Helldivers 2 - Is The Arc Thrower Still Meta After The Update? (Helldive Difficulty, Solo)

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what's up Legends I know we have an automaton major order to fight right now but as you may know today hell divers 2 has released a huge balancing update which has touched upon the ark thrower and a lot of people are left wondering whether the changes done to it are enough to kill the weapon's thriving potential against the terminate faction and so today we'll be testing the ark thower with its new changes to see how hard it has fallen off if at all uh so we're going here into the fory Prime JP success uh which I believe has extra cool downs and the map is obscured by the bug spores and we're going to be bringing in the classic most powerful Loadout that I tend to bring when I'm using the arc thrower which is going to be of course the shield generator The Arc thrower um W I'm blinking out here uh sorry no the 500 kilo bomb and the orbital rail Cannon strike combined with the stamina enhancement of course the Scout armor set and we changed out of the scorcher because we were fighting the Bots onto the breaker and onto the impact grenade instead of the stun grenade I had my set up all confused there I couldn't remember what the loadout usually is cuz I have been using the quazar cannon a lot more recently I think it has uh dethroned the ark thrower even before uh this update and I said suspect this update will make it even more so the best choice over the ark thrower so we're going to be bringing here the ark thrower of course do a generator pack and we spawn right next to a CF artillery and a radar station which is fantastic which by the way brings me reminds me someone commented uh the other day asking how come I often land next to a lot of side objectives and as I have mentioned in the couple videos before one thing you should know is first of all the game always shows you one side objective right and one thing you should know is that the game always kind of bunches them up it always bunches up like two to three side objectives all together so if you spawn on the side objective that it's displayed odds are you'll also kind of Spawn near the you know two more side objectives or so here the first bug breach let's get some distance here and let's put this bad boy to use so now we have to charge the ark thrower fully every shot we can't quick shoot anymore which uh to democracy already feels very slow but I'm just wondering here if it's going to be enough to actually get overwhelmed so far it seems to hold the line just fine I think it's going to be more of a big deal when dealing with chargers rather than the the groups of enemies it seemed to handle a group of enemy just fine that was a small sample size though oh okay you guys see that so the ark thrower now has an increased stagger and I don't know if you guys could tell there but the the charger was actually charging much slower as I shot it because it kept getting staggered back that is that is interesting that is interesting slow down the charger quite a bit there so basically what I think it's going to do is you're going to kill Chargers you know a lot slower but it might still be just as good for dealing with chargers cuz now even though you kill a bit slower you do stagger them pretty heavily against the little guys is pretty much the same thing the Stagger doesn't really matter cuz you get them in one one shot anyways but I'm definitely feeling the not uh the difference between fast shooting and this new style of shooting which has to be a lot slower 1 second between each shot let's see if I can kind of stagger this charger here just seems to be walking up to me I'll dare to say it actually might be even stronger against brute commanders seem to hold that BR Commander back pretty well already got two Chargers see look look how much slower their charge actually are actually is because of how much I keep staggering it back that that is interesting that's not bad have a taste of it might indirectly help group play a lot too because uh you'll be kind of Staggering the the Chargers you know you you'll be keeping them back which could lead to less team kills since the Chargers will be further back uh rather than being grouped up on top of your teammates and you end up accidentally killing them with The Arc thrower so an increase in stagger here may make sense and it may be quite useful for team players which may see a little bit less of team killing since people are not going to be spamming the ark thrower as nearly as much and it actually does a fair degree of crowd control as you can see here look how far back these brute commanders get tossed the crowd control it definitely feels quite good it just kind of you know pretty much just is a decrease to DPS but the crowd control remains just as powerful if not more powerful you just kill enemies a tad bit slower also we have the Expendable anti-tank here oh that was a that orbital re can and killed them one one go that's pretty good oh we have the Expendable anti-tank here cuz it's given by the game master I'll try not to use it too much in this game only only occasionally if I can reach back this Ark thrower you know what I'm out oh I missed it hit his shoulder dang it we got a couple Expendables here I might pick one of these up finish off this damn charger if I can get him stuck here oh no out throwing grenad that is a lot of little bugs I do think it is the era of the quazar cannon previously I'm out before the ark thrower era we had the rail gun then we had the ark thrower and now I think quar Cannon is going to be the top dog for uh bug solo play maybe even grouped play as well since we're much less likely to team kill with the quazer cannon and you can control all of the heavily armored enemies much more easily with a quazar cannon this guy's just gonna sit there he fine they only takes six shots so no uh no hidden Nerf there still pretty good six shots once every second that's 6 seconds probably a little bit more than that and that's a charger kill assuming you get a clear six shot of course that's still pretty good still pretty good fast way of dealing with chargers so far I haven't noticed anything nothing drastic still amazing at dealing with those especially those medium bugs smaller bugs are going to be a bit of an issue I think uh once you go into those pouncer planets with lots of hunters and lots of pouncers I think often times you'll be better off not using the ark thrower and actually just using a primary weapon as you may not uh be able to shoot your Ark thrower fast enough get rid of those dozens and dozens of bugs just jumping on top of you as always we're going to be going here main objective side objective as well as a full extraction I'll also be getting more samples in this game just realized I still need a couple of ship modules to finish I don't know if you guys have you guys finished all your ship modules I still got a few to finish the Sentry ones I never use sentes so I don't really miss them I don't really notice that I still lack those but the other day I was using an EMS turret and I reminded myself that I did not have all of the turret uh ship module upgrades I still need to finish those we'll be focusing here on getting decent amount of samples as well you see so the range is been decreased right but look how far these bugs are still hitting them say hello to democracy I suspected that the 50 m to 35 M decrease wasn't going to be a big deal and so far it seems to be true 35 seems more than enough let's see if we can hold back this entire horde just with The Arc thrower got to fall back here a little bit because of the little scavengers that's called democracy yeah still get a bit overwhelmed I'll be honest it feels pretty much the exact same get some get some I wonder how much half charging actually took like the devs did state that now you have uh to charge for at least 1 second before you shoot I do Wonder back then when we only had to half charge how long that actually took was it half a second it like 3/4 of a second supp I do wonder how much of a difference we're actually talking about here going to be getting here a couple of bug breaches putting this weapon to the test how' you like the taste of Freedom it's times like this where you actually do kind of notice I could have just beamed the out of them strategy is still always going to be the same it's just backtracking backpedaling and spamming out those Arc thrower shots always trying to focus down those Hunters working down the priorities and things should be just fine we can handle these hordes no problem feels good the only things we're really got to be worrying about here are going to be the biot Titans and of course multiple Chargers but uh we also do bring the orbital rail Cannon and the 500 kilo bomb specifically for those situations when we're overwhelmed with Chargers or you know we got too many bile Titans for us to handle wow yeah they they they wow yeah they still got to fix that if they fix that the AR thrower is just fine the AR thrower sometimes I don't know if you guys notice what I'm talking about but the arc thrower sometimes does not register hits not sometimes like most of the times it doesn't reg not most but a lot of the times it doesn't register hits it's pretty RNG dependent on that we got three charges here which is why I'm dropping in the 500 kilo bomb hopefully I got rid of at least one it was a little bit worse than I anticipated you see it's not registering okay register that one it's a bit of a shame cuz it struggles a little bit with detecting the enemy when there are dead bodies and front or there's like small stuff like bushes or little poles seems to block the arc thrower detection and it doesn't uh hit them sometimes oh all those went to his leg how'd you like the taste of Freedom think two more shots and down goes the charger come on buddy this batt Tian is just mining his business but strike fight me boy get him stuck bam I'm so dead I'm so ready for this Bo that's two bot Titans down pretty good pretty good so far it feels just as easy as it used to once again if you just keep your distance from the bugs constantly backpedaling using movement to your advantage The Arc thrower remains just as powerful for handling these big groups got a shrier nest up there don't think I really want to walk into that see if we can pop it from afar the expendable anti tanks meanwhile we grab here some free loot look look how much he's he slows down with each shot that's pretty cool that is pretty cool was able to get five clean shots on him before it even got to me got to keep the patrol converging on my location oh the Sher detected me okay that's a bit of a problem say hello to democracy I think this Chargers about what two shots to go got another Patrol group creeping up on me oh Focus down those Hunters boys keep the distance you know it's a bit weird cuz the changes they did to the ark thrower kind of feels like a Nerf to some enemies and a buff to others there really is just like a change it's not necess I don't know I can't label it right now as a buff or as a Nerf cuz you see it it's destroying the brute commanders oh oh no I had the fake stem glitch I hate when that happens when you click the stem you hear the sound CU of you injecting yourself but then didn't actually go through en yeah I got to be careful cuz these shers can one hit me without armor or rather Shield another expandable anti-tank that's going to bring me to there get my stuff back yeah as I was saying it's like a it's like a buff to Bro commanders it's just like a change to Chargers I wouldn't deem it as a Nerf or as a buff and it's like a Nerf to Hunters and you know large groups of little guys oh look at that guy he coming out of nowhere that's not going to hit the hill is it no it's not come on buddy oh it's going to be perfect oh me stri in I should do it come here where you going over here yes good boy see if we can pop that shrier Nest from back here Sher nests did get nerfed the shers they can't call for bug breaches anymore and their rag dolls does less damage to players now I'm out but I still think it's generally going to be a better idea for you to take them from afar oh back up here and get rid of this other bug breach is that y that bug bridge is just spawning like on top of the hill the did I just get a freebie pretty sure I just got a freebie I don't think that bug breach is going to going to count oh that's not working oh it's not working it's not juggling a screw it just take a shot at this Nest now come back grab the ark thrower I'm out finish off this Nest bendable anti-tank support that should be oh we also got a sport spew there right okay me just finish off this Nest bam down goes the nest now we'll get rid of this for Speer onto the primary objective we go here The High Ground pretty far away so going to miss quite a bit might take me a couple Clips who I really feel bad for is the Slugger players man a slugger Nerf don't know what I feel about that I'm personally not a slugger player myself but I feel for you guys man I don't uh I don't really think the Slugger was in a in a state that it deserved the Nerf it didn't feel like that like a super powerful weapon or anything so I'm not exactly sure why the Slugger players took an L on this update lugger to me seemed to fit quite a decent Niche and it wasn't overpowered at that and once again it was a niche it wasn't uh it wasn't a great well-rounded weapon it had its times to shine any Slugger players out there my heart goes out to you down support D we got a patrol group as well oh we got two Patrol groups we got Patrol groups converging on on us here let me get a h get the hell out of here get that was a pretty solid 500 kilo I think charger has The High Ground where you going haveit Taste of democracy bro charger just has such weird physics in this game he just flew up up that hill didn't he oh man that's crazy throwing grenad see if I can finally finish off this no I shot his shoulder see if I can grab this arth again oh pop my shield oh shitu Auto climb no if we can get him clipped here on this rock you do it oh no he didn't get clipped he just blew up how'd you like the taste of freedom the arthow still has a pretty rough targeting issue look at that went to you know just couple of shots there that went into nothing I think once they do fix that if they fixed that I'm not even sure oh God that almost killed me not even sure if they're putting in efforts to try to fix the Arc thrower targeting but if they fix that that will indirectly buff the out of Ark throwers oh that's clean good good good I'm here super samples three super samples all right return lo lo yeah even though I don't necessarily feel like the ark thrower has been killed off feels like they did a pretty decent job at uh attempting to Nerf it here they nerfed it in some ways they buffed it in others it just kind of changed around a little bit uh where the AR thrower really shines shoot this guy in the back leg but um I think it's the quazar Cannon's turn [Music] now really really shine AR throw is definitely still a very very viable Choice very powerful one at that I saw a lot of people on on Discord that were pretty upset about the changes done to the ark thrower so honestly as I came into this game I was expecting it to be a lot worse but uh it's not too bad not too bad I would say it's a bit worse off now than it was before but ever so slightly just a very very small bit because again it got buffed against some other unit types and it might be better now against automatons due to the Stagger I wonder if it if it will stagger uh rocket Devastators and units like that and actually get them off of their shooting stance which may actually be a pretty good buff to the AR thrower we've already gotten all the side objectives and we only need this final primary objective is one of the hardest primary objectives in my opinion since you call in for multiple bug breaches I believe it's three to four bug breaches that you call here right at the end is why I chose this Mission by the way it's the mission that I believe has the most engagements ICBM probably being the one with the least fights unless you actively seek out Patrols come out may also be a pretty viable load out to just bring in the Expendable anti-tank over say like the 500 kilo bomb or the rail Cannon if Chargers are a constant issue for you and you enjoy the ark thrower still oh oh that's not good look at that stagger wo that was pretty close how' you like the taste of Freedom have a taste of democracy I mean sure as heck helps to have a map as open-ended as this one so much open fuds for you to kite all your enemies and helps quite a bit oh still got some on top of the objective I thought that was all of them okay two three say load a democracy four shots two more and down goose the charger whoa D Relentless oh he's still coming one boom down goes the charger and it's blocking the passageway too you see so we can't hit people from here so we got to got to be a way to come up here right oh okay that's all do I think character's trying to slid down slide down did that Commander die yep available deploy support weapon and they fixed the dead body targeting just imagine a world where Arc thrower shots aren't wasted and it actually targets properly this weapon would be like so much better it's already good with the shitty targeting it's got imagine with proper targeting okay so we got here the first bug breach let's see where they Spawn from there's one right there by that Patrol group and I heard something here oh had to be a charger come on turn around a you will never destroy our way of hug the little Hills to clip those Chargers tast of Freedom they're made so much easier what got a hell bomb here as well gu we get a bio Titan be a pretty freak kill oh that one hit the uh the Dead Charger support the strategy for the ark thrower Remains the Same sure putting your distance focusing on those Hunters while slowly poking at those Chargers and then you deal with the rest still very effective as you can clearly see we haven't been under much pressure the entire game by also bringing in the uh 500 kilo and the rail Cannon to make sure that the bile Titans don't apply any pressure we can actually play play a pretty laidback game I can bug breach oh another charger come on this time with Hunters feel like that charger died with only five shots don't know why I'm thinking of maybe testing out the antimaterial rifle for bug play I know it's going to be amazing against the tomaton probably use it against the tomaton as well try it again due to the buff that I got today which increased the damage on the anti- material rifle by 30% and it was already a very viable choice boys I'm guessing it's an absolute Beast of a support weapon now I tried already the counter diligence today and it was pretty rough still pretty weak weapon at least for solo player purposes of course maybe for a group play it would do better but even then I don't believe [Music] so that I don't think I hit a single shot on that charger dude pretty sure it wasn't going through at all Jesus the targeting is so rough so so rough if only the arc thrower would actually go where we aim like it'd be kind of nice if the arc thrower would offer this automatic targeting and then like the manual targeting I would so opt in for the manual targeting get some get some like whoever you're actually aiming at zaps that person or that bug or B and then it arcs to whatever is near it that would be amazing say hello to democracy all right pretty good and that's you that's the mission you all primary objectives completed all side objectives completed take on a couple of fights here and make our way back to the ship but we'll be taking on couple of fights we're not too afraid here to test out Ark thrower against as many enemies as we can oh yeah after pretty much playing the entire Mission pretty much what I'm feeling like is the arc thrower is basically as efficient as it has always been it's just a slightly bit worse when dealing with this right here dealing with hunters and and little guys it's a little bit less efficient I would say it's about as equally efficient at dealing with chargers due to the increased stagger that does help quite a bit and it's actually better at dealing with bro commanders I don't know after all I think it's still a very powerful choice I don't think it's going to be the best choice anymore I think the quazar cannon is going to be the best choice as you can use it to heavily Focus down Chargers and bile Titans well that look pretty cool that charger just did like a front flip the quer cannon you can use it to just mow down Chargers mow down pile Titans and you can use your primary weapon to just focus on the little guys I think it's just going to be generally a better choice proed is he just he's just like standing on a platform the heck is it doing we head up here this point of Interest see if we can grab some super credits or something like that at a minute and 30 and the extraction is going to be coming in and I'm going to be of course as always oh what oh they got rid of it I did not know this this was not in the patch notes another hidden update the ark thrower does not break Comm or container doors any longer well that's odly unnecessary but okay I guess we'll grenade it no problem I saw that the Slugger also got a demolition Force reduced probably oh we got a hell bomb here probably means they can't get rid of container doors anymore huh you know what come here let me show you something I got a gift for you it looks like a rocket and it's black and yellow what just standing there come on buddy you don't want your gift maybe you guys do come here say hello to the oh yes another bile Titan come here let me show you the other guy didn't want it bam I love those hell bombs so much all right now we're going to be making our way we got a minute and 40 here got to Sprint all the way back to the extraction Zone hopefully it's going to be clear and not overwhelmed with bugs we got a decent amount of samples too 17 14 and six pretty good maybe we can get that sentury upgrade oh we got a bug Nest here that's pretty awkward right on my path hopefully these guys don't see oh we got a patrol too not looking too good it's weird I play like the entire game not nervous and as soon as I get to this point in the game I get like super nervous even when I don't actually care about extracting samples I get super nervous is that just me do you guys get nervous too around the extraction time maybe because we're out of reinforcements and one death is enough to finish the game oh they're on to me okay we got to work them for 30 seconds here can I still bait them I don't think so I think they're on to me yeah know that is on to me uhoh please get out 10 seconds B Titan's coming oh God on Pelican one hurry up hurry up oh my god oh am I making it stande okay oh yeah the Pelican one smashes them doesn't it yeah if there's bile Titans in the extraction point the Pelican one will just smash them it just didn't look like it oh boy so yeah the arc thrower is still just as powerful a little bit worse at dealing with the hordes the small units like pouncers and Hunters probably uh going to do a little bit worse at those pouncer planets but uh it's still quite a powerful choice for medium units much better at dealing with BR commanders and about the same for dealing with chargers so uh it'll kind of depend on players to player but I didn't notice too much of a difference I still think the quazer cannon is going to be the king of support weapons for bug play uh so I do think that the ark thrower has officially been dethroned but let me know what you guys think in the comment section below if you've tested it out also isn't it so cool that you come back with lots of blood on your character that's pretty cool but isn't there blood like yellow is it red I don't know 609 kills thank you guys for watching the video I'll catch you guys on the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 93,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: sSsCQdSGQmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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