's something I've never seen happen before he got converted he grabbed a head oh I've never ever seen that that is amazing oh oh all right we need to close this off it looks like one two three the fourth one back is the one that's open it'd be cool to have some sort of light indicator something so I could easily see which ones which but I think we'll try to should we try to convert five at once do you think that's possible let's get this one here and I did notice that if they're scoot all the way up to their workstation he can't quite reach him so we gotta give him a little tap just to get him closer to the fact there and then he's able to hit him from there I don't kill him there we go okay so yep that is amazing okay excellent so I might change up this setup a little bit and put like another one of these trap doors on the other side of it just to hold these guys back and that would probably solve that problem but okay let's see if we can do this I'm gonna try to do one splash potion and see if we can get five of these guys at once so it's all about whether or not the particles are he'll get splashed all the way out there and I think we should do the ends first so let's do that and then yep yep we were able to do all five of them very nice so all five should now get converted back to regular villagers and hopefully I closed back off that system let's take a look no we did not so the fifth one we need to close back up here by hitting that right there and now he'll be safe again okay excellent so yeah maybe it's just a slight modification needed but this seems to be working now so let's see what kind of prices we get once they are converted back to regular villagers all five are now back from the dead and let's see their offers oh one iron for it emerald oh my goodness I am gonna have to ask tango if I can grab some of his spare iron and get some extra emeralds here five emeralds for that efficiency three unbreaking 3 pickaxe that's a pretty good deal but I'm curious can we get him down to one emerald I bet we can so I got another splash potion of weakness we're gonna convert them again and yeah let's see if we can get them down even lower than this second round of conversions complete and let's check the prices this is our guy right here come on guy there it is perfect a one emerald for an efficiency three unbreaking 3 pickaxe that is a crazy good deal I suppose we should do the same down here for our silk touch guy we need to get his prices down I got a couple weakness potions left some golden apples left it's these four I believe that all needs to get converted because we got all five of those down to one that is so crazy in Emerald for a diamond pickaxe and a couple round of conversions on this side and we've got one emerald for the silk touch pick axes so I got some emeralds ami let's go ahead and buy some right now let's see how many we can get in one go Oh three okay I was hoping it would give me a little more than three but I believe it is yeah they're they're working hours right now so he should refresh and I will give him a second to do that meanwhile we'll go down here and see how many of these we can get I'm guessing this also gonna be three it is okay and again by the time we do that maybe he will have refreshed no not quite but he should he should definitely pick up his table he's on two layers of carpet so he can't path fine this is a cool technique so that you can save on a little bit of lag so they can't paths find really this is the only table he can really get to or think he can get to so he shouldn't pick up any of these other tables so this is the mechanism that allows you to have these guys kind of right next to each other like this so really really cool but you need to refresh guy I want to buy some more pickaxes well while we're waiting we might as well combine these together so let's see if we do it that way it's 9 if we do it that way it's 8 I never understood why that was a thing so alright which direction was that again all right so you wanna do these ones and then these ones together okay so these are pretty good I think that efficiency three is actually all we need in order to insta mine ice so that's a thing I would like to get mending on this and I don't exactly want to have to buy many books from paralysis shop every for every single one of these pickaxes I think that's gonna get pretty expensive pretty fast so alright good he's back to refreshed on his trades there so we can get even more pickaxes same with the guy down here so this seems to be a pretty good way of getting them we only spent what 12 and rolled so far and we've got six very good diamond pickaxes out of the deal a good thing that I have an easy way to get levels as well with all the trading it's actually really good at getting levels okay I mean I'm tearing through now of course but oh this is working great guys we're gonna be able to get all the pickaxes we need for the ice farm but I did realize we are still missing that one thing we need to get mending on these pickaxes so I thought about how we could do that without having to get corrales a bunch of diamonds I remembered I actually have a mending villager back at the starter base in the original desert area the desert village that we settled down and so I just grabbed him out and brought him over and we'll put him in our training Hall along side the others so yeah we've got him in place now here he is look at this guy did the wholes converting to Zambian back and now he sells us a mending book right there there it is for one emerald and a book for a mending book so I've already done a bunch of trading with him and I've been combining the pickaxes together and look at this guy's we've got all these pickaxes now efficiency three I'm breaking three silk touch which should be good for the ice farm and I need to apply mending and I got all these many books I only have one issue now and that is I only have eight levels of XP so I usually just trade with these guys to get a good amount of XP let's see where's all the fish here we go so I got a bunch of fish in here I usually just go through trade with these guys there's locked up still though from the last trade that's how I've been getting my XP but we need so much I might actually need to go to use the Enderman farm or something to get a bunch of levels so yeah we're gonna have to do all this combined let's see how much it cost per pick here and we'll get a good idea of how much XP we're gonna need toss that in there at that and there okay it's only gonna be three per pick which is not bad so if we go and get about I don't know what sixty levels are so maybe a little bit more we should be good so I'm just gonna go to the interment farm for a while and come back with a bunch of levels I have returned from the end I now have 69 levels of XP which means we should be able to do about 23 picks with the mending on them so we are gonna get started and while I was doing that I started to think maybe training with villagers is actually gonna be quicker so yeah I don't know maybe I'll just stick with that so all right I gotta convert all these pics now to efficiency three unbreaking free silk touch and mending which means we can reuse them after uh you know AFK sessions at the ice farm which is perfect and rip sixty nine levels but look at this we've got 23 pickaxes ready to go ready to bring over to the ice farm and I think I'm gonna do that now there's something else we have to do while we're over there as well so I need to find an empty shocker box to put these in so we can transport them what do we have here oh my goodness a Boomer job payment from false wait a minute wait a minute she just blew vote for Skaar okay cool let's see what we got here sweet 18 diamonds okay why aren't they stuck oh no she didn't oh these won't stack she actually named 18 different name time and so could this what are we supposed to do with these oh I got an idea I know exactly what we're gonna do with these oh yeah two diamond blocks look at that like it never happened they're stacking now easy peasy diamonds okay so we've got the pickaxes in place now they're gonna come out of this dropper and there's some more in the hopper and the chests feeding into this as remember as we go over this pressure plate it's gonna dispense us a new one but also we need to worry about these things too we need to make sure we have golden carats in stock and we also need to make sure we have snow balls now this one is the challenge right now because I don't have a large supply of snow balls and I just realized if I go through here it's gonna spit out of pickaxe and we're not gonna catch it it shot a snow ball at the item frame that was empty and so the item frame broke so before we use this we're gonna have to put that back up and I'm hoping that pickaxe goes all the way around and comes back through here let's make sure to already come in no yeah we might have to go searching for it oh I think I just saw it come in let's see okay there it is it took a little bit of time all right we got it back though okay so let's build ourselves up a easy snow ball farm here and we should be able to just break that block and get a snowman if we tell misplace the flock we gotta actually put it on top there oh I'm actually kind of glad that's not a shapeless recipe okay we did get up there and place it in the right spot try this again boom okay there he fell down into there and now if we can push him over to the edge a little bit he should form snow on the ground below let's just give them a little nudge this way see if we can get him all the way to the corner and you can see snow forming in there now unfortunately I fell in here as well so let's get out derping this up a little bit okay there we go and now we can remove all these extras and he'll be right there just kind of stuck in the corner of that chest and because he's kind of a little bit lower than a full block that's why we're getting these snow layers on the ground and now we probably want to do is since we'll be digging that with a shovel we don't want the snow forming on the dirt because we'll just accidentally dig all that up so we can put that there and if we remove this we should get snow on that part as well yep so let's go ahead and dig that out again and we'll put down just a little bit more here and we got three whole spaces where we can get snow from and now to get a snow really quick we can just aim right here right kind of in between these right there and it should go back and forth really quick yeah there we go it's forming there oh it just kind of breaking that block a little bit see that on the bottom right there it's cracking that block just a hair we should maybe lower ourselves down so that we're not actually aiming at the block oh that might be a good idea so we can increase the efficiency that's farming even more maybe even put some hoppers around maybe some hopper minecarts to suck up the snowballs for us so we don't have to run around picking them up so yeah we could do a lot of things to improve this but the general idea is that this snowman shits gonna keep making our snowballs over and over again I might have been a bit overboard with the snowballs to fill the entire storage and then I realized you know what really brought 23 pickaxes with us so we only really needed 23 snowballs because that's how many times we're gonna go through this thing and I don't know how long it takes to go through here but I definitely do want to test out this whole thing end to end and see that everything's working because we didn't get a chance to do that last time so I need to go through here I'm gonna put my stuff away since we're gonna be AF cane I'm going to configure my mouse so that it will hold down both buttons at the same time and then we'll give it a proper test a full kind of afk run we'll see how long it takes and we'll just make sure everything is working as it should and hopefully I am safe inside of this thing because I don't really want to die so I think I'll make sure I don't have any of my armor or anything on as well okay here we go I've programmed some hot keys on my keyboard to hopefully hold down left and right mouse button as we go through here we do need to fix the item frame before we can't go it and now I don't have my boots on we're fighting current pretty hard here so that needs to go back up after I cross over here we're going to want to put it up after the snowball comes out there we go so that's up we should get that pickaxe and then if we activate and we are good I'm holding down both buttons now oh and I was supposed to put my food in my off hand I wonder if I can accomplish that as we come through here quickly do that okay and oh it stopped it stopped it Oh No hello there might no longer hold down the button Oh best enough okay we were back I toggle dit all right I'm gonna time this thing we'll see how long it takes us to get through this farm alright we're gonna see if the pic swap works and it did it totally worked we made it to the end now I mean there's some blocks here that I keep accidentally digging and or we what's that the end there mmm something got missed there but hey this is working out pretty good the pic swap worked I don't really want to go around for your second round right now you can see not all the ice is refrozen I think that's because we should have built this up twice as big as we did like we originally planned and maybe I'll do that still we'll see but we are definitely collecting a lot of ice let me see if I can get this to stop me and toggled here and okay there we go we're good except I have no idea how I'm gonna get out of here now I'm gonna have to fight the water current all the way back to the beginning not a bad run the whole thing took about eight and a half minutes to go all the way through this which means we have what twenty two more pickaxes to go through and that means we could afk for about three hours before we have to worry about anything and I'm pretty sure I would fill the storage so that's another thing I need to do I need to fill this up I need to get more storage because we almost filled up that double chest on just that first run there and I did notice a few other little flaws in the system where there was some kind of openings or there was some blocks that I accidentally broke that needed to be changed up a little bit so I have now kind of covered this whole thing in half slabs to keep its spawn proof and also to make sure no mobs can get in and get me now and that's kind of my main concern is that I'm gonna die in this thing but I also did notice when I was editing the video that our pic didn't actually get blasted off of the item frame for some reason so yeah we need to check that out I don't know if maybe just the dispenser just missed or what happened there but let's go through here and see there it goes that's what was supposed to happen and then if I had my boots on off I would have caught that pick that just went through okay so let's take a look at this pic and see how it's doing after that run it's actually got quite a bit of durability left meaning we could definitely double the size of this farm and get this thing pretty much down to you know close to being completely broken without losing it so I do want to do that at some point like I said because it's kind of a waste right now to have only you know half broken not even half broken pics left over but I'm pretty happy with how this is turned out oh and also don't leave snowmen out in the middle of nowhere at night because I think somebody came by and killed him he probably picked a fight with somebody luckily it wasn't a creeper that blew everything up here but we lost our snowman already but that's fine we have lots of snowballs left of course they're gonna last for a very very long time and our pick they got dispensed returned home thankfully there so we didn't lose it and I think what I'm gonna do is that three plus hours of afk time that we can afford to do now with all these pics in the system I think I'm gonna go ahead and do it in between episodes which means next episode you guys are gonna find out exactly how much ice I was able to collect in those three hours so I can't wait to find that out and also it might be time for the 116 another update to hit the server come next episode which I'm looking forward to so we might have to head into the nether and do some fun other projects and decide what we're gonna do with the whole nether update so yes stick around for next episode for that because this one's starting to run long and I am I'm ready to call it a day to be honest guys but it's been fun it's been a good video I think we had a lot of fun trading with villagers they are so overpowered getting our pickaxes basically for free amazing amazing so hopefully guys enjoyed the video if you did hit that like button if you're not subscribed make sure you do that before you go and with that said I'll see you again next time and just check eat my and that's better back there have a good one everyone [Music] [Music]
Channel: impulseSV
Views: 1,109,635
Rating: 4.9283776 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hermitcraft, hermit craft, lets play minecraft, minecraft server, no swearing, family friendly, let's play, let's play minecraft, impulse, impulseSV, minecraft lets play, hermitcraft, minecraft, yt:quality=high, impulse hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, minecraft 1.15.2, minecraft 1.15 let's play, raid farm, guardian farm, minecraft kelp farm, automatic kelp farm, lets play, minecraft survival, impulse base, gaming, ice farm
Id: NwXCkXxxhXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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