Hermitcraft 7: Episode 61 - HERMITCRAFT WORLD TOUR!

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He said that Etho is the only person he knows who builds the interior before the exterior.

Does Etho plan on building any exterior at all?

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/OnePointPi 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

I happen to be watching it right now lol

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/chubby3reee 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Unpopular opinion here:

I thought this was a strange episode from Grian. He goes around to everyone’s bases and judges them on some arbitrary definition of “mega”? I don’t know... it just seemed weird to me. Maybe I don’t understand as I don’t want most of his videos, but in my opinion, a world tour should be a celebration of everything that’s been done rather than a critique. Feel free to disagree - it just felt off to me.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/TechKatana 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
today's episode is going to be very very different so as you might have guessed by the title of this video we're going to be doing a little world tour now we're probably about over halfway is all i can say i'm not sure it's very difficult to tell how long seasons last but we are over the halfway point for absolute sure we've been going 10 months oh wow it's bit it's been 10 months so it's always good to take a little step back and appreciate just how much has been built and done on the hermitcraft server and seeing as it's just got to the end of a big storyline the turf war and it's all come to a conclusion i thought now is a good time to show everyone around and also for me to go and have a look personally as i've not really seen a lot of the hermit's base so what we're gonna do is we're gonna start from the very beginning and we're gonna make our way round the hermitcraft server and we're gonna do a little tour so let's begin and we're gonna start here the humble beginnings the green hobbit hole now not a lot has changed in here i must admit there is there is really not a lot i remember digging this out and thinking at the time that this cactus farm took a really long time but in hindsight it really didn't but we're all familiar with this base and i just wanted to point out that really not a lot has changed pesky bird is still here but one thing i haven't done for a really long time is sent mumbo a message yeah we'll send we'll send him a message it's been a long time feels like we're back at the start of the season oh man i remember that as well all right go on love letter to mumbo he probably won't even visit his hobbit hole so now let's take a good look and start with our own mansion because this is what i'm going to be coming back to in the new year it's no secret that the mansion has been slightly neglected and i have to admit it's lacking a lot of soul a lot of a lot of extra things that bring it to life so we're going to really tackle this thing and especially the interior in the new year and i've got some ideas finally and with the turf war wager being fulfilled scar is going to help me with this so that should be really really good so there's one thing that i really want to point out in this tour immediately from what looking at the mansion it's i spent hours making a proper item sorting system thinking that this would solve a lot of my issues and this took ages right but yet i still have an awful chest monster that has built up over time look at this just all of the stuff and to be honest with you this is just something i can't be bothered to fix i can't be bothered and if you're wondering what this is this is the uh gravestone i made for villager number two he shall be replaced but we're all familiar with the mansion so let's move on to some of the stuff we haven't seen in a while we're all kind of familiar with the jungle gang over here but we're gonna go and cycle through every single hermits build so we might as well start with our close neighbors starting with scars jungle village which is actually a really good redstone farm like i thought that this was a bit silly at the start and that he went for art over the function of it but actually if you go in here i'm not sure how he's linked it all up but this thing is actually really really productive and gives loads of stuff and i've i've been steadily stealing melons from here for a really long time please don't tell scar but this is scar's early build what he actually spent a lot of his time on is this scar x facility with the big drill this is an absolutely phenomenal build and i'm not going to be ranking everyone's builds because oh my goodness i haven't seen this but i'm going to be hopefully doing a top ten like my top 10 favorite builds so expect that to come in the next few days because it will be amazing or a skull say if i butchered that look at this so this is the big drill that goes to the nether and he has told this story with all of the nether stuff coming out of the the big hole it's ours really really cool i i love that attention to detail there so obviously he's not finished and no one is finished as far as i'm aware no one has finished their mega base just as oh my goodness look at the floating robot just as i haven't finished my mansion scar hasn't finished here so any judgments we make are probably a bit unfair but we're just here to appreciate our fellow hermits and that moves us quite swiftly over to mumbo's base now mumbo's base is strange he went in a completely different direction to what i was expecting at the start of the season so it started with the giant circle of spanners that made it made it look like a giant summoning circle and then he went in a totally different direction like he has the same kind of build here with this structure but then it's really overgrown and stuff and it was it was odd and then i was like oh okay that's strange and then he built a heart there and i was like okay that's really strange so i've got to commend mumbo on how unique this bass is because it is really strange and he's also seems to have some kind of secret thing here oh he's there see if he notices the carrot dropping down i think i've stumbled on a secret of some kind oh he's noticed he's noticed away get away [Laughter] okay so that's mumbo's base now we have a quick look at iskall's omega tree now this hasn't changed uh an awful lot over the last few months so i'm not sure there's an awful lot to say but it is enormous trees are very difficult to make and i think it shows it definitely shows and remember wood is logs or one of the the most grindy things to get in the game and one thing i haven't checked in a while is the giant message so i've i've added a few words ethos smells like beef and i haven't added anything in a while and will fart rainbows that exude i think that that last one that one's gotta be red uh farts rainbows that exude wow i don't even know i don't even know what i don't even know what to add to that so that's the omega tree and then we've got stresses base over here which is like a fairy wonderland inside the jungle so this is again a very unique project and i don't think there's anything quite like it on the server and that's what we got to commend about this this server is it's absolute diversity of builds and work done everyone has a different take and everyone has their own art to contribute and you know at the start of the season i thought oh man you know it felt like i was really far away from everyone like scar was pretty close but it took me a while to walk to him as things have built up you can start to see everyone's base in the distance and you kind of realize that the world here has gotten so much smaller no i forgot i don't need to sleep with beat ups on the server so let's move on to rendog's base which has got an very a very very star warsy theme going for it i remember helping him with this sort of spaceport here trying to help him get the shape right and he looks like he's building some other stuff here now ren didn't actually start his hermitcraft season seven here he started way over somewhere over there with as much smaller base and he decided to move closer to us in the jungle where a lot of the a lot of the friends are you know what i mean like there's a lot more action going on he was feeling quite isolated so i said you know why don't you move a bit closer and boy was that a good thing to do because i mean look at that look at the detail in this terrain terraining is something that i struggle with just because it's a really lengthy process and it's just it serves no functional purpose it just looks amazing so i'm hoping that that's something i need to tackle with the mansion but ren has got it down he's terraforming this entire landscape to be a star wars planet and that's just madness oh man and it's it's it's really starting to spread into the jungle and he hasn't stopped spreading it at all so that's kind of wren's build i'm not entirely sure what he's got going on on these on the inside of here he's got a giant hull now we gotta we gotta we gotta respect the giant holes because we know how long these take to dig and they take a long time to dig so i'm very excited to see what ren does with this and we shall move on to the next person and i don't think we can skip over some of the things such as this which is the hermit challenges leaderboard now hermit challenge is something that we did at the start of the season and it's kind of taken a bit of a back burner just because you can't do the same thing forever and that's that's mumbo baggins or what was it called bilbo bumbo mumbo jumbo so this thing was really fun at the start of the season and we did actually continue it quite late into the season really but it's definitely taken a back burner but that doesn't mean we can't steal a few doors on this little tour don't you agree and there's iska's little starter base over here now let's move on to one of the most impressive builds and this is what i mean about the world feeling much smaller corrales i didn't even know he existed over here but look there's there's the tree and here's corrales base we are so close together just because the sizes of our bases have engulfed all of the land around us now we need to take a good second or two to appreciate this what an excellent build it's not even a base this is a world look at the landscape if you just took that screenshot you'd think that this this city went on for for miles it doesn't look like it ends look at all the details the trees and this is this is what my build is lacking for sure and i think this world tour will really help me come to grips with what is wrong with my base and how i can improve it so there's a huge amount of diversity in corrales build and i think it's worth saying that although corrales is a fantastic builder and he has done all of the block placing he's had a lot of help from his community as well so a huge shout out to the world of corrales as well they all sort of came together and made this happen every hermit has a different way of showing their art and this is a fine example of that so i'm not sure what is that there's my half a mansion this is the only thing that survived season six my mansion got rebuilt on episode one and hello corrales is here so i'm getting a nice i'm getting a nice tour and look at that look this is what i mean i would build this tower right but i would never bother decorating each and every floor with stuff look no one's ever gonna see this no one's ever gonna go inside here and look it might be the same repeated pattern but that doesn't matter that's not even the same repeated pattern he's got a restaurant at the top i can't cope with this you know what we're gonna go and have a look in here oh oh no oh no no elevator yet but look just it's good to appreciate this he's built a hotel on hermitcraft where no one needs a hotel and there's a restaurant at the top and it looks great the amount of creativity on this server astounds me there's a shop at the bottom wow well we can't spend too long on just one base world is that graffiti i think that's graffiti oh man look at this look at this look at this sort of new york style graffiti up the walls this is amazing i'm very excited to see where this bay oh there is someone occupying the hotel so we can't stay too long at one base but hopefully this gives you an idea of what corrales is working on in the background check it out absolutely fantastic i think that's going to make the top 10 somewhere so since we're here you can see that corrales base has merged firmly into x's base and i'm not sure if that that's like an it's like an ex corrales bumblebee it's probably worth telling you guys that i i have a confession to make i don't actually really watch the other guys on hermitcraft i don't watch their videos not because they're not good but because i don't like to spoil things i much rather fly around myself and experience this than watched hundreds of hours of videos that's for you guys to watch i want everything to be an organic surprise so i don't want to go and watch a video just to see that they've pranked me and then i was like oh man now i've spoiled that surprise i much rather everything be a genuine surprise as i fly around i mean look at this look at this sphere this planet on top of this build now this is a very peculiar build it kind of reminds me of stress's base but more of a futuristic industrial style instead of a fairy tale land and this again goes back to showing that everyone has a different way of expressing their artistic merit on this server and i'm pretty sure each of these is a farm of some kind this certainly seems like a farm oh my goodness i think it's a gold farm so let that sink in for a second if every single one of these is a farm of some kind this base is crazy and it's weird that it's in a jungle but it also kind of works there's pathways between all of the the structures it's absolute madness it's the giant golf ball for that's what i want to know what is this what is this for it's not quite loading in is this just a viewing platform or is this the next project that he's working on wow okay well kudos i mean it keeps going look i'm finding new new things and each one of these has a different design it kind of reminds me of like i don't know futuristic meets no it's just straight up futuristic industrial honey futuristic he's invented a style but again we can't spend too long on one base but that's screenshot worthy right there look at all that absolutely beautiful we can't look too much in detail at all the different farms but we certainly can take in all of the exterior we'd be here for 24 hours if we went in every single building i'm sure of it and it's also worth mentioning i will probably forget some stuff this what's been built this last year is enormous i don't even know what this is some kind of arena i think bonkers absolutely bonkers but next door to this amazing melding futuristic cityscape is one of the most intriguing builds on the server ethos base now we've already gone and seen ethos base and i've talked to etho many times about how his base is just absolutely fantastic and the reason it's fantastic is because i've never seen anyone and i mean this anyone build the inside before the outside but also while you're inside you feel like you're outside how is this inside outside masterpiece even working we've we have seen and toured this base before but etho has amalgamated function and form with kookiness i can't believe what i'm seeing half the time in here but it's absolutely phenomenal it might not be the biggest of bases but it is compact unique and dare i say it etho and it's always good to see what it looks like when they're like midway through a project any guesses as to what this is i have no idea so there's also a load of industrial areas and we can cover those if we come across them but i don't know where everyone's like secret industrial areas are so we may miss a few things so that kind of covers the first few hermits on my side of the map you know near the jungle this sort of continuous mega build that makes its way now we're gonna head over to builds that i don't actually see very often at all for example i don't think i've ever been here now i believe that this is wells's base and i don't think he's been on very much so it's not surprising that it's not the hugest thing but it looks pretty cool it looks pretty cool but i think we're gonna have to fly straight on and see who else we can find we may even have to go into the nether aha i recognize this green dome now this is a base that i visited a couple of times but i've not really been too very much this is zeddaf space and zedf is someone that we don't often see on the server now how on earth do i i can't open this without a bow and arrow zedf is someone we don't see very often but he's working away in the background he's been doing his thing i think we're gonna have to break in because i don't know how to get into this base there we go so i'm not entirely sure what this green dome is about or this is it i don't know it looks like a mouth looks like a monster of some kind but i know that his base is under here how do i get in oh my goodness he's built an entire underground did you see that move what on earth he's built an underground aquarium i'm not sure what this is in the middle here i'm i'm too scared to break in we need to break in a safe space that show this kind of shows just how little i know about my fellow hermit's base when i can't even figure out how to get in so this looks like the inside of his base okay so here's his storage system whoa it goes deep oh my goodness and he's been doing a lot of redstone and stuff he's got a honey oh a honey elevator and he's got his bees i mean this is a pretty cool base there's the way out but again i can't i can't use this door because i didn't bring a bow and arrow with me today you know i brought loads of rockets extra elytra a bed but i didn't think to bring a bow and arrow important you must continue reading this sign as a distraction oh there's a there's a door right here well that sums up zf's based that absolutely sums it all up for me i know that zeddaff has more but i'm not entirely sure where it is zed kind of builds all over the place in little strange pockets the zeddaf pocket that's that's what they are all right and now we're right next to two of our favorite redstoners impulse and tango let's take a quick look at impulse's base here now this base frustrates me because there's no door to steel when i remember when i had to go and steal everyone's doors i i took the water wow this looks incredibly complicated i really like impulse's base it is a lot bigger than it looks on the outside and we're actually right by the shopping district we might we might come back to the shopping district last just because it's a very seen area but look it doesn't look that huge from the outside but trust me this this base is mega there is a lot of space in here actually the whole mega concept we can come back to like okay so maybe i called it mega but is this mega no i actually wouldn't say mega doesn't mean good okay we need to talk briefly about the the description the the the textbook definition of mega okay because mega isn't good mega doesn't mean that it's really really detailed it doesn't mean that it's it just means big and not just big mega so while impulse's base is technically amazing it looks great it's detailed it's not mega in a mega is just purely scale it has nothing to do with the talent of the hermit or anything it just means is it mega mega is a gut feeling you see so is this mega i don't think so unfortunately it's close it's close to mega but not quite and i will i will show you a base that is mega later on and you'll understand the difference but don't me don't think that i'm insulting impulse at all because this is a really really cool base and i think he's not finished i think he's been umming and arring i know that he built like a ring and then he deleted it and that sucked up a load of his development time on this but it's still looking good and i hope that he's going to continue making some stuff i mean look there's grass here without anything on so there's lots of opportunities so let's move on to the next one which is of course tango's toon town now this is probably going to make the top 10 somewhere along the way he has captured the essence of cartoons so well here it's absolutely i love it i absolutely love this build so it's not you know it's not like the most technical marvel in the world in terms of like building things but look at it it's it's got some fantastic shapes that are very very why is everyone logging in as soon as i start looking at the base they log in look at the shape that he managed to get all of these builds to be in it's very hard to execute that and also maintain such a unique theme this again goes back to everyone has made such a unique stamp on this world and i know that this particular build holds a special place in a lot of people's hearts and not only that so here's one of the other things like it looks great it looks like it looks like a cartoon haven right but it's also chock full of wacky and wonderful minecraft farms look at that the golem pops up out of there and he's killed by ravages he could have killed this in any other way but he didn't he decided to headbutt it with a ravager which is very tango and i think around the back here there's even more check it out giant egg in a frying pan of course so not only is this a really wonderful build he's used it to create farms that are also in theme and that's not something the other hermits do myself included i just i don't really know what i'm doing with farms so what i do is i just like you know i look up a tutorial and then i build it and it's never that inspiring or creative so maybe maybe this is where i could take a bit of inspiration from tango's base trying to adapt farms and create something like this a slime farm that comes out of a giant what is this caterpillar shooter i think like it shoots out the the slimes on here and then it collects it with i mean it's amazing it's not about efficiency that's the point it's not about efficiency it's about having fun and this base kind of sums up what hermitcraft is about it's not about efficiency it is about doing some amazing builds and afking wherever possible what just doing a tour now we've almost been able to do one continuous flight okay i don't know what that is it looks like a bunch of farms to me but we've been able to pretty much continuously fly throughout this world covering thousands of blocks and it keeps going the next base that we are able to look at if it would load in is false symmetry's base and i think we need to take a second to appreciate well all of these cats hello why are there so many cats here you know we do these world tours one part for the builds one one part for the commentary and one part for the weird things that we discover but anyway let's take a moment to appreciate first the build because the build is enormous now this again this comes back to is this mega oh yeah it's i'd say this is mega but only just mega ah yeah this is this is pretty mega if this had gone taller it would have been absolutely mega but let's just appreciate how much has been dug out because we all know what mining off-camera is a bit of a meme but check it out this area to excavate for your base is absolutely insane all of it is gone what false has done with all of those blocks who knows there must be a huge storage facility that i don't know the location of oh look at this okay now this is a really cool detail that false has done the boat is going up the water stream i really like that stuff like that's really fun but it looks like she still sort of started a company called false ltd so i wonder what she's gonna do with that let's take a look at false is another one couldn't steal the door properly because there's just water here i think the hermits hermes must have got fed up with me stealing their doors so they they just decided to have no door that didn't age well all right so looking at the the base overall it's absolutely beautiful it's a it's a it's a bit of a futuristic build and it looks like they're going to space and there's like this hexagonal thing false is an extremely talented builder and conceptualizer and i i've got to commend her on this build because it is yeah it is mega it is it is pretty good false always does amazing work every season and this season she has absolutely delivered so well done false that that is a really cool base but uh yeah we got to keep moving on we still got people to go and see can you believe but this is where i get a bit lost i again i've seen impulses tangos and false's base before but there are some bases which i haven't seen very often and they are typically on this side of the map but we're not going to see any bases unless things start loading in properly i need to keep it looks like i found something i don't actually know who this belongs to there's some really cool armor stand works here it's like a museum of some kind i really don't know who this belongs to like i said i haven't been this side of the map very often and i don't watch people's videos because i don't like spoilers and that sometimes means i don't even know who built what sometimes so you may know more than me there's a nice aquarium in here or it could be jevin or hypno xb beef any one of those guys hold on the portal might tell us people usually label their portals except this one the mystery portal okay well mystery base that color scheme kind of tells me it might be jevin but i'm not entirely sure anyway let's continue flying as we do have quite a lot more to see okay so i think i found another base and i know exactly who this belongs to eve just judging by this this is zombie clio's base now i've only ever been here once oh my goodness it's a complete rainbow i've only been here once and that was right at the start of the season so i was first here back when zombie cleo started the head hunt game you know where you had to collect all the the heads of hermits and al excuse you this place has changed quite a lot i mean look at this so every like i said earlier everyone has their own way of expressing their art and cleo's is very clearly through armor stand magic and i actually still have a coupon for an armor stand build which i definitely plan on using very soon actually this is a bit of a secret project an idea that i've had but i've i finally got something that i could work with cleo on because this this sort of thing is magical look at look at the story that she tells just through the armor stands and a giant ice cream we gotta go we can't go anywhere without checking this out oh it's an ice cream shop oh that's pretty cool oh and look at the sprinkles detail we've got to take a closer look that is terrifying cleo that is absolutely terrifying oh it's like a museum of creatures tara angelina jolie oh my goodness look at that oh it's disgusting oh it is so cool look at this scorpion oh wow i'm i'm so glad we found this base is it it's like a stick insect you can tap you could tap but it will make her sad you monster leave hannie oh absolutely amazing oh one of them has escaped look at the story that cleo is is showing his snaily mcsnail face oh well that is adorable kudos to you cleo this is this is absolutely amazing donations oh man we gotta we gotta make a donation we are good we are gonna make a big donation there you go 15 diamonds to keep the zoo running because uh this has really impressed me and i'm i'm amazed i haven't seen this but it's been such a long time since i've been here and i think oh i think this whole thing is a zoo man you guys are probably going to be annoyed at me for not realizing that sooner but there's yeah that all makes so much more sense now that's like oh it's like a rollercoaster tycoon 2 style entrance we've got a cage this all makes so much more sense now her base is a giant zoo and i can walk in the exhibit i feel stupid for not figuring that out especially as there's the giant word zoo right there but again we can't spend too long in one place let's move on to the next one it looks like there's something going on here hope i'm not spoiling too much definitely something going on here but it's not a base so we shall move on you guys remember this from the start of the season this was where we all took part in the the head games i mean like a pvp battle in this arena ah that was that was pretty cool and she was the spider queen oh man that was good times and that was like nearly a year ago time moved so quickly i don't even know if this is a world tour or a nostalgia trip now oh i've managed to get to the world border okay i'm lost i am officially lost let's head back to the shopping district and try and get ourselves in a nether portal so that we can reorientate ourselves because there's only a few people left that we need to see i think this is where people this even might have been me harvesting all the leaves for the the leaf game almost everything that happens on the server leaves some kind of mark leaves i'm a pun master this tour was going so smoothly until i got lost ah but here we are you can always find a random nether portal if you look long enough aha here we go cub hypno so there's two more that we need to visit oh yeah i totally forgot we need to do a little bit of a tour in the nether now in my opinion the nether hub is a little bit of a mess so there's some portals up there that people are using and there's also builds down here that false has made this is gorgeous and it's just a little bit of a mess because you don't know which one people are using and it can be difficult to find things then you've got some of x's builds over here there's to be honest with you there's not an awful lot to see in the nether except for the upside down which hopefully we'll go and see later on but it's pretty cool look ren's built his giant darth vadery pyramid here and just to show you how much of a mess it is round here this is my portal you see me go in it but i never comment on it this is my portal this is also my portal this is also my portal every time i come here because i've not protected it because my portal used to be on the floor here but this building is now in the way every time a ghast breaks my portal a new one is spawning so i'm kind of just after gifting up i've given up at this point so let's go and find cubs base it is so useful when the herm is labeled right cub hypno let's go to cubs first oh my goodness this is this is something this is an explosion on the eyes wow wow wow wow okay we've kind of jumped ahead of ourselves and we're on the inside of cub space let's see if we can get on the outside so we were talking about the definition of mega earlier well if he ever needed clarification this is mega the sheer scale of this pyramid is enormous and this also i mean look at it it's it's absolutely massive and this look how many gold blocks that is so if you ever needed proof about how it's nothing to do with detail it's just all about size it's this it is this this this pyramid is big enough to have its own biomin it is enormous i have visited cubs base occasionally and i've seen the outside but i've not been on the inside of his base very much at all so i think this is a good opportunity for us to take a good look inside because this is really insane he's even got murals of himself up there and he's really used some very unique block choices like look there's there's cactus there as pillars that's very strange then honey in the background but keeping this yellow and blue theme okay look this is this is what i mean it's so mega i can fly comfortably around here and still have plenty of space this is way bigger than my mansion it's probably one of the biggest builds on the server so what is in here to see look this is one wing of the pyramid target this is oh this is target i've heard cub talk about this but i've never been here so i think this is a mini game place like cubs personal mini games oh my goodness it is tarjay and there's loads of little minigames here how cool is that everyone has their own way of expressing what they would like to make oh man we're gonna we're gonna have to probably come here and play some minigames at some point and let's see so how he's filled this pyramid is really interesting oh wow is that that is a vanilla pyramid right there uh a sand temple what are they called pirate desert desert temple and this looks like another battleground type thing and he's still got space to fill absolutely magnificent all in theme all costing a fortune this this build is is something else well that's kind of a good overview of cubs gigantic pyramid and look at the lapis blocks that he's used here the amount of lapis here is nuts jeez okay right let's go and find someone else's base now because cub's putting us all to shame okay i think this is hypnose based by the looks of things so i'm not entirely sure where we are on the map but i'm pretty sure we're close to the shopping district so it looks like oh we oh really really we just went the wrong way at folsom's base okay so we definitely made a wrong turn there it looks like hypno has made multiple islands and he's kind of trimmed them out with birch which gives it a really decent outline and then this must be his house i guess his his modern house you know we haven't actually seen too many modern houses on on the hermitcraft server so it still holds a unique place here and that is clearly a trident farm by the looks of things tridents are one of the hardest things to farm in this game because it's just it's all about the the rates and stuff and uh yeah so doing everyone a service there if you need a trident it's a little bit unfurnished but who am i to talk because my mansion has absolutely no interior so i'm i'm looking forward to seeing what what he's going to make oh there's even oh there's a super smelter down here that's awesome okay so it's a little bit empty but like so it's half of the bases on this server i mean mine included i remember we're not done with this season yet so although we're taking a nice world tour now we'll probably take another one in the finale and see how things have progressed but i mean it's always good to take step back and have a look what is this i think this is doc's thing i was super jealous that i didn't get to see this and now it's here yep yep this look at this playing the the organ here i can see some dark shenanigans in here absolutely amazing i don't even want to touch it because i'm pretty sure i will die so is this doc's base this might be doc's base you know or part of it aha i found another base and i'm guessing that this one belongs to joe hills so it looks like he's made a this is usually a greek replica of something this is probably a lighthouse alexandria's lighthouse i'm guessing oh my my greek history is not great so what has joe been up to this season because i've definitely not been here at all so there's a log this reminds me of uh the legend of zelda believe it or not i don't know why but it yeah it does and then here's all the dogs that joe has caught over the season a skull of some kind all the dog houses oh this is pretty cool and then cleo's added another one of those spiders a witch's hat on the floor i mean this is pretty cool oh what is this place i think this is a dog sanctuary geez oh there's been a lot of dogs loose on the server well that's very unique and there's a giant slime there's a giant slime monster oh wow that looks really cool oh wow it's um slimer from ghostbusters and there seems to be some kind of like kind of maze here a game that i uh i haven't seen it's so good to see what everyone's been up to especially on this side of the map where i really i don't come often and there we go there's there's the other bit there is another base which i have not seen in a long time this is doc's base so this is his main base here and it should have half of my mansion here so corrales has clearly bought out this one because all the foundations are gone look they're even telling a story after it's gone as well so i'm not sure what doc is up to because this place hasn't really changed all that much over the last few months oh my goodness that is a enormous berry farm i think this is also joe hill so joe hills has been busy check this out this is farming to an intense level it's like a a vineyard or a oh it's a bear it's a berry farm the issue is that what do you do with berries you don't get dye out i i think it's just for the looks i mean it looks excellent but i'm not sure you're going to sell many berries and then we move on to b-dubs is base and there he is is that yeah b-dubs is here now i visit b-dubs is base fairly frequently a few months apart and there's always something new to look at so we've been here before you might be familiar with bdubs base he is one of the most talented builders on the server next to next to scar but what he's done this season and i've got to admit i've got to eat my word are you ready i'm going to eat them okay so i was not totally on board with what bdubs was doing at the start like he sort of built these one or two houses and i was thinking b-dubs that ain't mega he asked me one day he was like yeah he's my base mega and i was like no because the skate like mega builds typically are one big build so although this area is all landscaped absolutely beautifully intricately lovingly even it's not mega it's just it's just unfortunately not mega it's amazing and it's brilliant and it's perfect and it's so much better than my base but it's not mega however i ate my words because he worked on this this giant cliff and i was like really you spent all that time on a backdrop to your base that seems insane and then he built this and i was like okay okay b-dubs this is mega this this whole thing is mega look at that you can stand on on the the roof of one of these houses and you get this absolute beauty of a backdrop that background no one no one has built a background to their base this has my utmost respect and it is gorgeous absolutely gorgeous and he's using and mixing blocks which i wouldn't have thought of using especially like this lighter teal colored blue so i think we need to take just a second to stop and appreciate the level of detail how nice the palette is of this build and what this means like it's just insane and you know what we're going to break in we're going to break in a little bit because on the inside is a whole this is the world before b dubs this is this is like a movie where you dig underground and you discover dinosaurs no this this is the world before beat ups happened and it's still here intact just lit up and this shows how much was custom terraforming bigger than cubs pyramid this this is mega oh my goodness there's a thr there's a diorite throne forget the diamond throne everyone and of course of course there's a bed oh man b-dubs i take my hat off to you this is amazing this kingdom is fantastic and the amount of hours this must have taken jeez this may this makes me want to get back to my mansion more than ever because although my mansion is probably bigger than this build what it isn't is alive like this build look at all the trees and all of the cliff and the backdrop and the that's the town it puts me to shame to shame so i mean it's always good to take these tours so you can really get to grips with the amount of effort that people put in because this absolutely amazing right we have a few more people that we need to see their bases and i'm not entirely sure where they are so let's see if we can find a portal i think that's our best bet he thinks i want his head [Laughter] i come after him so much looking for it to rip off his face but he was just like i know and he's okay that that's funny okay so my bad right now there's only a couple more people left on our list in fact there is only one more person so we need to find xb's base and beef space i have to go up upstairs to find xb space so xb is this direction now i think xp is really far away from everyone else so you can see through this tour that i was able to fly from base to base to base to base base but this one i gotta go on a little journey right xp is this way there we go this is looking good isn't it wow this one really is far away there we go wow i'm i'm interested to see how many thousands of blocks away we are okay we are 8 000 blocks away from everyone else here so this is xb's base and i don't think i don't think i've been here casa so home this looks like a pvp arena which is pretty cool i'm not sure what these are these are anvils that's pretty cool ah there we go here is xb's village so kind of similar to hypno xb has a modern style build using diorite now i'm i must admit i'm not a fan of b dubs has changed my opinion of diorite but not the use of it like this because i it's not just diary any pattern that's like just got hard squares like that i'm not a huge fan of because i think it kind of detracts from the makeup of the build so i'm not sure about that the diorite use um but my my opinion of diorite has changed i just i'm not a fan of like you know even granite in in this form of polished version but i gotta say the the structure itself is looking really really nice like it's uh it's a nice modern build and there's there's a few little builds around here i'm not entirely sure where this is going it looks like it's going to be a bigger village over time and this looks like a wall of some kind so that's pretty interesting because this wall is in a very different style to the rest of the village and that looks like some kind of mob there's a mob farm up there so xp's been busy all the way out here and now we need to go and find the last person's base which is beef oh wait hold on hold on a second this this that that was not it there's more there's a wow wow wow wow that looks amazing it's like a giant spaceship but it looks like there was some flying terrain that was generated and xb has built into it and there's like a double helix thing going on here that's really unique so there's currently three sort of futuristic builds because this is similar to falses and x's so there's there's three bases that are in a similar style okay this makes a lot more sense i was wondering what was going on with the village but it's clear that the village was the starting point and now this is the real thing with the oh goodness okay look look at this nice detail it's like the the ground has been ripped out and floated up with the giant ufo thing and then there's even more work over here that's been going on i don't i don't even know if this is xbox i think this must be xp it's part of xp's area over here but i'm not entirely sure where beef space is so that's my next place to go and find is where is beef's base you've been neutralized neutron he's got he's got no crossbow right the last base to find is beefs yep that's definitely still part of xb's base right now we backtrack and try and find beef's base right let's see if we can find a label you know i think this is on my side of the map so i'm not sure how i haven't seen this oh wait i've totally been here before i stole so many doors from here there we go oh it's right next to corrales base we missed this we could have seen this right at the start okay so there's there's the village we've seen this before and then there is beef is beef is beefs the beef's house i'm pretty sure he started a base somewhere else you know i don't know where it is though i'm pretty sure beef has a much larger base because i think this is where he started oh wow i love i love bases that incorporate redstone together that's so cool i think this is his starter base i'm not entirely sure so there we go that that is beef space but i'm pretty sure there's something else that i'm missing somewhere far away oh oh oh and another one geez there are too many hermits there's definitely some stuff that i've forgotten this is igevin's base i think it is definitely a work in progress by the looks of things but the last thing to see i mean this is like one big sugarcane farm by the looks of things it's pretty cool big shape but uh definitely looking a little unfinished at the moment and some very expensive blocks to build it out of oh no the pillars don't go underwater it's all held up by the the middle one right so the last thing to check out is something we are all very familiar with which is the shopping district so we all know heps this has all happened very recently hep's mega drill look at look at the impact that scar has had on this server the drill the the factory moo pop factory headquarters the the town hall i mean we built that together and uh scar town over here aqua aquascar town i'm not sure but this is all looking pretty cool and i'm not sure we're gonna go and have a look in every single shot because we're pretty familiar with all of these but it's worth having just just a glide over all of this to appreciate the story that's been told and of course the most recent thing was the turf war arena which we ended up winning in the end and we're waiting oh wait i just noticed that it's gone back it's gone back it's gone back to grass oh wow i didn't real i didn't realize that happened so soon oh wow it's looking fresh and great i mean let's be honest with ourselves here it couldn't stay mycelium as much as much as it was about the block it was definitely not about the block it was about having a good time and grass definitely looks better in the end so i think we're gonna finish with a place that's special to my heart grumbot's universe and that's where we're gonna we're gonna end today's episode so in here is where my son is i don't know if mumbo's checked in on him recently but he's still here he's still happy grumbot was definitely a very fun part of the the series for me and uh he's quite a beautiful beautiful baby boy so i think that is the end of today's episode now it was a walky talky world tory video but the reason is like it's christmas time i i need a break i i really need a break so i'm gonna take i'm gonna take a week off or so so these videos will fill in that time and hopefully i'll be fresh and ready to go in the new year and keep an eye out because this world tour video was specifically to give you guys an overview of what all the hermits have been doing i'm really really sorry if i missed anyone out there's a lot of people and it gets it's very easy to get lost but i'm pretty sure i covered most people so yeah i definitely missed some stuff but you know i did what i could but anyway the point of this was to give you guys a good overview of what's happened and what's going on on the server show everyone's bases because my next video is going to be my top 10 favorite hermitcraft builds this season so look out for that but i do have a question for you the the viewer at the end of this video if you actually have made it to the end of this video well congratulations it means an awful lot to me that you have watched the entire thing but i would like to know what would you like to see in hermitcraft just some comments or some some ideas what are you looking forward to in 2021 i've got some ideas don't get me wrong i'm not out of ideas i've got loads of things i want to do but it's always good to know what you want to see so that's it for me i'll leave you with that and i shall enjoy reading your comments and i shall say now goodbye
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,212,411
Rating: 4.9587526 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, hermitcraft world tour, episode 61
Id: 0NWM3krrbLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 52sec (3232 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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