Helldivers 2 Game BREAKING Patch! Balance Dev Speaks!

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oh no it wouldn't be a hell divers 2 update if they didn't actually completely break the game hello everybody and welcome to the channel so there are a bunch of issues with the game at the moment there is also a patch which has just been deployed which we are going to break down in this video and there are a bunch of other things we do need to discuss but look at this right so this is the first bug I'm going to show you guys this is a brand new one this is where your camera seemingly gets reset to a it's probably like the default camera position of the map and while this looks really cool cuz you can see all the Bots dropping onto the point it is super frustrating because I can't actually play the game now I think what's happened is is I'm stuck inside the cliff now this isn't a great place to be because I can't really do anything I can't move the camera's not resetting the Bots though are still shooting at me you will see gunfire in the middle of the screen seems to be aimed down towards me where I'm hidden inside the rock and a tank has just been dropped off there and a walker seems to be shooting at me when I stopped spinning my camera around just look in the middle of the screen can you see it that Walker firing at me I'm just inside the rock now what is crazy about this is I can still use my strateg look at this I'm going to throw my strateg so I'm still actually over there it's just my camera has just completely broke and reset in this direction now this is a bit of a shame because I killed that Walker with the air strike now if that Walker was still alive it probably would have killed me and then it would have allowed for me to get um reinforced but I'm panicking at this point I'm like I'm not going to be able to extract we've only got 5% of the Bots left to kill so I'm like okay what am I what am I supposed to do here like I'm I'm just going to die so I say to the team like I'm bugged guys I I I won't be able to extract it's all over for me GG just go next no re I'm like it's all over but then I do die which is a a miracle I guess something kills me I'm not entirely sure what kills me I think a walker kills me here so that Walker fired into the cliff base there and I died at that moment so I'm dead now I can get extracted so I'm going to get extracted and off I go but the thing is guys while this is a a really annoying bug and it's preventing you from playing the game it isn't the worst because the worst are the ones where the game just totally crashes and it is terrible when it crashes towards the end of a mission but there seems to be a new crash which is happening as well now the devs have also just literally as I'm recording this video have deployed a hot fix to fix one type of Crash but it's not the type of Crash I'm going to show you guys also we're going to talk about all the other updates that have come to the game uh and also the developers have been speaking about balance changes as well which is always super interesting to look at so anyway let's just finish this extract so our team are trying to make it I I I'm not even sure team M this they've got 3 seconds I don't think they do I think R2 maybe makes it no yeah maybe yeah R2 makes it and then we're out of here but yeah super annoying that that's happening this though this is even worse like this is when you're playing in a mission and everything's going great everything's going fine and then the game crashes now you've got to remember there are still a number of issues that are not fixed and they are not fixed as of this hot fix either that will crash the game throwing back grenades that are thrown at you and throwing snowballs now on this this map uh this is UA so there's no snowballs obviously but there is grenades the enemy will throw grenades at you the automatons like to throw grenades and it is just a natural reaction to pick them up and then throw them back at the enemy I'm not saying that's what's caused this crash I don't even know what's caused this crash that's the problem there's so many crashes and yeah now this one might be down to the fact that the host has left but you'd think the game would just bounce to a different host anyway it's frustrating failed to establish network connection now I've not seen this for a while in fact I haven't seen this for ages but I'm starting to see it now with this patch this is the worst one though this is actually the worst look at that the screen just goes black in the mission and it just ends and I'm like what's going on here by the way how cool is this how cool is this this is way better this is actually way better I know you've probably seen my shadow play overlay but honestly that is way better than starting at the back of the ship so great update we walk towards the Democracy officer he's like yeah let's go okay so this is the patch it's just a hot fix and it only contains one fix and it is for a common crash which occurred when accessing the Acquisitions menu I mean that's fine but that's on your shift generally right so if you're crashing there I mean it's still bad CU you might be on an operation and you crash and then the game goes and the you lose that operation but uh yeah yeah it's a fix I can't complain it's a crash fix we need more of these cuz the game is just getting more and more unstable as more updates have plowed into it so this is Alexis from the SCS bringer of balance the balance Dev essentially um and this is what they say all right I'm a bounce thanks everyone for feedback both positive and negative that's invaluable to us sorry for not answering all of your questions especially regarding future changes and fixes I wouldn't want to promise something I couldn't deliver one thing I can say though if there is an issue it has to be resolved Arc thrower misfiring spear not locking correctly misalign Scopes all that should and will be fixed but it's time consuming and iterative process so it it's it's only so the only thing we need is time and your trust so what we've got here is the I guess the flagging the not I don't want to use the word admission but the acknowledgement I guess is better um of the misalign scope issue and of the spear not locking onto targets and of the arc misfiring and that the devs will fix them it's just going to take time so there is a big positive to take away from this it is straight up like you know they do know these are problems they are going to fix them it's good to know that as a community instead of just thinking do they even know this is broke do they know that's broke but it does seem to me though that as the game is evolving as we're getting more content added you can have an awesome time but then the game will crash or there'll be another game breaking B bug or there'll be some like insane camera bug or this it's just it's yeah it just feels like it's getting more and more unstable and uh yeah I don't know probably they need to um work a little bit more on stability but I know this is difficult right and I know this is stupidly complex I'm an idiot and I'm not even going to begin to understand how any of this works but like you know the guys who are making the content and not the guys who are doing the um I guess the the balance fixes and the engine updates they're completely different team so you can't be like get the content guys to work on these fixes cuz they just they just can't they just different like skill sets completely but yeah I think they just do really need to just fix the game cuz I hate it when it crashes there is also some reaction as well from Reddit so you can see that people are annoyed with the game crashing now generally you know you can't just read Reddit and go okay this is reflective of the entire Community it's only a very small portion it's like looking at Discord again very small portion or looking on Twitter whatever it's a very small portion of the overall Community but if they are talking about things then it probably will reflect on the large community in some capacity and if they're talking about crashes then yeah and I know guys and you all know as well from playing the game it does crash quite a lot this user says I can't I can deal with misaligned Scopes and lock on issues the crashes and severe dips in run quality every update are getting tiring I just want to destroy robots and it is it is what I mean last night when I stopped playing hell divers it's because the game crashed I'm playing with the antimaterial rifle which is really strong right now but guess what the game crashes so I'm like I'm I'm literally at the end of well I wasn't quite at the end but I was 20 minutes into a mission and the game crashes I don't want that you know I'm like oh so I just quit the game go and watch Netflix you know what I I that's a problem and it needs to be fixed there's also some more reaction here what about all the game crashes on PS5 it's not just PS5 I'm on PC and since the last patch we've also been experiencing an increase in crashes particularly during the Evac cut scene the devs have noticed the spiking crashes since the last patch and they're looking into it well the crashes on the Evac are absolutely gutting because you think you finish the mission and then it crashes that is terrible also crashes at extraction are terrible as well cuz like you could have invested up to like 30 minutes into a mission and then it crashes and it feels really bad that does it it's like the worst possible moment for the game to crash you'd almost prefer it to crash much earlier in the mission this other user then goes on to say in 10 games we crashed nine times at the end of a mission we were like at least the mission is done we got the rewards and are not crashing during the game anymore we love that game okay but yeah crashes and stability issues are a pain at the mo I used to have 144 FPS now I'm moving between 40 and 90 whatever the setting whatever the settings and had to do my Lobby public otherwise I crashed during the party and I can't join anymore there's also a loot of other issues as well like um I I did speak about this in a recent video but the fire effects don't work unless you're the host so you have to be the host of the game to get the damage overtime effect from Napal from the flamer from the incend breaker like you they just don't work unless you're the host that's a massive problem because they have been buffed they literally do 50% more damage so if you're the host and you've got access to fire weapons you'll just do loads more damage I mean it's comically like crazed amounts of damage so is that fixed needs to be fixed it's not fixed yeah another problem for the game okay so talking of balance there's been some information here about why the Slugger was nerfed um so Alexis is back and says that's incorrect pick rate wasn't the reason for the Slugger Nerf the truth is Slugger was just hands down the best sniper rifle out there which is not fitting you know a shotgun so there you go that's the reason why they went in and nuk the Slugger because it was incredible at long range I can't say I was using it at long range I did use it sometimes at what I would say is medium range and it did feel quite effective but I never really tested it and never really played with it enough um to to work out that it was apparently the best sniper in the game which is kind of ridiculous so that's why it was nerfed but at least again there's an explanation there which is good and it's good to know why they Nerf and change things so also the level cap has been increased now and I'm sure most people are aware of this but I think we just need to break it down just to be sure so you can now go to level 150 which hilariously is called super private um there is a bunch of new tiers so you got Fleet Admiral at 60 admirable admirable admirable Admiral Commander Galactic Commander hell Commander General festar General 10 star general 10 star general what a hero and then you become a private and a super private this probably you know it probably highlights how stupid the hell divers are they think they're amazing with these titles but actually when they're level 150 they're only a private so so what does that say about the hell divers yeah they're not very good are they although I'd argue that the hell divers are quite effective cuz I mean not many of us go to a planet and we absolutely decimate it so although we do tend to die a lot but yeah that's fine we got Replacements um but yeah the way this is working is the game and this is really cool they were actually collecting or or or they retroactively give you back your experience that you gained if you were capped at level 50 so there are people out there that suddenly logged into the game and they'd be like level 80 some people logged in and were level 150 because they've been playing the game like crazy because the game was saving their XP effectively then gave to them I really like that that's cool because you know what in most modern games they wouldn't have done that they'd have just stopped your XP at 50 and gone you know what we'll now give you another grind to go for but they didn't Arrowhead said no you can have your XP and I love that that's why this game development studio is really good and that's why I think H div has got a pretty strong future but there you go guys that's the uh yeah the kind of coverage of the patch at the moment game's unstable there's funky bugs when it works it's great just fix the game I guess that's it if if only it was as easy as that all right guys thank you for watching the video I've been stylosa you can follow me on everything which is @ stylosa over on Twitter or X it's @ stylosa and yeah if you do enjoy the video do like the video leave a comment below it helps a lot and subscribe to the channel for more and I'll catch you on the next one see you soon
Channel: Stylosa
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Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: eqyEZXdQtSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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