Hermitcraft 6: Episode 7 - IN A PICKLE!

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Grian, pls waterlog your chests

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lefgozer261102 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't know why Grian didn't just fill the bottom of his pit with slime blocks to make it safe for people to jump down. Water is boring.

Also I'm going to guess that Iskall will put a Bumbo stache on the Pickle Grian statue in less than two days.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CRtwenty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can’t wait to see people react to this prank!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TimoklesDev πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

He should sell pickl-axes too!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sab39 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone know what in the world is up w/ the puffer fish? He has one hiding in his base and impulse had one underneath the villager trading thingy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ACNLGal2016 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello my name is greener welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft as you can see I've made a little bit of progress today I got back from my trip just yesterday so I am very behind on many many things I have done a little bit of progress today so there is something going on I have fixed the Redstone behind here thank you to everyone that helped me out with that I was really struggling so now I'm gonna replace this with a button so there we go we have the button installed this redstone now works I mean it's very very basic stuff but it works and that's the main thing we're gonna replant these potatoes because we're actually collecting a lot of these for trading with the villages and I'm gonna explain that a little bit later on because one of the first things that we're gonna do today is buy a season pass to a shop so that's exactly what we're going to go and do now we're gonna go and buy that pass now that the potatoes are growing again we're just going to shift over all of these potatoes into my shulker box but before we head off to the shop I just want to show you the little bit of progress that I made you can see I have actually opted to start doing things underneath the platform which is actually much easier than it might seem if we go down as long as I have the conduit power which is by Squidward's house over there I should be able to one see like so and I should be able to swim and everything else so it's basically like a really slow way of flying therefore it's actually easier to build underwater than I initially thought so basically what I'm gonna do is I think I'm gonna do this layer first clearing out the water is not a priority but it will give me a better idea of what this is going to look like overall so you can kind of see that I've made these gray cyan terracotta edge all the way down to the bottom where they connect and it's a little bit odd I'm really really not sure how this is gonna end up looking but I have faith in the design nonetheless in the time that I've been gone scar has literally built an entire new island unbelievable with a bit of a Mayan temple in as well the man is crazy so we're gonna go and buy this pass and I'm gonna explain how this all works and why I'm even doing this in the first place hello not bad oh I didn't uh I was gonna buy the pass for me I didn't actually bring any money if you couldn't end the chest somewhere I was right there okay so how much is this it's 32 diamonds well it was 25 at the beginning of the season alright yeah and then and then I had a lot of feedback from from customers that wanted to pay more huh the viewers thought I was actually under selling this place because it's it's actually pretty amazing inside to be honest so you're gonna have to all right over there you go half a stack I feel like oaken thoroughly scared but I don't think I have so this is at the pass now how do I actually get in yeah that's the that's the secret man it's pretty pretty tricky here but you see this right here this dot of the high yeah toss your book on there and that's gonna open the door for you you imagine you're a magic man I do a little bit of redstone you know some of my viewers a Minecraft experts some of them aren't so can you give a brief explanation of how this works with the whole trading thing yeah just for those a doughnut don't understand me included okay so yeah I got a bunch of different librarian villagers in here and basically what they'll trade is enchanted books for basically emeralds and a book so you're gonna need to kind of get some emeralds and I have a way to do that as well a lot of good ways to do this with farmers so I have a few farmers in the corners here you could train crops which are pretty easy to get right well that's you know because I brought some potatoes okay good yeah so you could trade those potatoes with the farmers grab yourself some emeralds I don't have books in here for sale yet but you know those are using its paper and leather you bring your own books and you can go to each one of these guys and I have signs with the the costs of basically so many for 10m worlds in one book and you can buy a mending book from him and apply that to your gear and then basically your diamond gear should last you all season if you don't you know die in lava which you would never do yeah I've never died in this game not even once okay so this is just a series of trading that needs to happen so that I can get the good stuff on my gear right okay and if you if you run out of crops here I do have what we call micro transactions in the back like you're tryna get even more money out of us can I ask how much how many diamonds you make let's see you're probably like the tenth hermit so at least 320 plus micro transaction we'll call it if you call 350 I've probably made 350 diamonds off a stack of diamonds left Iraq through mind really quick I've been good about recirculating these diamonds though oh there you go that was your first trade with the villager ever I know it really truly is ever this is this is a bit too much for me I've never ever dealt with any of this before alright well thank you very much I'm gonna have to go and grab my book and stuff but yeah this is gonna this is gonna help me out with all of the the enchanting that I need to do i I've been a very unlucky all of my diamond gear just has fire protection and that's it there there is a another bookshop there is another bookshop if you didn't know I dunno I did actually check that out a little bit ago and it's right underneath you shop it in fact is undercutting you a bit for sure I went in here and in my professional opinion yes prices are just too much you just paid me thirty-two and you can have unlimited mending books for the rest of the season so you know what I mean in here you once you buy three you're already over what you paid me so yeah so I'm not too worried about this business I see what he's doing oh I got one anything I got anything I want to show you yeah it's just another oh is this another thing where I can waste my money this is a loot right you throw in one block of diamond and you're gonna get an eye loot box it's a shocker box full of goodies but it's it's like rubbish in there right actually to be honest right now it's pretty good stuff oh don't do this to me you know I'm a curious guy there's a really good chance you're gonna get your diamond back and then some all right right now yeah all right get in early if you want a good chance you'd be right out I'm gonna try it I'm gonna try you've persuaded me that I'm a Pullo man I'm like buying my lottery ticket with my last dollar okay I gotta tell you I'm crossing my fingers for you I really want to keep Joker box juicer right there that's a good deal I mean that's usually six diamonds by itself if this is full of coal we're gonna pull out gold man you got your diamond block back this is one of the best ones yeah that's one of the best ones there's a few that had a diamond block in there so you got your money back plus some so see I thought this is a scam no way oh my goodness you're welcome to come back this game I know this game I know this game the first one is gonna be full of good stuff and then it's gonna be full of like coal and rubbish oh yeah shall we should we bet should we bet what's in this one okay no it's so good but not actually not see bad matters look there's a mending book already in there for you so that's pretty good that's actually really good I'm ins back you know you're getting me addicted to this I'm leaving I'm cashing out okay well so that was pretty we got away with a decent amount of stuff building this space isn't gonna get me any diamonds whatsoever we really need something special something unique and so I think it's time that we start working on greens shop so I really want to get mending on this ASAP and because I was given a mending book in that fit what what what how do I get poisoned excuse me excu what okay I got poison just but what the heck what have they done Oh someone's put a puffer fish in my boat someone's put up puffer fish in my boat I can't I can't get past him oh my goodness am I gonna die from this I have to go round they must have know they knew I was gonna pass through there okay I'll tell you what this guy's kind of cute wait there we go I got an achievement tactical fishing we have a bucket of puffer fish well I've been totally totally sidetracked now because this guy's just this guy is so cute this guy is so cute we're actually gonna go and do something with him right now I learned a really really cool trick the other day so all you need is a bunch of staircases and slabs and that's basically it so we're gonna make a little square here we're gonna go up quite a few blocks to create a gap between two layers and we're gonna do the same thing exactly the same thing but mirrored upside down and then you've got yourself a little sandwich and then you've got to fill in the water here first so every single block is saturated with water and there we go it's all filled in there's not a single block that is missing and then if we add water here it falls down and then doesn't spill anywhere so we can basically take it from the bottom and put it on every single one at the top and it should just fall straight downwards because it thinks that this is a source block and therefore doesn't actually need to go anywhere so what we've actually got if you hadn't worked it out is we have a borderless aquarium so there's no need to put glass to stop it falling everywhere we've got a really clean design for an aquarium so there we have it our little aquarium so there we have it our little aquarium there is a slight problem with this in the fact that if you put more than one fish in here they will push each other out and fall and well yeah they won't they won't survive but we can put one little fish in here and he will happily float about and shouldn't leave the confines of this very cool aquarium so we're going to officially name him puffer fish Paul there we go hello Paul welcome to the family so one little prank has turned into one little pet and he's so cute so we're gonna keep Paul forever forever and ever and ever he's gonna live in here for the time being and we'll look after him for as long as we can welcome Paul and whoever did that thank you for the pet that was very nice of you also don't back at the shop but don't you think it's a little bit questionable that the modern sign looks extremely like the prehistoric sign that you find in rollercoaster tycoon 2 hmm it's a bit weird now I want to go and take a quick look at mumbos base because I know he's been working on well essentially the Death Star look at this so I've obviously been away for a week so I haven't seen the progress being made by everyone this is mental and it looks like we have been using pretty much the same blocks a lot of glass wait a minute this is water why is he got water here is there a reason why would he have water here surely that would make it harder to get around not sure but this is so cool I'm loving this I can't wait to see I don't know whether he's gonna fill the whole thing in and basically actually have have a sphere but it doesn't seem so at the moment I'm really interested to see what he does kind of want to see what's going on down here has anything changed what's going on here how do I get in his base has been flooded what his base has been totally flooded and it's full of sea grass what on earth your front doors missing oh my goodness okay so he's got an entirely new entrance oh this is so cool oh what a mess hey I'm here to fix the leak mommy's got a weird phantom block thing there's a couple of bits here but we just can't fix and that's how what you place it doesn't want to work even if you place a piston and power it it doesn't doesn't do anything this is so weird either way I'm just gonna put a few fans on his I guess I guess I'm a big mambo fan because I'm putting fans all over the place so we're just gonna put a little bit of color in here and maybe just a tiny bit of purple so it scales turn up to fix it whatever was wrong can you do it doesn't look like it he's trying exactly what I did but it doesn't seem to work how many Minecrafters does it take to fix a blocker there look at this odd scene going on it scales just sitting inside the Phantom block mom who's just jumping around what is going on in here so a few waterlogged blocks a couple of staircases and we've got ourselves a nice-looking area but there's nothing we can do to fix this apparently let's head on back to the base where we can continue doing it summer work okay so I took a bit of time to prepare for everything because I I went to go and start making the pickle shop and I suddenly realized I was woefully unprepared so I've spent hours and I mean hours collecting stuff I've got packed ice ice a bunch of white concrete powder now and some potatoes more sand gravel sand sand this isn't even what I'm using for the pickle shop this is just for this base all the pickle stuff is already over there I've picked out a little place and I'm ready but the first thing that we need is loads of pickles we actually need to go and get ourselves plenty of pickles and I think I have a pretty decent way of doing that we're gonna do a quick architect delivery oh and by the way the name is now officially the architects or just architects because the overwhelming vote was not for build stone it was like 80% for architects so people obviously liked that one a lot more so I'm gonna do a quick delivery for mumbo cuz he needs some packed ice and us architect guys we stick together even though we haven't really worked out what we're doing yet we're still trying to just form our basis we still help each other out so I'm gonna go and deliver him a lot of packed ice there he is give you that and well I guess I'll be off then well there we go that is the delivery done he's got the packed ice he'll I guess I'll just use what he needs right let's go and build this pickle farm cuz we've been putting this off now and I think I'm finally ready so I've been trying to find a spot look at how much this has evolved since we started seriously it's really packed and you can't build a pickle farm right in the middle of it all this is busy this is busy so I've chosen a bit off to the side I don't know actually if that is part of the shopping district everything seems to be totally in here so I'm just gonna squeeze it in over here between the log thing and the rocket shop but I don't really want to be down here in this little crevice here what I want to do is make my own little island one Island my own little hill so I can put the jar on the top so it pokes over this building and you'll be able to see it much like this one so I think I've got enough of what I need to do that but we actually we actually need some pickles I haven't actually got that many to sell so we're gonna make a quick machine that I think will work I don't think I can be bothered to make a farm route right now so I'm just gonna do a really quick way of getting some pickles just to initially stock it and then I'm gonna find a way of automating this process even better but right now I just need to get my hands on plenty of pickles so what I'm gonna do is just make a quick very quick platform of coral block so I can remove this later on so if you don't know pickles have to be placed I'm gonna pickles well where are my pickles so if you don't know pickles have to be placed on Cola blocks I place the pickle and then I can bone meal until it spreads everywhere that it needs to go eventually it will just stop so I can just collect all these place another lot bonemeal bow mill bow mill without trying to hit it and then I can just harvest the pickles really quickly okay that's I mean the sun's going down that's definitely a sign that we've done enough pickles for now I'm profit sick of collecting these now I did it the very very long way I think I have an idea to make a super overcomplicated pickle farm but I might need to ask mumbo for his help on making one of these but for now I'm just gonna stock it manually because we haven't even made the shop yet that's what we need to do now we need to actually make the shop that's that's probably enough pickles right I mean how many pickles do people need but I can I can spread it out and make it make it look like they've got loads right okay let's get started on making this hill I have spent way longer on this and I thought so the time lapse is just finished but I mainly just showed the big giant pickle jar and it looks like a bit of a mess I'm hoping when I put some water in it you'll be able to separate each one but I'm green so I went that little bit further so underneath I turned myself into a pickle guys I spent hours and I mean hours just getting rid of all of this oh so that I could create a giant inverted pickle with my face on it oh I don't really know why I did this because this entire space really isn't useful I guess it's just for the joke of it all so what I'm going to do now is quickly make a way to get up so inside the jar is where I'm going to be selling the pickles but I need to create a way to get up and down on this so the best way is a water elevator but I'm basically going to use the little trick that I did at the start with the aquarium so what I'm gonna do I think is I need to create 3 by 3 now in theory in theory the water should then fall down from here land in this and nothing should go wrong in theory now I don't actually have a much better way of getting out of here yet other than just using the elite trend taking a bit of damage so let's go for it balancing between the walls okay let's give this a shot shall we and it hasn't caused any issues so we've done it we've we've properly managed to do it and it works on both sides now we just need to see what this looks like from here you can still see my face it definitely needs lighting up this is as majestic as I perhaps thought because one pillar see okay here's the problem you can't make a single pillar with the sole sand and the magma block it just it doesn't work like that you've got you've got to make it so that there's a surrounding bit which is really sucky mmm it doesn't look good at all really doesn't there might be a better way of doing this there might be a better way of doing this because what I could do well it's a good prototype but I think I have a better idea there we go oh that is so much better oh my goodness I didn't realize quite how chunky a 3x3 water elevator would be so definitely definitely the right way to go was some stained glass made out of green so and it doesn't really affect the pickle too much you can still see the pickle shape it still works I just need to light it up a bit better that's all okay I think this is the main bit done the pickle bit so this is how you get up and down and I've actually thought of a bit of a devious plan but first we've got to fill in the jar of pickles with water so the first thing is to cover this up and now we just need to get some buckets looks like we're completely filled now no gaps of air oh my goodness that took so long maybe I needed more than three buckets but it worked out in the end it definitely worked out in the end they all bail bail bail no no no oh I'm so sick of these things okay I'm ready to actually start doing so I'm actually ready to start stocking this up now I'm very excited this is my very first shop it had to be sea pickles of course but now because I've done this I've got to add in some signs I turned myself into a pickle jump on in alright so they see that sign they say I've turned myself into a pickle now here's the joke ok I will change this in the future but you know me I'm the mischievous man and I'm gonna make it so that there's no easy way out I know there's a block missing I can fix that from the outside ok anyway so we go inside you got to jump in and sink down and then I'm gonna leave another sign well you seem to be in a bit of a pickle I mean this shop is 90% puns 90% puns 10% selling pickles I think I've actually created a hell's own ok so the only way out at the moment is to fly out via electricity you're stuck in here alright so go ahead on up to the shop it's a pretty big deal I'm gonna call you're gonna hate me after this everybody's gonna hate me after this I don't know what it's ever gonna win do not touch they are pickle ish I should actually stock up the shop before I continue with this signage so you come up here and you see all of these pickles pickle up oh ok pickle up as many pickles as you need one diamond equals two stacks hopefully that's a good amount for one right I haven't actually got that much stock but it should be enough to make a small profit so far do not touch they are pickle ish I need to come up with a few more pickle puns and then I'll be happy and then there's pickles all over these pickles pickles pickles pickles pickles pickles pickles I don't think I'm ever going to get sick of that and there's actually no way out that's part of the joke of this it is a pun the whole shop is called in a pickle so you come in here you buy your pickles you're in a jar there's no way out so you come here and then you go down here and then you when you realize that you're actually stuck it's too late you read this sign again and it says well you seem to be in a bit of a pickle oh this is absolutely brilliant devious and well dare I say it gee yes but we should probably make it as a safe way down there's no point in assuming that everyone has an Electra so we should create a little bit of a safe way down how does this look from the outside now that's lit up it makes no difference whatsoever whether it's lit up or not that's probably the biggest disappointment about 1.13 is that even when you have water behind glass it's still not particularly visible and it's really annoying okay so you arrive it says hey guys I turn myself into a pickle jump on in oh this is so cool this is so brilliant my pickle pun ability is running out I've added a few some of them are a little bit sketchy okay so this is what I've got don't touch they are pickle ish this water can be a little cumbersome get at cucumber buy more pickles it's a pretty sweet deal and then right up here if they're looking for more there's being stuck in here must be jarring get it cuz we're in a jar oh and never a dull moment in this shop okay I'm done I'm done that's enough we have officially finished the first shop the worst shop ever made and also possibly the best shop ever made oh my goodness so they're in a bit of a pickle I should probably actually make a way out to be honest but maybe not now maybe once everyone's had a little visit to the shop and had their little laugh and trying to figure a way out then then then I'll add a way out properly but for now this is my little prank my little joke this is a very elaborate prank and I should actually be starting my own base I should be doing my own base why am I here that is gonna trigger a lot of people so that's the last thing we're gonna fix before it's over we finished our very first shop now we just have to wait to make a little bit of money and then I can tick that off of my bucket list I'm definitely looking forward to seeing people's reactions to this it's gonna be so funny to see them one come and see my face well they'll read the sign jump on in so they jump on in if they haven't got any light true then they so you seem to be in a bit of a pickle which they are and then they go on up it's a pretty big deal oh this is just gonna be brilliant I can't wait to see people's reactions and then hopefully they buy some pickles as well they read all the puns they have a swim around and then they go back down just to realize that they can't get out and then they read the sign and then they understand what this means altogether absolutely brilliant anyway that's it for me everyone thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this episode I hope you enjoyed watching us make a horrible funny prank II shot a big jar of pickles and I will see you in the next hermit craft episode where hopefully we will make some serious progress and put a dent in building this base thanks everyone for watching and good [Music]
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,901,007
Rating: 4.95397 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, hermit craft, grian hermitcraft, episode 7, pickle, sea pickle farm, minecraft 1.13, pickles, mumbo, survival minecraft, update, prank, mumbo afk
Id: xPR0YLlg75A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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