Hermitcraft 6: Episode 73 - MESSING WITH HERMITS

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hello my name is green and welcome back to another episode of hermit craft we are cruising our way through hermit Ville where something quite drastic has happened can you see it can you see it look I I don't know what it is I'm not sure I want to know what it is oh it's you're gonna find out but something's a bit weird today and I'm not sure if you would notice immediately because everything seems absolutely dandy but look what happens when I hold something [Laughter] my skin is on backwards and I thought I could have a little bit of fun at the start of this episode messing with a couple of the people online today they have no idea I'm gonna go and see if I can find them somewhere in the world and see if I can trick them with this trick that I demonstrated in my last videos how to mess with your friends but let's go and see if we can find some of them and just freak them out a little bit see what happens okay I think the key here is not to be seen before you go down because obviously if I'm wearing my armor it's very very obvious what I've done I need to be able to walk backwards towards them to make this work now I expect that stress is in her castle somewhere okay she's probably been alerted to where I am I need nothing in my hands at all and this is how we're gonna go in so I'm gonna walk it backwards I can't this is it's difficult to drive this one so let's where's the door over there this is a lot harder than it looks cuz I don't know what's in front of me at all I follow this down and I also don't know where stress is either she was right here somewhere ah there she is there she is let's see if I could trick her everything's normal here and now she's making it out I'm just don't worry don't mind me stress I'm just laying I'm just laying around I think I'm just gonna I think I'm just gonna fall asleep here to be honest this is this is actually quite comfortable well I'll be off then I'll be off don't see where the door it's got to look absolutely hilarious right let's see if we can find Ren should really check where people are before I go looking for them oh this is easier oh this is so much easier okay I'm such a fool I've been I've been driving backwards the whole time well I'm still walking backwards this is really confusing but I've pressed f5 twice right this is me walking forwards this is me walking backwards but it looks exactly the same I can actually see where I'm going I'm such a fool okay right now I don't think Ren is here he must be at his actual base now do I dare try and fly flying backwards is not easy [Laughter] just like being dragged along at him oh my goodness okay we need to go find Ren wherever he is I don't know exactly which way it is to the to the island anymore oh this is this is the stupidest thing I've ever done and I've done a lot of stupid things okay so we're gonna backstroke glide into Ren's base maybe he's around here somewhere he's that you say that now to take off any indication and now we've just walked forwards as easy as that although I'm now stuck in here great so we just walk backwards towards Ren now don't fall for it I cannot punch him because punching is behind me like this he has no idea we're here talking of weird skins what's what the heck okay so I've just got a backwards skin on Renzo Renzo rat ran straight of a rat he's been calling himself red in the rap now oh he's got up there how do I can't get up there I can't get up there or the game will be given away I can't sprint either well the game will also be given away okay is it tired to reveal what's going on here let's get real close it's getting real close to it he does he just showing me his face like it I was a little rat cage right now now's the time this is literally endless fun he's been he's been fooled for about two minutes now thinking that I'm just looking at him I think both of us me and Wren win weird skin it's isn't it is really unsettling if you're on the other side of this it's really really unsettling oh man this is is so simple yet so genius at the same time Ren doesn't like it now where can I find X a swimmer on the server he's like oh there he is he's that let's see if I can now get him need nothing in my hands hi nothing nothing to see here I need you to pay attention to me X I can't get up on this level I need him to come back and here to come here otherwise my whole cover's blown I can't jump up here no that did not go to plan at all I don't think he noticed I don't think he noticed at all that there was some X's just completely ignored the fact that I'm on backwards no I think I think X is totally oblivious to this I don't know how it really looks like you I'm falling I'm genuinely falling it looks like I'm gonna crash if I could make you light your invisible this would look amazing okay I think that that's enough backwards fun for today so let's go back to the village and check out the monstrosity that Skaar made I was too busy being backwards to take a look this whoa whoa whoa oh my goodness is it a what is is it a plan I think it's a plan is connected to the plant but I can't help but think it looks like a some sort of demonic frog type thing oh my goodness it said you could have made this look a bit more friendly Skaar so this is a friendly build off we're not here to scare people oh my goodness so there's the boulder he doesn't touch that but he's gone and made a giant oh my word he's got like a giant claw or like a venomous thing it looks like a Venus flytrap thing and it's spitting acid and it's spit acid all the way up into mumbos rocket and it spit acid on my build I think I'm gonna have to clean that up otherwise it's gonna melt or maybe I should just melt part of it as I clean it up I like this build to really tell a story and the fact that this is corrosive that that cannot be good for my build that cannot be good for my build I don't even know what to do how do you risk this is a genuine question how do you respond to this how do you respond to this is he even at the top as well is he taller than my pal he is these eyes are totally weightless let's do the number check 196 oh if I remember correctly I'm 195 and a half I'm at 190 and he's at 1/9 for his five blocks taller than me with his eyeballs what do I do how do I respond I took some time just think about how I could retaliate to the giant plant and his cows already done it this cow has already retaliated this build off is moving incredibly quickly I cannot keep up so mumbos rocket has now gone because this Kel has built a giant magnet that dragged it back down and I can't help but notice it's pointing directly where my base should be so I can't help but feel there's probably a plan in place here to disturb what I'm going to be doing not only that but he's deflected the laser once more and sent it right over to this eyeball so I had a look earlier and I found this the eyeball actually has fallen off the plant and it's over here it's just poking out of a tree and it looks really weird but it's interesting because the eyeball is actually the top of scars build so in typical builder fashion we to get rid of this particular eyeball and I've been trying to figure out how and then I noticed this this is still in the air and still theoretically traveling so I'm thinking what we do is we bounce it back right at that eyeball the plant will then lose its sight and then the plant will not be able to spit acid at us anymore or in theory but I also think that this I've left for so long now it has to have consequences let's get in a quick time lapse of the retaliation that needs to occur here thank goodness for the replay mod because this is going to look a lot nicer this way so the acid has melted away coincidentally my least favorite part of the build that random tower that I couldn't get right so it is melted it away and I've left some acid to kind of show that off a little bit and then I've gone and started to build my house even taller than it already is and it's really starting to get a little bit top-heavy I like to make parts of the build a bit thicker than others so this bit is going quite wide in comparison to some of the other parts and at this point it really looks like it should have fallen over a long time ago but thankfully because of the style it still works it does take quite a lot of tweaking you have to get the roof style just right and overall I think I've done that pretty well I'm not going to detail it today and I'll explain later on but what we did say earlier was we noticed this big bit of acid going in the air since the Rockets gone I'm just going to repeal it with a giant baton or badminton racket full of slime and then I'm just going to add a few flames underneath I don't expect that slime thing to remain there for very long at all so I didn't spend too much time on it I imagine it's going to get in the way of mumbo so I'm going to assume that that can just be blown up and removed at any point so let's pretend that I'm the spit bowing I bounce off of that and I suddenly make my way over to the giant plant which I believe is called SCARA and I then melt away its other eyeball and I've basically transferred all of those blocks over here so that this makes sense at the moment this build off has told an amazing story I can't wait to see where it goes take a look at this it's absolutely insane this build off is really getting out of hand and that looks precarious that looks like it could actually fall down I haven't had time to finish all the detailing I'm afraid I'm gonna have to do that off-camera in the next couple of days but we are once again straight at the top this oh look has sad girl sad this looks now he looks a lot less threatening without the ice between me and his scowl this plan suddenly seems a lot less scary so we've built up we are now back on top we are leading this build off although I am being chased quite quite firmly by by scar and Escala not sure what is girls plan is anymore I don't know how he's going to build with this giant magnet and rocket involved it's a very suspicious very very suspicious either way I feel pretty confident that we can make it to build height first that really doesn't count as my base this isn't my actual house in any way I just used this to bounce it off you really should be able to bounce sorry like you just hit it and taste damage that's kind of lame I wish in Minecraft you can fly top speed push and it bounces off but unfortunately not the case so I'm pretty happy I am pretty happy we are back on top we have taken out whatever this monstrosity is and I think we've placed ourselves quite high enough the person that is actually most behind in all of this is sweet mustache mumbo jumbo who has been thoroughly left behind look at this he needs to make a big play to make it back he's like three leagues away look he doesn't even go to the top of the balloon there so he's got to get ah I think he's being left behind he's gonna have to think of something very smart to be able to get back up here so let's head back into the old lands because I've got some more work to do on Sahara and this is going to sort of set up what I want to do in my next episode now that Sahara fully functions and worked and we've even had a few customers let's see how many diamonds there are in here okay not so many but 29 diamonds isn't bad isn't that it's nowhere near what we spent on the place but we're only just getting started remember we don't have all that much stock we are adding more and more things very slowly we definitely need some more golden carats in here looks like we're almost out and then we need to get more items in here so one of the things that I'm basically tasked with because I'm not very good at redstone surprise shock I'm not very good at redstone so I'm not qualified to make all the farms because most of these things come from farms like the ice the beacons all of those stuff they're farmable so I'm in charge of the stuff that's not farmable so what we're gonna go and do is a little bit of a grind and we're gonna go and grab a lot of gravel so that we can stock up Sahara with said gravel and maybe even some concrete and things like that so let's let's get some gravel so this isn't going to be the most exciting time-lapse and fortunately it's only gonna last about 20 more seconds so don't worry about it at all but this is the sort of thing that we have to do off camera all the time maybe not to this extent because I am basically removing every gravel block in this area this entire gravel pit is now mine and this isn't even half of it I only time-lapsed a small portion of it just to give you a taste of what this is like so yeah we dug some gravel here we go look at all of this that's how many shocker boxes 13 this one's not full but most of these are full of gravel which is quite a lot I think it will take a long time to sell this much gravel and some of this of course will be used for concrete etc this is the boring part of making hermitcraft videos you've got to do things like collect a lot of gravel I spent about an hour and a half just shoveling gravel yeah not the best but it has to be done sometimes and now it is so I can now transport all of this over to the stockroom so that a scout can load it into the machine because I don't know how to do all that stuff there we go so let's pop all of these in there and that takes care of that so I do want to start stocking a little something-something every single episode if I can so I did say that all of this would end up setting up what I want to do in my next episode and unfortunately I don't have time for it today however getting all that gravel and getting all the stock in our shop will allow me to do that so what I want to work on next episode is advertising in a big way I want to advertise hashtag shop at Sahara now in order to do that we're going to have to stock things and there's things that we win not stocking that we definitely could be one of those is all of the things that are in mumbos farming area like all of the stuff over here so obviously mumbos got all of his machines it looks like he's got another one over there this place is gonna be like just an industrial heartland or something Oh new farm very unstable please do not touch I really wanna I really want to press the button I know I prize shouldn't I shouldn't no I shouldn't no no no no no he did no I won't do it oh wait I know I I really want to I really want to i pressed all of these buttons in my other episode I know I'm not gonna do it but there's lots of things here that we should be putting in Sahara that just aren't there because it takes a long time to load up so one of the things that I'm going to do off-camera is transport all of this stuff in glowstone form I'll craft it all up and give it to its gal to load up so I can be like a transportation person and we can start selling some redstone products I could craft all of this redstone dust into various things it could be very very useful indeed so that would bring Sahara stock up to max capacity I'm sorry I've got to check this out oh I'm go for it oh go for it [Music] I've been I've been mum boozled is like bamboozled but mum booze I thought I was gonna die my heart my little heart I thought I was going to die then okay lesson learned lesson learned I came on but I won't no no no touching the buttons no more touching the buttons okay oh man no more touching the buttons I apologize I apologize I'll just pop that back oh he even made he did this in glass so that I wouldn't oh my goodness alright that's it that's enough for me I think that pretty much sums up to my plans for Sahara we're gonna stock it and then next episode we are going to promote Sahara in ways that I bet would surprise you so I'm going to think of every way possible to get Sahara on everybody's radar showing that it is ready to be shopped at because twenty-eight diamonds or third diamonds roughly is it's a good start but it's not stacks and stacks of diamonds which is you know really after but I don't blame it because we're not stocking everything that people need we need more carats we need more rockets we need a lot of everything and that's gonna take a lot of work hopefully combined work and when I assume we stock some logs and everything like that people will start coming to Sahara a bit more seriously but anyway that's it for me everyone thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this episode it was a lot of messing around today especially with my backwards skin but do let me know in the comments if that sort of thing was enjoyable to watch because I don't normally do stuff like that so anyway thank you very much for watching and good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,798,718
Rating: 4.9484043 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, episode 73, grian minecraft, season 6
Id: TYR0op2UUiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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