Hermitcraft 6: Episode 3 - CONDUITS & ANTICS

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hello my name is green and welcome back to another episode of hermit craft after last episode I did say I was a bit frustrated with how the base was going but now that I have a bit of breathing room pardon the pun I am pretty happy with how this is going so I'm actually going to make this a bit of a terrarium soon as you can see I've added loads of dirt and I've got to continue doing that and I've actually got myself a couple of grass blocks I'm gonna leave this to spread throughout the whole thing and then it should look really nice and green one thing that I do want to do is change this glass to match this glass which means a lot of dye needs to be acquired so it might have to be mismatched for a while and I've also got myself some proper enchanted gear so I should take a bit more of a beating before I go down and lose all my stuff and ragequit over and over and over again so I've got protection and breaking and thorns fire protection and then I ran out of levels and I've got loads of good gear now I think I'm actually starting to get somewhere and it's starting to feel really really good what I also thought I would do is not make the front of the ship entirely but maybe just a little bit so I thought what we could do is just add the bow of the ship or the bow I don't know what the word is I don't know these technical terms so if we line ourselves up we can make the front of the ship sort of come out of the ground just a little bit so it looks like it has properly so it's a proper shipwreck now obviously in the normal ones there's basically the whole ship there and it goes up but I don't have the space for that so I'm kind of just gonna have to work with what I've got I think that's pretty good it looks like it's connected up I mean to be honest with you it should sort of go way across and this doesn't look like the tip but it almost looks like it's falling in and we've got more of a complete ship here and it's just fun to sort of run around and jump on and that's that's the main thing I care about the grass is starting to spread and once the grass has spread this will be very easy to just sort of bonemeal up and get lots of grass in it and make it look extra nice so I'm pretty happy with how this is going I'm just terrified that something's gonna spawn and blow it all up but I think that's a pretty good way to start and it should look good once I've got it all lit up outside because I have actually got my hands on some pickles somewhere I tell you what this base needs they say this really needs sorting out because it feels like I've lost my phone all the time like I'm looking in every single room every single this rubbish absolute rubbish I'm looking in every single chest every single time for something and I can't believe I'm looking for where where are my pickles where where are my pickles don't you hate it when you've just misplaced your pickles there they are there they are so the way you've harvest pickles is you have to grow them on top of a coral block which is frustrating and this is the entrance to my base by the way which I think's pretty unique this is the only way in or out apart from the air column over there so if you go in you start swimming and you'd literally swim out of the bottle which is so cool so let's have a look at this base from the outside it doesn't look too bad but the mixture of glass is really messing it up a little bit you can see already how the pickles have made a big big difference so if I just place a few more the base should look really really cool is that trident I said there's a Trident fella where is he I can't see him I see the Trident but I don't see the type of guy where is he where's this drowned cuz I want these Trident he must be over here somewhere right let's go for him oh it was the thorns oh okay I've just said okay I'm laughing for no reason I thought I thought that it was a but he threw the Trident at me it bounced off my head had killed it but it was the thorns on my armor that did that oh my goodness that is so funny it looked that looks hilarious so the plan today is to build a conduit and I have a really funny design to use but I need a lot of dark prismarine to do it now I'm going to enlist the help of someone far more qualified than I am to make to make the journey to the sea temple with me to grab all this stuff so we're actually going to head over to exercise zoom avoids base and see if he'll help me with with with the whole getting the dark prismarine thing as you can tell I'm not particularly adept at getting anything in this game and I actually have a quick travel to his base because my portal is not synched up there's so many portals there's one here there's one over there there's one just around the corner and there's one over there and pretty much if I go in any of them they end up in someone else's base so I need to add to make a better portal to sync up with my location but if I head back in exactly the same port so I just went into I end up in Excise umas base whoa I love how fast these go and there is there is this ian yeah fancy seeing you here neighbor so this is excise uma void he does a lot of technical Minecraft stuff and hermit craft stuff how did you say my name Zoomer you said it I focus for you said excise uma no no back in the days once known as shush wham bam and now you're known as turtle bro oh yeah this season I changed my skin I'm now turtle man so this is this is Zoomers bass this is what you've gots going so far I not call this my bass this is me getting started with no care for building anything that looks interesting right this is just getting the trees getting the plants putting it all in one place this is how I shall have done it I went heavy on the building and realized I don't have anything to build with I had this idea to create a really funny underwater conduit just so that because that where I am in my base it is a pain but as soon as I don't want that as soon as a pain to do anything underwater so if I get my hands on a conduit and I've come up with a really funny design but I actually need a lot and I mean a lot of dark prismarine and I'm definitely not qualified to get it how much is a lot by the way I don't have a specific number but it's okay it's in the region hundreds I think I think we might be able to help you with that so a place you would find it naturally in the wild without having to craft anything right would be at an ocean monument yeah I just so happened to have conquered one I'm I am out in the middle of the ocean and I'm sort of surrounded by many people I feel a bit claustrophobic so we got biffer behind me I got Mambo in front of me I've got scar to the left of me you to the right yeah you're at the heart you're literally at the yeah I really am right so this could get bad because there might be phantoms at night they'll be coming for me and there's no Guardians everywhere so dude this is the place where we can get your doctorate Marine if you stand on this corner what corner is it actually it's this corner and you look downwards you will see this ocean monument has two entrances what okay that's weird that's very weird it's got like a bit sticking out there have you been in the inside yes this is this is like you know how the shape isn't like perfectly symmetrical this is where part of it would have been facing the other direction I think that's why it splits open I don't like that's kind of hard to describe I wonder what the inside is like I haven't explored it a lot I know there are a couple of messed up rooms like there's a sponge room that's exposed to the outside area the best way to deal with guardians is to run around a pillar over and over again which for the demonstration I needed that it's isn't it so if you're ready to go for it we're gonna take a plunge go into the gap down there and they'll be doors and stuff on the inside to use all right look possible I'm ready right we go oh you mean there's so many down here I'm immediately panicking I hope you're all behind me there we go cool if we go over here there's loads of doors in this space there we are where are you oh my god I'm straight ahead past the cobble oh no you know where you're going straight ahead nice I'm just going good I'll just get a lay down here for a sec okay this is it we can just mind the stuff now I've blocked it off so that there are no pesky Guardians okay I think we have to do it like this so I'm going to put a sponge in here oh yeah sponges don't really work as well as they did yes because the water can oh another sponge room so we have successfully found free sponge rooms is that sound heard of it's amazing yeah a super duper rare but because it's a bug that one it may even have more than three I think I might jump down here and see what's going on no too many guardians are you down there don't go down there you only saw you only saw half of it go round the corner and just take a little peek oh I can imagine just oh there's got to be a quicker way to get rid of that many all right my man I've got a conduit for you thank you BAM and forty-five dark first marina Oh save no Saviour I don't think that's gonna be quite enough for what I have in mind but I think we've hollowed this place out on the dark prismarine front and until we've got a farm for those fellows I don't think I'm gonna get any more yeah it feels like that I know there are probably one or two more places it's a lot bigger than it feels when you're inside it right okay so if you move you've got the time it might be worth having a look a little bit further okay I think I'm probably just gonna sail back yep good luck will you build toodle-pip so a little bit of time has passed and you may notice that my voice sounds rough I basically had to take 24 hours off because my voice was completely gone and it's still not back as you can tell but that meant I had an entire 24 hours on the hermit craft server without being able to record anything so what did I do I went an annoyed mumbo of course so I went to his base I spawned a lot of chickens all over the island he still didn't notice so I put the chickens down in his bunker and then he finally came up i milked his cows and I scarpered it was brilliant but my voices come back for just a minute and I know I sound really rough but there is a few things that I really need to do before I can end this episode so if you can put up with my harsh voice for just the rest of this episode that would be great and then we can get this out perfectly so what I've done is I've finished putting together the inside of this bottle I've only got a few little bits of glass left to replace with the stained glass but I'm pretty happy with how this is look I even added a custom tree now there's two more things that I want to do before I end this episode one is make a conduit but the first thing I need to do is I propose to start a server wide game of tag and this is the tag that I'm going to use so I'm gonna write down a bunch of rules in a rule book and then we're gonna initiate this game so to begin I will be it and I'm gonna go and find someone and tag them and then I'm gonna check the rulebook at them so that they know how to play and hopefully this will start a chain of events that lasts a very long time and I'm pretty sure this game's going to evolve over time so let's quickly write down the rules so it's called tag you're it okay so here are the rules that I've just come up with the rules of hermit craft tag one you must keep the tag in your inventory at all times that is the key thing of this you must keep it on you two if you lose the tag you must replace it fairly simple three you cannot tag someone in the same episode you were tagged for example if I was tagged in this episode in number three I would have to wait until number four to tag someone else number four you cannot tag the same person who tagged you that stops it going backwards and forwards between two people and five if you tag someone new to the game you must give them this rule book otherwise they won't know why you hit them and ran away and number six the game can evolve over time so I think I want to sign this and we can just write a new rule book if if they want to so I think yeah we'll do that we'll sign it for now hermitcraft tag vol 1 perfect so now all we need to do is find someone to tag and I think you all know who I'm gonna go for because I have a direct access to their base was this for slabs in 2x2 exercise Zoomer I see I don't know what that means if I'm oh I got the full block oh yeah this is one of the new blocks thanks Zuma I don't know how you get this yet but I'm gonna get this for later so I think part of the game here is that you're meant to tag sneakily they're not supposed to know what's going on until it's too late so this basically any direction from here will go directly to mumbos base which I personally I think as hilarious and also I think it's key that we start a chain reaction here so if if I go and tag mumbo for example we all need to go to his episode that he gets tagged in and say tag you're it or something along those lines I'm hoping over time being it will be the worst thing possible so I'm hoping that if you're it people reject you people don't want to be near you I think I'd be really really funny like if it just gets out of hand I don't know how far this is gonna go but I really hope it does go somewhere and gets really crazy all right I got mumbos base whether he's here or not I'm not entirely sure but I need to do this very quickly I need to hit him with this throw both of these items well throw both of these items like that and then scoop her away as soon as possible so that he can work it out this should be really really funny there he is he's down there in his bunker let's go down hmm good all the chickens I think he's afk I really only want to tag him if he's not AFA okay slight change of plan so Mambo is genuinely afk but doc MC is on his way here and so he's not afk and I'm going to I'm going to tag him instead since Mambo is genuinely just not here and I don't want him to miss it because knowing him it'll go in his inventory and he will miss it so doc is going to be he officially he's going to officially be the first person that gets in this game the chickens are giving me away I don't think he knows where mumbos bunker is well since we're waiting a while might as well continue what I was doing in a twist of events doc went and thought that was mumbles base so he swam down there trying to get in died his stuff was everywhere little did he know I was right here so he said well I'm gonna lose my stuff and I was like oh I can get it and then I put his stuff here and now okay so not only am i pointing him to mumbo space which is where he wanted to go anyway to pick up a slime ball I've given him his stuff back and I will be waiting down there for him because mumbo for some reason it's still afk what are you doing what are you doing the amount of chickens in here is crazy I don't think I'm ever going to stop either just the more chickens there are the more eggs that they're laying the more I pick up the more I use them the more chickens there are and it keeps going round mumbo jumbo you are afk I'm gonna take that mustache away mumbo humbo bumbo afk I'm gonna take that boost dash away I should not sing when my voice is terrible doc is taking forever oh he's finally here took him about half an hour nametag is ready look ready gladiators ready he must be getting his stuff back and then he's gonna come down here and then we're gonna tag him and then we're gonna scarf her away meanwhile mumbo has just been standing there the whole time while all this actions been going on come on talk how hard is it honestly the island is small he's still looking around for it he's found it oh he's finally found it oh there we go okay he has no idea we're here he has no idea okay we're gonna be very good about this okay we did it oh my goodness oh my goodness all the time mumbles been standing there uh Oh brilliant Oh now we go to make our escape he didn't even say anything the game has officially begun so that's it hermitcraft game of tag is now underway and now the last thing that I want to do before we leave is make a conduit so I can swim around here forever excise Zuma or Zuma was more than kind enough to give me a very very valuable conduit and actually spent because I had 24 hours on the hermit craft without being able to speak I arranged all my chests so it is pretty neat and tidy around here now so we actually managed to get just under three stacks of dark prismarine now I know that's not enough for what I want to make and I'm gonna make it just over there so it should reach all the way in here and around the area where I'm going to end up building but there's a very specific shape I want to build for this and ten green points to whoever can tell me what it isn't gonna make so we're gonna tying laps this now let's get into it this is going to be an extremely speedy time-lapse because I had to keep going up for air because I didn't know exactly where the conduit was going to be so I'm not gonna tell you what it is but hopefully you can guess what it is I was making I took a surprisingly low amount of time about 20 minutes to make this and I am really happy with this and I will be making an entire conduit design video very soon and there it is the final product if you didn't know and you didn't get the the 10 green points this is Squidward's house from Sponge Bob Squarepants and I think it's a pretty good recreation and I finally have the conduit power which means I no longer have to worry about my bubbles going down and drowning around here and I think I surrounded it enough to give it a good amount of distance between me and the conduit the other thing that I want to mention is I used every single prismarine brick to the block there is not a single one left I had to be very conservative which is why I made it on this mountain here so that I could minimize the amount that I had to use even though it kind of stuck up above and I even made the ears a bit smaller I really had to be very clever with how I placed them and I managed to make it despite only having three stacks of the blocks I think this is a pretty good recreation and I hope that everyone that finds this knows what it is it has a good little giggle about it but I have seen a few people say that I haven't built anything futuristic yet and that's true I haven't and this isn't futuristic this isn't futuristic but I am slowly gathering the resources to be able to build my grand futuristic base this is just to get me started guys but you know what I'm like I can't just live in a dirt huh I have to make something special so give me enough time I will gather the stuff I need and we will make something extra epic these last few blocks are bothering me but I will have to fix those another time oh my goodness I love this so much so this has been a really good an almost bad episode bad because I got really rather ill and couldn't record but a lot of stuff has happened because most of this was recorded over three days so the ship in the bottle is pretty much done and decorated my chests are all organized we have started the game of tag and Doc is the first person to be tagged we messed around with mumbo-jumbo and made our little appearance as we seem to always do and I sent him chickens galore in his base along with singing him a little afk song it has been a particularly good episode as we finally have our conduit unfortunately you've had to put up with my horrible horrible voice for the second half of this video so I do apologize for that I am on the mend as you can probably tell I'm starting to sound a little bit better and hopefully I will be good as new by the next episode so that's it for me everyone thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this episode of hermit craft let me know all your thoughts and comments and stuff and likes etc down below and good I'm so ill
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,923,466
Rating: 4.9554968 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, conduit, 1.13 minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft grian, prank, mumbojumbo, mumbo afk, hermit craft, aquatic update, underwater house
Id: -_ZLXKB8Njg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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