Hermitcraft 6: Episode 0 - NEW HORIZONS!

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TimoklesDev πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 19 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mumbo , thanks for picking up futuristic , just be sure to not do anything related to h5. And I'd like tons of collabs with grian , you said lot of collabs this season right?

I personally dont really like prismarine and oceans in Minecraft. Still will always follow you.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Curse3242 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 20 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
how does hermitcraft work like a great big psychotic dysfunctional family explain I mean some of my viewers might not have even heard of hermitcraft so can someone explain how this series is gonna work Exuma yeah a group of youtubers who make videos about Minecraft and we play together in a wonderful world and this wonderful world off sick world with happy care as a group is going to have this giant island that you see around you transformed into different areas there's gonna be a medieval area a shopping area where you can trade goods for your fellow hub it was that good enough explanation we played Minecraft together that's what I could have summed it up like that so everyone this is mumbo and welcome to episode zero of hermits cramps season 6 we are about to get things started here and I am I'm ridiculously excited but also I'm a tiny bit nervous because it's been a very long time since I started again on a new world so here we go is my first time entering the server and I'm gonna have to get the texture pack installed which that should all go through and then we should get the new textures that are going to be in the latest release of Minecraft and here we are this is it with all of the new update aquatic features like fish and all of these beautiful things here and I've got to say straight away I like the new textures I think they're very nice I'm gonna have to do this thankfully I've started kind of in the middle of the day so it should be should be alright but yes just get punching Oh start in the middle of the day he said no the Sun has now set and I can already feel the danger we're on a little island so we should be ok but I just need to get myself some stone and maybe just a little I can kind of rest up I mean I really don't fancy dying right now can anyone sleep how about that that seems a lot more urgent now for anyone who hasn't really been here for the start of a new hermit craft season on my channel what I like to do in these episodes eros is talk through my plans for why I'm going to be doing in the season run through some ideas I've had for what I want to do and most importantly just get myself started get myself the very basic resources that I'm going to require to actually get things going so I suppose I should probably build some form of tiny little structure down here where I store my crafting bench and my furnaces and things so armed with my eight torches and a tiny little area down here with a furnace and a crafting bench I think I'm going to begin my expedition down into the earth because we need to start getting ourselves some slightly more this is terrifying some slightly more precious items okay that was that was a very risky thing for me to do now that I'm looking at it and also why why did my torches have blue I've clearly got the wrong - I've got water torches up there aquatic is taking over everything one thing that I'd also Turney forgotten is that I need food so I've got one one piece of steak there I suppose I'm gonna have to kill this sheep on I okay so that gives me two bits of food I get another food from this guy okay okay so we should be sorted at least for the early days yes first iron of the hermit crab season six and it is just just the one piece of iron says that's not particularly useful but by the look of things that to me looks like someone else's little area going down okay so we can make use of this this is perfect the good news is we have made it down to y equals 11 the bad news is is that I've only got one torch left but the good news is is that at y equals 11 I have just located a whole bunch more iron so we should have enough now that my pickaxe is almost completely out of durability to add she make ourselves an iron pick and also just say no I stumbled across a little monster spawner that someone else had taken all the items out of there are these two things but also two bids redstone dust first redstone of the server this feels great and we have one piece of iron left to make ourselves a shovel just because we can whoa I did not realize they went this far down that is crazy this is also quite dangerous because I have to stand on top magma to get out okay this is great but also a bit frustrating but also great because there's loads of fish there that we can get oh we're not now swimming I forgot about that oh no there it is that's the good stuff right I'm gonna get as much of this as possible because I want to be building redstone contraptions from episode 1 for a tiny little mining session that actually went really well we got ourselves a bunch of coal a bunch of iron basically all of the starting resources that I could need apart from diamonds for the main issue that we're running into is food so I'm actually going to hop in my boat and I'm going to make my way over to the actual island where we're all going to be building our bases now if my map reading skills are correct right now I should be in the industrial area of the Hermit craft island so I feel like I should explain the for this hammock craft season we're going to have one main central island in the middle of the ocean and it's going to be split up into a bunch of different districts so right now I'm in the industrial area but there's also going to be the medieval section there's going to be the modern section the shopping area which is where we're going to be trading all of our items a bit like what we did in houma craft season 4 we're going to have the fantasy section the aqua town and the futuristic area hopefully I haven't missed any of them I was just I was rattling a little hop on the top of my head there but those are going to be the different districts and they're all going to have different building styles and different block pallets so I'm now at the north of the mana district and I'm over by pythons place I believe he's gang setup around this village but anyway this village has got a bunch of farms so I'm going to pop on by and get myself a whole ton of food because that is the one thing that is likely to kill you in the early days of a Minecraft world that's for sure now this area off to the left here is going to be the futuristic zone in the near future and this is where I am actually going building I'm going to be building in the futuristic area I believe Exuma is also going to be building in the futuristic zone but for the most part I'm not actually going to be doing my work on this part of the island instead that's a while biffer walking up there instead I'm actually going to be doing my bears off on some islands that are just off the coast of the futuristic zone here they are so we've got Island number one right there there's another island there and then this is the main island which is pretty big and then we also have another island which is going to be behind this thing so this is where this is gonna be me this is gonna be my spot now only in the future these things are gonna be all my world and we've got Turtles we've got Turtles on my island ladies and gents check out these guys I actually haven't really seen these they're amazing I loved them so there we go this is this is Island number one it's a shipwreck and we've got a shipwreck ladies and gentlemen look at this so yeah as I was saying we've got ourselves one island two one and three island four island and then there's a fifth island over there now I think green wants to do something with that I'm there so we might not touch it I think it's a little bit bigger than that but for the most part yeah these four islands these the ones that I've claimed and they're all going to be connected up so I'm going to be connecting them via bridges and things and as I say we're going to be building in a futuristic style we're going to be slowing in all the farms everywhere I don't know how we're going to do it but it's going to look really great I cannot wait I mean this is gonna be so cool because it is so different from anything else I've built and then as you can see the futuristic district is still visible from over there okay let's let's get back to gathering resources we need to stop talking about plans is that new you can now sleep during thunderstorms has that always been the case I feel like that hasn't always been the case right I would say I'm now pretty much ready to go for a proper mining session so I've got my helmet I've got my chest plate I've got all of my different iron tools I've got myself a bucket of water I've got thirty torches some woods to take down there and also some stairs so that I don't have to waste food coming back up and down my staircase yeah I'd say I'm good to go so I'm going to start punching up my staircase for the second time in episode zero and we're going to make our way down to y equals 11 once again I definitely should have gone a little bit higher up on my staircase this is it just looks painful thank goodness I'm wearing my helmet oh there we go there it is and that's there's two diamonds three diamonds thank goodness I decided all this more for diamonds and that my friends is a perfect example of why you might out the blocks around diamonds because you never know where they're actually going to be spawning around so there we go we have got enough diamonds now to make the first diamond pickaxe of hermitcraft season six for me this is exciting so I think what I'm going to do is now that I've got myself some diamonds I'm actually going to kick off a proper resource gathering mission I'm going to do a two hour mining session and I want you to let me know down in the comments section how many resources you think I'm going to get in that period of time how many diamonds how much coal how much iron how much gold how much lapis far away I'm interested to hear your predictions now in today's super fast time-lapse chat I want to talk to you about my plans for the future of hermit craft in general but also how ridiculous the scheduling has been in typical fashion I've booked something I booked something ages ago my holiday to Cornwall which couldn't be moved and then in typical fashion everything that could possibly happen happened during that timeframe so update aquatic releases hermit craft season 5 ends hermitcraft season 6 starts all while I was away in Cornwall I was having a fantastic time surfing it was really great I don't regret going but it has made things a little bit crazy so all of the other Hermits I've had a nice couple day head start on me getting there build stuff everything like that and I've kind of rocked up a little bit late unfortunately but that's just that's just how these things go I'm just happy to be on the server and I'm happy to be started and so far everything is looking really really good but my plans for the actual server itself in terms of bases obviously I mentioned the islands I'm really excited for those but in terms of block palettes because I'm building in the futuristic ditch district we're going to be dealing with a lot of white colors so we're going to be building in a lot of quartz we're going to be building a white concrete iron we're going to be dealing with things like stone slabs believe it or not there they're still going to feature probably not quite heavily but they are going to be in there and also things like dark prismarine cyan that sort of thing all of that is going to be combined to create a really cool looking base but for the most part it is going to be white so that's kind of going to be the ongoing theme for my base here and hopefully we can go really big we can go pretty crazy with it we're going to be building all sorts of farms are going to be doing things a little bit differently to him I've done it in previous seasons so I'm going to be trying out some quite wacky designs and trying out some new things and all in all I am crazy crazy excited I can't remember the last time I was this excited for hermitcraft season I really am raring to go here I just can't wait to get started and also having Breanna on the server that's gonna be good fun I mean that's that's guaranteed good fun and then we have it ladies and gentlemen two hours it is now up and this is what we managed to get in their space of time so as you can see we have managed to get ourselves well that's eight stacks there six okay so it's there dust I'm not gonna bother counting up one of the stacks you've got a large stone dust we've got three stacks through in a bit stacks of iron a bunch of stacks of coal which is very helpful we've got some lapis but we only got 18 diamonds which is a bit pants obviously okay so I I crafted up I think three diamond pickaxes in total so that's another nine so we've got 27 diamonds in total which I suppose isn't too bad without fortune but still I kind of wanted a tiny bit more than that but all in all I'd say we've done really well we've done really really well as our first little mining sessions we'll have to get another one of those under our belt in the next episode of hermit craft because I want to start things off with a ton of resources oh and just while I grab all of the resources to take up to the top you may have noticed during that time lapse I died just as a secret little confession one of my goals for this homing craft season was to see how long I could last without dying see how many episodes I could go without Cliff Lee that's not go off to the best start because the first season where I've died in episode zero it's a tiny bit embarrassing I have to say now I've just remembered inside these things isn't there treasure chests there are treasure chests and mine is lit filled with paper some wheat and some curse of vanishing little trousers anyway my next-door goal for today's homograft episode is to get myself started with some form of starter base and I think as the only tree in the island is a rather pretty one it would be quite cool to get things started with a tree house so I'm gonna have to go out and gather up a little bit wood I gotta say is that Island cooler than my Island I'm more than happy to make the swap over to that Island if needs be oh I do like the savannas they are cool-looking from when little island over there is also quite nice now be honest does this look totally stupid no no I think that looks really good I absolutely love the new textures the new wooden planks they are gorgeous they are absolutely gorgeous aren't they oh I'm seriously so happy with these originally I wasn't sure on them obviously you know change big changes to Minecraft they're always a little bit kind of scary but no these are perfect I absolutely love them so what I'm thinking is just for the little starting area here is that we have a few different layers so we've got the spiral staircase going up like this then we've got this little platform here and then I thought we could maybe wrap around a few more spirals and take us up to the top so this is going to be like the top layer and then up at the top here we're gonna have ourselves a big platform this is where most of our stuff is going to be going yeah I think that makes sense and I wonder how the end product is actually going to look so let's pop down a little staircase here and take a look at what we've done to this tree have we totally botched it and ruined it okay from that side that's quite cool that looks pretty good yeah that's not bad from that side we could definitely do with more tree coverage and then yeah I feel like we just need a tiny bit more leaf action wrapping around here but other than that no you know what that's quite good we're actually doing quite well and then if we get some fence posts in or maybe just some extra bits of structure in there with a chair top with quite a cool little space to work with you know one issue that we might have in the early days of this aircraft season is lack of wood because that island right there which I've already completely DeForest there there's there's absolutely no leaves or trees left really this is pretty much the only source of oak wood I actually have in the entire area apart from maybe no that's mainly birch yeah so there's there's not really many options here how's this looking now that it's got a little bit more size to it now I think actually I might punch that back just a tiny bit yeah kind of leave that flush I guess but the rest of the tree there's some tricky bits this is really pretty tricky but no I would say that looks pretty cool as far as they go as far as tree houses go in these tiny little trees here is often difficult I've done tree houses in Jungle trees before that's quite easy but doing them on this is really really tough but I would say that works so this can be like our little sleeping platform so maybe I'll put the bed there and then we can respawn somewhere about there and then up at the top here we can line up all of our chests and those should be the last few items so those go in there put the lapis and the gold in this one and then these are like so these are like the stone materials in the dirt and all that sort of thing that's going to fill in that chest this one is for wood and all of the things that come out the ground and animals those sorts of things and then these two chests here before are kind of precious and useful items so you can see we've got all of our tools in there we've got all of the diamonds all of the redstone all of the coal all that sort of stuff so that's kind of how our storage system is working the minute these - I don't really know about and these are the furnaces and then we've got a crafting bench other back here so that is kind of like our I guess our tree house and our starter base all sorted now I want to do just to round up this episode zero this kind of mini starts of the hermit craft season what I want to do is I'm going to put in my boat because I want to check out the surrounding area of this place as I believe there is a guardian temple somewhere but before I do anything like that I think it's time to get the screen shot for today's video which is going to be me chillin with some turtles okay that's probably gonna be the thumbnail I just accidentally threw my pickaxe into the water but thankfully jutsu 1.13 it floated back up to the surface that in his self that in itself makes that feature worthwhile now I just made my way over to the spot where it should be you can see my island over here and it should be exactly here I'll be honest I can't see anything I don't think is generated I'm definitely not seeing a guardian farm here or an ocean monument oh that is such a shame because I really wanted one of those the good news is I've just gone on a bit of an exploration and I've actually found another ocean monument a different ocean monument and this one's kind of closer to our build so here we have the main island and then this is nine than the ranch you're going to be connecting into so all of my islands are going to be connected together and then here we have the Guardian farm just off over here so this that's actually like a perfect spot that ties it in really nicely with all the other things that we're going to have going on nice so there we go I think that just about wraps everything up for this episode 0 the first proper episode of hermit craft is going to be releasing on Sunday so prepare yourselves for a progress marathon we're going to be working really really hard and getting a whole bunch of project started and completed but for now unfortunately as and gentlemen that is all I've got time for today I hope that you enjoyed this video if you did please go to that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm now arcielo [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 6,197,098
Rating: 4.9594517 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: MzYTf5u8yy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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