AWESOME Stratagem Tips I Wish I Knew Sooner in Helldivers 2

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orbital strikes offer a balanced variety of goodies for us to bolster our hell dive efficiency whether it's bombarding enemy positions and leveling structures with a Relentless torrent of heavy ordinance melting enemy skin or frying their circuits with toxic gas and EMS or disintegrating heavily armored enemies with high powerered energy weapons orbital strikes will provide an option for you as always it's important to understand the subtle nuances of each strategy in this category and what they offer when making your decisions with that being said here is some tips and tricks which will help you perhaps choose which oral strikes are right for you and if you're struggling for time hopefully make an informed decision on where to spend your hard-earned game currency first first up the orbital laser bringing a more literal meaning to the phrase beaming your enemies down this is one of the strongest orbital strategems you can use and in my opinion this is one of the coolest most flashiest in the game it's calling time is incredibly Swift and just like a laser should it gets to work on the ground incredibly quick quickly it deals damage to everything it touches including your own squadmates to be aware of that one folks it absolutely melts smaller unarmored enemies with ease and has the added benefit of tracking enemies as they move once it's locked on it will not move on to another Target until it has either disintegrated the one it's on or the beam itself runs out of time it will immediately switch targets and track them across the battlefield to find one the orbital laser really comes into its own however against heavy armored targets such as charges bile Titans tanks and hulks it does very respectable consistent damage to them and drains their HP away and is a pretty much guaranteed frag once it's locked onto the target multiple callings from the party of this orbital work incredibly well it's an absolute spectacle to behold two or three of these flying around the battlefield each tracking its own Target before sinking up on one and melting it in perfect synchronicity it's particularly effective against automatons due to their slow moving heavily armored vehicles and the way in which it can rip through fortifications with ease this strategy is one that I would fully recommend unlocking as quickly as possible due to its high levels of Versatility and a squad composition it can do work against so many enemy types and Suits a range of different loadouts a real backbone to any party composition here folks be aware though it's the only orbital strike that has a limit to how many times it can be called in during a mission the laser has three Callins the rest are unlimited and I think this is probably a nod to show you how lethal it is just make sure that you're fully aware where it is zapping at all times or you may find yourself being burnt to a Cris speaking of awareness what I've mentioned here is actually true of playing with orbital strikes in your party in general whether you're a person using them or your party members the one with them it's important to be aware of a number of things so here are a few more General pointers as always folks I've loved hearing your thoughts and opinions to sound off in the comments below if you think I've missed anything let's just keep this positive learning environment going the sharing of information is helping everybody learn this game orbital strikes have a longer calling sometimes than Eagle sometimes not but that does not mean that you should rely on your party noticing the bright Telegraph beams once they're called in if you're in coms call out what you are throwing in this is particularly important because each orbital strike behaves very differently a rail Cannon is going to be much less dangerous than an air burst obviously Precision strikes are much more predictable than a walking barrage the clues in the name there or the 120 or the 380 mm he strikes they also behave very differently get to know what each one does and this will allow you to figure out if you need to retreat reposition stay close to where it is for example when someone drops a Precision strike can actually hang out quite close to them and keep pressuring Enemy Lines gaining this type of game sense swiftly will help you in the long run folks one of the huge perks of orbital strikes is that they're Unlimited in number apart from the laser so unlike Eagles you can call them in over and over and over again once the cool down is finished there's no limits how many times you can call in each strike apart from the laser so definitely keep that in mind when you're building your loadouts if you can call a strike in every 2 minutes in a 40-minute Mission that's 20 times in total you could call that in that's much better than say being capped at three or being capped at every 4 minutes which some of them are think about this folks it can make a massive difference to the way you play much like the other strategems covered in this series of videos I've been it really pays to make your choices synergize with your other strategy choices orbital laser and rail Cannon for example will have a great time dealing with bigger nasties and heavier armored enemies and fortifications you'd rather be a hall clearer no problem then definitely take the air burst and something else whole clear related more on that later make sure you get the first two ship modules folks they are absolutely essential to make these strategems truly shine with the first one ensuring that damage does not suffer as drastic a fall off from the center of of the calling and the second one giving you an extra shot in all Salvo related strikes so that's the Gatling walking 120 and 380 it sounds like very little but it does make a difference in those pinches the cooldowns vary drastically and this is something you should factor into the choices you make within your compositions we'll talk more about these as we go through the video but there are a handful of these strikes with two minute or less cooldowns making these incredibly attractive to use in a setup just because of the sheer consistency and output they off consider this in conjunction with the mission types you are running you know you're going to be fighting a lot of waves of enemies because it's a defense Mission or an egg mission for example it's probably best to stick to lower cooldown times such as the Gatling the air burst the EMS the gas those ones that allow you to use them a lot on a mission to destroy loads of automaton fortifications make sure someone's got H clear covered but pick strikes that have more of an AOE barrage type theme to them like the walking barrage like the 120 like the 380 even the Precision strike just be aware that some of them have higher cooldowns than others folks finally and this is the best bit about orbital strikes in my opinion I think they offer the most creativity I think people Overlook how much you can actually do with these and I've actually heard people in the community saying ah orbital strikes are trash I don't think so folks I actually think if you think on your feet with these you could do some really cool and epic things people covering Retreats with barges with Precision strike causing disruption with smoke using the gas and fire to slow enemies down and melt them using these orbitals in this way is really helpful what would be really helpful to me would be if you could subscribe to the channel it really really does help me out the comments and positivity just keep coming and I'm eternally grateful for all the support you giving the channel and the community hearing how helpful you're finding these videos is absolutely amazing thank you the air burst this is an absolute monster of a h clear strike I cannot get enough of it its kill potential is absolutely absur seene and it eats waves of non- armored enemies for breakfast the way this strike pulses its damage bursts is intermittent and it makes it superb for dealing with advancing waves of enemies try to position it in front of waves advances rather than directly on top of it this way you create a kind of conveyor belt of sorts that just churns out incredibly High kill streaks for fun it has a huge radius which is another selling point but that can act as a double-edged sword because it can catch party members including you unaware it works superbly on its own and if you couple it with something like EMS nap arm incend grenades gas other Cc or damage over time mechanics or even things like the Gatling strike in the orbital section you are absolutely laughing if you're looking for a whole Clear Choice this is absolutely s tier it sucks against heavy armor but I would say that that's probably its only drawback if you land it in a choke point it's curtains for all nonheavy armored enemies and with a 2minute cool down an unlimited use in a 40-minute session you could do a lot worse than picking this Strat G an absolutely exceptional Choice here folks think about pairing it with something like cluster Eagle as well that is a nasty combo you could also pair this up with Gatling barrage and then hey look all of a sudden you found a remedy for air burst weakness this deals explosive damage and therefore is a much more formidable Choice against more armored targets again it has a very short calling time a generous radius albe a little bit smaller than the air burst but here's the kicker it has an 80c cooldown timer making it an incredibly AC active choice of strike if you like throwing in strikes often and let's be honest who doesn't this is a great choice and could also go well with any other hord clear setup it could definitely be argued that there are better choices over in the eagle family instead of this but again unlimited use with 80c coold down is nothing to sniff at it goes brilliantly with any other Hall Clear Choices and complement most setups well an incredibly versatile Choice here folks the rail Cannon what a reliable Beast well sometimes this thing is essentially a delete button for any heavy Target most of the time and I stress most of the time you throw it in and it finds the largest Target in its radius and it zaps it in an instant removing it from existence unfortunately it doesn't always work out this way which can be pretty frustrating nothing is worse when you throw one in and it tracks away from the tank you want it to hit to shoot the Walker down instead little Pro tip here when this happens if you let a party member know you're throwing one and they have something like an autoc Cannon equipped and they're on the ball they can watch where it targets and actually force it to retarget if it picks the wrong thing there was an incident in one of our runs today where my rail Cannon decided to Target a walker instead of a tank my squadmate shot the Walker completely by fluke and it made my rail Cannon realign with the tank and we noticed it and we tried to replicate it and this does work it's hard to pull off but incredibly worth it if you do with all that being said this strike does usually work and I don't want to put you off it because it is absolutely excellent at dealing with single large threats whether it's a tank whether it's a charger whether it's a Hulk whether it's a bile Titan sometimes or even if it's a turret or something like that it usually one shots it it can be a bit dodgy like I said with bile Titans but I think that's just look of the draw couple this with a spear or a recoiless or something similar and throw an orbital laser into your load out as well and you've got a serious heavy Target Eliminator and negative is it's long cool down and it has a lot of downtime but I would say that this is more than made up for with its usual consistency the precision air strike short cool down ability to swiftly deal with armored targets waves of enemies fortifications Nest openings what's not to like it's not the most fancy strategen but it does a range of jobs and it does them really well it's a rapid response choice that can get you and your squad out of many bad situations I've seen this do an excellent job at covering Squad Retreats like I previously mentioned it works really well if you're like flanking enemies and working as a lone wolf I actually stopped using this after the first day or two after launch thinking it was just an entry level choice but I actually its versatility cannot be understated if you want to make a load out that has the ability to really disrupt and provide short sharp shocks to enemies and this is the choice for you it has slightly longer calling time so 3 seconds so you need to factor that in when bringing it down but it also works incredibly synergistically with things like air burst because you can drop it in just in front of it to clean up any armored enemies that have managed to worm their way through it works brilliantly at just deleting heavy targets if you get a direct hit you can do serious damage to anything with this and if you're land it with an EMS strike just before it absolutely shreds everything that he stood still I actually struggled to give this a negative other than the fact it requires quite epic accuracy to get things right and doesn't really give you any style points what are your thoughts on this strike folks sound off in the comments below speaking of style points these next three choices are all about that the walking barrage this is a really hit and miss kind of choice for me when it hits oh my word it's good but a lot of the time it feels like you're left wanting more the heavy ordinance barges all have one thing in common here they all need to be used at just the right moment and the right point in around the window for opportunities are smaller than other strikes and once you start looking at them this way they become much more effective admittedly I'm less interested in these choices so perhaps those shell heads out there could shed more light on this but I do think the walking barrage is an excellent choice at clearing out bases and nests of enemies you've just got to make sure that you really consider where you're placing it it has a very odd pattern and I'm still trying to figure this out myself if it's random every time or if there set patterns that it follows I'm not quite sure there so let me know if you've got an answer to that it traces across an area and makes short work of most things that it hits buildings Heavies and infantry alike it can collapse nests and absolutely shines when you get the jump on a group of enemies that are close together however do not expect this to just decimate everything in the area though it's very inconsistent and will most likely require a followup it works well in more closed environments this is much the same with the 120 mm h b barage this again will absolutely clear small areas by and large completely but do not expect the area to be completely empty when you move in it will certainly have a cleanup job required this really hits the nail on the head for me when considering how these should be used ordinance barges are excellent at softening up tough areas and doing some of the work for you throw these in before you make your next move and your life will be much easier both these barges I've just mentioned they useful to cover Retreats too and are great fun to throw down on bot ship drops nests and Bug breaches but please please please please warn your teammates before you throw one of these down and check around before you do it's so frustrating to get killed by one of these when someone has carelessly just thrown one in communicate and prosper here folks use the same logic with the 380mm but consider it to be a more useful choice in wider areas think the largest types of bug nest and egg areas larger automaton bases and those much bigger spaced out hordes of enemies all these come with a 4minute cool down which makes them a little bit cumbersome and unattracted active to using my opinion but that being said I'm more of a wh clear person than a flashy big boom Antics kind of person so take that how you want folks coupling these with Mortals and turrets is also a really spicy way to go with these so if you like the engineer style of gameplay this could well be the set of strategems for you what epic things have you pulled off with these strikes folks sound off in the comments below the orbital EMS is an excellent s supportive tool Choice much like its cousin the EMS moror this offers superb CC AOE potential it can down large single targets making them sit in ducks for heavy weaponry and it also brings hordes to a grinding halt again incredibly effective for controlling the battlefield and clearing things out works really synergistically with fire-based outputs like Napal strikes incur grenades and shotguns and I would say that the advantages of this strike that it has over the mortar version is that you can be really specific and accurate with where you lock down this makes it fantastic for immediate Panic moments or focusing on particular target areas or targets like locking down a or a base or a bile Titan or something like that before you even start your approach or attack your squadmates will absolutely thank you for bringing this along again warn your teammates when you drop it in you can end up webbing your teammates in dangerous situations or catch them completely out of position resulting in them getting killed nice little tip that I've mentioned in a previous video is that if you find yourself in this position use the dive this keeps you moving freely much quicker I think there's an argument to bring both the EMS orbital strike and the mort version of this in your squad and use them in t them to really lock down the battlefield particularly in higher difficulties this is absolutely gamechanging we often run this orbital in mot version and you can really feel the difference when they're missing don't sleep on this one folks gas strikes these work best at choke points when enemies are already cced it does damage to both automatons and terminers in equal measure and as far as I can tell it doesn't discriminate whether they're wearing armor or not but with that being said the damage is nothing to write home about if you wanted to use this and I would suggest using it into tandem with other things like EMS like nap arm strike like incent grenades to ratchet up the CC and the Damage potential I'm not going to claim to know loads about this one because I've used it probably the least so I might be missing something but I do feel like it's quite an underwhelming choice but with that being said this again has a really low cooldown so I can really feel how effective it can be working it in tandem with other low cooldown stratums folks it's also pretty good fun to use smoke speaking of fun this one is really intriguing and since I made my Eagle video I've been going out my way to use this more and experimenting with the eagle version gave me some great ideas I've already found myself really enjoying this version for deception purposes as well I've picked up on a few other things that I think are incredibly useful if you've not already seen that video and this may help other players decide if this is the choice that they would like to pursue if you're trying to disengage from enemies it does an excellent job of covering your retreat when you're in a pinch and I would say this is more effective against automatons for obvious reasons but if you see a bot drop approaching call in the Smoke strike as the enem is deployed this will allow you to either get into a stronger position to flank targets or support your team in that way it allows you to engage and disengage entirely on your own terms reposition plan your own next moves and it's really really great for getting out of any sort of pinch and it's incredibly useful if you're looking to push fortify bases if you're looking to take out structures or an objective and you want to push up close without the danger of being hit by ordinance then this is the one for you this is definitely for those of us that aren't too bothered about their kill count and like to feel useful I think it's got much more to it than meets the eye and if you like to get creative on the battlefield give it a go sound off in the comments and let us know how you getting on if you're looking for some more guidance on how to use sentries and all their intricacies check out this next video it's got you cover take care of yourselves keep having fun and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: PhaseShifter
Views: 147,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 game, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers gameplay, hell divers 2, helldivers 2 reaction, helldivers 2 2024, hell divers, reforge gaming, helldivers 2 review, PhaseShifter, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 stratagems, Helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 sentry
Id: S31mxOTmpKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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