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hey guys welcome back to a new video today I've got an absolutely insane sort of farm and glitch to get super credits and medals really easily and really quickly now anyone can complete this it's definitely a method you guys want to watch all the way to the end and it's going to help you out massively if you guys are struggling but if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe drop a like on today's video and with that said let's jump straight into it massive shout out to Blazing boo sponsoring today's video if you guys are struggling to get anything in Hell divers 2 this is a place to check out they offer a lot of services and they'll help you get to them high-end activities not only that they do have a trust pilot with over 34,000 fstar reviews and if you guys do use BB Unstoppable 5 at checkout you will get a 5% discount I'll leave a link in the description and then let's get into today's video so for this method guys you can pretty much much do it on any difficulty and it will work obviously you want to do it on the higher ones if you can because it's going to help you but as long as you can get super credits from that mission or medals from finding them this method is going to work we're going to go on to a random mission right now we'll do it on level six so that we obviously can just run around the map and collect stuff so you're going to want to look for something where you can obviously get around the map so definitely don't do the ones where you have to sort of kill stuff or really short missions in general you want one where you can actually run around the map and find these so pretty much you don't really need anything for this method all you need to do is simply find a spot with super credits and remember which Mission you guys have done so what we're going to do is we're going to load into a spot on the map I'm going to Simply find the credits now it's important you guys know what mission you have loaded so make sure you do remember what planet you're on before launching this as you can see I'm going to go go back out and we are on Meridia so we're going to launch this Mission up on Meridia click this so we're on the Geological Survey like I said can be any map as long as you can travel around the map it doesn't really matter so we'll spawn in over here once we've spawned in I'll show you where to sort of find them once you find a spot guys I'll show you what you need to do right guys so once you're spawn in you're going to want to look around for these supplies with super credits now you can get medals from this sometimes they do have samples in if they've got samples this method won't work this is simply for super credit and medals only so you're going to want to look into the sky for the certain glow I'll show you when we get through this Forest of what you're looking for to find them super quickly especially the spawn points so let's run through here I believe there is one directly this way so as you can see in the distance I'll zoom in this right here that's flashing in the sky this little yellow beam is going to be what the super credits and medals can spawn in like I said it can be different all you want to do is simply run in collect them as quickly as you can as you can see super credits now it doesn't matter if you die what we need to do is in fact look where on the map so as we can see this spot on the map is where the super credits are so all we need to do now is simply Al an F4 the game so if you Al F4 it's going to shut the game fully off as you can see takes us back to pretty much our desktop we're going to launch the game back up and we now in fact know exactly where the spawn point is for that certain super credit and as you guys probably get test if you load into the same Mission land in the same spot you can rinse and repeat this now I'm pretty sure this is a glitch they didn't intend for it to work this way but if you want to sort of get ahead while you can before it is nerfed this is how to do it so I'll prove right now that it does work and you guys can obviously form super credits this way simply by force quitting your game loading back in landing in the same spot and collecting it if you guys sort of struggle with the method comment down below but I'll spawn back in and show you that this method does in fact work so as we can see it's still loaded up as if we haven't done the mission so we're going to load into this right now and you can even pick where you spawn so definitely spawn as close to it as you guys can on the map so I'm pretty sure it was somewhere around about here so if we land there once we load into the game it will in fact put us near it and we can rinse and repeat and get pretty much unlimited super credits and medals now if you find a medal one it does work the same as I've just shown you with the super credits so whatever you're farming for try and find a pod with that in and just repeat over and over again so guys we have just spawned really close to it it is just behind us and it is the exact same spawn location as we've just had so we're going to jump over here doesn't matter if we die as as long as we can get the credits as you can see 10 super credits again and our total has gone up twice because super credits are instant it's a great way to just Farm thousands and definitely get ahead because I would imagine this is going to get patched very soon but I thought i' would make a video and as always guys leave a like share this with your friends subscribe for the best tips and tricks and as always I will catch you in the next one
Channel: Unstoppable
Views: 33,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 super credits, Super credit farm, Medal farm, helldivers 2 medal farm, helldivers 2 farm, helldivers 2 farm guide, helldivers super credit farm, how to get super credits, how to get medals, fast super credits, fast super credits and medals, helldivers 2 bugs, helldivers 2 exploit, helldivers 2 supercredit glitch, helldivers 2 super credit farm, helldivers 2 medal glitch, helldivers 2 medal farm solo, how to get super credits helldivers 2, unstoppable
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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