Hermitcraft 6: Episode 66 - WAAARRRR!

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hello everyone this is mumble Malcolm banks for the episode on the hermit craft surveys episode 66 and today we are starting things off in the team star headquarters this place is looking pretty incredible I mean there is so much redstone action going on in this area here I've actually just spoken to Doc M for a little while and he's been running through all of the traps and all of the explosives and all of the things that are going to be kicking off in this base when the cease fire goes down and I have to say it all sounds it sounds completely crazy I I honestly I don't know what to say I mean I'm completely blown away by how much is going on here now the cease fire is actually going to be going down very very shortly we're going to be ending the cease fire soon and I thought this would be a good time to actually get in and do my mold task so for those of you who don't know I have been given a task by Green however he told me to destroy the message so let's go into my screenshots it says that I need to create a weapon door or other redstone contraption for Team Star rig it after the ceasefire has ended you must ensure the blame is put on someone else also please report on the quality of the opposition's facial hair hmm that's actually harder than I thought I'd forgotten about that last bit I've been saying here for about 20 minutes and I'm yet to come up with any ideas but after about 35 minutes I've managed to come up with something that I think could end up functioning quite nice heat dispenser we've got redstone repeaters redstone dust do we have no of course you don't have any TNT what else do we need probably a button and yeah I think that should potentially do us so the idea is really simple around the edge of the team star headquarters we have got ourselves emotes and I thought it'd be cool to turn some of this motes into a weaponized area now I know we've got all the magma blocks which are definitely going to help out and kind of prevent a lot of the hermit's from actually being able to get onto the headquarters and they're surprisingly effective everyone loves a bit of TNT and we can make use of soul sand and this dispenser which will be filled up with TNT to shoot TNT up onto the water surface hopefully killing anyone that is above or at least harming them pretty badly so you've got one dispenser there I guess we could probably chuck a few dispensers around the place and then we have to connect them all up with one redstone line and then hook them into an input shouldn't be too tricky this is really not a safe place to be all of this magma means that actually things like creepers drop down to the surface and then actually explode I almost got killed by creeper underwater okay now we have total security going right the way round so we've got dispenses that are lined up or all the way around here and I have to say this is actually gonna do a pretty good job at defending this area of the pace if you kick this off when a players try walk through the water it should end up looking pretty impressive however I have just realized I haven't actually tested this yet so let's let's give it a go and three two one fire in the hole yes that's exactly what I wanted it to do and it hasn't destroyed anything which is also quite nice because I actually thought that one might be a little bit too close to the edge but no that's that's perfect awesome okay let's link these up oh yeah I forgot that I'd left TNT in this dispenser yeah maybe we should before we start placing in redstone torches and things thankfully it was under water certain actually caused any damage right I think that is everything connected so that is there that one's theirs and if we snake around like this it took a lot of exploring to get this right so we've got that one right there no I think the rest of them actually don't have redstone torches on the bottom so we'll connect up all of those because there's the next one and then we have one over here and then this is where we start getting into the cave system so there's one there there is one over here I don't know how many we've got in total I think maybe eight or nine and then I think this one yeah that one there is the last one so I've just done a very crude test in and I rights and it seems like all of them seem to be firing I mean it was a pretty terrible test because the diary and she just went off all over the place but it looks like we've got total coverage with every single one of the dispensers I guess we should probably start loading up with tea and tea and we're gonna need a lot more than that but first you know what time it is oh dear we have actually run out of gunpowder 64 and 16 I hope that's gonna be enough no I was going to make the activation underneath or go through this thing so I was going to have the input somewhere on the roof here but this entire things made out of obsidian wow that's impressive so instead of that I have put it over here now I'm very nervous because this thing is about to be tested for the first time live with TNT and has anything been destroyed that's the first question that comes to my head because I realized as I hit that button there's some crazy stuff around here and I really don't fancy destroying it but no no it hasn't yes that is so so cool one awesome little redstone contraption that is sweet it almost seems a shame that part of my mole Duty is actually to render that thing out of action eventually and then I have to make it look like it's my fault yes still not 100% sir and how I'm going to do that especially because I've made a video of me saying that I need to make it look like it's not my fault but the people on Team Star could definitely watch this video and they will then know that it's it's my fault you know I'm starting to think that maybe I'm not a very good mole that aside I thought would be a good idea to actually label this button so now people know what to press if they want to activate the TNT mode but I'm not going to be touching that until the ceasefire goes under which is actually really really soon I'm actually gonna have to get prepared for this now I think the idea is is because we could potentially die from this it's iron ore all around iron tools iron armor whole lot it's gonna feel like going back to episode one it's so weird not being able to delete four jumps anymore it's like how I move around on them oh no I can still do them I was just getting around on the server really does take longer when you don't have a leecher I'm currently on my way over to the headquarters the ceasefire is about to end so I guess I'll catch you when it all starts to go down I'm kind of nervous oh my goodness it was fancy dress update are you wearing is what are you guys wearing pirates right Power Rangers a VESA marching band is go I don't wanna start the eye team over here I'm I'm having second thoughts about this you know because I don't know about you but we've spent a lot of time building up this base this is like a whole season's worth of work putting in here so you know is it worth it you know I don't know if I want to do this you can concentrate I'm gonna pin it with my chaos cannon are you be quiet be quiet what is that I had chicken I mean look at your base come on and take down the flag you take it down I feel like we're just sitting here waiting for them to shoot at us or something and probably they do the same like a cold war what's happening an old schoolmate standoff just yeah just man cop was here I didn't see him at all I saw he was on bro he people up mumbo and Davin else went down tango on their side yes so what is what is his deal did he think that we weren't gonna start the war and so he started it just to make sure he can make money off of it hired by them and tango was just collateral damage dude he made 600 diamonds in one day or something from from selling TNT and everything he's the only winner of this thing Indian ah yeah you gotta hand it to him he's pretty smart but she's he's spawned this war now it did her smile a lot by the way guys test something on their roof that wasn't there before the two chimneys where they're always there there's a tripwire see that oh wire and they they got something up their sleeve X can you use a cheetah vision yes amazing she assumed right now I can't see the trip bar but there's definitely some blocks that weren't there before I don't know what you're talking about to be honest with you I'm lost on this one you won't see it from the angle down there I think I see I don't I don't I don't know that we should just sit here waiting from the fire whatever that is at us I think maybe we should take the first shot yeah that's like let's take the first shot impulse how do we always well we're gonna man that we're gonna marry the gas cannon yes let's just do it why not I'll see you in place yeah I'm ready but the fire is disappearing out for me I'm taking down the G is yours that shooting false we won't we won't see the damage because those are in chunks they're just a bit beyond the render distance right they're so far away I'm getting a closer look all right I'm going with me you've hit the glass on the roof yes also fire oh my god that's fire have I broken their base I can't really tell you I'm working about making races one of them is on the roof I can see them try to hit it oh it still looks like a G to me oh yeah there's definitely there's definitely a hole in the glass am I taking the G the G seems to be pretty hard but it doesn't seem to be the damage the steaks time to render oh my god Davis you have to go load those channels it doesn't look like I'm doing you can't destroy the G though I don't know I think it might be too hard they're doing saying are they yep he's up by the tree I mean Adam what's Kevin's that Jevons down front oh I see them there they're emerging they're emerging there on the right-hand side oh my god I think we started something oh they said the gospel back to our base guys split up to the battle rooms we need to fire back this is insanity okay there's so many zombies day and waiting the cannon help me defend the cannon guys oh my god there's a million zombies incoming what did they do I have reagent pods in case of emergency tango died I don't know it was also dead there's no man I didn't think this would escalate so quickly come on it was just a few Casper's like I need a little minions yeah it's nuts oh my god fighting back guys oh my god director cornering me usually enderpearls in case of emergency oh my god what's exploding oh my god this is crazy it's a pillar out using green heads oh are you go you're right I'm alive I'm alive I can knock you out oh this is crazy dan that's this must be the secret weapon man zombie apocalypse that is they've done I must admit I'm impressed dude we're gonna strike back I didn't think I would shoot creepers right away we have no charge creepers ready to fire but bro are they coming they might use this as a distraction to it tried to take over right away there's one with my head on it this thing are they coming there's Cal that's its Cal well I think that's all crap they're coming with horses what are we doing okay let's let's let's over to the Hannah's dome creeper cannon yes should we launch a creeper first mumbo they're trying to come through the moat get to the get to the TNT the TNT that's a good idea yeah okay well let's get in here come on ah right here don't fall in the hole is there anyone in the moat yeah here here here I think they're coming over Falls um I don't no idea man those ProGuard they come down here yeah ok let's go some TNT is a scare tactics okay it looks like it's now might be on the wall okay watch out creeper is incoming see it should be working hopefully we should see a creeper coming what button do i press wait did we picking up another creeper okay cannons being loaded wait you go downstairs all the way down follow this letter and you see one button there I tell you when we're ready to fire okay I'm onna see this I really want to see this yes okay you guys wait wait okay we got two creepers in the hole okay we're ready to fire ready three two one press the button okay then there we go where are they all right in the air man it takes three minutes to land its intercontinental rocket - why did we not launched at three minutes ago we need it now I don't know I've been Manning the Halestorm cannon over there no well I'm waiting for them I must admit I put my button in a bit of a city location don't have the best village visibility of who's in the moat I might need a I might need some eyes on the moat it's Monday oh sure in there an actual archer what you mean over here over here over here over here okay okay absolute chaos yeah dude you didn't tell me that it was gonna be this crazy I'm trying my best to not kill the other team but also look like I'm trying to kill the other team no that's fine that's fine I totally understand wasn't quite expecting apocalypse being honest so um what what info can you can you give what's going on okay so here's the thing so we have we have we have TMT cannons in the moat okay we've got the gas cannon you've experienced that it's not as powerful as we thought so we kind of let down by that there are intercom enter intercontinental Creepers coming into your base though in maybe a minute and a half so oh great yeah I mean we launched see she she dog didn't tell us so he launched them he was like we're in a time of need we need to launch the creeper so we launched them and then I was waiting for something dramatic to happen but they take three minutes to land and how did our zombies go did did they do anything they actually they gave us definitely a bit of a fright but yeah I mean you know there was four of us down there it was it went well and it was very impressive it was very strange killing zombies with my own head but okay so the quick war is out of the window yeah we're gonna need this is gonna last a bit longer than I thought we're gonna need you to fulfill your audison what we need to do now is like organize a little place where we're going to exchange information yeah definitely so where's a good where's a good place for us to exchange books from this point forward that's a very good question do you do you have any anywhere in mind I mean mm-hmm maybe we could continue using the shopping district because then you can go in go into a shop as usual be on the cache and the cache and there every time we exchange a note we tell each other where the next meeting place will be on the next exchange point is the first one's gonna be in falses fish shop right okay okay that's how you keep an eye out for that okay so I go back to my my team now yeah but we should look like we're fighting yeah that's what I was just about to say okay make sure make sure they're watching okay let's go and like get in front of people maybe I'll let you run I'll chase you chips yeah yeah yeah that's a good idea look at that wow that's damage spectacular why is the Zuma breaking in the oh oh I've actually been oh my god oh my god the steam is floating I'm on fire big time oh my god Retreat retreat I'm out oh I need to go I need to go I need to go I mean it's difficult to get back this is the problem yep this is bad are you on your way out I think I think I'm halfway safe I'm out man this is you can't get closer look at that they couldn't get anywhere close to our base and we didn't make it in like at all to their place it's like yeah well I mean we didn't make it close to their base dude but they didn't even make it even close to ours it was nuts not going on their base no yeah but when the fire storm broke out dude I was almost dead that was impressive yeah we've disabled their firestorm capability for now oh really yeah they can't do it yeah blocked up all the things if you have a look over there you'll see none of the fire is coming out of the building anymore the gas cannon was devastating they'd be I couldn't make it anywhere activate the defense's on the left side here that didn't even make it over here to the left or to off the battlefield like no that was I didn't know that quartz wouldn't blow up I was really trying to destroy that's all about I guess cast explosions just aren't that powerful I suppose so I guess you could say that the battle is now over but the war has just begun and in case it wasn't blatantly obvious I'm still not 100% certain what side I meant to be rooting for or which side you guys are meant to be rooting for so on that note I think it's time to end I hope that you enjoyed this very fun episode of hermitcraft if you did which was that like BAM and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out I'll see you later [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,340,522
Rating: 4.9579105 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: ElRtHHo79A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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