Hermitcraft 7: Episode 1 - NEW BEGINNINGS!

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the new hermitcraft season has arrived last night we booted up for the first time we all spawned in on a tiny little island and it was chaos there's always chaos when you start up a season because suddenly suddenly you realize actually you have to actually just start minecraft again I mean it doesn't matter how good we are at the game you still you still have to start off punching trees gathering up resources and getting things going I I'd forgot about this head yeah I'm wearing a cards head that really freaked me out okay here is a know bit of footage of Sun experience it was a bit crazy so I've kind of condensed all of it down hello everyone and welcome to hermit craft season 7 I really stupid what is what is that what is that that's a and now that is the next morning here we are I'm in the spots where actually I plan on building my base this season so this this is kind of the zone that I'm interested in right here I love the bamboo forest I think that looks totally bonkers I really like the fact that we also have access to other biomes - I like this landmass so I think I'm going to make use of this this big big kind of your comedy tell because I'm on top of it on top of a jungle tree right now if we walk down to the bottom here you can see that HD I'm on top of a fairly nice big hill so I'm gonna make use of this this this area here is eventually is eventually going to be turned into my base I can't believe Exuma body's getting in chanting based achievements I haven't even moved on from Stone stone bits yet I don't even have armor I'm a mess let's get let's get that sorted shall we I feel like should we actually get go in here all right for the time being I'm going to build myself a tiny little starter base in this in this still thing here this is gonna be like a hobbit hole that I'm going to be living in for the time being it's definitely a big change from what I'm used to hermit crab season six massive base sorting systems giant bulk storage thousands upon thousands of items industrial district automatically getting the things that I need this is a step back oh goodness my pickaxe is broken right well I think we can all agree that this is rather adorable it's been so long since I've started fresh that I generally don't know what the best option for food is I mean I've got a bunch of seeds so I can start getting some wheats I'm also getting some bamboo as fuel from my furnace but still no idea these are definitely going to come in handy because villagers I'd like to get myself set up with a pumpkin farm quite quick and actually on the topic of villages look what I've just located alright I need to make sure that these guys are safe I guess I mean that's not that useful where are all the villagers I actually can't see any which is a bit concerning this is an incredibly useful food source in fact I'm just gonna completely pillage this village I apologize guys but I'm taking all your stuff shouldn't these guys be going off to bed at some point soon that's kind of one carrying on here I'm really hoping for that I want to be able to put them in their houses and things I guess so I have to make do with things like this oh I need to make sure that that's actually all lit up because otherwise something could spawn in there with him and that'll be an issue right I would say our little mission to gather our resources has been incredibly successful I now actually have that's a that's a pretty decent quantity of food isn't it yeah bread is not a bad food source and I still have a decent amount of wheat left as well as well a little little we farm that I'm gradually formulating out the front Here I am still definitely in desperate need of iron and other things like that yes yes that is what I've been looking for we are acquiring some tools finally and we're gathering some coal too so we are making our way gradually into some decent early resources everything all seems to be going fully to plan I'm hoping that I can find some diamonds soon I've managed to get myself stuck oh I need to punch my way out of here because I've thrown my pickaxe over there if I now have one too few stairs to complete my staircase I'm going to cry I am feeling like a bit of a professional I'm not gonna lie to you okay I'm not gonna lie to you this is this is a good situation to be in is there a better feeling than finding a seriously good cave I've just found a serious suit cave I charged it I lit it all up look at all this stuff I'm seriously enjoying just gathering resources the old-fashioned way right now this is a lot of fun I mean just look at that that is I could bring it to you hi very happy to see my wheat is growing nicely I've got 51 iron smelting him a furnace life is good now I'm back down the mines just try my best to get some diamonds that's kind of why I'm hoping for I want to get myself a full set of diamond gear definitely should have brought a water bucket with me yeah that would have been smart this makes me very pleased indeed this makes me very pleased indeed I've actually forgot about the fact that I actually need to gather redstone I'm so used to it coming out of a farm or out of scar which sounds awful that sounds really terrible don't forget I said that yes oh yes that is exactly what I was hoping for we are in the money wow this is actually a decent number of diamonds that was a six vein I wonder if there's any more line around nope that's it well I'm happy that the diamond pickaxe a sword and a shovel and I'm not gonna weigh around this is being crafted don't I get an achievement for that I feel like that's like a huge achievement boom look at that it's a little bit precarious I'm not gonna lie to you oh but we need to get it that was some pretty ninja level skill äj-- right let's see oh yes this feels like it is a seven block ten diamonds that 11 diamonds son they almost walked off without those and as soon as I had them they were gone all of all of my diamond stuff is gone but I do now have a fancy new t-shirt I always think I look better in blue anyway I think we're going to leave the resource gathering for the time being because my little hovel I have here isn't looking so great I mean just look at this this is yeah it's there it is free so so I think I genuinely think we should play off the natural kind of circle that we're getting with this hill here all right I think we might be getting somewhere sort of I think maybe if I complete will start completing the circle do some glass maybe have an entrance from the side one thing that I did think is that maybe I could have like a little section that goes down like this and that is my entrance down underneath there and then up at the top here we kind of have like a viewing window I really really like this idea don't think is quite executed properly I don't think I should be using wood for these stairs down here I think all of this should be stone brick cobblestones and things have some leaves from vines running up into the door that's going to be here and then yeah everything kind of goes upwards and we can have like a three stage vertical base I like I like this plan and obviously when I say base this is 100 percent of style based I plan on staying here for like 2 or 3 episodes but I just can't stand just being in a completely bland little hole thank you for getting I actually need to pick up the results is there in the wall like that I've been standing just looking at this coal on this iron for like 10-15 minutes while building this without realizing that actually that is all stuff that I currently need what's everyone's sauce on this then hey what you all think as far as I care start goes this is a strong start to a strong start a base I especially like this view from across the river I like I love all this wheat here so I feel like I really want to try and expand that actually up up of these hillsides here we'll have to wait and see why actually do with that one because obviously I have to prioritize living as opposed to decorating wheat is kind of my life life point now so I'm not gonna really start using it for decoration just yet anyway here in the desert I'm gathering up all of the sand to make our big glass window I have no clue how much I need so I'm just gonna gather a bunch and my goodness is it slow compared to what I'm used to I know that is going to become a very strong running theme throughout these first few episodes me moaning about how I'm used to efficiency five and I'm used to having resources at hand but trust me when you've had two years or nearly two years of just instr mine just expecting to be able to insert mine everything you know suddenly this is a bit of a shock a diamond shovel stop not that slow in the grand scheme of things but it feels like a snail's plate look I've really just caused stack I've only just got I'd I don't even know what to say I just sincerely hope there's someone sleep soon because I'm out in the desert all alone and if they don't undergo to die I am already absolutely loving this little place here I think this is such an adorable little build look at this little place I want to live there I want to move myself into this little place but these turned out a lot better than I expected okay I'm gonna start filling this in with various things that I need I guess you get ourselves set up with chests furnaces we'll get the bed properly in place I also think I need a better way to go between this side of the river and and the front of my base hmm I do feel really bad about the foresting all of the trees that are kind of in the area that I want to build my base in but it's a necessary evil I mean III need I need the woods we need to take the resources I can always replant them it still hurts though it's still it's still really hurts so after a decent amount of work this is where my base is currently at so we've got a wall of chests which I've now sort of sorted into various different categories and things I've also left space for example these two chests right here for any extra cobble stone and stone related things which I'm definitely going to end up getting and then this area here is where my bedroom and things like that it's going to go you've got some furnaces and then I also have a little staircase which takes us up from our door now this is obviously still very much a work in progress but I thought I would give you this progress update because it is coming together and starting to look like a big oh and this back wall here we're actually going to take this out and this is going to be where my nether portal is going to be going which reminds me I should probably actually get myself one of those let's get ourselves connected up into the nether and yes I hate the head bumping that I'm doing right now as much as you do yes that is extremely handy that is extremely extremely handy as long as I don't die from it because these guys are actually quite difficult to kill in the early days we can get some sticky pistons going goodness me goodness me stay away from my little slime friends and by that I mean that slime balls well we got for what an absolute disappointment that was you I'm gonna try not to let it get me down too much we are now all good for another port so the only thing that I don't think I'm quite I think I'm planning Flint yeah yeah I've got some gravel so we can get some Flint obviously I've got the iron I'm not ready with my Flint in the steel this is laborious I'm gonna be honest with you finally after about thirty breakages we are here and we are we are set and ready to go base again to go through at the minute though so I'm just gonna leave that there it doesn't look pretty though and so does this I've spent a little bit of extra time working on my bedroom area but I've decided you know what we've done so much decorating I'm actually starting to work through my diamond pickaxe and I feel like I should have full diamond gear by the end of this episode so let's do a 1-hour mining session and for anyone who's not familiar let me know in the comment section how many resources you think I'm going to get in that space of time every single season of hermit craft I've ever done has had a one hour mining session in some of the early episodes it's just one of those things it's one of those things that is kind of ongoing throughout all of the hermitcraft seasons they're quite fun I mean there's nothing I do enjoy mining okay I always forget how much I enjoy mining and then when we start a new world there's just something about it I could I could mine all day long seriously I I reckoned I could recognize could mine literally all day long maybe maybe there's some toilet breaks it and some drink breaks but anyway for this hermitcraft I do actually have some pretty ambitious plans I'm not going to share too much because I would like to kind of flesh them out a little bit and then be able to give you some visuals as well but all I'm gonna say is is that obviously we're in a jungle biome I'm going to be playing off of the ruins theme but I'm also going to be going futuristic and modern so there is going to be there's going to be some future isms some super modern stuff a little bare concrete involved but then also some ruins I've been playing with some concepts I on it honest I can't wait to start work on my base seriously honestly it's been so long since I've done a mining session without enchanted gear I only I don't know if I've done well okay so let's take a look what I've got is I've got a few sacks of iron smelting up in the furnaces so that's not too bad and then I managed to get 18 diamonds I've got a bunch of redstone of quite decent amount of lapis too we still have a decent amount of of iron in there as well I mean I am feeling good I do feel like we're in actually not a bad spot here now the big question is do I go full diamond armor that is yes but only a partial yes because I feel like stretching to the helmet might be a little bit silly I've only got seven diamonds left however I am now looking rather cool Lana look at this I'm K&L so now with my fancy new outfit it's time to go back to work on the base there's just a few more bits and bobs that I want to do but also I can't open oh yes I am at level 32 which means that I could do a tiny bit enchanting we could get an enchanted pickaxe by the end of this episode which is massively going to help out for getting more diamonds I'm liking the vibe the we're creating here this is this is a really nice little spot this is a really really nice little spot and round this corner I thought this is where the enchanting table could go so we could have an inch on the table here and then bookshelves wrapping around the only thing is I really don't know where I'm gonna get an enjoying table from that's a lot of books the villages still have bookshelves I swear I didn't see any because I feel like I would have picked those up having just done the math so it only takes 45 leather to get all of the books required which I definitely think is doable however I'm not just gonna Massacre all of the cows that are next to my base has seems like a bad move so I'm gonna run out maybe a thousand blocks I could actually take a boat let's go by boat because all of this is connected by boat even the village is connected up to the river so I can get here by boat and I didn't get here by boat and yeah there's there doesn't seem to be any bookshelves in here so that's fine obviously we're just gonna keep keep killing cows I've got 11 leather so far and I'm still going strong but now I'm really not going strong I cannot seem to find any cows anywhere I am really struggling to locate any form of cow I search for the final cow for ages I was on 44 for probably the best part of about 20 minutes then I remembered the horses drop leather that's like the one thing they drop no I don't want to go around killing too many horses but I killed one but then it looks like there's a new one who's just popped in so we're all good the hermitcraft horse balance has been restored right well having spent about an hour trying to get 45 pieces of leather I've now realized that actually one of my biggest sticking points is of course going to be sugar cane I'm so used to having just just thousands and thousands of pieces of shoe cane in my base I need 150 pieces of paper that's a lot of sugar cane uh actually it's not it's not that much okay now that I've worked it out oh no I just realized I conveyed all of my sugar cane into paper I should have planted this what was I thinking oh right I've come up with an idea but I am the first to admit that it is a tiny bit bold I'm not 100% certain if I'm going to be able to pull it off but it could could potentially make our life a lot easier on the shoe came from now I don't have to worry about anything else yeah yeah I've got a plan I also absolutely love the fact that I can just pop through another portal and pick up calls without having to travel thousands upon thousands of blocks this is a luxury that is not going to last for very long so I'm making the most of it thank goodness for those four slime balls do we managed to get because that is what is making this project possible just pure blind luck here now in case it wasn't obvious this farm is not designed to be good looking this is this extremely ugly but hopefully it should it should function when I place in the redstone dust yes this is excellent news so this is a zero take sugarcane farm we've got zero tick pistons on either side I've realized now you probably can't hear me too well this is probably really really loud let me just mute that for the time being so this of course it is a side craft el mango design right here we've got two zero tech Pistons that are pushing this block back and forth and that is essentially tricking minecraft in like a strange strange way to force random growth or force growth stages through the shoot came to be honest with you you'll have to watch your mangos video on how this thing works because it's really smart intelligent mind crafty stuff and and you might learn something from it they'll be a link to it down in the description if I don't remember it please literally punch me in the face just give me a good blast in any way with this farm right here we get around about a piece of sugarcane every two to three seconds which means that we should have the 150 required in no time nice nice 45 books is the magic number to make the 15 bookshelves required to get a maximum level enchantment plus I need a book for my enchanting table I've one piece of leather shorts why did I not account for that please drop some leather yes yes for once so my first serve enchantment was nothing too crazy nothing too exciting however we that's actually not too bad given is a one level enchantment what's our option here I'm breaking three seriously you really give me this rubbish alright well I might as well put efficiency one on my on my diamond shovel okay that's a little bit more like it please give me something good efficiency three boys going over this I suppose we really do have nothing to lose so we might as well I give up I give up I give up well alright okay so so Mayan shaman Singh goes dude they didn't exactly go to plan today really I mean we do have efficiency for that's fantastic but I was hoping for some form of fortune or something like that regardless we're still we're still doing okay for episode one I'm very much excited for hermitcraft episode two I'm not gonna stop thinking about this all night to be honest with you you know it this is I'm not gonna be able to sleep this is my favorite time I love do you minecraft worlds alright I'll see you later I really do hope that you've enjoyed this it's been a really fun episode to create plenty of progress made I feel like we've really got the groundwork in so now we can just start getting creative straight away hermitcraft season 7 is going to be all about being creative and going as big as possible essentially that is my goal oh and architecting Sahara stuff
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 8,373,103
Rating: 4.96873 out of 5
Keywords: MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Mumbo Hermitcraft, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft, Mumbo Hermitcraft 7, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft 7, Mumbo Hermitcraft Season 7, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft Season 7, Hermitcraft Episode 1, Episode 1, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 1 - NEW BEGINNINGS!, NEW SEASON OF HERMITCRAFT, Hermitcraft New Season, START OF HERMITCRAFT 7, gathering resources, building a starter base, starter base, starter farms, Hermitcraft survival, Hermitcraft 7
Id: _Unxl_mh3nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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