I Survived 100 Days Inside a Hidden Minecraft Base...

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100 days surviving inside a minecraft base this has never been done on youtube or on minecraft either and there's a reason for that but the question is is it even possible i found a minecraft face in the middle of nowhere and set myself the challenge to survive inside it for the next 100 days i was gonna have to find hidden areas blind spots i even planned out my own survival bunker you see over the years i've raided hundreds of bases but this this was a whole new challenge the rules are simple if i get caught it's over and if you go on to enjoy this please hit that subscribe button we're trying to hit a million by the end of april but guys we're making history today this is my attempt at surviving 100 days hidden inside someone else's base so day one this is where the story began went out nowhere i saw a player oh my god i dropped my invisible potion and hid behind this tree it looked like a farm so i took my armor off and looked to the hill next to me to get a better view there he was the guy that's joined the short straw [Music] oh a redstone door the secret entrance to a minecraft base now exposed to the whole world you see one thing you should know is it can usually take days and sometimes even weeks to find a base on the server this was rare i couldn't waste this opportunity so i took my chance he left the base and i went straight inside some chests furnaces crafting table nothing out of the ordinary i got straight out if i was gonna survive a hundred days in this i was gonna have to be sneaky so i found this cubby hole on the opposite side and i decided this was gonna be my safe hut for now so what's our mission today stay alive while being undercover in this space i've raided hundreds of bases in my time but this this was next level day two and it was time to get to business i went straight inside and found out that he done some work it looked like he done a strip mine of some sort and then he tp'ed right next to me oh god this was nerve-wracking i i was frozen i didn't know what to do i was like a scarecrow so i just waited i didn't want to move i didn't want to make any sound and he went to the strip mine oh oh my god a relief but the games had begun he was smelling some stone it looked like so i went out to use another invisible potion and a few minutes later went back in i stole some of his stone and i decided i needed my first hiding spot right here we'll do so my plan for this video was to find parts in his base what i could call my own a safe spot to hide we were gonna hide right under his nose so i came out and he was building more into the strip mine this was great because it meant that he was building more on the base i teleported back out and not much else happened on day two but on day three is when it went down i came back in and he was expanding [Music] so i built my second hiding spot these first days i just had to hang in there and just stay alive before he built the whole base but then at the end of the day i almost blew the whole thing i came out while he was right there and did you see how close that was he was milliseconds away from seeing my bottle but then he just carried on building that was a close call my heart was beating a bit later on in the day now and i jumped into this part and came downstairs to see that he'd been expanding even more this again was great news and to end the day i went to the shop to get more invisible potions day four i had this bright idea i mean what could go wrong right so i watched him as he built even more through the little crevice and it was clear at this point that this guy had big plans for his base ah he got pretty close here oh ha ha i mean no i look at it he was one block away and at the end of the night i came down and he was still building he had big plans but then on day five i was in a little crevice on the other side of that staircase and something crazy happened a sign on the wall and there was a lot of writing i just couldn't see what i said hold up a minute guys this sign said bill put whatever you want in here he was talking to his friend there was another guy in this faction there was two of them there was two of them this was huge but i bought some brewing stands because i was gonna have to start brewing my own potions i was drinking one every eight minutes but now i had to be so careful because if i could see blue sign that didn't mean i was safe there could be a bill guy coming on at any moment and you'll find out more about that later oh yeah and then he found my side crevice but on day seven he was still going he was building a strip mine and then he went strip mining and this was big day eight what turned out to be one of the most important days of the whole video so i'd like to welcome you to the humble beginnings of the survival bunker this is the place we're gonna call home for the next 92 days but it was important that we felt safe in this area and don't feel like we're being watched or heard so i looked up online how many blocks does minecraft sounds travel for and it turns out it's about 25. [Music] and there it was the survival bunker was born and this turned out to be a vital part of this story and you'll learn more about that later but i went back to the base and there he was he was still i assumed he was afk so i decided this was time to improve the bunker more so i added a chest and decided that the bunker needed a name like someone edgy i went for section z this was our home if you ever get suspicious then that's where we're gonna go i came down the next day and he'd been working all night [Music] he'd set up these places down here for his rooms including bills this early i just had to focus on getting out of his way so i made another hiding spot in these stairs which was a bit risky because if i did too many of these then he might catch on but then he came back and he was doing work he was expanding he was making it look nice he was making it good and of course this is only the beginning it was time to make my bunker look nice if i was gonna live inside this for the next 90 days then i wanted it to look good my section z was alive and breathing i had a sign that was going to be my close cool tally i had everything i needed a bed furnaces the next day i went to get my brewing stands for my first little hideout until i caught blue sign in action he was leaving the base just so i was about to come in in a moment decision i decided to just follow him i don't know what he does when he leaves the base so if i can figure that out i know how much time i've got but he just kept running and running so after 200 blocks i just turned back the base was empty and all mine for now he had some new weird box things in the corner i went to see if he'd done anything to the rooms didn't look like he had so i sat in this little part just to think what is going on nightmare code red i didn't have one of my inventory so i got one for my chest i was lucky he was out because that could have been game over oh i was lucky one thing i learned early on in this is this was going to be a bumpy ride there was going to be challenges every day the next day i still couldn't see his name so carried on brewing but i made potions of weakness i found out throughout this video that i am a massive noob so after years of raiding playing factions i've always just bought them from the shop and didn't actually know how to do them so if you guys don't either water bottles in nether what then a golden carrot a fermented spider eye and then finally redstone to make that bad boy eight minutes i went back and set up more potions and i had a thought if he was to ever find the bunker then i'd need an escape route so i'm gonna build one there soon but at the end of the day i went back in and he was afk but just look at this base now it was awesome guys we'd hit the jackpot so i like these two lavas in the middle of the base i could definitely get a spot behind one of them or both of them the next day started off with him afk again until he came back and he made a redstone contraption i just hid behind two chests right here probably a bit too close but i got away with it and then i realized what he was doing it was a secret chest it was so weird watching him make his hidden chest so i brewed some more potions and just hid the rest of the day out day 15 was a fun one because he came down and just opened this chest while i was on the strip mine ladder and talking a strip marlin on this day i decided to go strip mining [Music] i found a vein of four diamonds but with my fortune pickaxe i actually got six yeah not bad i went back to the base with a sense of victory i was surviving and thriving nothing could stop me i put the diamonds in the chest and then oh oh my god my invisibility ran out i done it again but this time i was dead center in the chest room i dug into the wall as quick as i could and just plugged it back up oh my god i tp back to the bunker drunken invisible potion that was my closest call yet close schools three day 16. he has no idea that any of this is going on guys remember that i can't imagine what his reaction is going to be like when he sees this video anyways he was building like an afk pawn if you guys don't know what they are these are very common on faction servers like this oh by the way guys ips in the description if you want to come play the server but yeah he went afk uh i had a bit of space so i brewed some potions i was doing this every day at this point i decided to have a little swim with him because i was bored oh what's this congrats you found the hidden sign lol oh yeah wait bill i'm right there in that moment i had an idea he was afk if i could get in a disco call with this guy then i could reveal to him one day 100 that i've been hiding in the space the whole entire time so i put a sign down that said what's our discord called again so i put the sign down and we'll see what he says when he comes back [Music] day 17. uh this was one of my better ideas of this video so this lava right here right it's in the middle of the room so i made a break for it and mine is the wall so i didn't know for sure but i had an idea this was gonna work and i mined out the back of it and if you guys didn't know you could actually f5 through lava this was insane and using quake pro i could see even further now i had a spot in the middle of the base where i could see exactly what's going on at all times so i went through the same on the other lava and then this happened oh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i am the luckiest person alive with half a heart i went back in and plugged up the lava guys that would have been it remember if i die this video is over [Music] let's give that another go the lava was so annoying and i couldn't get a good view anyway so i just left it and day 18 i just came back to section z i just kind of sat in safety and appreciated my safe bunker so i update the close call title four i think that was i think that was needed i almost just died so i'll just pure terror i decided to work on the bunker i got my potions brewed and added some torches to the base oh our escape route of course so let me explain my bunker section z could be found at any moment if he was to find it my thought process was i need an escape tunnel a plan b if you will so i did exactly that i got some water and got to work so i built a tunnel that was a few hundred blocks long that twists and turns and i wanted to do a railway system that was my idea at least [Music] and i would call this place the outbunker i know very creative so i made some rails [Music] so now if he finds the bunker we can just dip that's our plan b the escape tunnel cool hopefully we won't have to use it right i've been hiding in the space for a bit too long now and i had the best idea ever a map i left the base for the first time since day one and ventured out into the wilderness i explored the area and it didn't take long before the map was filled up so i bought item frame from the shop and voila oh it's beautiful and he was still afk so i just made it prettier so on day 21 i realized that it wasn't good that i had to break blocks to get inside the base especially with blue sign in afk pool one block away obviously i can tp in but i'm here for a hundred days i need to make this a bit more efficient so i set him with the idea of making a piston entrance my own secret entrance into the base this was so risky but he'd been away for a few days now so i got a bit confident which worked out but this was not a smart idea i'm surprised i survived this so i made a door and blocked it up [Music] and he remained afk for three days until on day 24 when he returned and of course he had my science degree him this was it if he gives me his discord then the possibilities for this videos have just doubled so i went down to the bottom of the base and drunk him with his potion while he was in the side room i crept up to the sign is it discord text you it oh no mission failed and then he just carried on building for the rest of the day and it was clear that he wasn't done expanding the space which was quite exciting but also i was a bit nervous did he put that sign there knowing that maybe it wasn't bill that came on or did he genuinely just personally message bill i don't know i just watched and actually had a close encounter his first spawner there it was it looked like a pig spawner and this is now an official minecraft base this meant that he could make money directly from his base and it was only until day 25 that i journeyed into the spawning room when he wasn't around but then he ended up coming back in while i was inside this was not good panicking this is not good this is not good but i managed to tp out and i was back in section z guys this video was so difficult i need to get across how hard this was to film i felt like i was in a thriller movie at all times anyway i ended the day by just smelling some stone day 27 however another close call i went in and i didn't know where he was and i was just lucky here my invisible particles must have been big there it was one of the hardest parts about this video because even though i was invisible he could see invisible particles if you look directly at me now this one day 26 now this hiding spot i was pretty proud of this one remember that chest in the corner of the room by the stairs yeah we're behind it right now it had a good view i could see a lot and he was just walking about i caught him on camera you would never notice it and he just carried on farming so the next day i decided to go miley again it was successful last time let's give this another go [Music] and then from the bunker entrance i saw him running to the top so this was my perfect opportunity to try out the pistons for the first time i was inside oh it worked oh yes now that was again very risky i was gonna have to be very careful i was gonna use that and then i saw this he got like a mob essence thing purely for nostalgia reasons i thought i'd return to where it all started oh the old reliable [Music] oh yeah and this was the view from that chest hiding spot there is no way you'd see that it was so good day 31 now and as much as i love this map i thought it was time we gave it some company so i had the idea if i could just get a load of these maps everywhere my wall would just be just you know beautiful i got a map and i went exploring again for some reason on the server the maps actually load up really quickly so it wasn't too long to do and this time i decided to put my arm on because if i did catch him by chance in the area because he is in the same area as me but anyway i looked at this map and i saw this part here what could that be that's so close to me oh yeah the maps are just quite deceiving really so i head back and voila so now we had a bigger map yeah looking pretty good so he hadn't been inside the base again for a few days but i could still see his name on the tablet you see after being in the base for 30 days you get pretty bored at times especially when he isn't here so i took the diamonds that i found and i mean yeah just just don't ask he just thinks bill's coming on at times that he's not in the base but then out of nowhere he came back online i was in the chest room and i could see his name i panicked a little bit so he was back to being active and i went in after him and then the door opened again he had it oh my god i couldn't leave i didn't know what to do i didn't want to make a sound and this this was the biggest turning point in this whole video he might have already had a suspicion but now he knew i was here i was inside the spawn room and i really didn't know what to do so i tp back to the bunker and this was terrifying the next day i literally stayed put i did nothing and then the server restarted which was quite good timing actually the next hours online i was terrified i was in my base thinking there any moment he was gonna find me like he was gonna see my name all of a sudden these days were pretty scary because he definitely saw something or at least he thought he saw something and he was swinging to try and hit someone invisible so these next few days are gonna be very very hard but after a few days he still doesn't come online from the reset his name wasn't on the tablet so i came into the spawner room and decided to actually use his farm if we were gonna do this challenge that i was gonna push the envelope of what was possible i went back down to realize that he'd still done nothing to these rooms which was interesting and then i broke into the side of the spawner room and just afk there so they'd spawn and also i needed to level up as well so this was just perfect and i did this a few times and then i leveled up [Music] oh that's a bit loud isn't it [Music] with the sheep leveling up that i did i had loads of wool so i was born on this day and decided to spruce up the entrance to the bunker a little bit [Music] at this point the bunker was surprisingly looking really nice i'm not much of a builder but it just kind of worked out to look like this so i added some final touches so the next day was just me waiting around and then the next day i just waited in the lava but he was back this is the first time that i'd seen him since the incident so my heart rate was already quite going up i just kind of let him do his thing i didn't make any noise or move or anything so i decided that i wanted another exit of my base just in case so i made this little button here and mined into the wall and made a redstone trap so as you can see i'm making a lot of noise here and that's why it was important i had to make this bunker so far away that i could do these things and not worry about him hearing it anyways i mined out about 30 blocks in one way and then mine to the top and put ladders up so this was kind of like a another exit just if we needed it so i went to check out the base again and it looked like he was in the spawner room i went to the lava and i could see him leveling up and getting sheepheads i test the waters a little bit and got a little bit closer but as usual i backed off but there was many days of surviving left so i had to be sneaky he started expanding again there was still more that he wanted to build onto this base this was great the moral merit i guess but what was this gonna be and i just kind of slid back into this crevice and let him do his thing all i could tell is that this was gonna be big and definitely something cool so i just got back out so he was just doing his thing while he was really active i thought it was smart if i just let him get on with it i was so close i could touch his hand had he just forgotten i mean he actually swung at me and he's just carrying on right now and this was looking crazy i kept my distance while i looked like he was filling up from waterfalls and he went past me and i went in to see the base [Music] and look at this it was crazy look at this i just couldn't believe it what is going on this is so cool i mean there's bookshelves there's lava there's cracked stone on the wall and then he came back with a hoe so it was clear that this was a new farm just a very very good looking farm but in terms of the challenge this was really good because there was even more room for me to hide in and i had more space on day 47 he did some more leveling up and i assumed that he was making lots of money at this point then i got trapped in the farm while daydreaming i didn't want to move if i'm moving he sees my particles it was over so i just kept my distance [Music] moments like these my heart was going it's what made this video so exciting but also terrifying to record and then he started building something in the corner oh and he was building something inside he was leveling up once again on the next day so i quickly took this opportunity to run and have a look i opened the button and guys he had a task room yo this was crazy so new chest room indoor tree farm rubbish bin 300 000 cow spawners more base expanding and find a base this was fascinating i was in this base and i knew everything that this guy wanted to do and he has no idea that i'm still here but guys if you look on the top left we've made it this is the halfway point day 50. so far i was still going i'll be honest i didn't think i'd make it this far i'm surprised i was still alive but the second half was underway and i was more excited than ever i went back in the base and he was just getting over this thing i took this day just to kind of watch and see what he's doing hello so he destroyed his chest and went on to make a better looking chest room this was his first task he was ticking off he added vines to the room and started to make the base look a bit old a bit retro blue sign was really interesting he loved the idea of making the base look nice so i head back to the bunker got out before i got caught and did you see that he walked straight back over to the lava so i don't think he saw me but that was weird he he walked right up to me and then he broke in almost to where my bunker entrance was it's lucky that i've actually filled it up with stone because that could have been bad the next day was a bit calm as he voyaged down to the strip mine and i just let him do it i sat pretty much afk and he came back late the next day and put his stuff in his chest [Music] so you get a lot of time to think on this challenge i'm in this space for hours and hours on end and just with me and myself right so while i was killing these sheep and leveling up i thought how can i make this challenge a little bit more exciting what could i do to spruce this up a little bit and i know you guys are like matt what are you talking about you're already living in a base i don't know when i'm doing videos i just like to make them on the edge of excitement i thought with some ideas but first i went back to my base because i leveled up and this time i didn't want to make the sound difference whoa level three and then i had actually quite a close call but he wasn't done updating his base he went around and he put signs and everything to label them of what they were like farm and then everything came crashing down i thought it was a good idea to make my own secret opposite door in the melon farm but i didn't think he was in the base at the time and he came down the stairs as i was open in plain view he just blocked it back up but i had just shown him blocks actually placed piston doors i'd place blocks this time it wasn't particles that you thought you'd seen but that one he must know that that wasn't bill for now i was alive but i had to be very careful now [Music] so it was day 16 i just been in the bunker to get some invis potions and i tp back in at the exact same time he did we synced our tvs anyways it was a scary moment and i freaked out a little bit as you saw but he didn't do anything guys this was just crazy but if i let that stop me now then i'm never going to complete this so let's go dave 61 and the next two days was a hundred days in a minecraft base as you could imagine i laid low and kept my distance i realized he hardly stripped mine so this was actually my new favorite hiding spot i could see the whole base and he rarely came down here i decided to return back into the lava that almost killed me earlier in the video as he had now had like an integrator in his base i could maybe get a better view [Music] he was there let's try it out yeah i had a surreal moment i could actually complete this we've done too much we've done too far we have to do it now these vines right here a cool little hiding spot he definitely won't look up to the top of the ceiling i did be back to the base and got some more voice potions i was stacking him at this point on day 64 i went to check out the escape route again just to make sure that everything was all dandy and i had to get some mine carts to put up the front oh yeah and i updated the close calls to five this time i couldn't do like the tally thing but you know we're in minecraft day 65 i sat in the middle room and it was just very melancholy i was always looking around for bits in the base that i could make a new hiding spot i had the idea if i sit in this corner and put like a stair oh not like that if i can get a cool angle on this it'll be really hard to notice one tiny hole and i could get away into the entrance but this was actually really cool i could see him coming and it was just a cool way to hide on day 66 i was a bit more active but bluey was minding his own business and i thought he was watching like a youtube video or something because he started to build a redstone thing in the complete middle of the base just like really slowly and then after a little bit he destroyed it and carried on so let's make this wall a big map shall we on day 67 i got some more maps and i went out to complete my map wall oh it was gonna be beautiful anyway i did the maps and it took pretty much all day nothing that really interests happened i didn't find any other bases or players although that would have been very cool and again i had my armor on just in case i did see him or anyone else and i could just end a pearl away if i saw anyone but i did a lot of maps guys i did like five or six maps around every single area anyways i bought some item frames and got back the next morning destroyed the close call sign and it was time to make this a big map i've been waiting for this moment i was quite excited uh how am i gonna how am i gonna how do i know which way they go in i managed to get them in the right order and it looked glorious i finally managed to get it right and they were all in order it looked amazing just as well as i thought it was gonna this was just sick i need to do this in my actual base like this is so cool and as you can see i was very proud as a proud little bunker boy but you know what enough of the games we were here to survive we were coming up to the last quarter of this challenge and there's no going back now i had to finish what i'd started he was gone for the whole day but his name was still on tap and the next and the next and the next day but on day 73 he came back and he might have been looking for bases or at spawn shop i don't know he was a fairly active player though which made this challenge a lot harder so while he was still i thought i'd get up in his grill a little bit i should not have done this you're doing bad things matt this is not good this is not smart you're going to die if you do this matt and then day 74 he came back again we were seriously in the end zone now all we had to do was stay alive for 26 days day 75 three quarters through and he had no armor on its first time i'd seen his actual skin the next day he was just going about his business and on this day i have in my notes and it says this what about bill the bill guy still hasn't come online so bill who is this bill guy he had two signs about him in the space he said he discorded texted him i've been in the space for days and days and days in end and i'd still not seen this bill guy i was starting to think that he wasn't even real but yeah i was really hoping that he'd come on in the last few days day 78 i was doing general admin stuff in the bunker doing my invis potions you know how it is it was near the end of the challenge now and i should have done this earlier but i decided that i'd go to the shop buy some more brewing stands and deck out the bunker a little bit more just to have a bit more efficiency because i was doing it with two the whole entire time so i went back in i made it look all nice and i put down all the brewing stands it was day 79 and yeah by the way it was really weird to see him without the armor like i'd seen him for so long with armor i didn't actually know what he looked like he was afk or at least he was still for a moment so i walked down to the room and had a look at bill who is this bill guy i decided to go back in the task rumors i hadn't been in there since i actually first went in there to see that signs have been removed so he'd been going in and out i just hadn't seen it obviously this guy is like a real person in a real base trying to raid people just like i'm in a base like right now just a weird concept but yeah day 80 i was in the bunker like normal and again just was laying low i didn't want to lose on this day so it's probably a good time now to tell you what my plan was remember earlier when i said that i was thinking of ideas of how to spruce this up day 80. i was 80 through this and if i can get to day 95 and he hasn't found my bunker he hasn't seen me if i'm still alive on day 95 i was gonna do the last five days completely visible no invis pots i was feeling good and i was feeling excited but after all this time i didn't learn one simple thing this piston entrance was a terrible idea you know at the start of this video i thought this was an impossible challenge but as the days go on i started to believe i won't get caught and i was so far in that you just kind of sit there and you think it won't happen until it does [Music] [Music] [Music] no no it's over oh i opened it right in front of him it's done he found the bunker [Music] oh [Music] i opened it right in front of him i went back to the base and then i realized hang on a minute i survived 100 days i survived i survived he might have found my bunker but as long as i can survive the next 18 days then it's still on [Music] i got rid of it all everything i ever did every hiding spot every block placed there was no trace of me left by keeping my distance and not moving a muscle i managed to get through the last few days untouched and this this is what the bunker looked like yeah i came out the entrance it was the moon of day 99 guys it was pitch black and silent i don't know how i was here i don't know how i did it this was impossible this was surviving a hundred days hidden inside an active minecraft base and we did it [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: OhTekkers
Views: 10,086,410
Rating: 4.8782234 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, OhTekkers, Minecraft factions, SaiCo, Minecraft video, Minecraft funny, No cursing, kid friendly, I Survived 100 Days, I Spent 100 Days, 100 Days in Minecraft, Inside a Hidden Minecraft Base, Secret Miencraft Base, Minecraft Raid, Hardcore Minecraft
Id: 2ayZmclKDIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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