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does this look familiar are you sick and tired of burning through your team's resources and constantly being chased by Chargers well fear no more my friend because just like this random Rock I'm here to save your day can't hey what is good hell divers it is I TR back with some more hell divers 2 content and in this video it will be quite in depth we will be covering all the best loadouts from levels 1 through 20 so whether whether it's early game mid game late game I do got you I want this to be your One-Stop shop and right off the rip I will say this video is going to be split into four parts so we're going to have uh levels 1-8 being early game we're going to have levels 8 through 15 being early mid game we're going to have levels 15 through 20 which is kind of that no man's uh area um that we'll call that mid game and then levels 20 and on we'll call that late game so we will dissect each of them the reasoning behind them the levels they unlock the amount of credits they cost and there there's some that you get at level two and three that you will hold on to for quite a bit so definitely don't skip ahead and let's dive into it now the bulk of this video will be tied to strategy and which level you should unlock which but before we get into that I do want to cover the weapons this year the SG 225 breaker is what you want this is what you should be Desiring right off the rip uh this is on page four of the war bonds the free one so make sure you don't spend any of your hard earn medals on the uh the pay to win one just use the free one get to page four as soon as possible as soon as you do unlock that but I know that might take you some time might take you to level eight or 10 so until then you're going to use the ar23 Liberator this is actually the weapon that you use right off the rip but you're going to want to make one major change which is going to save you a lot of headaches early game so you're going to want to switch the mode from um automatic to burst and what that's going to do it's going to just make it pack a bit more of a punch it's going to make you save a lot more ammo you'll notice when it's on the assault the default option there's a lot of ammo that's being wasted a lot of bullets that aren't necessarily going to hit a Target they die pretty quick you don't need to put all those bullets into the enemy on the burst you're able to pick and choose you know where you want to put your last you know bullets your last clips and that can be crucial in this game so in order to toggle this setting you're going to want to open up go over to game play remember weapon functions go to yes now anytime you use that weapon it's going to be on burst by default if you don't know how to go to burst you hold on to the reload button and you can switch through there also while we're here another major setting to change go over to HUD and go to reticle visibility and make sure that's visible it's on Dynamic by default which does not give you a reticle when you're hip firing which is very strange you know as you can see here I'm taking out enemies while hip firing by default I wouldn't have that reticle so make sure you toggle that but again save your medals don't buy any of those fancy other weapons just save up use the Liberator until you get this beautiful shotgun and then you're holding on to the breaker for quite some time possibly until they release some new weap weapons cuz this thing absolutely smacks and please forgive me if I'm wrong but you should have enough medals to be able to buy the breaker pretty soon I would say by level eight so we'll say from 1 through 8 you use the burst and then you get the breaker for the remainder but now for the fun stuff we'll get into the strategems and the loadouts for each phase of the game first things first we have early game that's going to be from levels 1 through 8 and just to be honest guys in this window your main mission should be to extract as fun as it can be when you first hop on and take your time exploring and running around and and you know going through your deaths and figuring out the weaknesses of the bad guys but I will say at this level you're not going to get too much XP and you're not going to get too much uh resources when it comes to longterm so what I would say is get to level eight as soon as possible get those good strategems you should be landing finishing your mission and extracting as fast as possible again from levels 1 through 8 but throughout this course there are some good strategems that you can grab from levels 1 through eight so uh right away level two you want unlock the orbital Gatling barrage for only 1,500 credits at level three you unlock the eagle cluster bomb for 4,000 credits at level five you unlock one of the best strategems in the game at such an early level especially the grenade launcher for 6,000 credits and at level five you unlock the Gatling Sentry for just 4,000 credits so again by level five this should be your load out it's really strong it covers different portions of the game whether you're trying to draw an air strike trying to take out a nest from afar or just trying to lay down cover fire for you and your teammates uh this Loadout will cover each of those so starting off with the orbital Gatling barrage this one in particular um I found out that it actually destroys eggs possibly as good as any other strategy in the game and you get it at level two and what I mean by eggs is you'll pull up to a mission you have to get in there and destroy three sections of eggs it's usually like 60 eggs total or something like that with the Gatling barrage it drops such a wide area such a it sprays such a wide area that you actually can take out the the entire objective without going near it as you can see so orbital Gatling barrage really strong it also like I said covers a wide area so really good against the bugs even against the robots you know if you want to take out a base it's going to cover a wide section the eagle cluster bomb at level three so this one we're going to talk about for quite a bit it is I'd say one of the best air strikes that you're going to get especially early on you're going to hold on to this one probably up until Level 15 when you swap it for the bomb uh but we'll get into that later so the eagle cluster um really really strong I will say you will kill your teammates with this one so they got to get used to playing around that um it does destroy a massive massive area and it comes in quick so just make sure you're looking out for your teammates before you drop that in but again if it's your buddies they'll get used to it you got to tell them to get the hell out of the way um but this one has a huge impact you get it very very often I'm going to break down the cool down here but you're pretty much able to call in about three of them before the cool down even begins so that's three different strikes these can take out 20 enemies per strike so uh essentially if my mathematics are correct you're taking out 60 enemies before you even need a cool down if you get lucky so very strong really really solid for taking out objectives um especially the terminate broadcast one these are the fastest ways to get XP by the way you can land on the extract drop in a cluster bomb and start running towards the extraction or I'm sorry drop in on the objective drop a cluster bomb and then run towards the extraction by far the fastest XP you can finish trivial and Easy in like 2 minutes and get thousands of XP next we have the grenade launcher at level five as mentioned unlocked for 6,000 credits one of the best weapons in the game you're going to be able to call this in and it gets two clips so every time you get a resupply it's also filling up your grenades and each clip shoots a ton of grenades way more than I was expecting this is going to be really really strong for taking out those uh those Nest from a distance you know it's those four grenades go fast sometimes you have to wait around for a resupply with the the grenade launcher you can sometimes you'll have to spam them sometimes you will miss it it's kind of strange I don't think there's too much of a skill to it it's a little buggy but shoot them into those nests from a distance and get on to the next objective going to save you a lot of time a lot of deaths and a lot of grenades and then next we have the Gatling Sentry as mentioned at level five for 4,000 credits so the Gatling Sentry is solid for for what its job is so if you're at extraction and you just need some cover fire you throw it in if you're you know waiting to plant the super flag or waiting for a data to upload the sentries are great for cover fire you just got to be careful where you place them they can get destroyed rather quickly um and then it's another couple minutes before you get another one so definitely want to make sure you're placing them in a strategic area but they can you know mow down the enemies especially against the bugs first the robots I'm going to say the mortar is going to be better but again you don't get that to level eight and that's going to be part of the next portion of the video which we'll dive into now next we will be transitioning into the early to mid game levels so levels 8 through 15 this is when you start to get exposed to some of the more fun strategems uh the jetpack for one one of my personal favorites as well as the mortar Century so in this Loadout you're going to be keeping the eagle cluster you're going to be keeping the grenade launcher actually for quite some time and you may be tempted by a lot of the different strategems that you've now unlocked but personally I'd say save those up for the level 15 the level 20 unlocks uh there's a lot of strats out there and for early game like this I think you should hang on to them but nonetheless definitely do purchase the jetpack and the mortar Sentry at level 8 and before we highlight the new strategems that you've just equipped being the jetpack and mortar centry I want to discuss why we're keeping the eagle cluster and grenade launcher you may be asking it's only level three only level five what are we hanging on to this for uh but these like I said they pack a-p punch and they're very cost effective the other strategems that you can unlock at this level are expensive and they do the same thing as mentioned the eagle cluster destroys any objective that that it's possible to do so and the grenade launcher is huge for clearing nests and even taking out some of the bad guys so again we're keeping those for quite some time we will be replacing the orbital Gatling barrage with the jetpack and we will be replacing the Gatling sentry with the mortar Sentry so covering the jetpack it does exactly what you'd expect it's not something that you can just hang on to and hover around for good it's simply an evade also it helps you get into high positions uh that sometimes will save your life from Chargers so jetpacks again as soon as you can unlock these certainly make sure you do so you're going to find that you're surviving situations uh that you never would have beforehand and once you put on a jetpack it's very hard to take off and for that reason you'll be hanging on to the jetpack until Level 20 when you swap it out for the shield generator pack there's just nothing else out there that gives you that that evade uh that that the jetpack does unless you're a great teammate you want to do the supply pack that's certainly an option as well but as displayed above the jetpack will get you out of some extremely sticky situations and save you some revives in the process and our next swap out we have the mortar Sentry at level eight for 3500 credits being swapped out with the Gatling Sentry again this is at level eight and you'll hang on to this through level 15 if not further I've seen people in late game hang on to the mortar Sentry because it does exactly what you think you place down at extraction and it stops hordes and invasions from eating even getting close to you uh so it will kill your teammates quite a bit like the cluster bomb but it just takes getting used to uh you need to understand where to place them because bad guys can destroy them before they even do their job so it's a mix of putting them in a place where it won't kill your teammates understanding that your teammates need not be next to the enemies cuz this thing does not discriminate and also just being able to defend the mortar from bad guys as they close in but again very strong for extraction very good at seeing enemies that you cannot as well next up getting closer to level 20 where the fun begins we're now at levels 15 through 20 we're going to call this mid game uh and I like to call it no man's land because it's a short period of time you're so close to the fun strategems you're still using some early game strategems you're just using a mix but at level 15 you do unlock the eagle 500 kg bomb uh which is an absolute nuke so that's what you'll replace uh the eagle cluster with at level 15 besides that I'm keeping my load out the same so we're sticking with the jetpack we still have grenade launcher we still have mortar Sentry again we now just have that eagle bomb as our newest toy and this thing is a onetime explosion so you don't have to worry about clearing the way from more than long but in that short window you better not be close because this thing as mentioned is Oppenheimer sized all right Amigos wrapping up the video we do have the late game build so this will be for level 20 and on so of course keep in mind guys that this is just a guide there's many different ways to Hell dive and to complete missions and to extract and you guys may have some better loadouts than me but as far as I'm concerned these are the best loadout so I wanted to give you some structure so even if I can save one or two of you guys uh some of your hard-earned credits than then that's a win for me um but again at level 20 we'll be replacing two of our strategems for now so we want to get that Shield generator pack which is unlocked at level 20 for 10,000 credits you want to swap that with the jetpack and then we want to replace uh the grenade launcher our favorite toy that we've now held on to since level 5 we're going to drop that and replace that for the rail gun which is also 10K credits unlocked at level 20 the rail gun and the shield generator pack are absolutely unreal keep in mind there are a lot of different things that pack aimilar punch that you can unlock at this point in the game but these are my absolute favorites so again at level 20 I'm going to be rocking the 500 kg bomb that's the eagle bomb the rail gun the mortar Sentry and the shield generator pack I believe this is going to be the best build for many different reasons but let's dive first into the rail gun so the grenade launcher as fun as it was it does not one shot bad guys and there's all sorts of different scenarios where this is going to save your life um so figuring out the weakness I'd say is going to be really important when using the rail gun every single bad guy does have a weakness you just have to figure out what that is and the rail gun will assist you in finishing them once you do so so really good for one shots against all sorts of enemies that can also save you from having to drop a 500 kg bomb maybe before that was the only way to clear a big nest now you can take out you know the big guy with one shot of the rail gun and last but not least we have the most overpowered strategy at this point in the game The Shield generator pack so get your XP get your extractions and now I wouldn't be shocked if this thing is nerfed eventually um but very strong I believe it's 10,000 credits if you've been following my guide you'll have more than enough for the end and that's what we've been saving for so whether you're running for your life from some robots or you're running into a bug's Nest uh this thing will just pretty much make you immune to that initial damage it adds a force field to a sense so you really do have armor extra armor extra shield uh there's certain bugs that you're immune to now you know whether they're throwing up on you whether they're charging at you you'll be able to eat that initial damage but once that Shield does wear down make sure you escape make sure you run off because it is on a cool down but it will reactivate on its Zone it's not like you have to call it in over and over like other strategems uh you call it in once similar to a jetpack and then you have it on but it's entirely passive you don't have to do anything so you said it you forget it and you are now a tank you're no longer just a measly hell diver but that is all my friends if you guys did enjoy the video please do consider liking and subscribing it does go a long way it does help us out over here uh but I do appreciate your time enjoy the rest of your day and good luck hell diving y'all peace
Channel: Tragidee
Views: 26,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, helldivers best settings, helldivers 2 best settings, helldivers 2 best controller settings, helldivers best controller settings, helldivers 2 settings, helldivers 2 best settings fps, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers content, tragidee, helldivers update, HELLDIVERS 2 TIPS AND TRICKS, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 best stratagems, helldivers 2 best moments, helldivers 2 best loadouts, helldivers 2 loadout stratagems
Id: ERGvigC5csk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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