THIS GAME WANTS TO BE BROKEN - Crab Champions Is A Perfectly Balanced Game with no Exploits or Bugs

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oh no video game developers you don't want me doing this you really don't hello there ladies and gentlemen this is crab Champions a video game created by the Irish DJ who made the song crab Rave in this game you are a crab who must fight waves of enemies and bosses on a quest to become more powerful it might seem simple and standard but this is one of the greatest games I've ever played for one simple reason the developer wants you to break the game as you might know I the spiffing Brit break video games for a living it is rare a developer is actively encouraging you to exploit their systems and destroy the balance of the game so what happens when exploiters and developers work hand inand well you're about to find out so let's hop on into the first level and I'll quickly explain the game very simply I am a crab with a gun and there are other crabs and slugs running towards me killing them will drop purple crystals I can use these purple crystals in shops to buy upgrades every time I clear an island a chest will appear and I can get an upgrade from the chest it's basically like vampire survivors if it was actually really really really good and fun well okay you know that game is good and fun but there's just something wonderful about crab Champions similar to risk of rain 2 this game is not afraid to let the player become an Unstoppable overpowered God and that's exactly what we're going to do so there we go first island cleared very easy enemies of course and we get ourselves a damag chest in it we can pick up various upgrades like say trick shot so we do more more damage when hip firing and less when aiming big shot so our shots are bigger and deal more damage but they move slower or snake shot where you know your shots aren't going to hit anything uh we're going to go for trick shot because like most YouTubers playing an FPS game there is absolutely no way I'm going to be able to aim we then get a choice of which level to go to next we can either go for a damag chest in an arena or a spike chest a spike chest of course has a higher value reward but I lose 33% of my health this might sound dangerous but don't worry this entire game is basically just all about risk and reward W I'm also deliberately playing with a weapon called the orb launcher a stupidly fast firing weapon that does a very nice amount of damage so yes there we go the island is cleared and our lovely Spike chest appears only cost me 132 life but we can pick up some upgrades this one here is very useful it basically means for a short time after eliminating an enemy we don't use ammunition it doesn't directly increase our damage but it increases our output and I like that right next up we're going to go for a speed upgrade out actually just walked into an explosive Barrel that's kind of on me oh and also there is a way you can technically cheese this game a little bit which is that when you unlock things in the lobby using keys you can take them into your run provided it's the first time you've unlocked them in my case that means I've entered this run with landmine shot which is a legendary ability which as you can imagine is going to make this run a fair bit easier but I'm going to pick up Rapid Fire for increased fire rate and then oh I love the luck chest but I also love The Relic chests these are both two good choices fine we're going to go go for the Relic chest okay so quite simply we have uh some enemies heading towards us and we have to survive for 36 or so seconds uh which can be quite spicy indeed oh my goodness there sniper crabs sniper crabs are the worst sniper crabs are very very dangerous there we go we can clear them up a bit and I survived the hoorde wonderful jeez we're down to 82 life but it's okay oh we can pick up a hard target that reduces incoming damage and a relic chest chests contain free more loot choices that's kind of incredible or dashing reloads your weapon also very good I'm going to go for the coral amulet now of course because I'm killing things quite reliably I basically never need to worry about ammunition for a little while basically means I don't have to necessarily worry about reloading my gun which massively improves my DPS output and oh my goodness there's a lot of pumpkins jeez all right but there we go level cleared we get a random upgrade of some kind jeez we have a lot of choices now I'm fantastic we can go for windup meaning that shots deal more damage for each shot fired until I stop firing but as I am unlikely to reload I am unlikely to stop firing right okay now we just keep on shooting and there we go we're doing 20 damage a shot now which is vastly improved over where we previously were there we go fantastic we managed to survive four and we get ourselves an epic chest with a superior upgrade option right and now that we've cleared out enough levels we actually get to go into the shop the shop is a wonderful place for rest fite and also just general gameplay cheesing the shop is run by this lovely crab here Tony in Tony's shop we can buy various improvements and up UPG grades we can increase our maximum HP and if we have more crystals we can roll for more items it's all very nice but after Tony shop we must face an elite this is a high-powered enemy in our case it is an elite lightning crab pretty spicy indeed because if he hits us we would not be doing too good unfortunately for him I shoot very quickly and he is very easily killed all right we get ourselves another epic chest what is this double tap chance for shots to deal damage twice I like that yeah we're going to go for that that's Madness right into the next biome we we go we're now into the ice World which means we get some new enemies all of the enemies get more powerful and we get some new environments to fight them all in uh but most importantly I'm doing more damage so life is good and now yes instead of just doing a basic six or so damage per shot we're up to doing about 30 which is a very nice a good Improvement and oh my look at these relics gain an extra portal Choice after each island is amazing skill ring is amazing ring of value is incredible and duplication ring is also great all of these relics are amazing my good that's right let's grab the portal ring more choices more good right okay we're going to go for the luck chest this is a splendid idea trust me uh luck in this game is basically just a way to manipulate the RNG and if you know one thing about survival like games it's that cheesing the RNG is always the most shf fired way to destroy any semblance of balance now this is the item I've been looking for the lucky charm luck is increased after flawlessly clearing an island and luck based mods are more likely to trigger basically the more flawlessly we play this game the better we get get which as you can imagine can get pretty cheesy because it just continuously reinforces endlessly doing well time for a section I like to call science with spiff we've just picked up an item called the lucky charm it's an item that increases our luck stat by 5% each time we clear an island without taking damage this does not add 5% luck as that would be balanced and normal instead it increases your current luck statistic by 5% this means with four Lucky Charms you more than double your luck stat every five Islands as you can imagine this gets very broken very quickly just like this video in the algorithm if you give it a like go on do it I believe in you right anyway we can now go into the shop once again this time with a little bit more money than last time and uh the shop has been improved quite drastically with far more options but these options can get pretty cheesy because as you can see this perk here has a 75% discount meaning I only need 290 crystals to buy it but as I said this game wants to be broken so I can pick up the speed demon park for 290 drop it on the ground and sell it for 581 this ladies and gentlemen is capitalism four crystals to roll I'll do that because when we roll we get one thing that yes has a 75% discount so we can buy that drop it on the ground and sell it and make money okay right I'm pretty happy with the upgrades I've gotten so into the elite fight we go where we must fight some kind of uh spooky big crab oh my goodness it's a mad poison crab from the looks it okay no it's an lightning crab and the oh the worst kind of crab but luckily I'm able to do a good amount of damage to it so um it should be dead relatively soon there yes perfect all right into the next biome we go we're now into the deserty sand biome fun and spicy full of slugs and fire ants and just generally big mean enemies that just want to do fire damage to you which is not the kind of damage I like oh my lucky charm increased my luck by 5% yes that's really good Cy Vortex what grenades explode into C vortexes is that's kind of crazy do I grab that I mean I kind of have to I really have to just because I could sell it for so much money let's go get a luck chest hello there Mr slug now the problem with my luck stat is the more that it increases anything that I have that has an odd of firing for example my landmines is going to get increased now eventually this will lead us into a situation where every time a bullet of mine hits an enemy a land mine will just be summoned out of th air on top of them um which as you can imagine pretty bad especially when I'm shooting as fast as I am and my luck has just been increased by a further 5% so my luck stat is up to 165% very nice uh what do we do next I think we go to an economy chest why not oh my goodness look at all of the landmines we are dropping yes oh this is brilliant you don't even need to worry about crowd control or AOE we have landmines and my luck has just been increased by 10% because of that love amazing we're going to go for another luck chest Island but this one is flawless meaning if I take no damage I will get a second reward chest come on come on come on there we go go just dodge and move Dodge and move 1 second left and we did it w luck increase by 10% and two economy chests life is good oh wait no we just got free luck chest okay right um no we're going to go for another lucky charm as it seems horrifically broken chance to get an extra chest when flawlessly clearing an island well that's probably good yeah let's go for a chance to get an extra chest and then ooh a Flawless Relic chest potentially we got to go destroy all of the enemy nests okay right I see this is the enemy Nest all right I did it unfortunately I did take some damage so this is not going to be Flawless but there we go we cleared the island one Relic chest for us oh there's a purple Relic ah yes gain low gravity movement this is quite possibly the most overpowered Relic in the game currently this is simply because now that I moveing low gravity uh the enemy AI hasn't been updated to actually deal with that uh meaning that uh it is very hard for them to hit me which as you can imagine pretty useful indeed for me there we go we cleared the island lovely and we did it even flawlessly Splendid my luck is increased by 15% okay double economy chest time what do we get all right I'm actually just going to grab 24,000 crystals uh for when we go into the shop that's going to be good all right so we're in Tony's magical Giga shop uh we're once again money shot ooh gain crystals when damaging enemies I'll actually buy that uh normally I'd sell it but why not I'll keep it and then we're basically just looking for any luck based trigger like say streamer loot is great ah double vision here we go chance to get an extra chest after clearing an island of course the more our luck stats the better this is going to get Crystal dividends yes that just increases our money every time we clear an island and then I'll sell this High Caliber for some additional cash roll again another lucky charmal we're going to buy that but I need to buy another lucky charm there we go I think we should be good for some combat against the enemies now in terms of my DPS output it's pretty good at the moment we're up to about 2,000 this is very low for the standard of this game I have to kill this Elite lightning crab unfortunately for my Elite lightning crab friend uh I should be able to very easily defeat them yes and there we go oh my crystal dividend have given me an extra 338 and have I spawned some additional chests is there a chest in the floor would seem that way right I'm going to pick up another double vision there we go so we've increased chance of getting a bonus chest and then oh I can just pick it up again why not right okay we're now into the final environmental Zone the lava land so to speak it's pretty good the enemies here are normally a little bit more dangerous unfortunately for them uh I never stop shooting the more I shoot the faster I shoot and I now shoot out landmines various Dag ooh an ant actually did manage to hit me with a shot how very annoying despite my lovely low gravity Shenanigans where I can quite literally almost fly around this map um which as you can imagine pretty useful and double vision has given me a second chest lovely uh shot steal more damage why not all right and then I'm going to go for another luck based chest because it's just simply the most powerful thing in the universe right let us uh clear all of the enemies that are in front of us on my lucky charm has increased by 20% and double vision is giv me an extra chest so I have three chests to pick from oh this is going to get very silly right uh ring of luck luck just increased by 75% yep we'll do that luck isn't up to 500% rare treasure enemies have a small chance to drop loot when eliminated well I mean come on you know that's just going to get horrifically abused we have a 1% chance for an enemy to drop loot when eliminating them but of course all of our other luck statistics actually increase that chance of firing so uh this is only going to get worse there we go double vision gave me another extra chest now the problem is the enemies just can't hit me up here I'm I'm just kind of like a bit beyond their reach which it's unfortunate for them because I can kind of operate like the US Military and just drone strike from afar ah very cheesy indeed oh my goodness and of course our lucky charm has increased our luck again double vision gave us some extra loot gold dice luck heavily increased oh dear this is going to get very silly now of course we'll get the golden dice this increases my luck by further 150% right my luck is now up to 871 we'll grab all of these wonderful Legendary perks because they're fantastic right let's go try and NAB this Relic chest and do it flawlessly cuz then we might get two relics okay damage output very much improved over where it previously was ah and you're The Last Enemy brilliant we get a bunch of extra money and oh of course we get two additional Relic chests thanks to the Double Vision we're going to pick up ring of protection cuz in the very least we can sell it for a lot of money but the other thing I'm going to grab is the ring of deflection and I'm even going to drop the Ring of luck because I don't actually think we need it anymore simply due to the fact that we're generating so much luck on our own all right there we go we've done fantastic all right into the health room we go uh we've got a rush now so we got to survive a hord of enemies for quite a while but I think we should be okay with this uh it's mostly the don't do damage thing that I'm trying to worry about but look at all of these items that are hordes of enemies are dropping for us this is oh God this has gotten too broken this is too broken oh no no no this game is not going to go well at all I think we could be on for what could only be described as a highly ridiculous God run and there we go we flawlessly cleared it so we get a bunch of extra chests we get four chests to choose from at all of these items all right let's pick up this health chest what do we got going to get more max Health from hearts and if I just pick a bunch of Hearts I'm just going to get a huge amount of additional Max HP and then final Health chest what do we got right Gold Heart lovely okay now I guess I just have to press L and loot everything on off of the floor my goodness this is going to get very messy well now my gun does something else but into the shop we go oh my goodness I've got 200,000 money to spend now this is quite a lot more than previously thought what's my DPS up to okay we're up to about 30,000 very nice all right so we are better and stronger than ever before but now is the time we fight the boss we must defeat the boss to become a champion that's right this is what the entire game has been building to can we defeat King skull I'm just going to Simply hold on down and oh my goodness yes we can we spawned so many landmines oh we smashed that we absolutely smashed that all right so there we go glorious success we've beaten the boss but we must now loot back to the first SP with new harder enemies these enemies are pretty spicy indeed unfortunately for them I am now even more spicy than previously before and every time I one hit an enemy I gain maximum health which basically means yes life is good and oh I get some additional chests don't I poison debth I would not a grab that we got a damage chest here it's all full of legendaries because my luck is so high chots that hit enemies have a chance of small clusters of bombs oh why not we're just going to become the most messy build imaginable yeah we are quite terrifying indeed every time we oneshot five enemies by the way our damage goes up by 1% which basically just means the more we kill efficiently the more damage we do and uh that gets very silly very swiftly oh my goodness we are just a machine of damage okay this is fine uh our damage output now a fair bit better and it's only going to get better oh my goodness all of the Assassin triggers we're getting this is bad this is very bad for the sanctity and balance of this game look at all of the loot that's spawning in there as well oh no video game developers you don't want me doing this you really don't jeez okay we did it that's a lot of nonsense in front of me this is genuinely ridiculous okay fantastic we got all of this stuff on the ground I guess I just press L and pick it all up Max Health has increased a lot and we now have 2.9 Million in the bank yeah this game is getting absolutely destroyed currently but hey we can hit up the shop wonderful and oh yes get some increased Max Health from this I've improved the fire rate of our weapon it now kind of fires like this terrifying machine gun of so many visual status effects it's a mess right we're going to try and check our DPS right now so uh I'm just going to aim for the targeting dummy and yep we're doing DPS of about 10 million there so it go over to about 13 million briefly okay no it's actually going above 20 million right the more I just hold down the higher it goes what a mess what an absolute mess right let's go see if we can defeat this boss um it's an elite which means we have to face off against two of them and they just both die instantly oh no oh look at how many chests we get as well yep okay right this is bad right okay I've managed to pick up a second rare treasure which means enemies have a 2% chance to drop Lo when eliminated but this is multiplied by our Lux statistic so this is going to get very silly very quickly right into the next biome we go uh it's a for us bi biome we like the frost biome let's get a speed chest um in the arena what do we got we got a bunch of krabbies all of them are having a grand old time oh there's a skull for a moment briefly jeez that screen is just a mess oh my goodness we're in such an insane state right now with just how much money and resources we have access to uh let's go get an economy chest why not jeez what a mess okay and the problem is my damage is just increasing at a stupid degree yeah I get a 3% increase in damage every time I get five onot eliminations and as my damage is increasing so quickly basically every kill is a One-Shot elimination so the snowball is rolling oh my okay so our assassin ability now increases our damage by 5% every time we one hit uh five enemies uh which as you can imagine is incredible it basically means every enemy we encounter increases our damage by 1% because every enemy one shoted is worth 1% and then of course they will drop loot when they die because my luck statistic is so high that this is just happening and my Lu statistic goes higher and higher because I'm defeating waves flawlessly because I can one hit everything and I just fly around like some kind of crazed crab God this is truly brilliant I am loving this what a mess oh this is so silly right okay and uh there's so much loot on the ground I'm just going to press L and pick it all up that loot alone was worth millions uh do we go luck chest yeah why not let's go luck chest we get an extra bonus if we go flawlessly here which we might do honestly it doesn't really matter anymore I'm not sure if I can take damage because there's like a percentage chance that I don't take damage oh we just cleared it wow that's that's Madness into the shop we go with 26 million in the back oh God all right I've pretty much cleared out the shop for everything it possibly has and uh my DPS is now up to 100 million so let's go give this Elite enemy a try uh who are we facing off against today uh oh it's a crab it's a dead crab and uh because of my luck we get some additional loot chests oh my goodness this is messy oh dear okay my luck stat is so high basically the chests are only dropping legendaries now which is good for me bad for everyone else right into the next biome we go it's the sand Arena uh where yes every time a crab dies they drop loot what glorious balance oh my goodness we're up to 56 million in the bank we go for a luck chest yeah why not defeat all the enemies of the Arena jeez that's just so much loot everywhere this is ridiculous I don't even have to aim wow wow wow wow wow Flawless as well so of course I get an extra chest what do we want to try elite elite or waves let's do waves let's see if we can defeat these waves um there's a bunch of enemies down there we will do our best to uh defeat them oh there's a skull you're dead and another one and you're also dead amazing right there we go we've done a good job clearing the island uh so I'm just going to press L and auto loot again bam there we go oh we could go for this island it does give critical chests which I think are pretty much useless for our build but triple the normal amount of enemies will spawn and that just basically means there's triple the normal amount of enemies for us to kill so uh let's give this a try hello there my friends what is visually going on I must say triple the normal amount of enemies haven't really seen any of them that's more because I can't particularly see at the moment visually I might need to change something with this build all right I guess into the elite uh we go who is the elite today it's a crab uh he's looking good uh he is unfortunately dead luckily there is a second crab right let me just try and hit it with one shot I guess so that's one click um and it missed right another click that was one hit and it did just kill it with one click wow and we got all of these additional chests to loot wonderful right one quad key about you Mr Epic chest oh we're just going to go completely silly and stack the rare treasure modifier aren't we I think I do actually want to see if I can take damage so let me take some damage so I'm going to stand in here and this would normally damage me fact these enemies should normally damage me ah right we've encountered a minor problem I am now Immortal oh God I can no longer take damage oh this is a perfect run welcome back to everyone's favorite section science with spiff earlier I explained we're gaining luck at a gamebreaking pace but why is that an issue well luck is a statistic that increases the odds of all favorable things firing this includes the Relic that gives us a small percentage chance of not taking damage the combination of these two things means that it is now scientifically impossible for me to take damage as I have a 48% chance of avoiding it at all times now that's balanced okay these enemies explode in apparently Elemental explosions which is dangerous however I'm not seeing any of it because I think they're all dying before they can reach me uh which is a shame for them damage chest Flawless Health chest yeah let's go for um let's go for a horde uh it's good fun cuz they normally spawn a lot of enemies I'm just going to actually shift around I'm not going to uh even try and shoot people just a bit of Shifting that's all I'm doing literally just walking around using my legs and uh that's enough to kill um every enemy I'm encountering I mean it is partly helped by the fact that they cannot fight back but just to be able to hold shift and drive my crab around to destroy my enemies is very funny uh I guess I just have to press L and auto pick up everything here that's a lot of stuff my Max Health isn't up to 129,000 into the shop we go let's try and uh heal some of that uh which is pretty challenging luck increased by 75% so my luck isn't up to 177,000 per. oh this is very bad right well uh DPS is now up to big number very big number big screen shaking number I think I saw 100 million let's go defeat the final boss this is the second time we Face the final boss so should be good fun so we now have to face off against the giant ant which is po terrifying guys um I don't know about you but we might struggle against it I'm just going to click just to be sure oh okay right it is almost dead let me try h a grenade it is dead that was Flawless of course again I can't do this in any way that isn't Flawless it would seem I am immune to damage right I think this is the end ladies and gentlemen we have made it to Island 95 and as you can imagine I am oh so much faster than I used to be I'm completely unkillable I can no longer take damage I can do infinite amounts of DPS uh to the point where I am completely unstoppable my money infinite damage infinite health infinite I have become an infinite being and I must defeat this King skull yes this is the ultimate boss on island 96 truly terrifying deadly dangerous and with one click of my mouse completely dead truly amazing oh my goodness I'm just simply too good uh yeah my shots are a glorious visual mess but the game has become so darn entertaining my luck stat is 108,000 my Global damage output is up to 15,000 and there we have it crab Champions is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits we are unstoppable and have a achieved an infinite scale of power but in a rare twist I can't help but feel that the developers intended this game to be broken and to the developer of this game I salute you because this was an absolute treat to experience to be rewarded for pushing a game to its limits is always good fun so thank you very much for the experience as always a massive thank you to The Majestic sausages who are my YouTube members and patreons for funding My Endless addiction to tea I'll see each and every one of you lovely people in the next one have a glorious day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,041,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: THIS GAME WANTS TO BE BROKEN, Broken Game, Crab Champions, Perfectly Balanced Game, Crab, Champions, Crab Rave, indie game, roguelike, exploit, video game, glitch, bug, funny, overpowered, game break, the spiffing brit, spiffing brit, infinite money, god mode, game exploit, money exploit, funny moments, game glitch, gameplay, memes, perfectly balanced, dungeon crawler, steam sale, game dev, crab champions roguelite, op crab champions build, crab champions gameplay, crab shooter
Id: t4j6bkqoY_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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