How To Defeat The Vikings In The Ultimate CK3 Collab!

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hello it's me terrible lighting rambler here just to let you know what you'll be getting from this video is a collaboration between myself drew daniel tommy k and feedback gaming it's it's gonna be four of us all as various uh kings of of of the united kingdom all battling it out for supremacy kind of i don't know enjoy comment like subscribe okay first come first serve guys um i'm alfred so there you go you're going with wessex yeah i'll try whales i'll try whales okay what do you guys what do you guys say about whales something about sheeps what about sheeps and whales [Laughter] are you sure you don't want to be a larger nation uh uh tommy we did it i'm fine i'm gonna be quickly king of ireland don't worry are you sure about that i'm gonna be the [ __ ] you guys gotta protect me you get to be prince rodriguez he's a very good marshall king okay okay we begin you guys want to get married straight away no i'm marrying west frankie i'm getting an alliance mate come on come on we could get married i'm okay house rambler i'll give it a go oh so are you guys getting up alliances you marrying off everyone because aren't we just gonna ally to each other well i'm trying to get alliances of other people as well cause like west frankie is pretty beefy and if we're trying to make sure we don't get gobbled by the danes i don't know about you but i'm trying to get gobbled i'm trying to get gobbled at least by these danes why blizzy gobbles why do you want lizzy gobble no it sounds it sounds good why does alex get to play as alba that's not fair this isn't fair what's white you're dead vikings filling my country i got a bunch of girls you can marry i got a i got some minors you can marry if you need something from the battles oh drew you're speaking my language i've sent you a proposal i want to marry one of your daughters my son your daughter okay so alex's six-year-old is gonna marry my twelve-year-old very nice damn straight what i'm dead you're already dead what the [ __ ] oh how did you do that tummy how did you suddenly grow your realm or are you i played the guy i'm playing the guy that killed me man oh my god that's smart that's smart reversal i mean what the [ __ ] are you supposed to reverse oh oh alexander yes king of scotland hey oh [ __ ] oh sweden's coming after me hey sweet sweden coming for whale upland actually [ __ ] i'm already i'm already fighting a war at the moment drew i can't help you sorry come on you don't need my help for this he has 126 troops does he 126 upland oh my bad all right i got y6 now it's all good maybe i had to kill someone no he died but then there was a daughter that may have happened something may have happened to her the swedes have attacked they've invaded it's the swedes oh and there's thousands of men here there's styles oh bjorn ironside is attacking you eh yep yeah oh dear um can you call me in again maybe yeah drew you need to defend your capital now oh [ __ ] i'm coming i just defended them i got shattered oh i got obliterated do you want to wait for me i'm coming um i'm gonna try again i'm coming down time no i'm not gonna be able to come in top truce oh my god stop we did it you can always rely on me good job man i knew you could do it i got sieged out dude they were attacking me while i was trying to unite whales i was trying to get more sheep i became one eight legged so if anyone wants to have me hobble into their court i will you've lost an arm too jesus one leg and one arm i means tis butter scratch i need help the isles have declared war on me oh boy oh boy god damn it i drew changed character yeah i died my guy had one leg he was one leg and one foot guys so now we're all dying can i call you in drew can you help me no i'm not i think our alliance yeah because i died it's cool that this seems to actually be very challenging that's right yeah well yeah the aisles they've got three thousand troops if west frankie doesn't come and help me i'm dead oh no they have a they have a stack of three thousand yeah you just gotta you're just gonna give them whatever whatever they want no i don't where's the frankish army are they coming so although although west frankie has actually joined the war then they don't have to send the troops do they they usually didn't oh they're already at war with people they're definitely yeah they're not coming uh the emirates feedback is now playing as petty squad queen elsa everybody died once hey wait wait alex hasn't died yet my king hasn't died yet yes oh my god we might be saved miracles the ai actually coming to help you it's happened oh no i'm already i'm losing straight away bring forth room fourth reinforce i lost my whole army the ray brothers ireland is soon formed and will save the holy british lands i'm not feeling too optimistic about that guys you don't sound so well you guys okay over there no the vikings have declared war on me three times i'm actually legit soon ready to fight the vikings i push them back okay i don't think you are tommy have you seen the size of their armies they're on five 6k you're a thousand bro hold up free case stay in your lane tommy oh man i've got so many daughters if anyone wants to marry my daughters like come and grab them i've got a zero year old one-year-old five-year-old eight-year-old oh wait i'm gay oh oh oh oh interesting hey i got some boys so you're gonna have a hard time having kids right tommy is that that is that how it works actually yeah um in my own campaign i really need the child otherwise i'll boost the game and my wife was lesbian i was homosexual and there was like zero percent chance oh my god just much less fertility much i'm gonna try to bang alex's wife no hey just don't tell him right is that cool no can i bang your wife no come on i'm just gonna no it's not cool for you to bang my wife you try and sleep with my wife i will declare war on you all right well i'm going to try and seduce your wife then i'm trying to seduce dave too yeah seduce me that's what i want what if we all did each other's wives and we had a bunch of bastard children and we like exchange hands like exchange lands exchange lands yeah yeah like when we die you know like california man we should do it let's all do each other's wives i was rejected by your wife drew really dale yeah i was trying to seduce dave we went through the whole like process there was like things popping up drew it's your daughter that has the the pox or sister whatever i know one of you yeah oh really she got the parks and she gave it to you why don't you give it to my son i think oh no he hasn't passed yeah they haven't they haven't they haven't f'd oh yeah dude we're past her on stds over here who wants these stds mercy has farmed england i have no idea how they've done it what yeah how actually is that so which is the real england oh my god we have one england yes but what about second england what the [ __ ] which one's the imposter how are things like defeating jorvik and the isles guys that's good the lovians have split from the aisles so now i'm trying to go in and grab some territory from them while i can okay i'm coming i'm coming to help you actually i'm at war with the isles now as well oh my god no that's the one you've just brought me into isn't it sorry oh call me and call me in let's go i'll help you let's go finally the british are fighting back on this vikings if everybody has its own kingdom ireland scotland wales and england there is no chance that someone becomes the emperor of the british isles though yeah that's right i just named scotland i didn't actually form it we'd have to be underneath each other i just named scotland i didn't form it i don't know maybe these islands need an emperor i don't know maybe he needs to speak irish the only way we can sort this out is duels i wasn't coming against me you should be fine now i'm bringing up two to an fk right now me and dave coming up to save alex i just want to say there's seven thousand vikings in ireland so you guys should be fine seven thousand three thousand are now going to dru journal god damn oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh damn alex alex careful they're on you 3 000 are you sure about that i didn't see them 3k came up to you i'm right now dying to 4k oh god i just killed thousands of them though who's this dragon is that one of you guys yeah i'm coming i'm coming to help you good aka yep yeah i went in oh god i'm an idiot we're fighting in the southeast here we go i'm trying to get there in time king that leads to zona armies boy do you think dave would do that uh that's how help what are you talking about that's not my album coming in i'm saving you tommy i'm saying drew is trying to doing the battlefield now saving you [Music] um oh my god oh we're all dead it's over oh that is completely your fault tommy right i thought this war was over so i just batted my troops i'm sending them back again i thought it was over okay coming to save tommy we're all coming to save tommy coming in i'm coming in high wait are you just going straight in i'm just [ __ ] it dude i'm gonna save him sacrifice go in go in now now wait i'm on the way guys by the way you could always wait for me we could have waited for him coming help help me oh you're too fast i'm coming oh we got it we're going in look at that yeah let's go let's go youtube boys jeez look at that they just saved my capitalist second before died potatoes are saved what's up we had 100 yet alex or what 19 we get out of this yet i'm at 91 oh my god they've just disembarked on top of me 60 plus advantage in battle damn 100 yay let's go peace out just just pause it i'm actually so surprised that we actually showed friendship and team spirit and saved each other because we all hate the vikings we all [ __ ] hate these vikings that's why people think that plotting in a dark room against her i'm coming i'm just going in hot we're just going in town hey we got this hey look look look we did it people will never forget what you've done for this country once we take it will that be enough what dublin empty okay that's it i'm going to push for the jorvik all right let's do this who's with me not at the moment all right boss i'm doing it i'm doing it forget it let's do this all right right now right this second off we go merc's gonna hide the biggest most expensive merc stack boom here we go boyos trusting you better [ __ ] don't treat your bed okay call my ally i don't know i can't at the moment oh my god why would you do that i'll sit your vic let's do this boys let's actually defeat the vikings this is the last chance the final frontier let's do this okay you have 93 war score now tommy and then i need to go straight over and help to defeat jorvik and finally the capital of ireland is ours oh it's called duplicate irish what off all right let's say i'm staging down the the vikings oh i had disastrous mistreatment i think i'm dying yep i'm dying i'm the death doorstep oh god is my player there my grandson oh oh he doesn't even like me the winker i've died oh damn well what just happened i died all right there we go 91 if i defeat this army now it's gg now this is confusing so we got england england and england what is the real england guys england england englanders many englands are there do you want to marry my uh dwarf sister go on wants to maybe marry my hunchback no i i want to do genetics you're in ireland marry my hunchback oh no she's a war sorry just a dwarf she's just a dwarf she's not a hunchback no no no man she looks like one of the trolls harry potter wow okay assassinate tommy oh whoa what just happened what happened hey there we go that's the event oh we're going to jerusalem crusade boys let's do this my warriors are we going down to the holy land now uh well when the crusade happens yeah it's juicy yeah it takes a second what happened yeah some of our owners are already getting wrecked where do we want to land i'm just going to go straight in after jerusalem really all right we're i'm just i'm just diving in through no don't you're going to dive in bro drew's already done wait no no no no come save me come save me oh my goodness that was that was such an idiotic move drew i actually wait but why it looked like it sounded like a good idea no did you i thought we were dealing you didn't even try and get your allies drew yeah you guys coming to ten thousand troops now out of levees i now have no total troops so you're stack wiped let's take on the vikings again now well someone was saying on the the reddit apparently getting sat wide and just suiciding your whole army is actually the secret to getting those wall contributions oh nice click on the crusader icons what's your rank my rank is first yeah there you go the second is drew who was also stack wiped alex have more kids so i can marry drew okay i'm going to send my 30 year olds after drew no shoes come on bearing no get get that old vagina out of here give me some thresh scotland is actually pretty united now yeah so is england um the isles the isles i substituted the isles oh damn pretty borders yeah how will the crisis and know the island be resolved alex rambler we all know that the lands of the doctor belong to the irish i have a weird feeling that the man in oxford is planning to make an empire why are you so negative all the time tommy why don't you just look on the right side because i know you man i know what's going on your head wait what's happened why is wales no longer a axe because you need to listen to me now dave is planning to take three countries our free people listen i would never back i would never bow down to tyrion listen this is what happened i said i said to drew do you want to become my vassal and he said yeah that was oh drew it was fun it'd be fun i think it'd be more fun england's getting pretty large tommy i'm pretty scared thank you for complimenting my girth i'm telling you king of scotland thick boy english they don't see us as friends they see us as slaves drew you've got enough money to form the kingdom title just do it all right all right oh drew man you're the catalonia of the british yeah well some spanish references you're american you know even where spain is yeah yeah yeah figured it out like a couple months ago but i'm understanding don't you understand that drew does like eight hour streams daily where he looks at maps how dare you judge him oh wow i'm hideous oh wow nice that's nice i'm trying to oh that's why i can't seduce tommy i've been trying to seduce tommy because tommy's a homosexual so i've been trying to seduce him for like a while you told me i think that's the problem yes me and my son it stays in the family man you lame of cat boy we're having sex crew yeah yeah me and tommy did it yay and i know i have i hope nobody makes a fan fiction about this game of scotland hello oh my god i can get 7 000 troops oh jesus yeah that's why i'm talking to you i could subjugate you i could fire water to subjugate you tommy i'll do that do you need to [ __ ] down okay the irish will never i never give up i should do that i think that's a bit mean that's what the pity king in england once she wants us to fight each other irish to have independence and that's why oh great uh lord in what are you go fire go goodly the irish are asking for the great lands of isla to be united on the emerald island at the emerald flag i don't even know i don't even know how to do it so you have to count their independence uh i can't i can't give the y'all independence i can invade iceland why not hey yeah do it do it do it you wouldn't be mined oh chat's telling tommy to kill me he's not powerful enough hey you think i could talk to the peasants do you think i listen to the irish peasants come on man man you and me we cannot let no hate between us that's what the english want man ireland is sorry iceland is mine there we go whoa whoa whoa feudian slip over here huh whoa whoa whoa i have so many factions trying to raise up against me morons all right soon as you're not doing it drew i'm gonna in the kingdom of wales yeah i can't because i needed two more uh i need two more things but yeah go for it there you go i'm the king of whales now [ __ ] yeah why did i check my army size anyway oh just like i just like looking and comparing sizes whoa just like on whatever like i could subjugate you very easily if i wanted to [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i gotta take that tommy oh no no i'm not going to i'm quite happy having our alliance he's telling you that's forced like that he's foreshadowing you though yeah i just wanted to know that right just saying the man in awkward is the true evil the man in oxford it's always the quiet ones gotta be careful guys the only way we can really conclude this is with a battle royale let the best man win yeah that's the guy with seven thousand dudes man yeah yeah yeah i've got almost the same alex yeah tribal tribal i should get a bigger army wait so what would meant to kill dave now should we all kill dave oh my god that's so harsh why'd you why did you want to go for me is you got some i'm a big font you scared you intimidated about the size of my font you're a big chunky boy yeah i think this went quite well none of us got wiped out we all had how long do we have to wait to another to another thousand gold what are you doing with it i was waiting to use mercs so i could fight oh buddy okay many thanks to onion duck seth cutter sturbik maximilian foreman wyatt green zechariah mosby tad house cobby was taken matt zuv vash one p george dave d why the don valhalla halls yeah boy ryan [ __ ] jack troku jiggly crotch used beef sean young and logan whaley for being ridiculous from supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 39,054
Rating: 4.9758348 out of 5
Keywords: ck3, crusader kings 3, crusader kings 3 gameplay, ck3 tutorial, ck3 gameplay, alex the rambler, feedbackgaming, drew durnil, tommykay, collab, paradox interactive, How To Defeat The Vikings In The Ultimate CK3 Collab, vikings ck3, crusader kings 3 multiplayer, crusader kings 3 england, crusader kings 3 scotland, crusader kings 3 ireland, crusader kings 3 wales
Id: LwvsqrPcq_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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