Hermitcraft 6: Episode 47 - NEW CREEPER FARM!

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I thought Tango and Impulse we're exaggerating at the beginning of the season. Now I'm beginning to think they are on to something..

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/lrn2swm 📅︎︎ Nov 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

How so?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/-GalaxyFarFarAway- 📅︎︎ Nov 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

grian is such a bro

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Dudugs 📅︎︎ Nov 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

Actually, it doesn't. Its "Hivemind" when they build the same farms roughly at the same time (for the same reasons) without telling that they are going to build them. So lets see:

  1. False built her farm ~2 months ago and used it mainly as a record farm
  2. Jevin built his farm 4-5 weeks ago
  3. Tango announced that he is going to build a farm to get charged creepers ~3 months ago
  4. Cub and Scar have been talking about building a creeper farm for at least a month, probably 2 or even longer (can't remember when they started talking about "Top Gun Powder")

IMHO thats not a case of hivemind.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/just_tiscan 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone this is Mambo and welcome banks for the episode on the hermit's craft server it is episode 47 and today we are starting things off in the deserts because back over at my base we have got a monstrous monstrous project that needs to be constructed and to build it we need how much sound was it I think was like 15,000 sound blocks it sounds like a lot but it actually works out to be about 10 shulker boxes so we need all of this sand and you know what I thought this would look good in the form of a third person time-lapse so let's get straight to it so in today's hammock craft episode there's a handful of time lapses so I thought I'd do a question and answer session I've asked you to ask me questions on Twitter a bunch of you did so now I'm going to make my way through them and the first one is if there was any advice you give to yourself when you were younger what would it be I think I've got kind of two two pieces of advice the first one is classic cars of color um when I was younger I was really into classic cars and then when I got into my early teenage years I got into modern cars I've always loved cars throughout my life but yeah in my early teenage years I've got into modern cars all the modern supercars and everything like that and I dreamt of well I dreamt of all the modern cars I didn't even think about classic cars and then yeah back in I guess 2016 well 2015 I started heavily gained back into classic cars 2016 I got the campervan discovered that it's way more fun than any fast one card ever driven and then from there yeah just been fully immersed in classic cars since then so that's the first piece of advice the second piece of advice is don't stop filming things I used to film BMX videos back when I used to BMX and when I stopped bmxing I stopped filming even though I absolutely loved making those BMX in videos I couldn't think of anything to film and I really regret that I wish I'd kind of stuck with it and continued filming projects and even though I was still making Minecraft videos and things so I was still technically creating videos I just wish that I'd kept going because it really is a passion of mine I absolutely loved making filming videos and I just think how different my experience would be if I'd kept going for those four or five years that I'd dropped out you never know right that is that so we have got ourselves a bunch of sand we've also got all of the sand inside the Shocker boxes as well yep including the one that also has my spare diamond shovels so that's all gone pretty successfully hopefully that should be enough to fill in our hole that we've created out in the ocean here well we haven't actually created the hole yet that's what I was just about to say we actually need to build this thing so I'm guessing I mean the reason I've got all of this extra sand is because I can chuck that into the super smelter we can get all of the glass and then I was thinking that we just use white stained glass going all the way down to the ocean floor and that is where it's going to be isn't it crazy that it requires this much sand just to fill in that space just to clear the water from that space it requires this much sand that is bonkers I mean it is yeah it's pretty deep can I pick up this thing or is it like a permanent thing this thing this is really strange according to the Wikipedia page you can actually break them and it should only take like naught point six seconds with the diamond pickaxe but yeah it does that's working so it looks like oh don't just go that just went sweets okay see the thing is I was getting a little bit worried that we weren't actually going to be able to breathe underwater while building up these massive glass walls which definitely would have been an issue anyway I'm hoping okay looking promising I'm not looking promising not looking promising yeah not yeah okay that's going to make life a lot easier so I'm going to build up all of the blocks used in this template and oh oh I feel like I should tell you so named bomb has messaged me with some incredibly useful information so I just want to say a massive thank you to them bond for getting in touch with me and also you know we are desired while we're building them bombs design from his fantastic video on mob spawner SATs are per link to that down in the description because everyone should watch it it's serious such an interesting video and he has told me that it doesn't matter that this design here is staggering chunks so this I believe yeah that's the edge of one chunk right there and then this is another chunk and in the previous episode I was talking about how I didn't know if the design itself had to sit perfectly within one chunk but I can safely say from the creator of the farm and from someone who understands a lot about Minecraft game mechanics it doesn't have to sit entirely within one chunk so this thing is going to be nicely lined up with my base this is the final strip my little technique of kind of scanning up and down has worked out very nicely and I have to say when you're underwater this looks pretty cool now unfortunately we're not gonna get this experience ever again because I'm about to remove all of the the water from the inside of this thing and oh just let you know the reason so I'm not using sponges and there's two reasons for this okay and one of them is silly the first reason which isn't silly which is I don't actually have any sponges so if I wanted to use sponges couldn't use sponges anyway I'm sure I could borrow them off someone but yeah I'm not too fast because reason number two is because I kind of wanted to do it the old-fashioned way I've never cleared out a large area of water using sand before without using automated machines and I kind of just want to get the experience of doing it which sounds ridiculous I know in fact I feel daft even saying it so I'm just gonna shut up and I'm going to get to work on it I'll see how I feel about this after is done let's go third-person time-lapse so the next question that I got which is quite funny I actually tweeted out the other day so I mentioned in a hermit craft episode that I press shift with my thumb okay this confused a lot of people a lot of people asking down in the comment section one earth that looks like so I tweeted out a picture of it and I'll be honest so it does it is a weird setup I I honestly if I watched my hands doing it I'd be like that's weird what am i doing that but because it's just muscle memory it's just what happens thumb just goes underneath the hand presses on shift this is really strange so someone asked does it actually hurt bending your thumb for long gaming sessions I can't say I've noticed it but then again I am at the end of a very long gaming session I've been playing Minecraft for extended periods of time today take a little bit I wonder I'll answer this question when I'm like 70 if I have severe arthritis in my left thumb then I think we all know what that's from but yeah that kind of actually follows on to the next question which is what's an hour recording like now that's kind of a tricky art question to answer because obviously all videos a little bit different how MIT craft episodes tend to take a lot longer than redstone videos but as far as my schedule is concerned I tend to record videos six days a week and I tend to be in the studio between 10 to 14 hours a day and that's everything piled in together recording editing doing all the stuff the filming channel and doing all of the other administration staff like responding to emails and and all that boring business but yeah recording wise I mean it's difficult to put a number on but yeah YouTube it's a lot of hours it does take a lot of hours to run a YouTube channel and there's a lot of things behind the scenes that people don't see but it is absolutely a dream job I mean I absolutely love every second of it and that's why I dedicate so much time to it because I know that this I'm I'm incredibly privileged to be in this position in fact I actually had a survey the other day that 75% of young people want to be youtubers which is a completely mind-blowing figure and I guess I wish you all the best for that as well just go for it ladies and gentlemen we have absolutely nailed it if I just get these final few bits of sand in place that is everything so this is now fully filled in or all of the water has been removed that did not take long in the slightest and severely miscalculated the number of sugar boxes I would need I used half the amount doing anyway that aside it looks like green is that Shaniqua he's kind of helping me do the he's helped me clear out all the sand so I guess yeah you go in that direction and I'll go off in this direction and we can get this done I love the way this looks by the way is so satisfying now this is just a super fast and very satisfying time-lapse of green and I taking out all of the sand in the hole it just I mean I thought that time lapse it because while we were doing it I still had the second account logged in and I thought you looked really cool so here it is lots of sand falling looks very nice [Laughter] dude that's like high-risk what on earth is he doing so I just told green that I'm going all the way down to y equals five oh my word that is that was a brave maneuver with Elektra and all that on G's he does scare me a tiny bit with his elite replying you know that it is mildly terrifying watching him play the game anyway as I just mentioned yeah we're going all the way down to y equals five which means that I think a beacon is probably going to come in handy so I'm just removing this one from out the front of my base we're going to relocate it over to where we need to do the mining which by the looks of things green is actually helping me with as well he's I came back over to find a beacon so it looks like oh yeah we're going right the way down to the bottom together which I'm incredibly thankful for because you know mining projects never particularly exciting and they're especially not fun to do on your own and this is just another super fast time-lapse of myself in Korean taking out all of the stone down at the bottom of the hole once again my second account was still logged in I thought I'd look cool we managed to whiz through really really quickly it took us about 20 minutes in total to take out all of those blocks it just shows that I mean that would have taken me I guess 40 minutes to do on my own so it really is handy to have a friend with you to just chow on through I'm gonna have to pop over to green space at some point and do something over there all right I think greens in the process of trying to take out this sugar box here he goes now there it is that was very smooth I'll have to give him that look at that that's a good sign oh that is totally ridiculous there how many mobsters spawning down there obviously though this is good news despite it being a death pit I suppose that shows that there's not too many lit caves around because there's no real reason why that many mobs would spawn in such a small space that quickly unless there really weren't too many other options especially because half of the blocks down there were bedrock as well which are unsupportable yeah it's probably going to be pretty crazy anyway I've got to load up all of these items into the storage system now which there are thousands of them so I'm probably going to like the server and then we can start working on actually constructing this farm and the farm itself as mentioned earlier on in the episode was designed by nimble and I think you know stylistically it is absolutely beautiful I I'm almost tempted to build it in diorite just to really anger a scowl but here it is in all of his glory and yeah it's actually incredibly simple really really simple so if we take a look at the wire level here I believe this is y equals seven so we actually didn't need to mine down that far and we've got the Magpul blocks in the centre right here underneath those who've got hop of minecarts and some hoppers that's going to be transporting all the items out and then yeah we just have platforms and this super awesome really really smart way of sending the redstone signal down check that out so these observers they power the dispensers they send out the water and then I guess yeah that updates that observer which then just continues to cycle down it's so smart like so so smart there's I mean it's so beautifully elegant all right well I've just built this on the wrong level so not exactly made the best of starts ladies and gents it is raining and that is my favorite time on the Homa craft server because this thing becomes ridiculously overpowered and very fast I really need to get some form of way of being able to tell what direction I'm facing in in this base because seriously the number of times I just get totally lost and jump off the wrong side of my base and then go searching for this island is totally ridiculous anyway progress wise on the farm we've got the bottom layer all in place I've actually built that on the right level now and we're also in the process of building up all over the platform so if you see we've got the dispensers and observers running down through the middle once again absolutely love the simplicity of this thing and then I'm just in the process of building up these platforms and I think in total there are seven of them so we have done three so far so I mean look at them then they're not exactly complicated but I have chosen to build them out of my concrete which of course means that's back here again you know who would have thought this tiny little drip of water on my Island that eventually is actually going to go would get so much use and that's actually made me think you know we should really in the town area somewhere build some form of automated system for this because I know there's a way to automate it in the the item to actually get picked up and you kind of have like a really good place to do it so I don't have to keep walking around and picking up all the items that are floating everywhere yeah there's probably a spy Darren's your wife I not done that already seeing as it's night I just kind of see I want to see what happens so I've built up what all of the platforms now and if I take off which I have just about managed to do and stand up at the top here oh that was close how did he even get out there I wonder I wonder if any mobs are spawning whatsoever all right I've just logged in not on the second account just to check it out you can't see this but now you know there's lots of mobs yeah there's that there's a lot of mobs okay well that's that's brilliant excellent news there's also a ton of bats whoa you're a bat spawner down here anyway now what I really want to do is I actually want to create the system that is going to be taking the items from the bottom up to the top because you know it's just I want to work on some redstone stuff we've been doing a lot of brute force building lately and clearing out things and it's not exactly the most exciting of minecraft projects so it's always good to get a little bit of redstone involved and there's an interesting item pickup system on the inside of this that I'm kind of curious as to how it works original viewers of my youtube channel may remember the days that I was absolutely terrified of the nether I used to be so scared of it any project in the nether or anything like that I would just check right out I don't know what it was I think it was the gas and the fact I never carried a bow which reminds me I still I still don't carry about at this point in time thank goodness I know I was just talking about how nice it is that I've managed to save my fireworks for two episodes everything like that but I am very happy to have tango back so much so that I'm even gonna deposit some stone slabs on to his floor okay so if I just chuck in a handful of slabs here and then I go up top and power these Pistons I'm hoping and I'm hoping that in theory that's not what I expected at all that really isn't why I expected okay so due to the minecart hang on me des moines contrails oh my word I'm totally lost okay the issue was we had all of the minecart rails in place so now that they're removed all of our magma blocks have dropped down I'm hoping that underneath these magma blocks here these minecart rails well they're not really underneath these minecart rails or these mine carts with hoppers on the inside should now be inside those manga blogs so wherever I throw an item you should get picked up and I've got to say that's pretty promising the fact that is being picked up as it comes out of my face uh-huh yeah I'd say that's a good sign Oh got scared then Oh okay so we've got one one that doesn't want to play you know it is so nice having this sorting system and being able to just grab my items I know that I just have compared to seeing around that we've got droppers boom boom boom okay I'll get now if all has gone to plan yes we have got some items popping out of the floor yeah I probably would have been smart to actually find out the coordinates of the dropper that is sending those items up because I have no clue where it is thankfully that is now all worked out and this shoots right here is our item chute so hopefully at some point over the next couple days tons upon tons of gunpowder is going to be pouring out of this thing and is going to be making its way over to this island over here and I've got try okay yeah we are we are central I suddenly panicked I got a sinking feeling in my stomach that I hadn't really double-checked that this was all centralized and that would have made me very upset yeah I can I can imagine this is a slime chunk as well well that's ridiculous so that means that we also have a slime farm that thing's gonna be farming slimes and the best thing is is that and this is purely by chance but nan BOM has actually designed this farm the name of this farm in the world that he has built it in is the creeper and slime farm that's the name of it so it works perfectly with slimes now unfortunately only the small slimes can spawn juicer the way that we've we've used trapdoors and things like that on the platforms but it does mean but we are also going to be getting slime from this thing we should obviously you know isn't crazy cuz we do have a wicked slime farm somewhere over here but it's a nice little added bonus which is really going to help us out I guess in some ways but for the most part yeah gunpowder is going to be pouring out of this thing I think estimates are there is about Levin I can't remember I think 11,000 per hour rings a bell but obviously the fact that drowned an hour thing means that spawn rates may be a tiny bit reduced but apparently according to nem bomb if I afk at y equals 128 or roundabout there then I should be absolutely fine either way I'm excited for this thing is going to be awesome but unfortunately ladies and gentlemen that is actually all I've got time for today I hope that you enjoyed if you did please rose to that like ban and if we loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this be mumbo and I'm out RCA later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,125,381
Rating: 4.9401679 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: aA-8emc-csU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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