Hermitcraft 6: Episode 30 - MUMBO AFK PRANK!

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hello everybody welcome back to hermitcraft now this is a secret okay but you remember last episode that was like yesterday mumbo was afk you see that you see that in the tab list well it's been like 12 hours and he's still afk he's been there overnight he's still in that little box over there and do you remember that I gave him a trident because he lost one of his and I said how that was such a good deed that I did well I need to mess with him now there's no such thing as a free lunch I'm gonna win list the help of somebody and we're going to really mess with him so I've told this guy yo let's go come and meet me at my base and bring the obsidian that I asked for now even though that there's obsidian involved in this you need to understand the lengths that I'm going to go to to make sure that mumbo has a very bad first 5 minutes of his next episode this is going to be absolutely hilarious let's just wait for his Scouts to get here oh there is oh hey it's Kyle yo man what was going on why did they say run I don't know I hope that they didn't mean anything because I'm scared this is a trap you asked me to bring obsidian last time I was here I remember falling into a pits and yeah I remember that no this isn't for you this is for our moustached friend ok oh ok yes so come come with me it's better to show you what he's done to himself and then you can understand where I'm coming from what he's done happens so rarely on this server that we have to do something and I don't feel bad about what we're going to do because I gave him a free Trident and as everybody knows there's no such thing as a free lunch right so this is this is the this is the thing that makes it ok right so over here we have our flying mumbo jumbo leo okay okay dude but what he's done is he's taken off all of his gear and put it in that chest because because last time he was afk in here he died and lost everything because phantoms spawned so just to be on the safe side he's removed his everything agreein the master asks me to bring obsidian III connect the dots right all right good they say the planets have aligned and it is time to pull a prank on mumbo pretty sure you me and the audience know what we're gonna do now yes I better take my hat off for this one I better I better put my put my good face well all right I'm not gonna put on my one because what I've also got here is a curse of binding green head and we're gonna we're gonna dispense this on his face yes there's so many layers to this we're gonna take this so over the top that he's going to he's gonna log back in right well no he's gonna come back to his computer and he's gonna be like wait what's this so he's gonna see that he's got loads of green heads and they see that chest that's where the Trident is and the Trident has been renamed to the fork of friendship okay and then he's gonna realize why am I in a cobblestone box and then he's gonna realize he's got a curse of binding hat on him and then he's gonna realize he's stuck his items have gone and then he's gonna realize he's stuck in obsidian this is going to be absolutely hilarious it's gonna be good yeah yep let's do this okay I have myself plenty of obsidian to do this we need I think we need to make the Box kind of big enough wait wait wait does he ever Selectron he doesn't uh he does have his ax lighter on oh no have my plans been scuppered I bet he has got his stuff on him why would he do that though why it place a chest and keep his pickaxe on him I don't know I say we go ahead with it I mean this is a weird assortment of things that he's got in here it feels like okay this is my logic here is that because he died he's created this chest so that he can dump his items just in case it happens again so it doesn't make sense if he has everything you know it doesn't make sense I I said I say we go ahead with it bro yeah let's commit to this and then if he has got his pickaxe it won't be as funny we're gonna make this obsidian box just a little bit bigger than this cobblestone box we get the sense of achievement from falling down a block when he breaks the call okay have you got have you got some the materials that I asked you to bring some pink dye I have pink dye yes I'm - I have obsidian I'm gonna dispense I'll wait for you but I'm gonna dispense this so I've got a green head and it's called together forever what is wrong with you many many things I just I feel like I can't be like good or evil I have to be neutral but because I gave him like a trident and I helped him with the creeper farm I feel like I just I've the balance of nature has been tossed uh strewn you know I have to I have to restore the balance do you want to see you want to see this curse of binding head go on him I won't I do I do what is wrong - hold on right you ready says together forever in there this is crazy dude this is five and a half stacks of obsidian yeah I didn't think this through very much okay I've just confirmed that in this chest here he's got all of this stuff still here like to Elektra for diamond sword for some reason but he's got a subscribed pickaxe here I think he's left his stuff here you know I'm gonna rename this pickaxe salvation salvation where are you gonna put it he's not getting it for free I hope no what we're gonna do is we're gonna put this we're gonna put this pickaxe in a chest and cover that chest with obsidian so even though Gophers so yeah basically we're gonna put a sign saying cuz right hit this is how I picture it playing out he's gonna look in he's gonna go through all that stuff finding the Trident etc and he's gonna try and escape and he's gonna try and dig down he's gonna dig through the cobblestone and then he's gonna fall down into that little area that we've made right yes yes and then we leave a sign that says salvation lies inside and we're gonna put the chest that of the pickaxe inside the chest so it doesn't matter what he does really he could punch a hole through the obsidian downwards or he could punch a an obsidian above the chest it makes no difference to me but he's he's got to do it yeah yeah he has to punch obsidian basically oh oh no no no no is he safe down there is he safe yeah he's safe he's safe he's safe okay I mean does it work on the head level to do this I don't even know well what does anyone wait to find out there we go nice beautiful he's gonna put he's gonna like connect all of these dots together I've made an entrance for us graceful alright oh so the theory is he's gonna login he's gonna find out all this stuff and we need to put in some chests so we put like that maybe yep okay so I'm gonna put salvation in the top left one that one there we'll put sorry not this one and then I'll put subscribe to miss cow right here subscribe to curry in here and and we are thinking alike here so I'm gonna do this yes we need to hold on and then I'll write this sign here right there we go so this is how I see it planet panning out okay so he logs in or he comes back he sees in front of him a bunch of my green heads and a chest he opens the chest and he sees the fork of friendship and he's like ah that's nice and then he checks his inventory and he sees he's wearing some trousers that say what do they say he's got any trousers and a green head on his face that says together forever he then starts to panic about why he's covered in cobblestone and then and then he starts to break down now if he does have a pickaxe this is all broken already it doesn't work but it's still funny but if he doesn't have a pickaxe he's got to punch through the cobblestone and fall down here and he's gonna be like what the heck and then he's gonna see these signs then he's gonna have to either break through this obsidian here to get in the chest or he's gonna break through and fall down the bottom but he doesn't know how thick we made this exactly the smartest thing is always always like you know do what what you think is right do you with the sign say do what the signs say that that's the golden rule of Minecraft that person doesn't know that does not play the game obviously hold on I need to I need to check one thing what's that yeah there there are some blocks in here so I'm gonna remove the blocks and the chests anything that he can pillar up with so that the natural way will go to be to go down and if you would have blocks he may have like going upwards let's just take you out of this stuff you know let's just I'll put a pin head in there oh and the chest plate look at that oh do you think he has food by the way cuz otherwise he will die feat subscribe hey mumble style here this is silly we're both just renaming everything Oh what have you done you've done subscribe I've done sorry not sorry and this is the price of a free trident i think i think we're officially done here i think we could call it a day our work is done hopefully mumbo will learn his lesson not to go afk while while we're in play on the server oh my goodness I'm glad I had some help eggs otherwise this would have taken ages thank you so much thank you he's either gonna take this really well or really badly either way it's all in good fun mumbos not gonna be angry not too angry anyway it's not gonna lose his mustache no well hmm they are piling in that was really good fun and the punishment that mumbo had to endure was only about four minutes ten now it's actually the next day from recording and mumbo has actually left he is afk again can you believe it I cannot wait to see his reaction because well if we go and have a look he has escaped wait does he's removed everything he removed all of that obsidian okay now I feel kind of bad wait no wait a minute there was nothing in there I'm pretty sure there's nothing oh I wasn't flying oh I totally deserved that this is why I keep back up your lecture on me okay let's go pick up all of our stuff [Laughter] I meant to be good at flying remember so anyway mumbo has escaped he's got rid of all the Obsidian I cannot wait to see what that looked like I think he's now afk over here instead yep there he is I suppose he's got to go afk so that all of his farms can run off I wonder what he did with the curse of binding stuff look he's he's got all of his gear and he did he move did he move oh he's there he can totally see me there's some funny business I knows it it wasn't me it was the man in the chicken costume he's he must like have some sort of security system now he must have liked his sound on so that he can hear if anyone starts messing with him okay well we won't we won't pull the same prank twice yeah but that is very very funny and I also got some more gem donations which has resulted in even more player heads and you guys are so clever or well you're either very clever or I'm just bad at making riddles because well you guys sussed out my riddles very quickly and so have the Hermus they've gone so let me take you through them and say that I can tell you so this green head riddle is inside the spherical bone that lives redstone you will need to go inside the cutlery that sits above the plate with pride all right so that one is done now what that was is the spherical bone which is a skull and it hides redstone but that could be anyone that could be tango but then the cutlery that you typically place above a plate is the spoon meaning inside mumbos head is where all the green heads were and he's got a tiny little brain in here but tango found it first so are you a beatin don't go losing your head over it so yeah tango found this one fair and square so that was riddle number one found fairly easily now riddle number two was meant to be the harder one but that's the one that's everyone seemed to get instantly from night today but never days a night seek beneath the Tower of right now most of you got that that was the tag Tower because you're scared of being tagged so well done to everyone and from day to night well from night to day but not never day tonight that means a bed so if we go over to the tag Tower there is a bed right here so if you can work out that it's bed plus tag tower dig down you get yourself the green head prize no don't know who found this one probably tango but I think those were pretty good riddles if I do say so myself but obviously not good enough because they were found so quickly but because we have a bunch more green heads and everyone seems to have a lot of fun trying to work out my riddles I'm gonna try and do a couple more while we're here I just need to find a suitable place man that I thought those riddles might last a little longer than that so yeah I'm gonna have to think about this and I should also just place some heads around as well so that I can keep the game going they don't necessarily have to be too hidden and I've even put a load of them exactly where the heads were before but the green head hunt has actually been really interesting I'm just hoping to see a bunch more well green head Wars going on I want to see people stealing some stuff you know I want to see people taking green heads from other players in really creative ways so in an undetermined location meaning that you guys don't know where it is either I have placed 20 green heads I don't want to place too many in case my riddles are really far too easy to get so I'm now gonna write a new one I don't think I'm very good at making riddles this might be far too easy but here this out and see if you can figure it out the green head riddle neither white nor black this thing takes flight seek inside the soft winds that I just write it inside with inside let me try that again okay it doesn't rhyme but it sounds better than the last one neither white nor black this thing takes flight seek within the soft inside that kind of it sounds nice we'll go into another one now I just need to go and find a location and then come up with a riddle sometimes there's also fantastic opportunities like this where I can create passengers for planes and such how funny does that look anyone flying by is gonna see all this now I don't want to put too many in here cuz that's a lot of green heads but I think that's pretty funny okay let's go and find a location all right so I've picked down another place and I just spent about ten minutes trying to figure out how to make this riddle work and again I think it's too easy I it's meant to be fun and it's also meant to be possible I'm really not cut out for this job but everyone seems to really enjoy okay let me read this one again for you green head riddle to the limit you must go travel yonder to the color of snow stand in the middle and you will fall that which has to but never three dropped down to green heads 33 now I hope that that's good enough it it's not the perfect riddle but it gives enough clues to work out what it is and that's the main thing now if they find those clues super quickly I'm just gonna have to come up with something so difficult and herbs obscure that it just it just gets found that's what I'm gonna have to do I think those were probably too easy I'll kind of get an idea if you guys can figure it out just like that and well I suppose you guys know a lot more about the henna craft server than I do in some regards so be interesting to see right so let's crack on shall we [Music] that the higher this building guess I'm kind of grateful that it can't get any taller because if it did I probably just keep falling in my base all the time now last episode I said that we would continue with this time-lapse down here in the cave now unfortunately I haven't had time to do that but I'm going to continue this in my spare time because it is pivotal that this gets done it's just unfortunately quite a boring project to work on just placing stone all the time is just a little bit on the dull side unfortunately I just wish making a cave was a bit more fun maybe I could employ the help of Skaar here to help speed up the process but I'm sure scars got his own projects to work on and anyway this is meant to be a big secret even though I'm showing you guys at least is a little bit safer in here so we'll leave this for now this will be ticking away in the background but one thing is for sure we need an entrance to it and that's going to be a bit of an issue because there's a layer of water between my base and this but I kind of wanted to drop down and roughly in the center here so if I take this and I tower up we can work out roughly where we want this to go and I'm going to need to do a bit of redstone piston re to try and get through here oh that's oh that's right on the beacon that is that's actually rather unfortunate we need to think about this carefully and this is such an awkward place like there's there's like an aquarium underneath my base still that I just haven't taken care of actually the way that this is at the moment this actually looks like it could be the center if actually if I just moved across a few blocks that direction this could easily be the center meaning I can work around my beacon problem and I can have an entrance into the center of this now I did say that I was going to keep the purpose of this a secret but again you guys are so clever and have already kind of worked out what this might be for so I'm guessing we'll keep this as the main entrance but I want to show you how I plan on making this entrance so I'm plan on hiding this as a trident wall now I did say before that I would show you I showed you the whole pressure plate thing that when you throw the trident it activates the pressure plate but i got an email from someone called jay and they showed me a new technique for this that's absolutely genius they obviously had been playing with the trident just like i had in a trying to make a new system for it and they figured out that you can detect a trident through a wall in a much better way than i have been doing so this is what we do you place a bunch of tripwire hooks like this behind a wall and then of course link them up with some string so it's already not exactly a cheap mechanism but it's genius now just to show you the fact that there's an output I'll put some redstone lamps here so I've set up the wall here now there's a thing that a trident does when it returns to you it pauses for a second but then it kind of glitches to the other side now this is an entity so if I throw it here it passes through as you can see just for a second before it comes back to me if I throw this in theory at this wall there we go if I throw this at the wall it passes through to the other side and it hits the string on the other side triggering the redstone now that is amazing all I need to do is throw this red this droid an at any part of the wall now unfortunately it's not a hundred percent reliable but most of the time you throw it at the wall it will activate the string behind it and you get a signal it is kind of annoying that it's not a hundred percent of the time I'm not sure what I'm doing differently maybe it's just because I'm hitting it kind of between blocks but if I throw it out there it yeah I think the trick here is to throw it in between two blocks I'm still just throwing it at the wall so it's very much the same principle as my Trident lock door before but this time there's a lot more freedom with throwing against the wall and also there's a lot more chance of someone just randomly throwing a trident at you one of your walls and setting it off so this is really really clever back here all it's a very simple mechanism but the Trident activates it so easily so anyway that's basically what I plan on doing to open up this cave down beneath us somewhere and I'm hoping that there will be a good wall to do it on so maybe like over here so I'll just throw the try over there it will trigger open up a hole down there and down I go if anyone has a smarter way to do this or some other method that is way better than this one then please please please go ahead and let me know what is ex doing here can I help you excuse you can I help you what's what's he doing I'm not sure what X is up to well there he goes I'm not sure what's going on here I just hope that he doesn't go down here that's the main thing as long as he doesn't go down into the infinity room I think we're okay well zoom a prances around my base this might be a good opportunity to tell all of you about the new nether hub design so if I press tab for a second you can see there's some rather large numbers next to people's names now this counts how many nether quartz or blocks I think possibly that you break in the nether here because we are making a huge and I mean a huge mini map of the entire server I think zoomer probably explained it the best on his video but basically you see this like dark outline here that's the border of what we're going to be working on and we need to clear out all of this netherrack which is a serious task so it's gonna take a lot of time I've already committed quite a lot of resources to this but I don't actually want to build too much of it but I'm quite happy to help try and clear out as much as possible I'll make some contributions oh no he can't go in the he wants to go in the infinity room I need to stop him there's that there's incriminating evidence in there oh no he's gonna find it you can't you can't go in there right now you know it's occupied X okay I think he kind of knows where it is but not not truly nowhere and knows where it is I don't know don't go in there don't no no oh no no okay X um look it's not what it looks like now how did that how did that get there but day and I human earth keeps this it keeps a costume down here like that what on earth and dies nothing to do with me oh I don't why don't you just come on out of there now X come on come along now come on out someone has gone and put a chicken costume in my infinity room now what why would someone do that Oh so X is looking for the green heads but he can't figure out the riddle oh this is brilliant I need to go and read it again to make sure that it actually makes sense cuz I'll be honest with you guys he got very very close there but he didn't quite get the get get it there so let me just check if he's got it head to the limit you must go travel yonder to the color of snow stand in the middle and you will fall that which has to but never three drop down to green heads 33 no that makes sense no it actually does make sense he got very close but not close enough you know he no I agree with III I have made a really good riddle that is going to lead people round my base but they're not you gonna find it so yes the green heads are in my base but the riddle is actually really good you have to take each part of it into consideration okay well someone's gone and put a chicken costume in my base which is it must have been the man in the chicken costume he must be keeping his stuff in my base which is absolutely absurd so yeah that was the nether hub thing going on that we're gonna be we're gonna be taking out a lot of that netherrack but I'm afraid that is it from me for today everybody I do appreciate you guys watching ever so much that last episode of hermit craft was actually on the trending page for gaming I've never had a trending video in my life so that is very very exciting and I want to thank each and every one of you for your continued daily support of this series it actually makes me incredibly humbled so thank you so much for not just watching this video but watching all of these hermit crab videos it's it's been an absolute blast and I can't wait to keep going because I have so many ideas and I want to keep making some brilliant episodes for you that are equally goofy and fun to watch so thank you very much everyone and I'm gonna continue mining netherrack forevermore good
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,461,485
Rating: 4.9331698 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, hermit, hermitcraft grian, hermitcraft 6, afk, mumbo afk, minecraft pranks, mumbo jumbo prank
Id: 57kBzMu7RK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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