Hermitcraft 7: Episode 72 - BIG BARGE HQ!

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today is barge day i am dedicating this entire wow this entire episode to the barge and the first thing that i'm gonna do is give you some kind of idea of how long i have been chopping wood not the most exciting thing but two hours of chopping wood and i have a feeble amount yeah check check this out really quick time lapse not not even gonna not even gonna give you any music it's that's how unimportant and boring this was chopping wood but check it out i've got i didn't even get a full shulker box of some of the bits like two hours and you know i kind of regret getting into the log business to be honest with you i don't have an auto log producer or the whatever they what are they called wood farms i don't have a wood farm but i have got enough stock to go ahead and yeah there's a raid in my base and i can't find it i don't know where it is i've i don't know how it happened i don't know where they are i've had a look around nothing oh you that is more than what are they all there i think that i think this is the most bizarre raid i've ever seen i think there is they're all there they're having a party out there having a rooftop party that's amazing that is amazing well i wasn't expecting that right well raids take a long time to fight so we're going to forget about that we're going to go and stock up the barge but like i was saying regret getting into the log business let's stock all of this up believe it or not logs are one of my biggest sellers okay so stocked up the barge with logs but we're not actually gonna be focusing on this barge we're gonna be making something that you might have seen on my community post oh my goodness there's someone behind me and i also have a proximity chat on so we might be able to hear scar you do have proximity oh my goodness no that scared me oh you you waited i was like batman up in the raptors of awkward town you waited just long enough for me to question whether proximity chat was working so scar and i aren't actually using discord right now we're just using a minecraft mod and the further i get away uh tech i think right quiet there you go hello scar can you hear me hello hello amazing hello uh and i just can you explain what's going on with your face um uh no i can't explain it other than that it's beautiful yeah you know what i don't even want to know while you're here actually can i are you still selling this tower because i would uh i'd still love it oh the big one yeah you put signs and i tore them all down um so i forgot you how much did you want to buy it for i don't remember how much did you buy it for oh you know 200 diamond blocks i don't believe that for a second i don't actually remember go on then how much do you want um okay all right it's not about the diamonds it's about something else come with me come with me up here up on threads is that there is a ginormous and i mean ginormous beethoven's face up there it's beautiful it's what no it's disgusting oh all right right so the stipulation with buying this property would be that that needs to be changed out or removed entirely bonus points if it's of me angela but not a requirement on that phone but it needs to be removed and i'll sell it for 35 blocks 35 you drive you're mr money back this building will be great for your entrepreneur-ness i don't think that's a word but just think just think of the prestige the barge industries will have by owning the best building in aqua town done and the billboard uh i kind of like the billboard if i give you 5000 blocks back will you will you remove it yes i will salt i am i am the greatest negotiator okay so that's now my tower but all i have to do is remove the billboard remove the billboard and it is a hundred percent sealed in yours okay done shake on it how do we shake ouch i lost all my hearts the proximity mod just made that so much better like watches watches actually great oh wow you did you did it you did it you did it okay okay okay you did eat it [Music] [Laughter] oh that's awesome oh man [Laughter] i can't even talk to scar now because he's nowhere near me this is how you do business in aqua town hello i'm back oh oh man i got your stuff i i've never had to do that before i literally just i just had to wait about five minutes before doing this next clip because my cat was purring too loudly into the microphone i just just had to ask her for politely can you stop purring okay so now what we're going to do is work on barge hq now a while ago i put a poll on the community post on youtube asking which one did you prefer a or b and i've got to say it's probably about it it was a close call yeah 99 of you said b 99 that's such a huge amount and also 120 000 comments maybe even more by now crazy these posts are mad okay so i am actually going to agree with you that's the one that i want to build b i want this to be very open airy and glassy and here is scar so what we're going to do is we're going to get into a time lapse of building an enormous barge hq and i think i might actually make it a little bit taller than my original design one it can kind of match what's here and two it looks like there's plans to build something on this corner plot so i want it to stick over the top so i might need to make this quite a bit taller than i initially thought but that's okay there's there's no one enforcing vertical height restrictions is there desk of the building officer of vertical enforcement hmm well that's just inviting something to happen isn't it so what how does this work welcome to the office of the building of vertical enforcement above why didn't they make it aqua aqua office of building no wait aqua building officer vertical enforcement above you've missed such a trick there okay uh what is the building limit what is the building limit impulse this is the worst document i've ever seen it says it says that there's a maximum height limit but you haven't said what it is and i can buy more that's just that's asking for trouble i've had a look at this video and it turns out the answer is 90 blocks 90 blocks is the limit for aqua town apparently and you have to buy more well forget that it's not happening so why don't we just go out of our way to be really annoying and make a build that's 91 blocks tall hmm oh maybe even taller i don't know right anyway let's get into this time lapse and make ourselves a big old tower of barge let's go sorry green [Music] check it out we have one completed barge hq tower let's get a bit of a better angle on this because well it's probably not a huge shock it's uh probably in the thumbnail and i already asked you which design i wanted but does it remind you of any particular building if you said big ben you're wrong because big ben is the bell but it does resemble elizabeth tower in london and that is very much the inspiration for this particular build and you know what i think it actually fits inside of aqua town very very nicely now i've been thinking about this guy here the big smiling b-dubs and i think that it's kind of a shame to get rid of it but it is part of the deal of collecting the deed for this tower so i'm just gonna clarify something really quick with scar scar can you confirm that all i have to do is not have b-dubs on the billboard i just need i don't know whether he wants me to remove the entire billboard or if i can just remove the b-dubs yes fool okay so i have a few ideas and we're gonna have to experiment to see what works first of all let's take a screenshot so we remember exactly what this looks like i want to know if b dubs face will fit inside the barge hq oh that's mighty cursed that is so cursed b dubs with no eyes they say the eyes are the windows to the soul but it would appear that b-dubs eyes are the window to a rather empty building okay let's go and have a look and see if this will fit so i've got all the bits of b-dubs eyes which i never thought i'd say in an episode of hermitcraft it's going to be a bit of a weird one today isn't it you know talking about b-dubs his eyes i can immediately say i don't think this is going to work because that's that's his eyes and i can't do much more than that in this small space [Laughter] it looks like yeah it looks like we got a very happy barge hq and a very soulless b dubs no no i don't think that's going to work for me unfortunately so i and also i don't really want to actually remove the billboard so according to scar all i need to do is remove b-dubs from this so i have a feeling that there's i think there's a work around here so what i'm thinking is just to save myself having to fill in because this billboard isn't actually on top of the building it is the building if i remove the billboard i'd have to make an entire side of the building but i think it would be much better if we just refilled and changed up some of the colors and the palette of this build and i think you might be guessing where it's going as i change this blue to red if you haven't figured it out yet i guess you know where it's going boom exactly what scar didn't want okay so we've replaced b-dubs with a giant smiling green which i've got to say doesn't quite deliver the smile that b dubs this skin does it it is a feeble imitation if you ask me however it's still it's still pretty cool what we are going to do is we're not going to actually say goodbye to b-dubs skin because i would like to include it on the barge i specifically asked if it was just about removing b-dubs from the billboard scar never said i couldn't put it anywhere else so the plan here is to create a bit of a flying b-dubs hanging from barge hq i don't care if it's got nothing to do with the barge i just really like seeing b-dubs is smile into my soul face and take a look at that b-dubs is back just hanging around i think this works pretty well you can see b-dubs just just peeking over the top of all of the buildings i don't think it detracts too much from barge hq especially if you look at it from this angle which is i'll be honest this is the open area at the moment so this is kind of where everyone's hanging out so it doesn't interrupt the skyline and then as you're just walking through the town b-dubs i don't i can't let that big smiley boy down so that's my project for aqua town complete but what's going to go on the inside well up here i hope to make my barge hq office now i've been putting a great deal of thought on how to get up and down this rather large tower and i've been doing some explosive testing on my server to see if it's possible and i believe that oh my goodness no wonder i ran out of materials i forgot to say forgot to take down the eyeballs whoops um that that explains a lot i was like where is where have all these bits of wool gone so what i'm thinking is we have a basically a tnt dispensing square right in the middle you turn it on you stand here as long as you're on full health it'll launch you all the way up hopefully to the top uh hopefully maybe just that layer and then you've got to walk the rest of the way and then up here we want our actual meeting room and we get a lovely view of b dubs his face so this is going to be perfect but what is barge hq actually going to do well it's not just a place for my office what this is actually going to be is one last money-making venture for the barge so the barge has been great it has made me a very wealthy person on the hermitcraft server it basically it sells just about everything that you would need but it particularly focuses on grindy things such as hello sand and gravel is my biggest money maker but it also includes a bunch of other stuff and now including logs which i seriously regret getting into and a bunch of other stuff that's a pain in the neck to get your hands on and we've tried our best to venture out into different things we started selling boxes of stuff which haven't actually sold too much but we also tried things like barge quest which were extremely successful so my next venture is going to be some sort of mini game but it's uh i don't think it's been done on the hermitcraft server before so i'm not actually going to spoil it because it's going to take me a little while to make and by a little while i mean a very long while this is not not something that i need to get into lightly and it's certainly going to prevent me from making the back of the mansion for at least another couple of weeks so that's why we're definitely gonna do it okay so what we're gonna have is our launcher up to the top and the start of a barge related mini game which i think will prove to be reasonably popular we've had a bit of a disaster here i'll i'll be honest with you i i got really angry because i've set up this and i wasn't recording i'm not annoyed that it blew up i'm actually annoyed that i wasn't recording because i was like i was just i was just like idly doing this and i i clicked the button it released the tnt if you don't know this is a launcher so basically you stand on here it launches tnt and up you go that's at least that's the plan and i watched as one tnt just slowly slid into the bubble elevator and it just went bang everything everything went lost all the glass and what was really annoying i lost about half my shulker boxes i don't think it was anything too much but anyway enough of my woes what i need to do is give this a proper test so we got a splash potion of turtle master to give me the proper resistance there should be some tnt in there and uh let's just see if this works oh no not again again again okay i don't think this works that's that's not far off what happened last time that's not far off what happened last time okay so i'm thinking the bubble elevator isn't the way to go so when i say that this was tested on my server i mean it definitely worked on my server but i didn't quite anticipate that i'd have to edit the design a little bit uh so this this has not gone particularly well let's just do a botch job for now okay should we try this again this time i'm going to use my i thought i was going to be clever by using soul sand to kind of propel me so forget it this time i'm going to put a slab there and in theory all i got to do is just bounce on it like this that i don't think this works does it i feel a bit silly as well sitting in the pool of failure there must i'm pretty sure this worked whoa well at least this time it doesn't self-destruct let's try again because i think i had it let's go three two one no it it launched me but not far enough so let's try adding two more okay we're gonna test this test number two and go all right doesn't launch you straight up which is a bit annoying right last chance ah they don't all they need to explode at the same time [Music] okay come on oh no oh no i ran out of potions guys i think i've lost all my items i think i've lost all my netherright gear oh we're about to find out i have a sneaky suspicion [Music] i can't cry in minecraft but if if i could i would be crying this was a terrible idea this was a terrible idea it's completely reliant on turtle master potions i i don't have time right now to put everything back together the way it was i do have some spare oh i have some spare tools okay a lit i've i have a few spare tools and i have some spare elytra i've got one lonely nether nether i inger it's okay i've i've got enough lint in my pocket to be able to put put my life back together now i i don't have time for anything else in this episode now it's been slightly spoiled by my shoddy red this redstone has killed me my redstone has not only killed me it's it's it's it's taken everything from me you know what i think i think the the end of this episode i'm just gonna listen to some music and think about what i've done [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,261,390
Rating: 4.9731913 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build
Id: GNT0KL5Onkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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