Testing the NEW Quasar Cannon Versus EVERYTHING in the Game! It's Amazing! - Helldivers 2

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hello everybody this is nasari coming back at you again today with another video for hell divers 2 now today of course well many of you who regularly play the game will probably already know this but yesterday they released a two brand new support call-in weapons and today we're going to be talking about and showing off one of them which is the one that I like more I really think this thing is crazy but it's this uh quazar Cannon right here um there's also another heavy machine gun it's not terrible but it it eats through ammo really quick that's for another video though this thing however does seem like a direct upgrade to like the recoiless rifle and the Expendable anti-tank for a couple of reasons one being that the rounds that this thing fires are just like a laser shot that explodes and they don't drop like the uh Expendable anti-tank rounds do and the fire rate on it is going to be more consistent than trying to beat out the 70c cooldown for the Expendable anti-tank it does basically the same amount of damage and it's just really really good so I've got a bunch of video footage for you as the title may have suggested to you and we're going to be showing it ver pretty much every enemy of significance in the game both on the automaton side and the bug side and I'll have some notes and some pointers so basically we're doing a deep dive into this quazar Cannon and showing that off today that's going to be the modus operand so also before I cut to the footage and we really just dive into the video this very quick but obviously if you scroll through this they have just like a whole wall of text here but you can see that pretty soon we're going to be expecting uh the anti-air missile strategem which I believe is a call-in that's going to Target flying targets which I would assume is going to help not only versus the bug um screechers shriekers that are already in the game game but it'll also be good versus this new uh automaton flying threat that they're talking about in here with that out of the way we're going to go check out this new gun right here I do appreciate you for checking out the footage even though the interest seems to kind of come and go I'm having fun making the videos and that's really kind of the only reason I'm here so we are going to cut right to the footage and there'll be kind of some separate notes and narration going on for that for the Deep dive of the weapon I hope that youall having a great day and I'll see you in one second all right we're going to be covering all of the footage now it's going to be divided up into little categories for each enemy type and different objectives and structures Etc there'll be little cards in between so it should be fairly easy to navigate and I'll be here to give notes along the way of course we're bringing the quazar and the reason I like bringing it so much is because it really lets me not have to bring the orbital rail gun and it takes the place of like heavy damage dealing to armored targets as well as damage like building structures bug holes we're going to cover all that so we're starting with the charger right here as you saw with the card and as you can see by that first shot right there if you do not hit Chargers squarely in the head it will take a couple shots to bring them down but the good news about that is that this thing has unlimited ammo just has a little bit of a call down period and then you can just keep on firing it over and over again which I think is a significant advantage over the Expendable anti-tank as well as the recoiless rifle there is a case to be made if you're using the recoiless rifle with a teammate for the Fast Fire rate and quick reloads but outside of something like that I think this gun is just better in every situation now of course right there on screen you did see me get killed trying to like 3v1 Chargers it does illustrate that this gun does have a little bit of a charge up period before it rips off a shot so you do have to be careful just being spatially aware if you're fighting multiple big things at once but otherwise in all of these examp samples here you'll just basically be seeing me one or two shotting a charger now basically the strategy of course here is going to be that you shoot for the head of course it's a one- shot kill but if you happen to miss and you can maybe hit the leg you can also blow off their leg armor in one shot and then quickly follow up with like your primary gun and finish them off really quick almost like the old rail gun meta but even better I mean this thing really just does feel like kind of a souped up rail gun almost it's it's just awkward cuz most of the guns in this game are sideways upgrades in most cases not just flat out upgrades but this thing pretty much feels just like a direct upgrade again just relieving Chargers of their heads now they do kind of have a head Bobby mechanic when they go to charge and as they're moving around so if you can catch them from far away you'll be doing much better off but this thing again if you do happen to miss as you can see on screen it will inflict some heavy bleed on them as well the one further back didn't notice me he's not really moving around so instead of multiple shots he's just a click one shot one kill again with multiple Chargers on screen if you can nail those head shot which I do find the first person mode to be very useful for because in third person the gun itself can kind of get in the way block your vision for some precise shots but yeah again I think the only real drawback of this thing is the the slow charge up time and the cooldown period but comparing it to the cool down on the Expendable anti-tank I think you're much better off as you can see versus The Brood Commander here anything that's brood Commander size or smaller if you hit them in the head you're basically going to vaporize them as as the example is being shown on screen one of them here the final one which is the one right after this one of course those are all just vaporizations there this one is going to be a body shot not directly to the head and that one you can see will not always result in an instant kill so just be aware of that as you're trying to place your shots moving on to the bile spear I've actually found that this gun is relatively ineffective at dealing with the B spewer unless you hit them directly in the face it will not be a one-hot kill and the the charge time on it and the way they spit acid while you're trying to shoot and charge it up just not really conducive as you can see on screen I pretty much nailed him almost what I thought was directly in the head and it didn't kill him you know versus the speed of an impact grenade I go for another one here trying to get him right in the face and either I missed or it just didn't kill him instantly again just for the way this Gun Works and how the B Speers spit acid I don't think this is an effective weapon for dealing with them when you can just throw an impact grenade at them we're getting close to the end of the bugs here in terms of En enemies now as you can see in the first example here if you can land two clean shots to the face on the B Titan you will take him out very quickly it's in my opinion better than relying on the orbital rail because the orbital rail won't always one shot and then you're just trying to figure out what to do to finish them off now in this example here I guess I must have missed a couple of shots or I thought they hit the head the hit box might be kind of a little weird but it can take you upwards of three or four shots shot if they count as body shots I guess so let this one play out here but the first shot looked like it was a square and head shot I thought the second one was too but this one this this Titan here he's being stubborn I think he takes two more to take down so you will have to try and create some space with the charge up time on this thing and this should be the final shot which I guess I I get maybe that was two to the head and a couple to the body I don't know but we're switching over to automatons now and of course as You' expect versus the Striders you hit them any anywhere and this thing is pretty much a one shot I just had to include that clip because you know just because comprehensive coverage I have found that this quazar cannon is amazing for taking out drop ships as long as you aim for the engines you don't want to hit the body of the vehicle because then it won't go down and you won't have enough time to get a second shot off on it but if you can hit those engines you can take this thing off even in a lot of cases before it drops off its load got great anti- Dropship weapon similarly to the bile Titans these guys move up on you really fast and it doesn't appear that this gun is a guaranteed one hit on them so I found that again like the B Titans not very effective versus the chainsaw boys now versus tank this is a great weapon provided you have some form of cover to protect you from their main gun the explosion on this thing does enough Splash damage where as long as you can kind of hit it the turret on the side or anywhere kind of near the back half of the turret in general you will usually just twoot most all tanks and again with some good use of cover there to prevent fired from the main Cannon which one shot you or like in this example being far enough away where the main cannon on the tank can't Target you which gives you a great opportunity to uh take out tanks with this weapon again great anti- tank anti light vehicle anti everything this gun is great except for you know against lots of really small enemies and maybe like the B Titans and the chainsaw boys but everything else and this is the shredder tank here so we really got to make sure this thing doesn't get a line on us cuz it'll kill you extremely fast with its rate of fire and I'm being uh fired upon by a couple other annoying robots so as soon as we get them out of the way we can finish off the demonstration here how about a ni cup of Li foros again this is a great go-to anti-tank weapon now in this final example this is a tank turret and we're engaging it from far enough away where it can't even fire on us you can I just I tested I put my money where my mouth is and just stood out there and yeah we're too far away for it to engage us but we can surely take it out about two shots as long as you can hit somewhere you know relatively close to the weak point you'll be taking out turrets from a nice safe distance now Devastators they are pretty much a one shot you do want to creatively try and use some type of cover to make sure they can't get their rocket volley off for the rocket Devastator specifically cuz they can generally fire that before you have enough time to charge this thing all the way up as you can see right there use some cover charge it and peek out and take them out it's my best strategy there and for the riot shield devasta s their Shields can actually block a shot from this gun and keep them unstaggered so you'll definitely want to aim around that riot shield now this weapon is also a great anti- Hulk weapon I found that it usually takes between one to three shots to take out a Hulk if you can hit them squarely in their little redey face plate or perhaps right in their back you could get away with a one shot otherwise you're looking at again about two to three shots to the body should take them out this one I'm engaging from a nice safe distance at first I didn't even know if I was hitting it yeah along with having the advantage of infinite ammo the shots do not drop there is no gravity or curvature effect on the project protile unlike the Disposable anti-tank which really helps this weapon take out targets from a really nice safe far away distance that last Hulk was a one shot right to the red face plate this one takes a little bit more and similarly to like bile spewers or bile Titans you'll want to be putting a lot of safe distance between you and the Hulk when they have the flamethrower so that you can charge up a shot and get it off before they face Mel you now we're moving on to the automaton factories which have a few different properties from the bug holes now if you'll notice here I'm trying to fire through the door and you will see that this this cannon will not take out the factories with a door shot like grenades as you can see you can throw grenades through the door and they will take out the outposts however trade-off for that is you can take out factories from a lot of angles which you might not suspect and as well from really far away like in this example where I'm off at an angle and a considerable distance away so this cannon is very good at taking out these factories here from some safe positions and we're going to other objectives and structures of course it will oneshot all of your Bug Hole varieties including the stalker Nest holes but in this example you will want to be careful that you don't rip the shot as soon as the bugs are coming out because they will block the shot and with the charge up time you probably will just be better off throwing a grenade and running now in this example which I do speed up you can take out the screecher nests from or shriekers sorry the flyers from nice safe distance where they can't even spawn and start attacking you so with this gun equipped you see these things on the map it does take a little bit with each one taking two shots to take out so you got to wait for it to charge up six shots but if you think about time efficiency the time it takes to do that and take all three of these out with this you know Cannon is a lot faster than what it would take you for run all the way over there try and fight them off plant a hell bomb defend the hell bomb so it doesn't get destroyed so just in terms of efficiency and uh safety it is definitely a recommended tactic to just take out the flys from far away so you don't even have to deal with them I did speed the footage up though a little bit and with the spor rooms you will be one-shotting those taking them off and clearing your vision up nice and easily there as well these um hijack the Rogue Transmission missions be able to take that objective out in one shot also with this thing and and the artillery on the automaton side if you have artillery or the What U there's another like AA version of that that prevents you from doing like your Eagle call-ins take those out really quick also so I appreciate you coming and checking out this little walk through here of using the quazar cannon to deal with pretty much every enemy of significance in the game of course like I said anything that's you know Strider or brood Commander strength or weaker you will generally vaporize so didn't spend a whole lot of time shooting at like scavengers with this thing but I hope this information was fun and helpful maybe for you to see whether this gun is worth bringing in my opinion it can completely replace not only the orbital rail Cannon but also take the spot of the Disposable anti-tank or The Recoil list and free you up some slots to play around with other strategems I got some fun usage out of the orbital 380 and the cluster bomb again because this gun freed up a slot for me to be able to do that so on the end screen here just showing that using this gun uh on solo suicide mission difficulty 7 I was able to completely five star both missions anyways I hope you enjoyed the video leave a like if you do and I will see you again soon peace out everybody
Channel: Nasdorachi
Views: 1,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, quasar cannon, helldivers 2 quasar cannon, versus everything, helldivers 2 guide, guide, helldivers 2 new gun, helldivers 2 new weapon, helldivers 2 new stratagem, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 tips and tricks
Id: bCUkK3ZokRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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